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东莞是我国最大的玩具出口基地,占全国玩具出口的五分之一强,世界各知名品牌玩具商均有委托东莞企业生产出口玩具产品。8月1日,中美玩具安全研讨会在东莞召开。  相似文献   

继今年3月欧盟发布《2012/7/EC玩具安全指令》后,6月12日美国新版玩具安全标准也将实施。据了解,美国玩具新指令波及的层面比欧盟指令更广,  相似文献   

作为全国最大的玩具出口基地,东莞去年7月份启动创建省内首个出口玩具和婴童用品质量安全示范区,终于在元旦前夕顺利通过了专家组考核验收。东莞市检验检疫局介绍,示范区在2014年直接出口总额逆市增长并再创新高达到14.4亿美元,同比增长7%,与ICTI(国际玩具工业理事会)的深度合作常态化,为企业建立出口绿色通道。据东莞市检验检疫局统计,东莞玩具和婴幼童产  相似文献   

被称"史上最苛刻的玩具法规"的欧盟玩具新指令在继物理部分实施两年后,其化学安全要求也将于今年7月20日正式生效,将目前重金属的限制从8种增加到19种。作为我国最重要的出口玩具主产区,东莞地区涉及出口欧盟玩具的生产企业达350多家,出口货值达10亿美元,企业的品质控制工作以及检验检疫机构的质量安全把关工作面临着更加严峻的挑战。鉴于新指令化学部分实施在即,东莞检验检疫局  相似文献   

SGS通标在中山办欧美玩具安全标准更新培训班SGS-CSTC holds a training class on TSCP inZhongshan12月初,SGS-CSTC通标标准技术服务有限公司携手中山外经贸局在中山成功举办了欧美玩具安全标准更新培训班,本次培训吸引了深圳、深圳、东莞、广州、香港、  相似文献   

时间:2012年5月9日来源:中国投资咨询网欧美轮番提高进口玩具安全标准给中国玩具出口带来巨大压力。有企业称,出口欧美玩具的检测费用甚至高于玩具生产成本,这对尚处于生产代工阶段的中小企业来说是致命的打击。商战实践证明,只有时刻跟踪  相似文献   

记者日前获悉,拥有3000多家玩具生产商、在全球玩具市场占有极大份额的东莞借将于今年10月17日至21日举办"第一届东莞(国际)玩具礼品博览会"的机会,拟向联合国申请"世界玩具之都" 称号。玩具产业实力奠定展会坚实基础  相似文献   

时间:2012年5月7日来源:新报新报讯【记者王祖凌】即日开始至6月1日前,滨海新区质监部门将对童车类产品、塑料玩具类产品、金属玩具类产品、弹射玩具类产品、娃娃玩具类产品共5大类15个品种的儿童玩具进行强制认证(即"3C")检查,确保玩具安全。  相似文献   

为落实全国产品质量和食品安全专项整治行动对进出口产品质量安全的要求,强化对玩具出口检验监管,进一步提高我玩具出口企业的质量安全意识和管理水平,2007年10月11- 12日,商务部外贸司、国家质检总局检验监管司在广东东莞和深圳联合举办2期"2007年出口玩具质量安全管理培训"。来自广东、深圳、香港、浙江和福建等地的玩具生产和出口企业的品质管理人员、广东及深圳地方外经贸主管部门、出入境检  相似文献   

今年上半年,受欧债危机的影响,欧美玩具消费市场持续低迷,同时,欧美等国家纷纷提高了玩具的安全和环保标准,这对以外销型为主的东莞玩具产业而言是个不小的冲击。在危机面前,东莞众多玩具企业纷纷加快转型升级,力求突破产业困局,实现做大做强。  相似文献   

伊人 《中国纺织》2004,(1):172-175
信息中心发布的消息显示: 综合当前国际服装面料的发展趋势,有以下几个特点值得关注: 1、多种纤维混纺交织的面料越来越占有重要地位.  相似文献   

中国“入世”在即,中国的“入世”将使中国的经济进一步纳入经济全球化、一体化的轨道,从而使企业间的竞争更加激烈,企业的生存环境更加苛刻。笔者认为,要使企业能够适应新形势、抓住新机遇、迎接新挑战,并保持持续健康的发展,就必须要在观念上和措施上做到以下几点。 1 敢于竞争,善于竞争 1.1 面对新形势,敢于竞争 挑战往往和机遇并存。当初隧道公司在承接宁波常洪隧道BOT项目时,受招商形势所迫,不得不放弃熟悉的盾构法隧道施工工艺,第一次采用沉管法隧道施工工艺。然而,正是由于这次挑战,使隧道公司在国内率先采用了大型…  相似文献   

厂网分开给火电厂的远营提出了许多新的问题,作者探讨了这些问题的性质和火电厂如何面对的策略。  相似文献   

Commercializing new technologies: consumers' response to a new interface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Successful commercialization of new technologies is the riskiest and most rewarding form of new product development activity. New technologies are often commercialized using innovative interfaces that determine how consumers interact with a new product to obtain its functionality. Consumers' perception of uncertainty about the performance of a novel interface is a key issue in the acceptance of new products involving new interfaces. Specifically, when firms commercialize a new interface, they face two major challenges: First to identify the optimal functionality for the new interface, and second, to effectively communicate with consumers in order to reduce uncertainty about the performance of the new interface and increase adoption intentions. Despite the theoretical and managerial importance of research on consumers' response to a novel interface, very little empirical research has been conducted in this area. Building on prior research on new product development, human‐computer interaction, and consumer decision‐making, this article examines the factors that influence consumers' judgments of uncertainty about the performance of a new interface and consumers' adoption intentions. Specifically, we conducted an experiment to investigate the effect of the newness of the functionality of a new product and the effect of imagery on consumers' uncertainty about the performance of a novel interface and consumers' adoption intentions. Our results show that consumers perceive lower uncertainty about the performance of a new interface and higher intentions to adopt a new product when the new interface is introduced with a new (vs. pre‐existing) functionality. Furthermore, our results suggest that when a new interface is introduced with a new functionality, imagining the product in use increases consumers' uncertainty about the performance of the new interface and decreases their intention to adopt the new product. In contrast, when a new interface is introduced with a pre‐existing functionality, imagining the product in use decreases consumers' uncertainty about the performance of the new interface and increases their intention to adopt the new product. Our findings provide valuable guidelines for marketers in formulating new product development and communication strategies for new products involving a new interface. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This study extends research on online innovation contests by focusing on the process of an innovation contest. The authors propose that the decision of a solver to join a contest and the likelihood that a solver will submit a high-quality solution are functions of the current number of solvers in a contest and of the current number of high-quality solutions. The hypotheses are tested in an empirical analysis using a unique data set of 1351 online innovation contests for graphic design projects. The study finds that solvers joining a contest and solvers submitting high-quality solutions are two dynamic and interacting processes that impact the outcomes of an innovation contest. More specifically, the results reveal that (1) a solver is less likely to join a contest that already has many solvers, and many high-quality solutions; (2) a solver is more likely to submit a high-quality solution in a contest if the contest has already many solvers or the focal solver has already submitted one or more high-quality solutions; (3) a solver is less likely to submit a high-quality solution if the contest already has many high-quality solutions developed by others. Organizers of online innovation contests need to understand these complex relationships when they manage contests and aim to improve contest performance. This article details the implications of these findings for the theory and practice of innovation contests.  相似文献   

During the last decade there has been increasing questioning in industrial firms of the value and returns from conventionally organized R & D particularly from central research organizations concerned with longer term innovation. This paper describes how one multi-divisional company, with a wide range of markets, has radically changed its Central R & D function to a Pilot Venture structure, with the object of greatly increasing its effectiveness. The main concepts involved in this ‘New Venture Secretariat’ are not new, but it is felt the particular approach used is novel.  相似文献   

The new breed     
Sellers P 《Fortune》2002,146(10):66-8, 70, 72 passim

6轮跑车,两地时间计时码表,大储量阅读器.  相似文献   

近年来,创意玩具受到热捧,特别是在海外,人们更是竭尽所能的在让自己的产品标新立异,一方面得到孩子们的青睐,另一方面也能激发整个行业的创新和进步。  相似文献   

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