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Generic advertising of U.S. lamb by the U.S. sheep and lamb industry is an effort to reverse an almost continual decline in the industry since World War II. This analysis explores the answers to three related questions: (1) What have been the effects of the generic lamb advertising on U.S. and foreign sheep, lamb, and wool markets? (2) Has the generic lamb advertising program effectively increased the consumption of domestically produced lamb as intended rather than imported lamb? (3) What have been the returns to U.S. sheep producers, feeders, and packers who pay for the advertising? Using a 70-equation, non-spatial, price equilibrium, simultaneous econometric simulation model of the world sheep, lamb, and wool markets, the analysis concludes that the U.S. lamb industry’s generic lamb advertising program has positively impacted their markets, enhanced profitability of the industry, and increased the industry’s share of domestic lamb consumption.  相似文献   

Studies of market integration show that price changes are transmitted spatially through arbitrage. Transmission across differentiated agricultural products is important to investigate, but it has not been explored given its complexities for assessment. Using data from Australian cattle markets, we examine the dynamics of Meat Standards Australia price premium transmission between states. An impulse response function analysis using Bayesian vector autoregression with sign restriction identification shows that shocks to prices and price premiums are partially transmitted contemporaneously between markets and it takes several weeks to complete transmission. In addition, we find an asymmetry of price and price premium shocks originating in Southern Queensland that have an inverse immediate impact in New South Wales, and take months to transmit the usual price response. This outcome may be explained by differences in cattle availability in each state, which can be related to forage availability due to weather conditions. Based on these results, producers can forecast fluctuations on price premiums and adjust their cattle supply accordingly.  相似文献   

This article examines the competitive implications of contract pricing arrangements, which link the contract price to the subsequent cash price. We focus on so-called "top-of-the-market pricing" (TOMP) in cattle procurement. The TOMP clause is shown to have anticompetitive consequences when the same buyers who purchase contract cattle with the TOMP clause also compete to procure cattle in the subsequent spot market. The TOMP clause reduces packers' incentives to compete aggressively in the spot market. Although TOMP pricing is not in producers' collective interest, rational sellers may nonetheless sign these contracts with little or no financial inducement.  相似文献   

Using price discovery measures, including Putniņš’ (2013) information leadership share and intraday data, we quantify the proportional contribution of nearby and deferred contracts in price discovery in the corn and live cattle futures markets. On average, nearby contracts reflect information more quickly than deferred contracts in the corn market, but have a relatively less dominant role in the live cattle market. In both markets, the nearby contract loses dominance when its relative volume share dips below 50%, which typically occurs when the nearby is close to maturity. Regression results indicate that the share of price discovery is mainly related to trading volume and time to expiration in both markets. In the corn market, price discovery share between nearby and deferred contracts is also related to inverse carrying charges, crop year differences, USDA announcements, market crashes, and commodity index position rolls. Differences between corn and live cattle markets are consistent with differences in the contracts’ liquidity and commodity storability.  相似文献   

We design an experiment to simulate how people make agricultural production decisions under three policy scenarios, each incorporating direct payments (DPs): ( a ) price uncertainty without countercyclical payments (CCPs); ( b ) price uncertainty with CCPs; and ( c ) price uncertainty, CCPs, and uncertainty regarding base acreage updating. Results are the CCP program and perceived possibility of future base updating created incentives for subjects to invest more in program (base) crops, despite payments being decoupled from current production decisions. Those choosing to reduce revenue risk by increasing plantings of base crops may face reduced incomes, suggesting the efficiency of crop markets may be diminished.  相似文献   

Feeder cattle prices are determined by the interaction of numerous factors. As economic conditions change over time, price differentials associated with feeder cattle weight vary. This study analyzes transactions data on 46,081 pens of feeder cattle over a 10‐year period. Results indicate that fed‐cattle futures prices and corn prices are important determinants of price‐weight relationships for feeder cattle. Time of year, recent feeding margins and sex of feeder cattle have moderate impacts on the price‐weight relationship (i.e., price slides). Coefficients of variation for fed cattle and corn prices have economically unimportant impacts on price relationships. Results of this model can be used to assess feeder cattle price relationships across weights as fed cattle and corn prices vary. Les prix des bovins d'engraissement sont fonction de I'interaction de nombreux facteurs. Au fil des changements des conditions économiques, les écarts de prix associés au poids des bovins varient. Nous étudions les données de transactions réalisées dans une période de 10 ans sur 46 081 parquets de bovins d'engraissement. II ressort de ce travail que les prix è terme des bovins finis et le prix du maïs sont d'importants déterminants des rapports prix‐poids pour ce type d'animaux. L'époque de I'année, les marges d'engraissement récentes et le type sexuel des bovins n'ont que des répercussions modérées sur le rapport prix‐poids (c.‐a‐d. I'écart de prix aux 100 Ib selon lepoids de I'animal). Les coefficients de variation relatifs aux prix des bovins finis et è ceux du maïs sont dénués de toute importance économique pour les rapports de prix. Les résultats du modèle peuvent être utilisés pour évaluer les rapports de prix des bovins d'engraissement selon une échelle de poids en fonction des variations des prix des bovins gras et de ceux du maïs.  相似文献   

The impact of decoupling direct payments from production on producers' decisions, taking account of price uncertainty and risk aversion, is analysed through a multi‐period mathematical programming model. This model is applied to beef cattle farms in two French regions: Limousin and Pays de la Loire. The technical coefficients are represented by an engineering production function estimated for both regions. The behavioural parameters have been obtained through a survey and model calibration. Policy changes have been modelled through different simulation scenarios relating to the decoupling of direct payments. Model results show that decoupling policies produce a more homogenous response from different types of farmers. The share of cattle activities on farms decreases and the production techniques become less intensive.  相似文献   

This research investigates optimal price risk management strategies for fed cattle producers engaged in grid pricing. Stochastic simulation is used to determine optimal hedge ratios for fed cattle priced on a live weight basis or on a series of grids that vary in terms of premium/discount structure as well as base price. Results indicate that the optimal hedging strategy is greatly affected by the base price used in a particular grid. This has significant implications for pricing efficiency in the cattle market. Base prices that are linked more closely with downstream markets offer the potential to improve pricing efficiency; however, the risk associated with these prices is difficult to manage effectively with existing futures instruments.  相似文献   

Some producers, policy makers, and researchers claim that packers influence cash prices through contracts tied to futures prices. This paper provides a theoretical and empirical study on the price effects of contract-pricing terms linked to futures price and the related formula pricing terms linked to a cash price. We show that contract-pricing terms tied to a cattle futures price can theoretically be used to reduce the cash price. Furthermore, the model demonstrates that such tied-to-a-futures-price contract-pricing clauses and the related tied-to-a-cash-price formula pricing clauses can be substitutable tools for packers to depress the cash cattle price. Nevertheless, although empirical results are consistent with the predictions of the theoretical model they show that while such manipulations may occur, their market power impact appears quite small.  相似文献   

本文对尼日利亚牛羊市场的空间价格一体化程度进行了检验,试图运用双变量自回归时间序列模型验证寡头垄断市场上牛羊价格的非竞争性定价行为。论文分别对牛羊市场的合谋、歧视性、价格领袖和竞争性定价行为进行了经验性检验。结论表明,在牛羊价格形成中,博尔诺(Borno)和索科托(Sokoto)州的牛羊价格领先于克里斯河(CrossRiver)、依莫(Imo)、卡诺(Kano)、拉各斯(Lagos)、尼日尔(Niger)和奥约(Oyo)州这些地方市场的价格。有关证据也支持共谋定价一般与市场的集中有关的判断。  相似文献   

A debate has been raging for centuries regarding the effects of interannual storage on commodity prices. Most analysts consider storage to function as a price stabilizer, while others place it at the core of an explanation of intriguing features of commodity price series, such as skewed distributions. Most studies have been developed in the context of the theory of competitive storage where random shocks affect supply or demand. Recently, the endogenous chaotic behavior of markets has become another possible hypothesis regarding the origin of commodity price fluctuations. We develop a nonlinear cobweb model with intra‐ and interannual storage, risk averse agents, and adaptive expectations. Like the theory of competitive storage, this nonlinear cobweb model with storage can reproduce some of the stylized facts of agricultural commodity prices (autocorrelation of first rank, low kurtosis, and skewness). In addition, the effects of storage on price variation are mixed. In the presence of interannual storage, chaotic price series show less variation compared to a situation without interannual storage but we find that storage contributes to the endogenous volatility of prices by making chaotic dynamics more likely.  相似文献   

We analyze Canadian beef cattle cycles using time‐series properties of four variables: total cattle inventories, beef cow inventories, beef supply, and beef prices. Our aim is to provide up‐to‐date estimates of the duration of the cycles, and to determine whether or not some of the recent market shocks can be associated with changes in the nature of the cycles. Spectral decomposition of the variables reveals 10‐year cycles in total cattle inventories, beef cow inventories, beef supply, and beef prices. Seasonal and annual cycles are also found in beef supply and prices, respectively. Using intervention analysis, exchange rate appreciation, feed price escalation, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are modeled as pure jumps. Exchange rate and feed price shocks are modeled as having started in 2002 and 2007, respectively, and persisted up to the end of the sample period, while BSE is modeled as a shift for the period 2003 to 2005. We find significant impacts of the three shocks on total inventories, but beef supply appears to have been impacted by exchange rates and BSE. A spectral comparison of the pre‐ and post‐shock periodograms of beef supply reveals a 58% reduction in the peak amplitude of the beef supply cycle.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical studies of beef cattle producers by Barros, Jarvis, Nores, Reutlinger, and Yver have focused on producers' supply response assuming cattle represent consumption goods and capital goods. To differentiate producer price response for cattle sold as consumption goods and cattle retained as capital goods requires data on herd and slaughter age-sex structure. This has limited the range of econometric work which could be carried out in many developing countries. This study utilizes a time series of the Colombian cattle herd which was recently constructed by Rivas and Valdes and which has the necessary age-sex and slaughter data to develop a complete system of structural equations representing the simultaneous determination of demand and supply for Colombian cattle over the 1950–1970 period.  相似文献   

In this paper a distributed lag analysis of regional cattle supply is presented. A polynomial lag formulation has been applied. A distributed lag effect of two economic variables—cattle price and feed grain price (or stocks)—was specified, each with a different lag period. The model was estimated using the method of Lagrangian interpolation. An average lag of 11 quarters with respect to slaughter cattle prices was observed. The lag with respect to feed price (or stocks) was found to be relatively shorter. An inelastic response to cattle price, in the short—as well as the long-run, was observed for Eastern Canada. A similar situation for Western Canada with respect to feed grain stocks was observed.
Dans cet essai, nous nous proposons de présenter une analyse de délai distribué dans I'approvisionnement en bétail au niveau régional. Nous nous sommes servis dune formulation de délai polynomial. Nous avons spécifié un effet de délai distribué de deux variables économiques—le prix du bétail et le prix des farines alimentaires (ou des stocks)—toutes deux ayant des délais différents. Le modèle est basé sur la méthode d'interpolation Lagrangienne. Nous avons observé un délai de 11 trimestres pour ce qui concerne le prix du bétail à l'abattoir. Le délai pour le prix des farines alimentaires (ou des stocks) se montre relativement plus court. Pour I'Est du Canada, nous avons observé pour le prix du bétail une réponse inélastique que ce soil à court on long term. Nous avons observé une situation semblable dans I'Ouest du Canada pour les farines alimentaires.  相似文献   

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) has had a considerable effect on the revenues received from finished cattle in the UK. Forecasting models are used to measure the extent of the drop in revenues by determining what the price would have been under normal marketing conditions. The models used are a regression model, which, although representing a simplified view of the market, takes account of price expectations, and an ARIMA-type model. Comparison between the forecasts of the two models forms part of the validation procedure. The results using the regression forecasts indicated a loss of 8.6 percent while the ARIMA forecasts indicated a loss of 11.8 percent over the year October 1989 to September 1990.  相似文献   

Two investigations are reported. The first is a comparison of average prices for two cattle types within pairs of some major auction centres in Australia. Significant price differences existed in three of the four cases studied. The second is a study of the main determinants of price differences between auction selling centres through a case study of a large and small auction centre. The major factor explaining the price differences between the two auction centres was lot size. This factor also influenced price variation within auctions. The number of buyers purchasing cattle did not affect price levels.  相似文献   

British Columbia's Individual Vessel Quota (IVQ) system for Pacific halibut was implemented in 1991. Part of the anticipated benefits of an IVQ program for a formerly derby-style fishery are derived from additional revenues generated from an increased season length, which allows for more of the product to be marketed fresh and for new market niches to be developed. This paper is one of the first to empirically examine the ex vessel price effects and the resulting revenue effects of an IVQ system for a derby fishery in which IVQs are imposed. It is found that the price received for B.C. Pacific halibut has increased substantially over what it would have been is there were no IVQ program, and that the price increase grew during the four years during which the program was implemented. The total revenue benefit from the IVQ system to the B.C. fishers over the four years examined totaled C$23·22 million.  相似文献   

This paper present the results of recent empirical work on the short-run producetion flexibility of cow-calf producers in Western Canada. Several aspects of firm behaviour may be inferred from the econometric estimates, including short-run elasticities of supply and factor demand, and the total elasticity of cattle supply. The principal empirical findings are that many of the shourt-run supply and factor demand responses of firms, are elastic with respect to within-season price variability. The evidence does not support a vertical or negatively-sloped short-run supply curve for cattle, where one previously has been hypothesized in the theoretical literature.  相似文献   

This article investigates the response of beef-cattle producers to changes in the price of cattle. Previous research has suggested that there may be a negative short-run supply response to a permanent increase in the price of cattle. We build a dynamic, rational expectations model that separates the markets for fed and unfed beef. This separation generates predictions that the supply response is generally positive, even for permanent shocks in the short run, and nests the negative supply response as a special case for appropriately restricted demand shocks.  相似文献   

Canadian exports of beef and live cattle to the United States have increased significantly since the late 1980s. Hog and pork exports have increased since the mid-1990s. Major factors affecting exports of beef, pork, cattle and hogs from Canada to the United States include the exchange rate, increased Canadian production, Canada-U.S. price differentials and trade liberalization under the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement of 1989. Increased Canadian exports have resulted in small but significant reductions in U.S. domestic prices of beef, pork and hogs.  相似文献   

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