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随着我国加入WTO,池塘清洁化生产和水产品质量建设已成为目前渔业发展首要任务2002—2003年淮安市淮水特种水产养殖场承担了江苏省水产三项工程项目“半循环自净式组合式养殖模式的应用及推广”,充分利用自然资源,将池塘养殖与水稻种植组合装配,进行池塘、稻田组合生态养殖鱼鳖试验,取得了良好的效果,为池塘清洁化生产提供一条有效途径,同时又促进了水产品质量的提高  相似文献   

我国水产养殖水污染成因及其对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文讨论了我国水产养殖水污染问题;基于循环经济与信息技术理论,提出了从水产养殖水污染效应评价技术、数字水产技术和生态工程设计理论方法等方面加强水污染控制,实现我国水产养殖模式由单一生产型的渔业向复合型景观渔业的转变,有效降低了环境生态风险,提升了水产品质量安全,实现了水产养殖业潜在优势向竞争优势的有效转化.  相似文献   

我国水产养殖水污染成因及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了我国水产养殖水污染问题;基于循环经济与信息技术理论,提出了从水产养殖水污染效应评价技术、数字水产技术和生态工程设计理论方法等方面加强水污染控制,实现我国水产养殖模式由单一生产型的渔业向复合型景观渔业的转变,有效降低了环境生态风险,提升了水产品质量安全,实现了水产养殖业潜在优势向竞争优势的有效转化。  相似文献   

近日,从浙江省宁波市水产流通与加工协会了解到,2003年,我国水产品产量达469万吨,同比增长2.8%;水产品出口突破50亿美元,渔民人均收入达到5200元,比上年增收150多元,增幅达到3%。2003年,突发非典疫情曾使我国部分水产品出口严重受阻,但渔业部门以发展养殖业为重点,一方面控制捕捞,另一方面开拓远洋捕捞,深化加工,着力提高我国水产品的质量,确保了我国渔业经济的增长。渔业养殖业增速超过6%;海洋深水抗风浪网箱养殖、工厂化养殖、稻田养殖鱼类和名优水产品养殖增长势头强劲,名特优水产品产量比上年增加20%;全国养殖业产量占总产量的比重比上…  相似文献   

2、无公害水产品养殖及规范无公害水产品养殖及规范包括渔药、饲料、农药、肥料的使用、加工过程质量控制及包装技术等。在无公害水产品生产过程中渔药、农药、饲料使用是水产品质量控制的关键环节之一,不合理使用渔药、饲料、农药、肥料不仅造成环境污染,而且使水产品中药物残  相似文献   

<正>随着人口增长和经济发展,水产品的需求量不断增加,特别是高品质水产品的供需矛盾突出,而传统的养殖模式已经难以满足人们的需求。因此,需要不断创新和发展新的养殖模式,以实现水产养殖的可持续发展和提高水产品的产量和质量。本文将介绍三种养殖模式,即智慧渔场、鱼菜共生和休闲渔业,  相似文献   

近年来发生的一系列水产品质量安全事件,对我国经济社会的发展造成了重大的危害。渔业产业组织结构合理与否和产业化发展程度,对养殖水产品质量安全具有重要影响,水产品质量安全程度对渔业产业绩效有重要作用。论文在对养殖水产品质量安全问题发生的产业组织机理进行分析的基础上,认为合适的渔业产业化组织对养殖水产品质量安全保障的具有重要的作用,而在推动渔业产业化经营和提高水产品质量安全方面,政府及其相关部门应该发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

<正>随着人们生活水平的提高,对水产品质量的要求越来越高,对鱼肉口味也越来越挑剔,这就要求养殖者改变传统的观念和养殖模式,采用新的技术,生产出高质量的水产品,满足人们的消费要求。本文就彭泽鲫健康养殖模式做个总结和介绍。  相似文献   

<正> 自从我国与韩国发展友好关系以来,我国水产品不断出口该国,该国海洋水产部从今年6月7日起,对进口冷冻加工鱼类和贝类实行先检查、后通关措施。检查项目改变过去对重金属含量实行总量控制,为对每种重金属设定具体标准,即水银含量≤0.5ppm,铅含量≤2ppm,镉含量≤2ppm。 为此,有关养殖及加工单位必须加大对水产品质量监督管理和检测力度,对养殖的水产品不仅仅在加工冷冻过程中要符合有关质量与卫生要求,而  相似文献   

一、我国水产品生产发展现状1、总体形势良好我国水产品的总产量已连续12年居世界首位。近年来,我国渔业参与国际市场竞争的能力也有了很大程度的提高,水产品出口贸易得到长足发展,出口额连续3年居我国农产品出口之首。目前,我国大部分出口水产品的苗种培育已实现了商业化生产,工厂化养殖、网箱养殖、流水养殖等集约化养殖模式已基本普及,现代工程技术、生物技术在水产养殖生产中的应用日渐广泛。我国适于出口的养殖水产品生产能力很强,仅对虾年产量就达30多万吨,鳗鲡年产达15万吨,与其他国家同类养殖产品相比,在产量方面具有明显优势,扩大…  相似文献   

The theory of demand and supply implies a positive relationship, or “price transmission” between the prices of products at different stages of manufacturing. This relationship was investigated with quarterly prices of softwood stumpage in the US South, and national prices of forest products, from 1977 to 2002. All prices, net of inflation, were found to be nonstationary and there was no evidence of co-integration between prices. Vector autogressive models, augmented by Granger causality tests and multiplier analysis showed that there was a one-to-one permanent positive response of the southern sawtimber stumpage price to a permanent change in the national lumber price. There was also a one-third permanent positive response of the national paper price to a permanent change in the national pulp price. There was no relation between regional pulpwood prices and national pulp or paper prices. When price transmission was significant, the full adjustment took about 2 years.  相似文献   

Owners, local residents, government, and conservation organisations can express divergent preferences in the development and management of local woodlands. The perceptions of these four groups were examined, in the context of three community woodlands in Eastern England, using an ecosystem function framework. In a pilot study, residents were able to allocate a relative importance to woodland ecosystem services which were then related to “regulation”, “habitat”, and “production” or “information” functions. However residents also placed importance on negative services or “dis-services” associated with the woodland ecosystem. Therefore a fifth category of “dis-services” was included in the main survey which included 84 local residents, three woodland owners, three government institutions, and six representatives from conservation groups. Each of the four groups placed greatest importance on services associated with habitat (16–39% of the total importance) and information (30–50%) functions suggesting, in this example, mutual interest in the use of woodlands as a habitat or recreational resource. By contrast a potential area of difference was the particularly high importance placed by one owner on dis-services such as fly tipping. In addition the woodland owners placed higher importance (10–20%), than local residents and conservation groups (7–9%), on the productive services of the wood. This suggests a need for communication when production-related operations affect recreation. The ecosystem function framework appears to be a useful approach for highlighting potential tensions and areas of mutual interest in the management of semi-natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

China is one of the largest wine importing countries in the world and is poised for continued import growth in the future. Increased wine purchases throughout China have given rise to persistent fraud where fake wines are packaged and sold with counterfeit contents and labels. For exporting countries like France, counterfeit wines displace market share, damage foreign brand reputation, and cause distrust in consumers who are aware of counterfeiting problems throughout the country. We examine the impact of fraudulent wine events (as measured by negative media reports) on Chinese wine demand differentiated by supplying country. We employ the Rotterdam demand system and a switching regression procedure to estimate import demand and compare results across different media variable specifications. Results consistently show that negative reports disproportionately affect French wine regardless of how the media variable is specified. This is not surprising because most fraudulent events involve French wine counterfeits.  相似文献   

In recent years earthquakes and their secondary hazards have claimed the largest number of lives of all large natural disasters. Some of the world’s most earthquake-prone zones are also areas of high population density. The impact is magnified by vulnerability factors including non-enforcement of building codes, knowledge gaps, urban poverty and poor governance capacity to manage and reduce earthquake risks. Poor security of land tenure and property rights increases the vulnerability of people and affects their ability to respond to natural disasters.Earthquake recovery and reconstruction provides very significant challenges for land agencies, with these challenges differing from one country to the next due to differences in the local context. Drawing on contrasting case studies in Haiti, Nepal and New Zealand this paper identifies the common post-earthquake land administration functions and challenges that may apply to many contexts. These lessons provide land agencies and other key stakeholders with a summary of the challenges an earthquake poses for land administration at different post-disaster stages. We also discuss the policy and regulatory, institutional, operational and preparedness lessons for land administration. From these lessons we propose a framework for evaluating the earthquake-responsiveness of a land administration system. This framework can be used by a land agency in an earthquake prone region, or where an earthquake has recently occurred, to assess what challenges to land administration might occur in the event of an earthquake, and the preparedness of their land administration system.  相似文献   

This paper analyses poverty and calorific undernourishment in the Indian state of Gujarat, where high and market‐led industrial growth has resulted in rapid economic improvement. The study is carried out through a combination of secondary and survey‐based data. We conclude that the neoliberal agenda of uncontrolled, outward‐looking growth has not resulted in significant reduction of poverty or malnourishment in rural areas. Furthermore, while land ownership is officially used as a proxy for wealth distribution, class position appears a better predictor of poverty status in the rural areas than landownership per se. At the policy level, there is a need to revive the agrarian economy and create new non‐agricultural assets, and the primary focus in the state must shift to the distribution of created assets rather than a single‐minded focus on growth.  相似文献   

This paper tests the ‘systems of innovation’ hypothesis for a selection of crops in Ghana and Burkina Faso that have shown significant growth in production over an approximately 20-year period. The question is whether such growth can only occur if supported by a system of innovation. Using two indicators (a common understanding on objectives and priorities, and a high level of interactivity), we find little evidence for the existence of anything that might be considered a high functioning system of innovation.  相似文献   

The values ascribed to industrial tree plantations are often controversial. Hence knowledge of their perceived impacts is important for improving their integration in rural landscapes. In 2016 we conducted household surveys with 606 respondents living in villages adjacent to acacia, teak and pine plantations across three islands in Indonesia (Java, Borneo, Sumatra). Results show that perceptions toward pine and teak plantations tend to differ from those toward acacia pulpwood plantations in several ways. Pine and teak plantations are perceived to have a higher number and variety of benefits and services, a higher number of positive impacts, a better environmental record, and to present more opportunities to local people for use of plantation land and products for improving rural livelihoods. In addition, we find that villagers around acacia pulpwood plantations tend to seek economic development and infrastructure to open up remote areas, yet their expectations were often only partially met. Recommendations from our analysis include: the role of the State in plantations must be clarified and potentially reinforced; the role of institutions as intermediaries is fundamental; and contributions by communities to design of management plans should be accommodated.  相似文献   

Large‐scale tree plantations in high rainfall upstream areas can reduce fresh water inflows to river systems, thereby imposing external costs on downstream irrigation, stock and domestic water users and wetland interests. We take the novel approach of expressing all benefits and costs of establishing plantations in terms of $ per gigalitre (GL) of water removed annually from river flows, setting upstream demands on the same basis as downstream demands. For the Macquarie Valley, a New South Wales sub‐catchment of Australia’s Murray‐Darling Basin, we project changes in land and water use and changes in economic surpluses under two policy settings: without and with a policy requiring permanent water entitlements to be purchased from downstream parties, before plantation establishment. Without the policy, and given a high stumpage value for trees ($70/m3), upstream gains in economic surplus projected from expanding plantations are $639 million; balanced against $233 million in economic losses by downstream irrigators and stock and domestic water users for a net gain of $406 million, but 345 GL lower mean annual environmental flows. With the policy, smaller gains in upstream economic surplus from trees ($192 million), added to net downstream gains ($138 million) from sale of water, result in gains of $330 million with no reduction in environmental flows. Sustaining the 345 GL flow for a $76 million (406–330) reduction in gains to economic surplus may be seen to cost only $0.22 million/GL; but this is much lower than the market value of the first units of that water to agriculture and forestry.  相似文献   

中国土地科学学科发展已取得很大成就,表现为专业教育和人才培养成绩突出、初步形成学科体系、取得大批研究成果.而存在的问题主要是基础理论研究欠缺、独特的土地科学研究方法体系尚未形成、研究角度单一、学术交流质量不高和学科带头人的影响力不足.土地科学学科发展目前面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,应明确土地科学学科发展的基本思路、发展目标及2010-2020年的主要建设任务和保障措施.  相似文献   

Fieldwork shows that many Sierra Leonean producers do not receive the official producer price for their coffee and cocoa, due to the concentration of buying stations, credit relations, the small quantities offered for sale, and the lack of marketing knowledge of the numerous and unorganized farmers. To the traders underpayment may seem economically justifiable to a certain extent, but to the farmers it means poverty and debt. A new village marketing centre project aims at remedying this situation and has already led to higher prices. Although no longer allowed to take their "just" share from the producers, traders are still willing to deal with the new centres.  相似文献   

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