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房地产投资信托基金(REITs)是一种投资工具,主要是专注于房地产或房地产相关的资产。本文介绍了美国的REITs及市场表现以及REITs产品在美国的税收待遇与监管未来,指出未来还要进一步评估REITs的风险和对于投资者的风险。  相似文献   

市场风险是REITs(房地产投资信托基金)的主要风险来源。本文把证券风险管理的VaR(在险价值)引入REITs风险管理,并通过数据和实证的方法验证在我国房地产市场进行VaR历史模拟法进行风险管理的效果,希望对房REITs监控市场价格风险起到指导作用。  相似文献   

不动产投资信托基金(REITs)发行与交易中的折溢价现象在境外市场中广泛存在,其背后揭示了REITs产品独特的风险逻辑。本文的理论分析指出,REITs特异性的多层委托代理结构、底层资产与宏观经济的联动性以及金融投机行为所产生的风险可以帮助理解REITs的折溢价问题。基于此,本文选取和境内市场较为相近的中国香港与新加坡REITs市场为主要样本,构建了多元回归模型,对影响REITs一级和二级市场折溢价的潜在风险因素进行了实证分析。最后,本文还对比分析了目前境内REITs市场折溢价现象的特殊之处,并针对上述风险,为当下蓬勃发展的我国REITs市场提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

REITs包括基础设施REITs都是在经济亟需刺激政策的背景下,各国政府为了实现经济政策目标而推出的,部分市场甚至由政府直接推动首批REITs上市。从国际市场发展现状看,主要的基础设施REITs市场都实现了良性循环,资本市场为基础设施融资和发展提供了强有力支持。从国际经验看,REITs立法的逻辑起点可以分为两大类,一类是将REITs定位成传递工具,一类是将REITs定位成集合投资工具,对应的免税政策也分别有两种不同逻辑。为促进基础设施REITs有序发展,兼顾投融资双方利益,本文提出了相应的法规政策原则和具体建议,包括如何处理好R E I T s法规与其他法规的关系,金融监管部门和其他政府部门的关系,发行人和投资者的关系,如何充分利用现有的金融市场法规和金融市场结构,以及会计准则调整和投资者保护等。本文还分析了资本弱化结构,建议在公募REITs中予以细化规定。  相似文献   

不动产投资信托基金(REITs)市场具有改善经济金融结构、助推经济发展及转型升级等重要功能。当前,我国发展REITs市场对微观主体、中观行业和宏观经济都有积极作用,不仅可以盘活存量资产、填补金融供需缺口,也有利于引导居民长期投资和长期资本的集聚,满足财富管理的配置需求,更是我国经济集约化、包容式发展的客观需要。全球REITs市场发展和立法实践表明,发展REITs市场需要健全的法律规制基础,包括组织形式、权利边界、产融结合、税收优惠、联动监管等。本文研究发现,全球REITs市场发展的若干关键点值得重视,包括确保资产安全、禁止欺诈行为、明晰资产边界和定价、运作公开透明、注重投资者保护等;发展我国REITs市场则需要进一步明确证券属性,明晰产品法律责任边界和覆盖,完善内部控制及治理机制,注重发挥产融结合的各自专业优势,提供税收政策支持。  相似文献   

文章梳理了房地产投资信托基金的勃兴与问题,从类REITs法律结构、类REITs税收制度分析了我国类REITs的法律结构及其税法困境与成因,并借鉴美国、日本、新加坡REITs税收制度的成功经验,提出构建完善的信托税收体系、确立税收中性与税收穿透的基础性地位、出台针对REITs产品的专项税收法律法规、制定适当的税收优惠或税收递延政策等我国REITs税收制度改进的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对中国市场上类REITs典型案例的分析研究发现,与国内近年来房价增速和国外REITs收益率相比,类REITs产品的收益率较低,三个因素可能影响收益率:(1)大部分类REITs产品更接近一种发行人的抵押融资方式,投资人得到的一般是较低的固定利率;(2)类REITs产品内部治理结构的"委托-代理"关系会产生道德风险的问题;(3)没有类REITs相关的税收优惠政策,过低的租金收入导致类REITs收益率相对偏低。  相似文献   

合伙企业,是指依照《合伙企业法》在中国境内设立的由两个或两个以上的合伙人共同出资(或劳务)、共同经营、以盈利为目的企业。在我国,合伙企业有两种组织形式:普通合伙企业和有限合伙企业。根据《合伙企业法》的规定,合伙企业应当依照法律、法规的规定建立企业会计制度。然而,在实际会计工作中,合伙企业执行何种会计制度、合伙企业的所有者权益核算有何特别之处,以及合伙企业的所得税账务处理等问题,鲜有明确的规范。笔者结合执业中的学习体会和总结,谈谈个人一些粗浅看法,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

对不动产投资信托基金(REITs)资产合理估值是防范市场风险、推动市场长期健康发展的重要内容。本文以REITs产权类资产的估值方法为基础,结合评估实践,提出收益年期、运营毛收入、出租率、租金增长率、运营净收入以及报酬率等核心参数的选取原则和方法,并分析其在REITs产权类资产估值中的应用情况和效果。结果表明,在本文提出的核心参数选取方法下,REITs产权类资产估值具备合理性,可进一步将其推广运用在REITs产权类资产评估工作中。  相似文献   

周菲  赵亮 《武汉金融》2021,(4):25-35
传统研究认为房地产投资信托基金(REITs)属于不动产证券化的产品,与股票市场的相关度不高,因此能够起到分散风险的作用。本文以次贷危机为背景,从市场的整体表现、不同投资组合的抗冲击能力及市场间的风险传染性等角度出发,选取典型国家REITs市场的数据进行风险抵御能力研究。通过实证研究发现,REITs在金融危机发生时对于投资者而言并不是一个良好的避风港。从市场表现、与股票市场的协动性风险及地区间风险传染性来看,在市场动荡阶段REITs的不稳定性均显著增加,与以往REITs市场高收益低风险的特点相违背。此外,本文发现在REITs市场中存在羊群效应,并且这种效应具有不对称性,在市场下跌阶段更加显著。  相似文献   

综合化经营模式下商业银行的合规风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛筱颖  曹艳华 《金融论坛》2006,11(11):36-41
随着综合化经营的发展,为更有效地进行全面风险管理,一些国家开始要求银行主动合规。与专业银行相比,综合经营的银行要面临更多机构监管,合规管理难度加大。国际银行业管理合规风险的方法和机构设置尽管各不相同,但基本上都包括高管层的总体把握、合规部门的具体管理与协调以及全体员工参与这三个层次。由于我国对合规管理的重视才刚刚开始,综合化经营后的商业银行还将面临法规缺位、监管不一致、合规管理能力不够等问题,这需要银行自身加强合规意识,树立流程管理理念、切实发挥合规部门作用;监管部门也要尽快完善法规、改进三大监管机构的协调机制,保持监管的一致性。  相似文献   

本文总结了一些主要发达国家和地区在房地产投资信托(REITs)发展中为保护投资者利益所采取的一系列措施,包括相关法律法规、经营活动限制等。针对我国发展REITs面临的一些困难,本文提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

Extreme risks associated with extraordinary market conditions are catastrophic for all investors. The ongoing financial crisis has perfectly exemplified this point. Surprisingly, there are few studies exploring this issue for REITs. This study aims to close the knowledge gap. We conduct a comprehensive study by utilizing all three methodological categories to examine their forecasting performances of VaR and ES for nine major global REIT markets. Our findings indicate that there is no universally adequate method to model extreme risks across global markets. Also, estimating risks for the stock and REIT markets may require different methods. In addition, we compare the risk profiles between the stock and REIT markets, and find that the extreme risks for REITs are generally higher than those of stock markets. The fluctuations of risk levels are well synchronized between the two types of markets. The current crisis has significantly increased the extreme risk exposure for both REIT and stock investors. In all, our results have significant implications for REIT risk management, portfolio selection, and evaluation.  相似文献   

Innovation technologies have substantially changed commerce and society. A new financial industry in the form of financial technology (fintech) initiated the era of the digital economy. At the same time, inherent risks in technology-driven financial innovations, such as technical risks, information asymmetry, and even potential systemic risks, necessitate regulatory responses. However, insufficient regulatory techniques, outdated financial laws, and conservative regulatory concepts make it difficult for traditional regulations based on financial intermediaries to adapt to the current environment of decentralized financial transactions. Technology-driven regulations focused on data monitoring could be a remedy for the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of traditional financial regulations and enhance effective protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests. This new regulatory model aims to build a system that integrates equal access to information on blockchain transactions by both parties to it (i.e., the regulators and the financial institutions they regulate) for the purpose of oversight, intelligent real-time oversight, and an experimental sandbox for developing regulatory technology. This dynamic and flexible financial regulatory system could effectively address fintech risks.  相似文献   

We examine the relation of time-varying idiosyncratic risk and momentum returns in REITs using a GARCH-in-mean model and incorporate liquidity risk in the asset pricing model. This is important because illiquidity may be more severe for REITs due to the nature of their underlying assets. We find that momentum returns display asymmetric volatility, i.e., momentum returns are higher when volatility is higher. Additionally, we find evidence that REITs with lowest past returns (losers) have higher idiosyncratic risks than those with highest past returns (winners) and that investors require a lower risk premium for holding losers’ idiosyncratic risks. Therefore, although losers have higher levels of idiosyncratic risks, their low risk premia cause low returns, which contribute to momentum. Lastly, we find a positive relation between REITs’ momentum return and turnover.  相似文献   

We study the relationship between the excess returns of REITs and volatilities of macroeconomic factors in developing markets (Bulgaria and South Africa) and a ‘benchmark’ developed market (USA). As expected, our results generally indicate that conditional volatilities of macroeconomic risks, extracted through the GARCH (1,1) process, are time-varying. GARCH coefficients are largely significant for excess returns and retained principal components implying conditional time-varying volatility. We use the GMM to examine the linkage between volatilities of macroeconomic variables and REITs returns. The general result here is that macroeconomic risk cannot explain excess returns on REITs. However, we document a positive relationship between variability in REITs returns and the real economy for the US. US REITs portfolio managers and investors should be wary of fluctuations in these variables as they may accentuate volatility in REITs returns.  相似文献   

基础设施公募RE I Ts是改善城镇化投融资机制、盘活基础设施存量资金、防范化解城镇化债务风险的重要创新。但是,现行制度安排对REITs的税收中性、法律框架、市场流动性等中长期发展因素的考虑存在不足,这可能带来摊薄REITs产品投资收益、加大治理与监管成本、制约市场可持续发展等问题,亦对城镇化区域均衡发展产生不确定影响。建议在结合国外经验和中国国情的基础上,加快推动REITs税收优惠政策落地,研究制定“REITs管理条例”等法律体系,完善二级市场建设和流动性培育,优化基础设施公募REITs支持新型城镇化的空间布局。  相似文献   

REITs具有“长期收益率高于股票、波动性低于股票”的风险/收益特征,更为重要的是REITs与股票、债券的相关系数低。机构投资者的传统组合中通常只包括债券、股票类证券,加AREITs可使组合优化,即组合有效边界向左上方移动,意味着在相同风险水平下,增加REITs后的组合可获得更高收益,或是为取得相同收益水平,增加REITs后的组合只承担更低风险。  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between the distribution of capital to real estate investors and a market-based measure of information asymmetry. Previous research suggests that information asymmetries decrease as capital is distributed to outside investors. However, little attention has been given to those firms for which the marginal benefit of increased distributions may be small. Our analyses are based on a sample of real estate investment trusts (REITs), which are popularly characterized as high yield investments due to the regulation of a minimum distribution policy. The extent to which information asymmetry is influenced by these regulations, as well as by the opaque nature of the underlying assets, is an interesting empirical question. The results based on several years of data indicate that the perception of asymmetric information is lower for REITs that distribute more capital to their shareholders. A decomposition of yield into income and return-of-capital components reveals no differential effect in information relevance. The insights drawn from the results may be useful in determining the efficacy of real estate capital distribution policies and regulations.  相似文献   

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