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In the lOth Five-Year-Plan period, the textile industry will further underline the structural rationalization, and intensify the reform and renovation to set us a modern enterprise system, and encourage and direct the growth of the non-stateowned economy. And new & high-tech, will be applied to the traditional industry and the enough attention will be given to sourcing the new potentials for economic growth, and also to actively exploring the international and domestic market to  相似文献   

A year ago,the international financial crisis led to the sharp downturn of China's economic growth rate,and the textile industry experienced the most difficult year in the new century.Then,the Chinese government had published a series of policy for textile industry to help produc-  相似文献   

Textile Exporters Report Profit Shrinking in First Four Monthse Ministry of Industry & Infor-mation Technology recently released China Industry Economic Operation Report 2011 Spring Edition, whichestimated the steady growth of con-sumer product industry in the future.From Jan. to Apr, the industrialadded value of statistics-worthy con-sumer product industry rose 14.2%;that’s 1.4 percentage points lowerfrom a year ago. Of which, the pace  相似文献   

Recently China has released a plan for the development of its new strategic industries from now to the end of 2015, according to a latest statement released by the State Council. The plan indicates the goals for the strategic emerging industry in the future 5~10 years. The seven industries will maintain an average growth rate of more than 20 percent during the 2011-2015 period, the plan said. The seven new strategic industries include energy conservation and environment protection, new information technology, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, new energy and  相似文献   

Due to the increasing price of raw material,the appreciation of RMB and the change in draw- back tax policy,the tie producing industry of Shengzhou has met a new crossroad after 20 years’ development.The Shengzhou government is researching in the prospective development of tie industry,and has decided to implement the"Silk Expanding Project",whose goal is to form a silk industry base of China and even the world basing on the tie industry and other related textile industry.  相似文献   

According to the projections from relevant sources, in the next 50 years, the world fiber consumption will continue to grow at the rate of 2% annually, and the fiber growth will rely largely on the increased production of chemical fiber and other new fibers. And also from international sources, about a quarter of the existing yarn-spinning capacity is excessive, and 13% of the weaving capacity is also overloaded on a global basis. Therefore, it can be affirmed that in the early days of the new century, the market of China's textile machinery rests largely with the renovation and technical upgrading programs in the existing capacities in our textile industry, apart from a few capacity-in-creasing proiects  相似文献   

From Jan. to Jan. of the year of 2014, the overall operation of Textile Machinery industry saw a slight increase. The main business and profit of the textile machinery enterprises above designated size increased slightly but the scale of losses has been enlarged. The total imports and exports grow by 12.09%, with a slight year on year growth of imports by 5.04% and a significant year on year growth of exports by 24.52%. The fixed asset investment of textile machinery grows by as little as 1.08%, and the amount of new projects saw a year on year decrease by 0.96%.  相似文献   

In 2012,the overall economy of China’s textile industry ran into a warming interval and showed a moderate growth. The annual production scale, sales scale and investment scale continued to expanding. Exports maintained a moderate growth. Regional structure adjustment further accelerated. Industry profit had a little growth. Production had a year-on-year growth of 12.29% In 2012, the industry production scale  相似文献   

France will have a strong presence at Index to be held on April 15-18, a major event for the global nonwovens industry."With an average growth rate of 7% to 8%, the nonwoven industry  相似文献   

Not only the continuously rising op- eration rate, but also the obviously in- creasing economic benefit with an attrac- tive industrial profit growth margin of 51% showed the good performance of the MMF industry in the first six months, despite, the fluctuation of raw material price. Since July, the continuously soar- ing crude oil price drove the raw mate- rial price to a new surprising level; as a result, the growing production cost pres- sure would barricade the advancement of MMF industr…  相似文献   

It normally costs a long term for fabric manufacturers to develop a new product. The delay of marketing the innovative fabric not only affect the benefit of the textile mills, but also baffle the development of the industry. Shanghai Fabric Hall responses to this with a regular exhibition of  相似文献   

Performance of domestic market
The domestic consumer market has basically remained steady since the be- ginning of the year. Monthly, the growth of consumption has been steady and slowing down recently. The retail sales of consumer goods in October reached 2.4 trillion yuan, up 11.5% year on year, and 10.8% with price factors excluded. Totally, the consumption growth has re- mained steady. The total retail sales of consumer goods in January-October went up 12% year on year, the same as that of the first half year. While the growth of investment continued to fall, constlmp- tion has played the role of a stabilizer in economic growth. Following are the main characteristics of the consumer market in October.  相似文献   

During the first two months of 2011,China’s textile industry maintained stable growth but was exposed to natural disasters and political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa,the Reripheral pressure is increasing.The following is a review of Chinese textile industry’s performance during the first two months of 2011.  相似文献   

In November of 2012, the domestic apparel market continued to spending a lot of strength on promotions.The margin of year-on-year price growth reached a new low this year, while the growth speed of retail sales volume reached its highest level since the beginning of this year. The overall showed a trend of "price falling, volume rising". According to National Bureau of Statistics  相似文献   

In 2007,the total importation of our textile machinery amounts to US$4.948 billion,increased by 20.62%over the same period of the previous year,which turns out to be a new high in the year of textile machinery.Among the imported produc ts in 2007,different impor ted produc ts witness growths of various degrees. The large-scale impor t increase of tex tile machiner y indicates the acceleration of textile technology and upgrading of textile industry,and demonstrates that our textile machinery industry still keeps distance from the international advanced technology in terms of product level,product stability as well as the product reliability although the rapid improvement was made in manufacturing in Chinese textile machinery industry in the last few years.In addition,the possibility of RMB appreciation still exists.Import increase of textile machinery brings a new historical high in 2007.  相似文献   

Rising costs and an appreciation of the yuan currency are squeezing Chinese cotton textile companies,making nearly half of them wanting to quit,a new industry survey reveals.  相似文献   

The textile industry is growing at a slow speed against backdrop of outrageous rise in raw materials, energy, wages, yuan’s appreciation etc.. Three hot issues are more obviously brought into spotlight to be seen as most important factors that weigh a lot on the economic growth during the first half of the year and defi nitely the second half to come.A half of 2008 has elapsed, and the fore part of the year is mingled with hopes and worries, but the industry has managed to voyage on in the troubled waters. Reviewing the situation in perspectives, [[China Textile]] has summed up three hotspot issues that played protagonists in China’s textile industry: Firstly, outside-in sales from outbound shipment to homebound march on, secondly, the industry’s development is restricted by fund shortage; thirdly, the industrial adjustment and production relocation are still in progress.  相似文献   

The production of silk industry was basically stable, but the economy still shouldered great downward pressure. From Jan. to June, the silk production totalized 79,165 tons, with year-on-year increase of 7.16%, according to the investigation of 406 up-scale silk reeling enterprises by the National Bureau of Statistics. In addition, the production of satins and silk quilt were nearly in the same level, and main business income and profit all achieved the growth of around 7%. In a word, silk industry was basically in stable economic situation.  相似文献   

During the first three months of 2011, China’s textile industry maintained stable growth but was exposed to natural disasters, political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa as well as domestic inflation risk. The following is a review of Chinese textile industry’s investment activities in Q1.  相似文献   

The year of 2007 witnessed a fairly good economic performance in textile industry as a whole,resulting in industrial output value for 3080 billion yuan in the middle and big enterprises. The textiles and apparel export came up to $171.7 billion,18.86% up as against 2006. With this setting,the knitting industry in China also kept a growth momentum in 2007. From Jan. to  相似文献   

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