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本文实证考察了日本二板市场(JASDAQ)90年代以来股票首次公开发行后的长期收益。通过与多种参照系对比,该市场的IPO上市后1-5年的持有期收益表现出显著的弱势趋势。分组统计和三因素多元回归还显示,发行规模小、初始收益高、市值大以及“热市期”集中发行的股票弱势程度更剧烈。这些结果与投资者非理性预期和发行公司“择机上市”等行为金融学解释相符。最后,根据上述新股弱势与JASDAQ内在缺陷和日本经济衰败的必然联系,总结出我国今后发展创业板市场值得借鉴的启示和教训。  相似文献   

IPO抑价是指公司首次公开发行上市时新股或者存量股票在一级市场的发行价格明显低于股票在二级市场上市首日收盘价,投资者可以通过认购新股而获得超额报酬率的一种现象。  相似文献   

我国上市公司处于大股东控制状态,在上市公司配股融资过程中,大股东具有通过盈余管理来获得配股资格和提高股票发行价格的强烈动机.本文以实施配股的上市公司为样本,基于行业横截面数据和修正的Jones模型研究了配股融资过程中盈余管理的分布特征,并分析了大股东控制下盈余管理行为带来的隧道效应.研究结果表明:(1)上市公司在配股前3个年度和配股当年存在显著的盈余管理机会主义行为,而配股后长期业绩趋于下降;(2)配股公司的盈余管理程度与第一大股东持股比例具有倒U型关系;(3)大股东的盈余管理行为导致了上市公司价值的下降.因此,大股东通过盈余管理实现了对小股东财富的掠夺效应,误导了外部投资者的决策,造成了上市公司资本配置效率、公司价值、声誉和后续融资能力的下降.  相似文献   

本文从盈余管理检验模型、盈余管理检验方法和盈余管理诱因三个方面对韩国季节性股票发行公司盈余管理检验进行了说明和研究.  相似文献   

为了获得配股资格和提高配股价格,上市公司具有通过调整异常应计利润来提升报告盈余的强烈动机。本文使用横截面修正的Jones模型研究了配股公司盈余管理的时间序列分布特征.并分析了异常应计利润与配股后运营业绩和股票长期收益的关系。研究结果表明,配股公司在配股前3个年度和配股当年都具有较高的异常应计利润,而配股后运营业绩和股票长期收益趋于下降,异常应计利润与配股后的股票长期收益具有显著的负相关关系。投资者由于没有能够及时“看穿”配股公司的盈余管理行为而暂时高估了股票价值,从而被上市公司的盈余管理行为所误导。  相似文献   

金爱华  杨旻菲 《特区经济》2014,(10):135-137
地方政府推动企业上市是一个普遍现象,本文以无锡市为例,研究不同股票发行机制下的地方政府行为对企业上市质量的影响。通过比较无锡市不同阶段上市企业注册资本、融资额、净资产报酬率、销售毛利率、主营收入增长率等指标,认为股票发行制度的变迁没有带来上市企业质量的显著提升,地方政府推动区域企业上市的政策对资本市场公司质量提升没有积极帮助,股票发行的市场化改革任重道远,地方政府区域经济管理的方法手段有待进一步改革。  相似文献   

股票市场的首要功能就是进行资源配置。股市的资源配置效率的高低既体现在股票发行市场上,也体现在股票流通市场上。本文通过对我国股票市场发行市场和流通市场的资源配置效率的实证分析发现,从股票发行融资的地区结构来看,各地区企业发行融资额存在着很大的差距,呈现出明显的东部高、中西部低的情况。从股票发行市场融资的行业结构来看,股票发行融资明显倾向于国有企业,在一定程度上限制了那些发展前景好、经营效率高的民营企业上市融资。从上市公司与非上市公司的经营效率来看,上市公司的经营效率处于本行业中的较低水平,我国股市并没有把资源配置给最优秀的公司。在股票流通市场上,虽然存在着一定的资源配置效应,但效率仍不高。  相似文献   

鲁晨光 《新财经》2002,(8):48-51
不久前,淄博自动报价系统的药玻在上交所上市了,这对于淄博柜台市场股民是一个莫大的安慰.NET市场股民也终于欣喜地看到东方实业股票也将置换为海南第一招商股票在A股市场上市.自从全国柜台股市两年前被关闭后,有不少上市公司柜台股票获得新生,比如STAQ的海航发行上市了;曾在济南产权市场交易的股票鲁颖电子被清华同方合并了,淄博的万鑫被同济大学合并了,济南产权的南山和万杰也发行上市了……这些公司的柜台股票持有者终于松了一口气,因为他们持有的法人股或社会化了的内部职工股可以在三年后上市.  相似文献   

就我国创业板上市公司首次公开发行股票中盈余管理和会计师事务所声誉以及审计费用之间的关系进行研究。通过实证研究发现:创业板市场同主板和中小板相同,IPO过程中存在着盈余管理行为。此外,高声誉会计师事务审计的上市公司IPO盈余管理程度低于低声誉组;高审计费用组盈余管理程度低于低审计费用组,但在统计上均不显著。从而得出,在创业板市场,会计事务所声誉和审计费用对上市公司盈余管理行为有一定的抑制作用,但作用不显著。  相似文献   

文章从制造业企业的股权激励强度,激励模式和业绩评价标准的严格程度三个方面对股权激励与盈余管理的关系进行了研究。把2014~2016年A股市场的制造业上市公司当作样本。通过实证研究发现:制造业企业的股权激励强度与盈余管理正相关。不同激励方式对盈余管理有不同的影响,与股票期权模型相比,限制性股票模式下企业盈余管理水平更高。股权激励业绩衡量标准的严重程度与盈余管理正相关。  相似文献   

高校辅导员作为大学生的人生导师,肩负着对学生政治上领导、思想上诱导、道德上倡导、心理上辅导、生活上指导、学习上引导、工作上教导、为人处世上劝导的多重重任。因此在构建和谐校园的系统工程中,作为辅导员,我们应当高度关注对大学生合作意识的教育与培养。  相似文献   

Gold discoveries in Australia in 1851 and New Zealand in 1861 galvanised the economic development of Australasia and had spillover effects in Britain, in ship technology, and even in the trans-Atlantic trade. The gold rushes quickly transformed economic, social, and political life. Moving around the continent in an anti-clockwise direction, they were to help found the northern port cities that grew to service the gold seekers. While the major strike in Western Australia in the 1890s out-produced the earlier period, Australia saw a third gold peak in the 1990s. The article surveys the contribution of the rushes to the development of Australasia.  相似文献   

李莺 《改革与战略》2012,28(3):48-50,183
我国城镇化进程面临着资源风险、生态风险、农业风险和社会安全与稳定的风险,风险的症结在农村,化解风险的关键在政府有作为。文章认为,对农民工应"缓办户口,多发工钱",提高农民工的生活水平和支援农村的能力;在农业发展上,应聚集人才与推进农业规模化经营并重,走现代化农业之路;在城市建设中,应解决好建筑二步制施工与安全设防的问题。  相似文献   

以重庆十二五规划总体思路研究为案例,构建地区发展定位的理论分析框架,分析影响和制约因素,详细阐述重庆未来发展的五大定位:经济上成为西部的重要增长极和商务之都;城市上建成西部最大最强的绿色城市群和基础设施网络;开放上建成西部对内对外开放的重要高地;生态上建成长江中上游最大的生态安全保障区之一;社会发展上建成全国统筹城乡改革发展示范区。基于市情分析、发展阶段判断以及战略定位,重庆十二五战略目标可概括为三个率先,即率先在西部地区实现全面建设小康社会,率先在西部地区转变发展方式,率先在西部地区实现城乡统筹。  相似文献   

Despite trade liberalization, industrial delicensing, and deregulation in other sectors of the Indian economy since 1991, the agricultural sector is stifled by arbitrary, complex, and ever-increasing regulation in both input and product markets. This article resolves this puzzle of the Indian economy and, using Mises's theory of interventionism, explains the growth of regulation and subsidies in Indian agriculture. I argue that each intervention in agriculture created distortions in the market, necessitating the subsequent intervention in agricultural inputs and/or outputs. Land ceiling policies led to a large number of farmers with small and marginal landholdings. Attempts to increase agricultural productivity and income on small holdings led to interventions, and consequent distortions, in factor markets for seeds, fertilizer, electricity, water, credit, insurance, as well as in output markets in the form of minimum support prices. Indian agriculture policy serves as a cautionary tale of interventionism and needs systematic and comprehensive reforms.  相似文献   

This study examined the difference between male and female groups’ return on investment (ROI) in education independent of the average gender wage gap. Women’s additional ROI in education was significant and positively estimated. Furthermore, the ROI in women’s education was consistently higher than that in men regardless of educational stage, except for graduate education. These gender differences were greater in the younger generation than in the older generation and have decreased significantly in the recent ten years in high school education. Although the additional ROI in women’s education was positive in the field of culture and arts, education’s effect on wage increases in professional occupations was less than in men, especially in the fields of law and medicine. In addition, we show that gender differences in ROI in education were countercyclical. A base effect, large wage declines for low‐educated women during recessions, could explain this phenomenon. However, coinciding with the existence of positive cash flow news in the stock market that promises good business performance, a significant wage increase among highly educated women was found.  相似文献   

There has been a concern that the growth of towns has been stalled recently and with it, the creation of non-farm jobs in rural industries. This study uses 2000 census tabulations to look at this issue by examining in-migration in towns in three provinces in China, Zhejiang, Henan, and Sichuan. In addition to the diversified patterns of town in-migrants revealed in these provinces, this paper finds that town in-migrants generally possess higher levels of educational attainment than those of the local population in towns, especially in the less-developed western and central provinces of Sichuan and Henan. There is also evidence that as towns themselves grow wealthier, such as in Zhejiang, better educated people in rural areas were likely to shift their jobs from the farm to non-farm sector in towns nearby, instead of leaving the countryside to migrate to other provinces. Labor markets in towns in less-developed western and central provinces were more flexible in accommodating in-migrants, whereas in the coastal province of Zhejiang, labor markets tend to become segregated between migrants and the local population.  相似文献   

卢万青 《特区经济》2007,221(6):133-134
当前中国的经济形势与20世纪80年代后期的日本非常相似,本国货币持续地升值,资金大量涌入股市和房市,使股价房价大幅上涨。那么中国是否会重蹈日本的覆辙呢?比较分析表明中日有诸多不同的地方,中国处于高速增长期而日本经济处于平稳增长期,中国宏观政策稳健而日本宏观政策失当,日元大幅升值而人民币小幅缓慢升值,因此,日本泡沫破灭之后的长达十年之久的萧条不太可能在中国重演。  相似文献   

We model the partial liberalisation of the capital account by China using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model of the world economy. Our results indicate that a reduced capital controls on foreign direct investment (FDI) would lead to a significant increase in FDI capital in China and a significant reduction in the cost of capital in China relative to the rest of the world. Furthermore, we observe an increase in capital stocks in most regions, which benefits most regions in terms of GDP and GNP. The Chinese economy grows by 3.3% driven by a significant fall in the rental price of capital that, in turn, lowers domestic costs, causes a real depreciation of the exchange rate and thus increased exports relative to other regions. We also observe an across-the-board increase in the saving rate driven by the rise in the price of consumption relative to investment (saving) in all regions.  相似文献   

本文通过构建一个VAR模型,选取财政赤字率和国债负债率为财政政策指标,来分析财政政策对经济增长和通货膨胀的影响。实证显示:财政赤字增加短期能够促进经济增长,但长期对经济增长无效,且不会引起通货膨胀;相反,负债率增加虽在短期内对经济增长影响不明显,但长期具有显著负影响,同时会导致通货紧缩。结论表明,国家应对金融危机的积极财政政策短期是有效刺激经济增长的,但是长期是无效的,尤其是通过大量发行国债弥补赤字扩大财政支出的政策,对经济增长有较大的负作用。因此,本文认为目前政府应该给市场更多自由,减少对市场的政策干预。  相似文献   

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