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超载与反超载表象背后的博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漏丹 《发展》2004,(3):31-32
从2003年12月1日起开始的华北五省联合整治超载,就像打开了一个潘多拉魔盒.超载不再是一个公路运输问题,也不再是一个简单的违法行为.它成为许多社会问题的节点,同时也成为各方利益争夺的表象.治超可能带来或加剧的负面影响引起了人们的关注:菜价上涨,煤矿关闭,电力紧缺…….而直接受到治超影响的货车司机则频频给媒体算账,来解释"不超载不赚钱"这个奇怪的现象.治超带来的社会成本似乎超出了我们能够承受的范围.  相似文献   

会计准则一度被视为"检验实务的标准和未来实务改良的指针",会计准则制定者试图像自然科学那样通过一些基本的概念演绎出一套精密的准则体系,但这种对会计准则体系的刻意追求,却忽视了外部因素对会计准则制定的影响,以及对会计准则制定过程的审视.会计准则的经济后果观则为人们认识会计准则开辟了新视角.  相似文献   

本文首先通过对我国会计标准改革历程的回顾,分析新会计准则体系确立的背景,然后归纳了新会计准则体系的两大显著特点即"国际趋同"和"中国特色",最后探讨了会计准则的变革对我国企业所带来的影响.  相似文献   

李金铱 《发展》2007,(11):93-94
新会计准则体系已由财政部于2006年颁布,首先在上市公司执行.新会计准则体系,结束了我国会计"制度"和"准则"两张皮的历史.其框架结构由1个基本准则、38个具体准则和2个应用指南构成.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,旧会计准则的应用逐渐暴露出较多缺陷,难以起到规范社会经济有序运行的理想作用.自2018年12月7日起,财政部发布了新会计准则,不仅对旧会计准则的缺陷进行完了完善,还对当前社会经济中产生的新现象进行了有效的引导和规范.新会计准则于2021年1月1日起进入全面施行阶段,各企业需要对各项会计业务进行深入整改,达到新会计准则的标准要求.但在实际施行过程中,部分企业对于新会计准则的内容理解不足,运用时会产生较多的问题,不仅导致新会计准则无法顺利实施,还会造成企业的非经营性亏损.尤其是在租赁资产方面,对企业的影响程度和范围较大.本文将基于新会计准则的相关内容,对当前租赁资产的运用问题进行充分探讨,提出若干改善问题的科学建议,并对新会计准则中租赁类型的划分进行分析,期望能够有利于促进新会计准则的顺利实施.  相似文献   

关于我国会计准则国际趋同分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国经济国际化步伐的加快,经济融入程度进一步提高,会计准则的国际趋同日益紧迫.本文从国内、国外两个方面,对会计准则现状进行分析,探讨了会计准则国际趋同的必要性和可行性.并结合我国国情,提出了我国会计准则在国际趋同过程中应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

"实质重于形式"原则,是从准则层面确保会计信息真实性的核心原则,它在我国会计准则中地位的确立,为推动我国会计准则改革的深化和全面与国际准则趋同奠定了思想基础.  相似文献   

刘海蓉 《发展》2007,(11):94-95
会计准则作为国际通行的会计规范形式,受到各国会计界的普遍重视.20世纪80年代以来,我国会计界围绕会计准则的诸多理论问题展开研究,取得了许多很有价值的研究成果.探析西方会计准则的特点,对我国会计准则的制定大有裨益.  相似文献   

目前对现行会计准则和税法差异的研究已经较为成熟,对如何解决差异的问题也有一些探讨.本文重点从会计准则与税法差异形成原因进行分析探讨,具体阐述会计准则与税法的协调.  相似文献   

付江生 《魅力中国》2010,(27):27-27
目前对现行会计准则和税法差异的研究已经较为成熟,对如何解决差异的问题也有一些探讨.本文重点从会计准则与税法差异形成原因进行分析探讨,具体阐述会计准则与税法的协调.  相似文献   

The research reported here shows that China's recent adoption (ASBE) has increased the quality of Chinese financial reporting of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises With China's decade of World Trade Organization (WTO) membership marked by dazzling economic growth, it is useful to reflect on how financial reporting itself can assist in the country's future progress. Critical to the success of ensuring strength for this burgeoning economy is attraction of foreign investment capital. As China's internal consumption grows,  相似文献   

供应链管理的重要手段——延迟化策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业会计准则和企业会计制度中对非货币性交易中换入资产涉及应收款项的会计处理 ,要么没有提到 ,要么简单描述 ,实际处理起来有一定的难度 ,本文试图明确其处理方法 ,并辅以案例说明。  相似文献   

目前随着经济发展,我国的金融衍生工具市场组建发展成熟。在这个过程中,对金融市场的管理监督愈发重要,金融衍生市场的会计准则是对金融衍生工具市场进行监督的最基础的制度。本文对我国金融衍生工具会计准则的发展提出一些建议,旨在规避在经济发展过程中出现的金融市场风险。  相似文献   

吴本洲 《特区经济》2007,(2):298-300
财政部于2006年2月15日参照国际会计准则制定并发布了《企业会计准则20号——企业合并》,加速了中国会计准则与国际会计准则接轨,推动了中国会计准则国际化进程。但新准则在制定过程中仍存在一些问题,本文主要分析了企业合并准则存在的几个问题,并提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109 (SFAS No. 109) allows firms to use their discretion to set arbitrarily high valuation allowances against deferred tax assets. Firms can then later use these "hidden reserves" to manage earnings. Our evidence indicates that most banks do not record a valuation allowance to manage earnings, but rather to follow the guidelines of SFAS No. 109. However, if the bank is sufficiently well capitalized to absorb the current‐period impact on capital, then the amount of the valuation allowance increases with a bank's capital. In later years, bank managers adjust the valuation allowance to smooth earnings. The magnitude of the discretionary adjustment increases with the deviation of unadjusted earnings from the forecast or historical earnings.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Thornton, D.B., Managerial Tax Planning: A Canadian Perspective Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A.C., and Financial Accounting Standards Board of the United States (Assisted by KPMG Peat Marwick LLP).  相似文献   

会计处理选择空间的扩大和公允价值计量属性的应用都需要大量的职业判断,这使得培养学生职业判断能力成为新会计准则下会计教学的关键。但目前的灌输式教学模式不利于培养学生的职业判断能力,针对这一严峻的现实问题,文章提出了在教学中如何有意识培养学生职业判断能力的建议。  相似文献   

Summary Prior studies explain the early adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by firm-specific benefits. However, IFRS adoption also leads to increased disclosure and reduced accounting choices, resulting in a loss of private benefits for company insiders. This paper argues that this loss depends on characteristics of the institutional environment (i.e. the level of investor protection). We find that in countries with strong laws or extensive corporate governance codes IFRS is more likely adopted as the loss of private benefits for company insiders is smaller. Furthermore, corporate governance recommendations are as effective as laws in stimulating IFRS adoption and become more important when laws are weaker. We thank the FWO for the financial support (FWO-project G.0244.02). We gratefully acknowledge the comments of the participants of the 26th Annual European Accounting Association Congress in Seville (2003), and of the International Accounting Section Mid-year Conference of the American Accounting Association in San Diego (2004). We acknowledge the comments of the discussant and participants of the Accounting Research Day in Antwerp (May 2004). Special thanks go to M. Willekens, J. Suys, and W. Landsman and two anonymous referees.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that regulatory contracts affect firms' accounting choices and risk‐management decisions. Specifically, we investigate whether an exogenous shock to regulatory risk induced by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities” (SFAS 1993), encouraged U.S. banks to deviate from portfolio and risk benchmarks when they adopted the standard. Because we cannot observe relevant benchmarks, we model portfolio and risk decisions as functions of macroeconomic and firm‐specific factors using data from a period when regulatory capital was immune to SFAS No. 115 accounting. We examine a sample of 230 publicly traded banks and find that (1) irrespective of adoption timing, banks classified too few securities available for sale (AFS) relative to estimated benchmarks; (2) weaker banks that adopted the standard early classified far more securities as AFS relative to benchmarks; (3) banks altered the size of their securities portfolios along with the levels of interest‐rate risk and credit risk as regulatory capital decreased; and (4) the level of interest‐rate risk on banks' loan portfolios increased at the time of SFAS No. 115 adoption. We also explore the 1995 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) amnesty when firms could “readopt” SFAS No. 115. We find that banks used the 1995 FASB amnesty to undo strategic initial SFAS No. 115 adoption decisions. Taken together, our findings suggest that SFAS No. 115 caused some of the accounting and economic consequences predicted by bankers, analysts, and academics.  相似文献   

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