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This paper examines the information content of the equity risk factors that explain cross variation of stock returns and predicting future macroeconomic growth. For the first time we incorporate a new foreign exchange risk factor, providing important insights into the relationship between risk factors and the business cycle. The methodology involves the performance of a stepwise regression analysis of future macroeconomic growth against the lagged returns of five risk factors (market risk premium, size, value, momentum and foreign exchange risk). The results are validated with Granger causality tests and out-of-sample dynamic forecasting. They show that the foreign exchange risk factor contains strong, stable and statistically significant incremental information concerning future macroeconomic growth. Firms that are sensitive to the foreign exchange risk thrive when an economic upturn is anticipated and firms that are insensitive to the foreign exchange risk will have larger returns when an economic downturn is anticipated.  相似文献   

汇率决定理论大致可分为传统汇率决定理论、现代汇率决定理论和宏观经济均衡汇率理论三个阶段。这三个阶段理论的共同特点是,以均衡汇率为核心标准,评判一国汇率水平的合理性。文章从汇率宏观和微观属性的角度出发,对均衡汇率的理念与现实意义进行了重新审视和分析,并就人民币汇率稳定性提出相关参考意见。  相似文献   

伴随着经济金融全球化推进,资本账户开放已成为一个国家在推动经济发展和强化对外交流中不可或缺的关键环节。但资本账户开放往往也会给开放国的金融秩序、货币汇率、对外贸易造成一定风险和挑战。本文指出资本账户开放可能导致开放国短期宏观经济过热、投机资本过度涌入等问题,并有针对性地提出保持稳定连续的宏观经济政策、实行富有弹性的汇率政策等对策。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the macroeconomic performance of a small- open economy depends on the choice of exchange rate regimes. Hong Kong and Taiwan - two economies with many similar macroeconomic characteristics, but different in their choices of exchange rate regimes - provide a good setting to study the relation between the choice of exchange rate regime and macro-economic performance. We examine the basic facts of growth and inflation and the coefficients' stability of their vector autoregression (VAR), as well as cyclical characters of other aggregate variables in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Our empiric finding indicates that macroeconomic performance is not systematically related to exchange rate regimes.  相似文献   

This paper sheds new light on the external and domestic dimension of China’s exchange rate policy. It presents an open-economy model to analyse the macroeconomic adjustment process in China under both flexible and fixed exchange rate regimes. The model-based results indicate that persistent current account surpluses in China cannot be rationalized, under general circumstances, by the occurrence of permanent technology or labour supply shocks. As a result, to understand the macroeconomic adjustment process in China it is necessary to mimic the effects of potential inefficiencies, which induce the subdued response of domestic absorption to permanent income shocks, thereby causing the observed positive unconditional correlation of the trade balance and output. The paper argues that these inefficiencies can be potentially seen as a by-product of the fixed exchange rate regime, and can be approximated by a stochastic tax on domestic consumption or a time-varying transaction cost technology related to money holdings. Our results indicate that a fixed exchange rate regime with financial market distortions, as defined above, might induce negative effects on GDP growth in the medium term compared with a more flexible exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

A simplified two-country macromodel is developed to analyze the relationship between the international linkage of interest rates and the exchange rate volatility. A fundamental trade-off exists between them in that the weaker the international linkage of capital, the more volatile the behavior of the foreign exchange rates. Depending on the degree of capital mobility, the foreign exchange rates may be so volatile that it is impossible for macroeconomic policy to have a systematic influence on the level of the foreign exchange rates, undermining the effectiveness of the macroeconomic policy.  相似文献   

China has been keeping high economic growth rate since it carried out managed floating exchange rate regimes in 1994, while now begins to face retrenchment pressure brought by the depression of internal and external economy. The establishment of RMB exchange rate regime should take account of the validity of macroeconomic policy, macroeconomic growth and the regional internationalization of RMB.  相似文献   

This paper develops a small macro-economic model of the CEECs to analyze various aspects of integration with the current EU and the role of monetary and exchange rate strategies during the (pre-) accession phase. The model gives insight into both the adjustment of the internal balance (as for output and employment) and the external balance (as for exports and competitiveness) in the accession countries. The model provides more insight into the basic macroeconomic relationships governing macroeconomic adjustment in the accession countries and also the role of the integration with the EU in that adjustment. We perform empirical simulations of different scenarios and analyze the resulting macroeconomic adjustment. In particular, we compare how a macroeconomic shock in the current EU is transmitted to the accession countries under flexible and fixed euro exchange rates, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper studies drivers of high-frequency (daily) dynamics of the South African rand vis-à-vis the dollar from January 2001 to July 2007. We find strong nonlinear effects of commodity prices, perceived country and emerging market risk premium and changes in the dollar-euro exchange rate on changes in daily returns of the rand-dollar exchange rate. We also identify a one-sided nonlinear mean reversion to the long-term monetary equilibrium. In addition we establish very short-lived effects on the exchange rate of selected macroeconomic surprises and central bank communication aimed at talking up the rand.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the impact of exchange rate volatility on growth in Emerging Europe and East Asia. Exchange rate stability has been argued to affect growth negatively as it deprives countries from the ability to react in a flexible way to asymmetric real shocks and increases the probability of speculative capital inflows and overheating. In contrast, exchange rate stability can be argued to affect growth in emerging market economies positively as transactions costs for international trade decline, uncertainty for international capital flows is less and macroeconomic stability is enhanced. Cross country panel estimations provide evidence for a negative impact of the exchange rate volatility on growth in both Emerging Europe and East Asia. Parts of this negative growth effect can be associated with exchange rate volatility caused by macroeconomic instability.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the macroeconomic effects of the European Central Bank’s asset purchase programme in its initial version and subsequent modifications under the lens of a dynamic macroeconomic model, which includes assets of different types and maturity, and explicitly introduces asset purchases of long-term bonds (held by euro area and non-euro area residents) by the central bank. With imperfect substitutability between asset classes, portfolio rebalancing in the context of quantitative easing (QE) affects bond yields, stock prices, the exchange rate and the private sector’s saving decision. QE as announced in January 2015 generates 0.4% effective euro depreciation and raises real GDP in the euro area by 0.2% and prices by 0.3% by 2017 in the model. The subsequent extensions of the QE programme (extension in time and increase in volume) more than double the medium-term output and inflation effects according to the simulations.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate of the efficacy of different patterns of foreign exchange intervention (FXI). Daily data on the Japanese foreign exchange intervention and the Yen/Dollar exchange rates among other macroeconomic variables over the period 1992–2004, in an EGARCH time series model is used to measure the impact of intervention on both the level and volatility of the exchange rate. This paper offers two important results in regard to the effectiveness of the Japanese FXI. First, this study tests whether the pattern of FXI leads to conflicting outcomes with respect to the desired level and volatility of the exchange rates. Second, this study examines the asymmetric impact of the frequency and size of the Japanese FXI on the level and volatility of the exchange rate. This paper finds that successful depreciation of the yen has always been achieved at the expense of higher volatility, a result that supports the conflicting outcomes of the Japanese FXI. In addition, the frequency of intervention is found to be a crucial factor in affecting the level of the exchange rate while the size of intervention is more influential in affecting its volatility.  相似文献   

This paper empirically assesses the effect of the yen‐dollar exchange rate on selected macroeconomic variables, namely, real output, price level, and money supply, for Malaysia. The results, which are based on a vector autoregressive framework, suggest that variations in the yen‐dollar rate can have significant influences on Malaysia's macroeconomic variables. More specifically, the yen‐dollar depreciation leads to contraction in real GDP and money supply. These results are fairly robust to alternative model specifications. We believe that, apart from providing important insights into the interactions between the yen‐dollar rate and domestic macroeconomic variables, our results contribute to the debate on choice of exchange rate regimes for Malaysia.  相似文献   

A major challenge for most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa is the evaluation of the exchange rate. This is more so in the East African Community (EAC) where macroeconomic and exchange rate management has been particularly challenged by massive foreign aid inflows, which are partly a result of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative and other debt reliefs. In addition, improved macroeconomic management in the last decade attracted both short- and medium- to long-term inflows to the region, as foreign investors turn to developing and emerging economies for yield. In this paper, we estimate the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate model for all the countries in the EAC and assess the convergence of existing exchange rate regimes in the EAC. Our main contribution is that this exercise could serve as useful background for the ultimate decision of which exchange rate management framework will best fit the region during the transition period to monetary union.  相似文献   

In the present paper, an integrated cash flow model is developed to examine the relative impact of tax incentives, financial subsidies, and macroeconomic variables on the profitability of industrial investments. It allows for the variables in the model to interact with each other. An application of the model is carried out for Taiwan, which has implemented a variety of fiscal incentives over the past 40 years. The principal policy conclusion is that trade and macroeconomic policies are much more important than income tax incentives or subsidized finance policies in determining the success of Taiwan's industrialization process. The effects of all of the fiscal incentives are found to be much smaller than those of the trade policies or the fundamental trends in macroeconomic variables such as the movement of the real exchange rate and the real wage rate.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the changes in the exchange-rate policies of East Asian economies in the aftermath of the currency crisis and the process in which the exchange-market stability was re-established. The empirical analysis evaluates the changing roles of the yen and the US dollar in the currency baskets, the shifts in the volatility of the underlying macroeconomic fundamentals and their implications on exchange-rate management, the exchange-market perception of credibility and risk of the postcrisis exchange-rate regimes, and the process of reversion to fundamental values after the massive currency depreciation.The analysis shows that after the abandonment of the quasi-dollar peg, the yen had gained a greater weight in the currency baskets and the greater flexibility in which the exchange rates are being managed serve to accommodate the greater volatility in the macroeconomic fundamentals. The improvement in the macroeconomic conditions and the greater credibility that has been acquired by the regional monetary authorities had allowed the exchange market to stabilize and enabled the exchange rates to revert back to their fundamental values.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the recent macroeconomic history ofUganda using time series models for the demand for the threemain monetary aggregates. A collapse of income and high inflationled to de-monetisation. The flight from currency and demanddeposits was limited by their use for transactions, but demandfor time and savings deposits was largely a function of inflation.The role of the exchange rate and the price of coffee in determiningan asset demand for money was mixed. Re-monetisation since thelate 1980s has been slower than de-monetisation.  相似文献   

The process of globalization encompasses economic and financial integration. The abolition of capital controls and the dismantling of barriers of different kinds will expose previously sheltered companies to shocks originating in the global economic arena. Policy-makers in already globalized countries have learned that market participants should be prepared in due time to meet the new exposure to fluctuating rates of exchange, interest and inflation. China has recently adopted a version of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in an effort to improve the quality of information available for risk management and for pricing of risk. This paper analyzes the gains in transparency from the implementation of IFRS in Europe as of January 2005 and reports no improvements in regard to the macroeconomic impact on firms. Based on this experience, improvements for Chinese adoption are suggested. The paper presents a framework for how to understand and measure the impact of different scenarios on corporate performance. It also elaborates on how to communicate the macroeconomic effects to external stakeholders of the firm in a way that should foster further economic growth in China.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possible asymmetric response of 5-min intraday JPY/USD exchange rates to macroeconomic news announcements during 1999–2006 when the Japanese money market interest rate was effectively zero. This period provides a unique institutional setting when interest rates may rise but not decline, thereby constraining both endogenous policy reactions to news and private market expectations. Asymmetric responses to news, to the extent that they are important in exchange rate markets as they are in equity markets, would seem particularly likely to be evident during this period. We consider several ways asymmetric responses may be manifested and linked to macroeconomic news during this unusual period. We assess whether the intraday exchange rate responds differently depending on whether the news is emanating from Japan or the US; we consider the state of the business cycle; and we distinguish between “good” and “bad” news.  相似文献   

We compare the welfare of different combinations of monetary and currency policies in an open-economy macroeconomic model that incorporates two important features of many small open economies: a high level of vertical international trade and a high degree of exchange rate pass-through. In this environment, a small economy prefers a fixed exchange rate regime over a flexible regime, while the larger economy prefers a flexible exchange rate regime. There are two main causes underlying our results. First, in the presence of sticky prices, relative prices adjust through changes in the exchange rate. Multiple stages of production and trade make it more difficult for one exchange rate to balance the whole economy by adjusting several relative prices simultaneously throughout the vertical chain of production and trade. More specifically, there is a tradeoff between delivering an efficient relative price between home and foreign final goods and delivering an efficient relative price between home and foreign intermediate goods. Second, because the small economy faces a high degree of exchange rate pass-through under a flexible regime, it suffers from a lack of efficient relative prices in vertical trade. The larger economy, however, does not face this problem because its level of exchange rate pass-through is low.  相似文献   

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