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In Steady Growth     
With the economic recovery in major economies, the trend of urbanization and the expansion of domes- tic demand caused by a series of "microstimulation" policies, China's technical textile industry maintained a good momentum of development in first half of the year, with stable growth in production and export, enterprises' great enthusiasm in investment as well as good perfonnance of economic benefit, showing strong vitality and motive force of development.  相似文献   

In the first half of this year, China's bast textile industry was good in overall economic situation: business investment continued to increase and exports experienced structural adjustment, with transition from primary commodity to terminal product, and the apparel with bast textile continued to maintain its high growth. This series of good information was led by enterprises' increasing investment in technology and equipment of innovation, structure adjustment of industrial chain, as well as marketing publicity of China Bast & Leaf Fibers Textile Association on bast textile, which helps to consolidate overseas market, and gradually expand domestic market shares at the same time.  相似文献   

Since March llth the triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown) which occurred in Japan have caused significant economic loss. The disasters will hit the Japanese economy in the short-term, and boost the economy in the medium-term, but the long-term flat trend in Japan' s economy will not change. Japan' s earthquake won' t change the general trend of global economic recovery. It will bring advantages and disadvantages to China' s economy, although they will be limited. The earthquake has damaged Japan' s energy sector and will lead to supply and demand shifts in the global oil market.  相似文献   

The year of 2007 witnessed a fairly good economic performance in textile industry as a whole,resulting in industrial output value for 3080 billion yuan in the middle and big enterprises. The textiles and apparel export came up to $171.7 billion,18.86% up as against 2006. With this setting,the knitting industry in China also kept a growth momentum in 2007. From Jan. to  相似文献   

During the first half year of 2014, the global economy saw continuation of the weak recovery. Better recovery can be found among developed economies: the United States economy saw a continuation of recovery, as the growth of manufacturing and service sector accelerated, unemployment declined, economic growth momentum increased, demand pull increased, and consumption grew; Eurozone economic growth has seen many favorable factors, including the rapid rebound of industrial output, the growth of consumer confidence index, and the strengthening of consumer spending power; Japan, in spite of the growth of economy, has been subject to poor exporting, while theconsumption tax rate increase undermined the growth of consumption expenditures, thereby affecting enterprises to expand investment and weakening economic growth power; and the growth of emerging economies have been declining on general since last May, due to the withdraw of foreign investment from emerging markets and structural reforms lag etc.  相似文献   

Research on general trends in the industry to promote cooperation and win-win,Analysis of China' s petroleum and chemical industries' 2010 economic performance,Analysis of the situation in the 12th Five-Year Plan period to seize market development opportunities  相似文献   

Libya after Gaddafi: challenges and opportunities in oil markets
With Libya's new regime gradually established, China's petroleum enterprises are now faced with the issue of how to return to the country's oil market. Libya is expected to be in a fractious and chaotic period in the next few years. It will take from 1 to 2 years at least for foreign oil companies to return to Libya. Libya has tremendous market potential for oil investment and services. There are advantageous and disadvantageous to Chinese petroleum enterprise participation in the competition. China's petroleum enterprises have such competitive advantages as a good reputation in oil markets, good contractual relations, familiarity with the work environment, and strong operating capability. Meanwhile, they also face such adverse conditions as the new Libyan government's unfriendliness toward China, crowding out of the market by the western oil firms, very serious security problems, and slow recovery to original operation capability. Strategies and suggestions are provided: 1) restore legal and commercial standards to be prepared to grab market opportunities in Libya; 2) resume contact with Libya's national oil company and actively establish strategic cooperative relations with it; 3) restore and consolidate relationships between China's oil-service companies and Libyan clients and complete unfinished pre-war projects contracted with them; 4) prepare for post-war economic claims and reasonable tax avoidance; 5) recover and improve operating capability appropriate to the security situation.  相似文献   

January to April this year, the economic operation of China’s textile industry overall in slowdown trend, the growth rate of output of major products fell significantly, exports and profits were greatly affected, the textile industry is facing great operating pressure. The export side, Japan, EU, U.S. textile and garment export growth has slowed down, the market share  相似文献   

Textile industry has long been a pillar to China’s economy thanks to its advantage in factor endowment and market scale. Trade volume of textile sector has increased by 27.11 times during the past 25 years (from the Reform and Opening). In 2005, textile export took up 15.4% of China’s total export and 24.4% of the world’s total export in textile, and the production and export of Chinese textile products are both the largest in the world. Nonetheless, China’s textile industry is facing va…  相似文献   

As the Chinese textile industry is concerned, along with the further adjustments of the economy of China and the termination of the domestic cotton purchasing and storage policy, there is not any recovery in the second quarter of 2014 as expected. As for China's filament weaving industry, each index lacked of motivation in growth, corporate founding rate has dropped and the exporting was acceptable, but the domestic market was still sluggish.  相似文献   

Performance of domestic market
The domestic consumer market has basically remained steady since the be- ginning of the year. Monthly, the growth of consumption has been steady and slowing down recently. The retail sales of consumer goods in October reached 2.4 trillion yuan, up 11.5% year on year, and 10.8% with price factors excluded. Totally, the consumption growth has re- mained steady. The total retail sales of consumer goods in January-October went up 12% year on year, the same as that of the first half year. While the growth of investment continued to fall, constlmp- tion has played the role of a stabilizer in economic growth. Following are the main characteristics of the consumer market in October.  相似文献   

At the same time of the fall of China’s domestic market growth momentum,China’s export market has also been and downturn in the international market demand affecting  相似文献   

In 2007, the export of textile machinery products continued to keep a rapidly increasing trend. In accordance with the statistics from the custom, as of December this year, the value of exported textile machinery products was USD1.528 billion, increased by 23.54% over the previous year. Except that the export of nonwoven cloth machinery products reduced to a certain degree compared with that in 2006, the export of other varieties of products increased greatly. The export of textile machinery products had been remaining relatively rapid growth since 2000. During this period, the structure of exported products has changed continuously, so do export enterprises. There are still many problems in export of textile machinery products, and manufacturers of textile machinery products should improve and advance continuously. However, on the whole, the integrated and international competitiveness of textile machinery products is enhanced, so is the internationalization level of manufacturers of textile machinery products.  相似文献   

Focusing on risk factors while pursuing of development in an uneven recovery--roundup of international topics addressed at a seminar on the 2011 oil market outlook By staff reporter Huang Jiayin The Petroleum Economics Commission of the Chinese Petroleum Society and the editorial department of "International Petroleum Economics" held a seminar on the oil market outlook for 2011 in Beijing on December 8-9, 2010. Expert participants believed the world economy is facing many risks. The road through uneven global recovery takes many twists and turns. The 2011 world economic outlook is not optimistic.  相似文献   

A total of 64.032 US billion dollars went to the pocket of China textile and garment exports for the first half of 2006. Except February, each month achieved an 11 digit in export value and Miss June got a staggering 13 billion votes alone, and Guangdong remains on its number onespot for having the most exported textile and garment goods which toted up to $14.98 billion. Table 1 shows a 68.31% of growth rate for non-state owned textile and garment ex- port firms and since the beginning of 20…  相似文献   

Since the end of 2007, domestic macro economic environment, along with several unstable overseas market elements, stroke the textile and apparel export in China seriously. However, on September 17-20, the 2008 China Textile & Apparel Trade  相似文献   

Exports show recovery signs as policiescome to the foreDuring the first three months of the year 2009。China's textile andgarment total exports was 34.932 billion USD,dropping 9.29 percent,which already shows a little recovery,of which,textile exports plummeted15.831 percent to 12.887 billion USD;Garment exports decreasedby 4.98 percent to 22.045 billion USD.Although the export shows a little recovery signs as policies cometo the fore,it is still falter.Apparel exports have decreased by approximately24.8...  相似文献   

2011 First Half China Garment Industry Report Exports Grew at a Slower Pace China Customs reported the garment & accessories export value of $51.286 billion for the first five months of this year, up 23.12% y/y, accounting for 56.28 percent of the total, 5% lower than the previous year’s points.Despite sales prices increase, sales volume remain stable. From Jan. to May  相似文献   

PrefaceChinese textile industry, a tradi- tional pillar in the national economy and a very competitive sector for its comparative advantage that displays in international market. It has been playing a very important role in aspects of employment, farmers' income, capital accumulation, export earnings, boosting m a r k e t p r o s p e r i t y , e s c a l a t i n g urbanization, pushing forward the related industrial sectors and facilitating regional economic growth. Nevertheless, the structural…  相似文献   

Price rise serves the major factor stimulating the exports growth of the Chinese textile industry,which reported a better-than-expected export value of $49.866 billion for the first three months of this year,up 23.68% y/y.Meanwhile,Chinese textile industry is still exposed to various problems.An unrelenting rise in the cost of raw materials and labor as well as appreciating yuan will further slash the marginal profitability of textile makers.  相似文献   

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