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2000版ISO/DIS900族标准中提出的入项质量管理原则,是在94版基础上 新增一的个重要内容。通过对这八项质量管理原则在实验室管理中的适用性进行探讨,阐述了这八项质量管理原则不仅是贯彻ISO9000族标准的组织改进质量体系的指导,也为按实验室认可准则建立质量体系的实验室,提出了一个不断完善和改进其质量体系的管理思路,是可以在实验室管理中充分运用的准则。  相似文献   

持续改进总体业绩是任何一个组织的永恒目标。随着外部环境及人们对产品和服务要求的变化,组织应不断改进其质量管理体系,提高产品及服务质量,使顾客满意,从而增强竞争力。要达到此目的,一个重要的环节就是做好监视测量工作,找出改进点。2000版标准对监视测量工作提出了更高的要求,增加  相似文献   

2000版ISO9000族标准着重强调过程的监视、测量、分析和改进,我院在转版工作启动以来,就注意加强这方面工作,按八项质量管理原则,围绕生产对进度和技术质量进行全过程跟踪管理,积极关注顾客要求,多渠道收集信息,统计分析,采取措施,持续改进,在促进生产进度、确保工程质量、提高顾客满意度等方面取得了一定的成效。现将我院的一些主要做法介绍如下。  相似文献   

1积极推行全面质量管理和ISO9000族标准。努力提高勘探开发质量水平 积极贯彻ISO9000族标准.加快与困际惯例接轨步伐。在按照2000版ISO9000族标准质量体系换证之际、致力于存提高认证有效性上下功夫,通过采取改进体系、修改文件、加强内部审核、管理评审和对认证机构.咨询机构的考核、评价等一系列措施,使20个获得质量体系认证的单位认证保持率达100%,并全部顺利通过了2000版换证。  相似文献   

北京市水利规划设计研究院从1998年开始依据ISO9001﹕1994标准建立质量体系,1999年11月通过94版认证。ISO9000族2000版标准发布后,我院以持续改进为目标,紧密追踪标准换版动态,积极策划、实施质量管理体系的换版工作。经过一年来的培训、文件改版和发布运行,于2002年10月通过了由北京中水源禹质量体系认证中心对我院实施的复评、换版审核,获得2000版质量管理体系认证证书,完成了对我院质量管理体系的一次系统提升和全面改进。 1 合理策划换版时机 随着GBT19001-2000/ISO9001﹕2000标准的正式发布,我院开始策划质量体系的换版时机…  相似文献   

江苏省水利勘测设计研究院自1998年开始依据IS09001:1994标准建立了质量体系,于2000年12月7日通过认证。IS09000族2000版标准发布后,江苏院又以持续改进为目的,紧密追踪标准换版动态,积极策划、实施质量管理体系的换版工作。一年来,经过培训、文件编写、文件换版及发布、运行,于2003  相似文献   

20 0 0版ISO/DIS 90 0 0族标准中提出的八项质量管理原则 ,是在 94版基础上新增的一个重要内容。通过对这八项质量管理原则在实验室管理中的适用性进行探讨 ,阐述了这八项质量管理原则不仅是贯彻ISO 90 0 0族标准的组织改进质量体系的指导 ,也为按实验室认可准则建立质量体系的实验室 ,提出了一个不断完善和改进其质量体系的管理思路 ,是可以在实验室管理中充分运用的准则。  相似文献   

浙江省水利水电勘测设计院于1997年通过1994版质量体系的首次认证,2003年结合复评进行了2000版质量管理体系的换版审核,2000版标准明确要求“应确保在组织的相关职能和层次上建立质量目标,……。质量目标应是可测量的,并与质量方针保持一致”。根据标准的以上要求,2002  相似文献   

一个组织贯彻实施ISO90000标准,并获得第三方认证注册的资格,标志着该组织的质量管理水平达到了一个新的高度.认证的目的,不仅仅是取得参与国际化大市场竟争的通行证,更在于以贯标认证为契机,使组织在管理、技术、质量、服务等诸方面发生质的飞跃.组织进行ISO9000标准的贯标认证,一般要经过初始诊断和质量体系模式标准的选取、宣贯标准、教育培训、质量体系文件的编写和发布实施、接受审核等阶段.内部质量体系审核(即:内审)则是ISO9000标准贯标认证工作的一个十分重要的环节,是一项重要的质量要素,是确保质量体系持续有效运行的关键,是组织要实现其质量方针所规定目标的一个重要管理手段.依据ISO9000标准开展内部质量体系审核,重点要抓好以下几项工作.  相似文献   

质量目标是ISO9000:2000标准中对组织从质量管理体系策划、产品实现过程控制到管理评审贯穿始终的一项要求,是搞好质量管理体系运行的纲;阐释了质量方针和质量目标的文件形式;从5个方面介绍了制定质量目标应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

人为万物之灵.对人的认识,非一朝一夕之功.一则对人的内心不容易看见和识别,即知人知面不知心;二则人的内心是会变化的,即往往是"子系中山狼,得志便猖狂".  相似文献   

The venting and control strategies of a Magnesium Grignard formation reaction were assessed by theoretical predictions of the exotherm and the reaction rate, by simple laboratory measurements of the self heat rate, and by Leung's simplified equations and SAFIRE evaluations, based on DIERS methods. SAFIRE computations showed that the 150 mm dia vent was capable of keeping the reactor pressure below its maximum (MAWP) of 860 kPa for the worst-case exotherm. The response to this evidence was to increase safety protection in the automatic control strategy, following a quantified fault tree analysis of the worst-case runaway scenario.  相似文献   

A recent article [Stevenson and Page, Industrial Marketing Management 8, 94–100 (1979)] addressed the issue of how industrial marketers determine if their firms can use national account marketing. Once that decision is made, a next logical step is to determine which customers should be classified as national accounts. This article discusses appropriate classification criteria that industrial marketers can use to make such decisions. The information presented here is based on a study of national account marketing.  相似文献   

We provide a new model wherein firms of different productivities survive in an industry despite the threat of entry by high productivity firms. We demonstrate that an efficient incumbent has a unilateral incentive to establish a relational contract, softening price competition to strengthen its inefficient rival in a war of attrition that emerges post-entry, and raising the price of the inefficient firm in the acquisition market. We show that this equilibrium gives rise to persistent performance differences, market compression, and stability in the identity of firms in the market. Moreover, the relational contracting equilibrium is facilitated by strong anti-trust laws.  相似文献   

Abstract: An information system which is designed for and is being implemented at Marmara Scientific and Industrial Research Institute, Turkey, is described. The basic objectives of the system are to provide for a continuous review of the activities carried out at the Institute based on quantitative as well as qualitative information and to facilitate the gathering of timely and accurate information required by the organizations with which the Institute is affiliated.  相似文献   

The Supreme Court’s reasoning in Leegin turned on the insight that manufacturers may use resale price maintenance (RPM) for procompetitive purposes. This paper presents a model of manufacturer-retailer interactions that clarifies why, as a rule, retailers and manufacturers are joint beneficiaries of service-inducing RPM. The model identifies factors that determine how RPM-generated benefits are allocated between a manufacturer and its retailers. The paper then shows that manufacturers may use market share discounts (MSD) in lieu of RPM or other vertical restraints to induce retailer performance. The outcomes and efficiency effects that are achieved with RPM can be replicated and usually surpassed if manufacturers substitute MSD for RPM, thereby enabling a manufacturer to retain all incremental profit rather than conceding some of it to retailers.  相似文献   

A preferred customer is a buying organization who receives better treatment than other customers from a supplier, in terms of product quality and availability, support in the sourcing process, delivery or/and prices. The decision to become a preferred customer implies a continuous commitment by the purchaser to a complex, expensive and often uncertain process. It is important to use a strategic approach, as well as appropriate tactics. Based on well-known models on the development of buyer-supplier relationship, on customer portfolio analysis and on the emergent literature in customer attractiveness and preferred customer status, we suggest four steps to become – and remain – a preferred customer: initial attraction, performance, engagement and sustainability. The process takes the perspective of a buyer willing to obtain the preferential status and focuses on the strategies and tactics that could influence the supplier's decision of granting this status. The proposed process considers that the supplier is continuously comparing the value offered by the customer to its expectations, and to the value offered by other customer relationships.  相似文献   

本文研究了由1个制造商和1个零售商组成的供应链中的竞争与合作定价问题,其中制造商具有平台直销渠道。本文建立了竞争下的Stackelberg博弈模型,并分析了解的唯一性和合理性,然后给出合作定价模型和各渠道的定价策略,结果表明制造商和零售商最优策略是降低线下渠道销售价格而线上平台销售价格不变。通过对比表明供应链合作所增加的收益等于非合作下零售商的收益,并证明了顾客对线下渠道购买偏好越高,合作所增加的收益越大。进一步地,分析了在合作的情况下制造商是否放弃通过平台直销渠道销售商品的问题,并给出双渠道下供应链总利润比单渠道下总利润高的判定条件。最后给出一个算例,对所获得的结论进行验证和补充。  相似文献   

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