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The global financial crisis has made a huge impact on China export-based enterprises, among which the first affected industry was textile industry. According to the latest reports from China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued in November 2008, revealed that profits for the textile industry in China that had increased 36.9% in 2007, and decreased by 0.7% for the same period in 2008. This amounted in a total loss of RMB 22.13 billion, an increase of 97.7%, with the scope of loss reaching up to 20.4%.  相似文献   

In or Out?     
China on April 1 raised the tax rebate rates on exports of certain textile and apparel products from 15% to 16%. It , is the fourth time the government has raised the rebate rate since last August. Dating back to February 4, the State Counc-il executive meeting examined-and approved in principle the revitalization of the textile industry adjusts planning, in the planning, the country would increase textile and garment export tax rebate rate further from 14% to 15%. The measures are expected to boost China's textile and garment enterprises' profits by RMB 9 billion, it is significantly positive for the textile exporting enterprises since the country policies convey a positive signal to consolidate the international share of China's textile industry. Some experts firmly declare textile exports are set to languish this year with no signs of a quick pick up, notwithstanding the increase in tax rebates. Other asserts that with the relative domestic demand extending policies released by the government, the domestic market is expected to remain stable. In these circumstances, more and more enterprises are pushed or actively choose to eye on domestic market, but is "going in" really better than "going out" for them? If it is really a dilemma, how can they do to strike the balance?  相似文献   

According to statistics, China's domestic clothing consumption averaged an annual growth rate of 14.72 percem from 2001 to 2008, 2009 growth rate is expected to remain rhore than 15 percent, althoughexposed to the international financial crisis, clothing consumption becomes a major boost to China's textile industry. Along with the steady and rapid development of China's economy, demand for textiles in automotive, construction, health, energy, aerospace, agriculture industries are also on the rise. 2008 industrial textile volume exceeded 6 million tons, accounting for 17 percent of total textile fiber processing volume in China.  相似文献   

Cinese textile industry is a traditional sector boasting of competitive strength in global market.It's such a common phenomena that Chinese tourists are very difficult in finding a piece of clothes without a "Made-in-China" label in overseas supermarkets and malls.Even at the first World Expo,it was 12 silk produced in Huzhou,China,that caused a great sensation and won the Gold Expo in 1851,for the white and flexible silk was able to load 700 copper wires.And don't need to mention the Silk Road,originated from China.  相似文献   

Maoxin Ye, the Vice President of China Hi-tech Group Corporations, is excited regarding the setting up of a machine spare parts producing unit for textile industry in Indonesia. He said that, the company does not have any problem in transferring technology to the new plant, and is also capable of financing the project.  相似文献   

Chinese textile industry is a traditional sector boasting of competitive strength in global market. It's such a common phenomena that Chinese tourists are very difficult in finding a piece of clothes without a "Made-in-China" label in overseas supermarkets and malls. Even at the first World Expo, it was 12 silk produced in Huzhou, China, that caused a great sensation and won the Gold Expo in 1851, for the white and flexible silk was able to load 700 copper wires. And don't need to mention the Silk Road, originated from China.  相似文献   

While Indonesian textile producers have been lamenting the industry's lack of preparedness for a region-wide free-trade agreement with China that begins on New Year's Day, Chinese textile producers have been quietly securing space in the largest textile markets in Jakarta and Surabaya for their imports.  相似文献   

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) shows that the reforming of China textile industry is beneficial to producing new chances of increasing the export of Indian cotton yarn and cloth to China. FICCI believes that China has the power of competing with international high quality textile cloth in the international  相似文献   

China became a member of the WTO on December 11,2001,after 15 years of hard negotiations.At that point,people were convinced that China's textile industry would benefit the most from the accession.They are not disappointed.In the ten yeas since China's entry into the WTO,Chinese textile and clothes exports have maintained double-digit growth,taking now about a third of the world market for textiles and clothes.China has become the world's largest textile and garment exporting nation (See the chart:Value of Chinese textile and garment exports from 2000 to 2010).  相似文献   

China's textile and apparel industry suffered and unprecedented cold market for exports in the first quarter this year,the result of a few factors including;the appreciating RMB, decreasing export rebate rate, expanding influence of the U.S. subprime crisis, increasing costs of production and rising labor cost. The latest statistics, however, show that the textile and apparel exports in March increased by 40-50%,  相似文献   

It has only over a month's time left for China - ASEAN Free Trade Agreement to come into effect on January 1, 2010, thus, a more open and a large regional market will soon open to Chinese textile and garment industry. This may mean a gospel to Chinese textile industry in theory, under the increasingly grim trend of global trade protectionism.  相似文献   

Cotton is the single most important textile fiber in the world, accounting for nearly 40 percent of total world fiber production. While some 80 countries from around the globe produce cotton, the United States, China, and India together provide over half the world's cotton. This monthly update provides official CNTAC (China National Textile & Apparel Council ) data on China import and export of cotton yarn and cotton fabric, to show a general profile of China's foreign trade in current textile industry.  相似文献   

Cotton is the single most important textile fiber in the world,accounting for nearly 40 percent of total world fiber production.While some 80 countries from around the globe produce cotton,the United States,China,and India together provide over half the world's cotton.This monthly update provides official CNTAC (China National Textile & Apparel Council ) data on China import and export of cotton yarn and cotton fabric,to show a general profile of China's foreign trade in current textile industry.  相似文献   

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) shows that the reforming of Chinatextile industry is beneficial to producing new chances of increasing the export of Indian cotton yam and cloth to China. FICCI believes that China has the power of competing with international high quality textile cloth in the internationalmarket, and the intermediate production technique.  相似文献   

China and the USA have decided to start up the third round of negotiation on the textile issue in the recent future. Maybe there is some active significance to start up this round of negotiation in such an occasion, for China‘s central bank has launched a reform on the RMB exchange rate in July and appreciated RMB for 2%. In the meantime, Huo Jianguo, head of the Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, revealed that the trade surplus with the USA is expected to exceed US$90 billion this year.……  相似文献   

With the rapid development of textile industry, China's textile machinery industry also enjoys an occasion for development, and become the world'slargest textile machinery manufacturer. But the scale of China's textile machinery enterprises is small in general,  相似文献   

The fifth edition of China Outbound Travel and Tourism Mar- ket was held in Beijing on April 22, 2009. The past twelve months since the last COTTM turned to be a huge challenge for the travel and tourism industry. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the growth in international tourist arrivals has slowed down considerably due to the volatile and turbulent global economy. The final result for 2008 was an estimated growth of 2%, down from 7% in the previous year, but the forecast for 2009 is that the arrivals will be fiat at best and a few percent down at worst.  相似文献   

The Textile industry is one of the mainstay industries of the national economy and China should be counted as the top textile country in the world in terms of production scale of raw materials and finished products and huge textile consumption. The rapid development of production and the availability of more textiles have stepped up the Chinese people's advance to a well-offlivelihood.  相似文献   

OOctober 15 2008, China Unicorn merged with China Netcom, the latter declaring withdrawal from the market. Both agreed to rename "China Unicom Limited" as "China Unicorn (HongKong) Limited", which happened just after China Mobile had announced that would become its wholly-owned subsidiary and China Telecom had proclaimed that it would take over the CDMA business from China Unicorn since October 1 2008. It means that the "six to three" reorganization has finally become a reality and marks the beginning of an era of All-Service Operation for the telecom industry. The three new telecom operators will surely undergo profound changes in corporate strategy and operation areas. It is foreseeable that the merging of China Netcom with China Unicorn will rewrite the history of the development of China's telecom industry.  相似文献   

Textiles suffer turbulent year Usually high-flying foreign trade in the textile and garment industry had a bumpy year in 2009 as exports fell 10.1 percent to $167 billion,according to the statistics from China Customs. Sun Huaibin,spokesman of the China National Textile and Apparel  相似文献   

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