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According to China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, during the first half year of 2014, China's chemical fiber output has been keeping steady, the benefit has been turning better in comparison to the first quarter of this year, the new production of polyester amounted to 2.62 million tons, upstream suffered imbalance between supply and demand, and some large enterprises have been afflicted with capital chain issues etc. The association forecasts annual production will reach 43500 thousand tons, up by 6% roughly, the gross profit will increase over last year and the operational quality will improve.  相似文献   

During the first two months of 2011,China’s textile industry maintained stable growth but was exposed to natural disasters and political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa,the Reripheral pressure is increasing.The following is a review of Chinese textile industry’s performance during the first two months of 2011.  相似文献   

In Steady Growth     
With the economic recovery in major economies, the trend of urbanization and the expansion of domes- tic demand caused by a series of "microstimulation" policies, China's technical textile industry maintained a good momentum of development in first half of the year, with stable growth in production and export, enterprises' great enthusiasm in investment as well as good perfonnance of economic benefit, showing strong vitality and motive force of development.  相似文献   

In the first half of this year, China's bast textile industry was good in overall economic situation: business investment continued to increase and exports experienced structural adjustment, with transition from primary commodity to terminal product, and the apparel with bast textile continued to maintain its high growth. This series of good information was led by enterprises' increasing investment in technology and equipment of innovation, structure adjustment of industrial chain, as well as marketing publicity of China Bast & Leaf Fibers Textile Association on bast textile, which helps to consolidate overseas market, and gradually expand domestic market shares at the same time.  相似文献   

The yuan appreciation, together with the rising material and labor costs, China's industrial textiles factories feel the squeeze during the first half of 2008. But, the year of 2008 also witnessed a fast growing of industrial textiles after the snow havoc and earthquake.  相似文献   

The textile industry is growing at a slow speed against backdrop of outrageous rise in raw materials, energy, wages, yuan’s appreciation etc.. Three hot issues are more obviously brought into spotlight to be seen as most important factors that weigh a lot on the economic growth during the first half of the year and defi nitely the second half to come.A half of 2008 has elapsed, and the fore part of the year is mingled with hopes and worries, but the industry has managed to voyage on in the troubled waters. Reviewing the situation in perspectives, [[China Textile]] has summed up three hotspot issues that played protagonists in China’s textile industry: Firstly, outside-in sales from outbound shipment to homebound march on, secondly, the industry’s development is restricted by fund shortage; thirdly, the industrial adjustment and production relocation are still in progress.  相似文献   

It has been two years since the last edition of China International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens(CINTE)was held,and during this period,the whole industry of industrial textiles experienced steady and rapid development,both in technological innovation and in industry upgrading.Therefore,before CINTE 2014,an interview with Li Lingshen,the president of China Nonwovens&Industrial Textiles Association(CNITA)was made,to help exhibitors know about the current situation of the industry in detail.  相似文献   

Brazil and its Textile Industry
Brazil has successfully hosted the World Cup in 2014 and will hold the Olympic Games in 2016, and each time the world's eyes focus on the host. Along with the global spotlight on the nation, the economy is booming. In the first and the second month of 2014, the growth rate of national revenue has improved in comparison to the last year and the Brazilian government has offered more jobs than 2013 by 77% year on year.  相似文献   

China National Textile and Apparel Council(CNTAC)recentlyreleased the industry situation in first quarter of 2009.In the firsttwo months,the output,sale,imp.& exp.of textile industry grewat a slower pace than last year.Although the Chinese governmenthas published a series of policies for textile industry,the outcome ofthese fiscal polices tend to be small at this stage,since the effects offiscal policies in one country normally is hysteresial.  相似文献   

Textile Economy Recover in Jan./Feb. Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology recently released the consumergoods industry situation in Jan. and Feb. of2009. In the first two months, the industrialadded value of consumer goods increased7.4% to the same period of last year, or9.2% on the daily base. Encouraged bythe policies of enlarging domestic demand,textile industry recovered soon, but theexport situation was still not optimistic.  相似文献   

Research on general trends in the industry to promote cooperation and win-win,Analysis of China' s petroleum and chemical industries' 2010 economic performance,Analysis of the situation in the 12th Five-Year Plan period to seize market development opportunities  相似文献   

On November 7th, jnby by JNBY, the children's wear designer brand from JNBY held a fun-filled party with theme of "ride by dream" and Australian Merino wool sharing activity in Beijing. On that day, jnby by JNBY invited children to experience the catwalk and shoot of clothing and other activities. The children and parents completed the matching of cloth- ing together, with more emphasis on the details during the process rather than on the result.  相似文献   

Although the textile industry in Ghina wals beset by the problems of small domestic supplying capacily, rising total cost, and larger price difference of cotton between.ha.me and abroad, the industry was keeping carrying forward upgrading and trensforming, then realized smooth running as a whole in the first half year of 2014.  相似文献   

The Sxieter Group just released its results for the first half of 2014(H1 2014)and commented on these figures in a telephone conference.The market environment in which Rieter operates was consistently favorable in the firsthalf of 2014  相似文献   

On October 23rd, the 18th Ningbo International Fashion Festival raised the curtain grandly. As a local brand of Ningbo and one of regulars of Ningbo International Fashion Festival, Peacebird attended the exhibition as previous year, and it was the first time for Peacebird to appear in Fashion Festival with the new LOGO. Peacebird women's fashion, as one of the main brands of Peacebird, exhibited in the Festival again with new brand image, passing fashion culture of Peacebird.  相似文献   

In the second quarter of 2014, the world's economy continued a moderate recovery: re-acceleration of economic activity happened in the U.S., weak recovery continued in euro area, Japan's economic growth was diminishing, with recovery monlentunl weakening, and capital inflows has increased in emerging market economies, among which some economies were still facing economic downward pressure. Against the stabilized environment of international market de- mand, China's apparel export reached $ 79.85 billion, with year-onyear increase of 4.3%: textiles export totalized $ 56.54 billion, rising by 4.0%. Knitting industry achieved accumulative total export of $ 40.61 billion.  相似文献   

The production of silk industry was basically stable, but the economy still shouldered great downward pressure. From Jan. to June, the silk production totalized 79,165 tons, with year-on-year increase of 7.16%, according to the investigation of 406 up-scale silk reeling enterprises by the National Bureau of Statistics. In addition, the production of satins and silk quilt were nearly in the same level, and main business income and profit all achieved the growth of around 7%. In a word, silk industry was basically in stable economic situation.  相似文献   

Libya after Gaddafi: challenges and opportunities in oil markets
With Libya's new regime gradually established, China's petroleum enterprises are now faced with the issue of how to return to the country's oil market. Libya is expected to be in a fractious and chaotic period in the next few years. It will take from 1 to 2 years at least for foreign oil companies to return to Libya. Libya has tremendous market potential for oil investment and services. There are advantageous and disadvantageous to Chinese petroleum enterprise participation in the competition. China's petroleum enterprises have such competitive advantages as a good reputation in oil markets, good contractual relations, familiarity with the work environment, and strong operating capability. Meanwhile, they also face such adverse conditions as the new Libyan government's unfriendliness toward China, crowding out of the market by the western oil firms, very serious security problems, and slow recovery to original operation capability. Strategies and suggestions are provided: 1) restore legal and commercial standards to be prepared to grab market opportunities in Libya; 2) resume contact with Libya's national oil company and actively establish strategic cooperative relations with it; 3) restore and consolidate relationships between China's oil-service companies and Libyan clients and complete unfinished pre-war projects contracted with them; 4) prepare for post-war economic claims and reasonable tax avoidance; 5) recover and improve operating capability appropriate to the security situation.  相似文献   

In the first half year of 2014, domestic economy slowed down, while home textile industry continued to maintain steady progression, with the slow growth but steady development to present that the industry has entered a "new normal", as a new official explanation, which means in the new sphere, the middle growth rate instead of high-speed growth becomes a normal phenomenon.  相似文献   

To promote quality and brand upgrade by increasing the level of R & D and design, the concept of "Ningbo Fashion Week" was raised for the first time during the 18th Ningbo International Fashion Fesrival, bringing 19 shows of domestic and overseas design institutions, enterprises, new prominent designers and top brands.  相似文献   

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