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由中国汽车新闻工作者协会主办、万安集团有限公司承办的“中国汽车零部件发展趋势高层论坛”会,于2月19日在浙江省诸暨市举行。  相似文献   

题记:安徽华菱汽车集团公司董事长、总经理刘汉如说:“拥有自主品牌比什么都重要”。  相似文献   

“国外对我国技术抄袭制裁的事件,让许多零部件企业看到自主研发是必然要走的路。”瑞立集团总裁助理徐本光深有感触地说。  相似文献   

受到2017年中国汽车市场整体增速下降影响,2017年中国汽车自主品牌乘用车市场增速也随之下降。在这种情况下,中国汽车自主品牌发展创新既存在着极大的动力,也面临不小的阻力。其主要问题主要表现在:品牌战略不清晰、创新人才不足和缺乏科技创新能力。针对这种情形,中国汽车自主品牌发展创新可从发展自主品牌战略、大力培养科学技术人才、加强科技创新和大力发展新能源汽车来实施。  相似文献   

陕西重型汽车集团经历了所有国企都经历过的创业艰辛和经济转型过程的阵痛,业内很多人甚至认为这个企业会活不下去。但陕汽集团如今是中国500强企业,陕汽董事长张玉浦认为,是创新为企业发展开创出广阔的空间。  相似文献   

当有人请杨钊为自己的成功之路总结几句话时,这位“香港裤王”——香港旭日集团的掌门人,拥有几十亿资产的佛教徒说:佛祖说人生有八万四千个烦恼,怎么可以用几句话解决所有问题?不同的问题要用不同的方法解决,要切合实际解决问题,只有不断学习、努力创新,这才是根本。  相似文献   

9月21日,当本刊记者从北京抵达重庆的时候,已经是深夜时分.此时的尹家绪还在上海,这一天是长安福特新款车“福克斯”正式上市的日子.2001年4月25日,福特汽车公司和长安汽车集团成立了长安福特汽车有限公司,双方各拥有50%的股份,专业生产满足中国消费者需求的轿车.  相似文献   

发展自主品牌关乎国家利益与民族兴衰 中国汽车工业发展速度很快,但同时人均拥有车辆和世界上还有很大差距.说明中国汽车市场发展潜力很大.生产量大,实际竞争能力到底是不是第一呢7作为汽车工业.真正的实力不仅是看数量,而且要看是不是能够自己掌控,自我完善.快速持续健康地发展.  相似文献   

本文利用中国分地区工业企业面板数据,应用随机前沿形式的知识生产函数,实证检验了自主研发、协同创新与外资引进三种研发投入模式对技术导向和市场导向技术创新的影响。研究发现,就全国整体而言,自主研发、协同创新与外资引进对技术导向技术创新均有显著的正向影响,且企业吸收能力的提高有利于外资引进功效的发挥,但却抑制了协同创新的技术导向创新绩效;自主研发与外资引进对市场导向技术创新有显著的正向影响,而协同创新的作用并不明显,且企业吸收能力的增强有利于协同创新市场绩效的提高,却不利于外资引进市场绩效的提升。三种模式的投入功效在东、中、西三大地区间具有差异。  相似文献   

如果奇瑞知道了菲亚特已经把阿尔法·罗密欧166平台卖给了广州汽车工业集团有限公司,会不会不高兴呢?毕竟奇瑞董事长尹同耀曾经很希望能与菲亚特共同参与阿尔法·罗密欧最新平台车型的开发。  相似文献   

过去的五年,国内客车行业风云变幻、阴晴不定,然而宇通这艘航船却始终保持着较高的速度,平稳快速地破浪前行。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine Sweden's Vision Zero road safety policy. In particular, the paper focuses on how safety issues were framed, which decisions were made, and what are the distinctive features of Vision Zero. The analysis reveals that the decision by the Swedish Parliament to adopt Vision Zero as Sweden's road safety policy was a radical innovation. The policy is different in kind from traditional traffic safety policy with regard to problem formulation, its view on responsibility, its requirements for the safety of road users, and the ultimate objective of road safety work. The paper briefly examines the implications of these findings for national and global road safety efforts that aspire to achieving innovative road safety policies in line with the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, declared by the United Nations General Assembly in March 2010.  相似文献   

随着这两年我国SUV热的火速升温,关注汽车的人如今多数都听说过SUV——“Sport Utility Vehicle”,并且可以迅速地从车流中、车市上将这种轮廓硬朗、个性鲜明的运动型多用途车指点出来。不过,相信大多数人都不知道我国SUV最初是由另一车种——皮卡改装而来的,自然真正了解皮卡的人则是更少了。  相似文献   

Speed has been determined to be one of the most common contributing factors in vehicle crashes. This study explores vehicle speed as a factor in the causation of road traffic crashes, using the example of Ghana. It examines the effectiveness of various speed control measures, based on policereported traffic crashes in Ghana and published works on speed control measures in both industrialized and developing countries. In Ghana, pedestrians were the main victims of road traffic injuries. The dominant driver error assigned by traffic police was loss of control, with the underlying factor being excessive vehicle speeds. The ‘speed factor’ alone accounted for more than 50% of all Ghanaian road traffic crashes between 1998 and 2000. While the enforcement of speed limits by traffic police may not be affordable for most developing countries, rumble strips and speed humps were found to be effective on Ghanaian roads. Rumble strips installed on the main Accra-Kumasi highway reduced crashes by about 35% and fatalities by about 55%. Reducing vehicle speeds may be one of the most effective interventions to stem traffic crashes in low-income countries. However, setting lower speed limits is not an effective intervention without the traffic law enforcement resources to ensure that limits are followed. Developing countries must also look to other speed reduction measures such as speed bumps and rumble strips, roads that segregate high- and low-speed users, and technological solutions such as speed governors, as well as greater public awareness of the problem.  相似文献   

6月23日,中国重型汽车集团有限公司与曼-斯太尔公司在北京正式宣告:双方合作的斯太尔技术引进项目取得成功,该项目至此划上圆满句号。  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to explore the pattern of road traffic accidents (RTA) and their causes in the State of Qatar. A total of 52,160 RTA, 1130 injuries and 85 fatalities were registered during the year 2000. The data on RTA, injuries and fatalities was obtained from the Traffic Department of the Ministry of Interior, Supreme Council for Planning and Ministry of Public Health. The major cause of traffic accidents in Qatar was careless driving (71%). Relatively there was a more rapid increase in the number of registered vehicles (155%), but accidents were only (61%) in 2000 compared to the year 1983. The majority of victims (53%) were in the age group (10-40) "the most productive class in Society". Forty-three per cent of the total drivers who died due to RTA were in the age group (10-19) who were unlicensed drivers. In 2000, deaths due to RTA were the third leading cause of death after the diseases of the circulatory system and cancer. In conclusion, it is possible to control the epidemic of road traffic injuries through strict policy interventions, mass media and a national traffic campaign to increase the use of seat belts.  相似文献   

法律环境、审计独立性与投资者保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立审计的根本功能是为投资者提供保护,但其投资者保护功能的实现需要相应的法律环境作为保障.本文通过模型分析,将法制因素与会计师的独立性变量引入到投资者保护中,考察法律环境、审计独立性与投资者保护之间的关系.我们的研究结果表明:法律对投资者的保护是第一位的;独立审计对投资者的保护是第二位的,当法治环境较薄弱时,其可以充当法律的替代机制为投资者提供保护.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relevance of different types of innovation for firms’ export performance. Despite ample research on the innovation–performance relationship, previous studies have mainly focused on technological innovations, leaving the effects of organizational innovations relatively unexplored. Hypotheses on the relationship between organizational and technological innovations and firm export performance are tested by structural equation modelling using data from 218 Swedish export ventures. The results indicate that organizational innovation enhances export performance both directly and indirectly by sustaining technological innovation. Moreover, by fine-graining our analysis of the mediating role of technological innovation, according to its radicalness and extensiveness, for organizational innovation, we show how the latter enhances both the radicalness and extensiveness of technological innovation although, notably, only extensiveness is actually beneficial for export performance. This study helps alleviate the scarcity of research examining the links among different types of innovation in relation to export performance and contributes to international business and marketing literature by generating new evidence regarding the mechanisms through which organizational and technological innovations may improve export performance.  相似文献   

The recent advancements in the field of data mining have made vast progress in extracting new information and hidden patterns from large datasets which are often overlooked by the traditional statistical approaches. These methods focus on searching for new and interesting hypothesis which were previously unobserved. Road safety researchers working with the crash data from developed world have seen encouraging success in obtaining new insight into crash mechanism through data mining. An attempt was made in this study to apply these advance methods and evaluate their performance in manifesting crash causes for Bangladesh. The study applies hierarchical clustering to identify hazardous clusters, random forest to find important variables explaining each of these clusters, and classification and regression trees to unveil their respective crash mechanisms for the road crash data of Bangladesh. The results identified several new interesting relationships and acknowledged issues related to quality of data.  相似文献   

Although research has acknowledged the importance of supplier–buyer relationships for goods innovation, empirical evidence on the extent and nature of the effects of original equipment manufacturing (OEM) supplier–buyer relationships on service innovation remains scarce. Based on a survey of 152 suppliers in Taiwan, this study concludes that the interaction orientation of OEM suppliers is a key factor influencing the development of two competencies: joint innovation competence and cross-functional information dissemination competence. These two competencies contribute to OEM suppliers’ exploitative service innovation and explorative service innovation, respectively. In other words, applying a resource-based view, this study provides clarity regarding the linkages shown below (an organization’s strategic orientation influences its development of organizational capabilities and results in organizational performance) for the purpose of exploring the relationship between interaction orientation and service innovation.  相似文献   

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