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在数字印刷技术被炒作得如火如荼的年代,作为印刷设备制造领域巨头之一的曼罗兰公司当然不会自甘人后.在进行了大量的市场调研和充分的技术准备之后,曼罗兰公司在Drupa 2000期间推出了自己的数字印刷机--DICOweb.作为第一台可重复成像的无版数字印刷机,这种设备神秘的面纱一经揭开,立刻引起了不小的轰动.不夸张地说,这种设备的问世,开创了短版彩色印刷的新时代.……  相似文献   

印刷与我们的生活息息相关,甚至成为现代生活中不可或缺的一部份——无论是报纸书刊、广告海报,还是产品包装,全都与印刷有着密不可分的关系。而我们每天都会接触到各式各样的印刷品。伴随着全球经济飞速增长,竞争越来越激烈,人们对印刷产品的需求不断提高,这不仅仅体现在数量上,更多地体现在对高品质印刷的追求上。整个印刷业界都迫切渴望找到以低成本、高效率产出优质印刷产品的“良方妙药”。曼罗兰作为全球领先的印刷设备制造商,将在“第六届北京国际印刷技术展览会”上展现其“印刷·生活无处不在”的“一站式”最佳解决方案,全面满足…  相似文献   

全球领先的印刷设备生产商曼罗兰,最近成功完成City4000胶装生产线落户江苏新华印刷厂的工作,并举办了隆重的展示典礼.  相似文献   

德国曼罗兰印刷机械股份公司是世界上第一大轮转印刷机制造厂商,迄今已走过155年的光辉历程。曼罗兰公司无论是在印机制造还是在印刷工艺研究领域均保持着多项专利。特别是在当今网络和多媒体迅猛发展的时代首次推出的无印版全数字化的DICOweb商业轮转印刷机,代表着曼罗兰  相似文献   

The Woolmark Company returned to Premi6re Vision in Paris from September 16th to 18th, showcasing Wool Denim, The Wool Lab Autumn/Winter 2015/16 and continued to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Woolmark brand. 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the iconic Woolmark brand and sees The Woolmark Company continuing to nurture and develop close relationships within the wool industry. As The Woolmark Company looks to the future it is looking to increase the market share of wool worn by an emerging segment of con- sumers who are experiencing a global trend towards casualiza- tion. New fabric innovations and developments are available to support this growing sector.  相似文献   

Wool textile industry has fallen victim to the global credit crisis and weaker demand. Many Chinese enterprises have felt the chill and decided to turn their eyes away from  相似文献   

采用微悬浮体化助剂YDR和微悬浮体染色工艺(MSD)对棉/毛混纺织物进行染色,在保护羊毛不受强碱、高温损伤的条件下,采用住友SS系列活性染料进行一浴一步染色,可获得棉毛同色织物。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了自动包装生产线的设计调试过程中针对产品的特性而进行的优化组合。用尽可能少的机械动作完成尽可能多的包装动作,同时又不能造成对矿棉吸音板本身损坏,该生产线投产后,在降低人工、提高产品质量上效果显著,并填补了国内的空白。  相似文献   

作为"法国文化年"的交流活动之一,法国高级时装公会组织了8位颇具实力的法国新锐设计师集体亮相中国国际时装周,在著名的法国LAFAYETTE(老佛爷)百货集团的全力资助下,他们于2004年11月20日晚在北京饭店联合举办了时装发布会.这场名为"Paris Collection in Beijing"的新锐作品秀让我们体验了法兰西的浪漫风情以及巴黎高级成衣的创新实质.  相似文献   

本文将毛纺织企业的技术具体化分为六个要素:技术人员、技术设备、技术知识、技术理念、技术管理、技术环境。对毛纺织企业进行技术整合,包括技术评价、技术选择、技术整合的模式及过程、技术整合绩效评价等内容。毛纺织企业要对技术进行整合,可根据技术六要素对技术进行详细的评价、鉴别,评价目标企业的技术先进程度,并考虑与自身企业技术的匹配性。结合毛纺织企业的特点,确立技术整合过程中的技术评价指标体系。对毛纺织企业技术的评价可以根据技术评价指标体系,采用综合评分法,以百分制记分,按四个步骤进行。  相似文献   

缆型纺纱技术在毛纺和棉纺中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缆型纺是环锭纺纱新技术,具有赛络纺和紧密纺的优点。本文论述了缆型纺在毛纺和棉纺上的应用、纱线特点以及需要进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

<正>在腈纶毛条生产过程中,质量控制的八项指标有:条重偏差、条重不均率、平均长度偏差率、长毛率、短毛率、毛粒、毛片、收缩率。这八项指标主要与原料、设备、工艺及操作密切相关。我厂毛条车间采用拉断法制条,主要流程如下:  相似文献   

The present article presents a conceptualization of how firms can respond to the issues of globalization and time‐based competition through the use of virtual global teams to foster successful global product launches. It is argued that by combining input, managerial, and transformation‐based competencies effectively, the firm can configure a repertoire of strategic choices (e.g., marketing plans throughout the product development process) based on the national competitive environment, while at the same time being mindful of the need to maintain consistency within the firm's intermediaries operations—both in product development and global product launch. It is further argued that the linkages between globalization and time‐based competition necessitate managerial adjustments in decision frameworks to incorporate accelerated timescapes to maximize effectiveness in global product launch. In an effort to capture the varying impact of time on global decision makers a timescapes perspective is employed, where timescapes are analogous to landscapes because they include the temporal features of socioeconomic events in a variety of socially constructed contexts inclusive of timeframe, tempo, degree of path dependency, synchronization of events, sequence, anticipation, and ubiquity. The recognition of timescapes accentuates the contextual complexity of competition and creates the interface among events, environments, and individuals beyond the traditional numeric concept of clock time, thus requiring modification of a manager's decision‐making perspective. Further, it is argued that due to the rapid pace of globalization, many multinationals in their global product launches require that products, services, technical support, and prices throughout the world need to be coordinated. To effectively accomplish this goal of coordination as an accommodation, firms and their networks can form global virtual teams (i.e., culturally diverse, geographically dispersed, electronically communicating work group of members, who think and act in concert with the diversity of the global environment and intermediary needs–expectations) to enhance global product launch success. Lastly, it is argued that the hypercompetitive global marketplace cannot be managed ex post due to the level of cognitive complexity but must be managed ex ante by developing strategies capable of maintaining flexibility. To accomplish the task of competing in a hypercompetitive landscape, management must understand and incorporate a timescape of events that integrates the various perspectives of those involved in the global product development and launch decision‐making processes. Without a well‐articulated perspective of social time, managers will limit their ability to effectively coordinate global product development and launch across markets, thus hindering the firm's ability to maximize returns.  相似文献   

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