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Using the passage of the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act and the associated changes in listing standards as a natural experiment, we find that while board independence decreases the cost of debt when credit conditions are strong or leverage is low, it increases the cost of debt when credit conditions are poor or leverage is high. We also document that independent directors set corporate policies that increase firm risk. These results suggest that independent directors act in the interests of shareholders and are increasingly costly to bondholders with the intensification of the agency conflict between these two stakeholder groups.  相似文献   


Operating under a regulatory environment with weak enforcement of investor protection, the contractual form of fund management companies (FMCs) in China’s emerging fund industry presents some complex governance issues in addition to the conventional agency problems of modern public corporations. Using 288 firm-year observations covering more than 98 percent of FMCs in China, this article presents the first systematic study on whether the quality of corporate governance mechanisms affects the performance of the contractual form of FMCs. Our results suggest that FMCs with good corporate governance do matter in generating favorable performance for fund investors in China.  相似文献   

In 2013, a new law required Indian firms, which satisfy certain profitability, net worth, and size thresholds, to spend at least 2% of their net income on corporate social responsibility (CSR). We exploit this regulatory change to isolate the shareholder value implications of CSR activities. Using an event study approach coupled with a regression discontinuity design, we find that the law, on average, caused a 4.1% drop in the stock price of firms forced to spend money on CSR. However, firms that spend more on advertising are not negatively affected by the mandatory CSR rule. These results suggest that firms voluntarily choose CSR to maximize shareholder value. Therefore, forcing a firm to spend on CSR is likely to be sub‐optimal for the firm with a consequent negative impact on shareholder value.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of default probability in four leading Latin American stock markets: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. We find no positive default-risk premium except in the case of Brazil, and in fact we find a negative risk premium for Argentina and Mexico. The latter effect tends to fade when the analysis accounts for size and book-to-market variables. Although we find no size effect in any of the markets considered, the book-to-market effect is very strong in all of them, and our results reveal a consistent relationship, analogous to that found in more developed markets, between default probability and the size and book-to-market variables.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether Taiwan mutual-fund companies actively pursue a corporate-level strategy of enhancing the performance of "high-value" funds (i.e., high fee-ratio funds or high past performers) at the expense of other "low-value" funds belonging to the same companies. The results show a significant difference between high- and low-value funds within the same fund families and that this difference favors the high past-perorming funds. The future incremental cash inflows from these high-value funds indicate that fund companies indeed benefit from the subsidized strategy. Our findings highlight the potential for agency problems and the importance of corporate and fund governance in the Taiwan asset-management industry.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the borrower’s abnormal loan announcement return and the bank’s loan screening and monitoring using a new ex-ante proxy for loan screening and monitoring. While recent studies have suggested that bank loan relationships and related loan screening and monitoring services may no longer matter, we find significant loan announcement returns over the 1995–1999 period and, controlling for borrower and loan characteristics, a statistically significant positive relationship between the proxy and the borrower’s standardized CAR. While consistent with a bank’s loan screening and monitoring adding value to the borrower, the economic effect is relatively small.
Ian G. SharpeEmail:

The goal of this study is to estimate the impact of cross-listing on stock returns, on liquidity, and on risk. A sample of 24 companies from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries which cross-listed their stocks in a foreign market over the period 2000–2010 were chosen for study. An event study estimating abnormal returns related to the cross-listing event as well as parametric and nonparametric tests find that there is (1) a significant abnormal return of about 6 % that lasts until 6 days after the cross-listing day and starts fading away thereafter (2) a significant increase in liquidity during the event period for most firms and (3) on average a decrease in risk. Our results also suggest that cross-listing had a small impact on market risk measured by the average beta but led to a decrease in the total risk measured by standard deviation of returns and a decrease in the potential loss measured by the average value at risk at the 5 % confidence. Additionally, an analysis based on the foreign market of secondary listing suggests that the benefit of cross-listing varies with the market of secondary listing. The positive abnormal return is more obvious for companies that cross-listed in Kuwait, Bahrain, and London. The most obvious increase in liquidity is for firms that cross-listed in London or in Bahrain and the biggest decrease in risk is for companies that cross-listed in London. We conclude overall that cross-listing in London benefits the shareholders the most as it leads to positive significant abnormal returns, an increase in liquidity, and a decrease in risk.  相似文献   

The UK has a quote-driven pure dealer market structure that is very different from order driven markets such as the NYSE and Japanese markets. This paper investigates non-linear dependence in stock returns for an exhaustive sample of UK stocks for a 21 year period. The results are analysed on the basis of trading frequency. It is found that non-linear dependence is highly significant in all cases for both individual stocks and stock portfolios formed on the basis of trading frequency. The non-linear dependence is primarily over a one day interval, although statistically significant non-linear dependence exists consistently even up to five trading days. Most of the non-linear dependence is in the form of ARCH-type conditional heteroskedasticity. However, statistically significant non-linearity in addition to an EGARCH(1,1) dependence also appears to be present. This additional non-linearity is greater for individual stocks than for portfolios and greater for smaller, less-liquid portfolios. Non-linear dependence does not appear to be caused by non-stationarity in underlying economic fundamentals or by non-linearity in the conditional mean. However, low dimensional chaos is not generally supported. The limited evidence on chaotic behaviour is stronger for portfolios with long price adjustment delays across component stocks. The main results are consistent with US studies on stock indices, suggesting that the process generating non-linear dependence is not dependent on market microstructure characteristics.  相似文献   

We explore the role of interbank network structure and premature liquidation costs for the likelihood of financial contagions in a laboratory experiment. We consider complete versus incomplete networks of banks linked together by interbank deposits, and we further vary premature liquidation costs. Subjects play the role of depositors deciding whether or not to withdraw funds from their interconnected bank. We find that when liquidation costs are high, a complete network structure is significantly less vulnerable to financial contagions than an incomplete network structure. However, when liquidation costs are low, network structure is less important for the frequency of financial contagions.  相似文献   

We study how well‐incentivized boards monitor CEOs and whether monitoring improves performance. Using unique, detailed data on boards' information sets and decisions for a large sample of private equity–backed firms, we find that gathering information helps boards learn about CEO ability. “Soft” information plays a much larger role than hard data, such as the performance metrics that prior literature focuses on, and helps avoid firing a CEO for bad luck or in response to adverse external shocks. We show that governance reforms increase the effectiveness of board monitoring and establish a causal link between forced CEO turnover and performance improvements.  相似文献   

Maritime transport costs significantly impede internationaltrade. This article examines why these costs are so high insome countries and quantifies the importance of two explanations:restrictive trade policies and private anticompetitive practices.It finds that both matter, but the latter have a greater impact.Trade liberalization and the breakup of private carrier agreementswould lead to an average of one-third lower liner transportprices and to cost savings of up to US$3 billion on goods carriedto the United States alone. The policy implications are clear:there is a need not only for further liberalization of governmentpolicy but also for strengthened international disciplines onrestrictive business practices. The authors propose an approachto developing such disciplines in the current round of servicesnegotiations at the World Trade Organization.  相似文献   

We study the contribution of money to business‐cycle fluctuations in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and the euro area using a small‐scale structural monetary business cycle model. Constrained likelihood‐based estimates of the parameters are provided and time instabilities analyzed. Real balances are statistically important for output and inflation fluctuations. Their contribution changes over time. Models giving money no role provide a distorted representation of the sources of cyclical fluctuations, of the transmission of shocks, and of the events of the last 40 years.  相似文献   

This article investigates one of the most vital issues in the Islamic mutual fund literature: Are there any costs associated with investing in Islamic mutual funds? We used a unique sample of 143 Saudi mutual funds and grouped them into portfolios based on their geographical focus, Shariah compliance, and the Saudi market trend (overall, bull, bear, and the crisis period). Findings suggest there is a benefit from adhering to Shariah law in locally-focused Saudi mutual funds. However, there is a cost of this adherence in internationally-focused Saudi mutual funds. Finally, in Arab-focused Saudi mutual funds, there is neither a cost nor a benefit.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between idiosyncratic risk and returns for individual securities within a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedascticity (GARCH)‐in‐mean framework. We demonstrate that, on average, 15% of stocks exhibit a significant relationship between returns and risk, of which 9% are positive. These proportions vary over time and with model specifications. Some characteristics influence the probability of a positive and a negative relationship, while others appear to affect only one, but not the other. This evidence implies that the factors that explain a positive connection between idiosyncratic risk and returns are different from the factors that explain a negative connection.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the levels of social capital in U.S. counties, as captured by strength of civic norms and density of social networks in the counties, are systematically related to tax avoidance activities of corporations with headquarters located in the counties. We find strong negative associations between social capital and corporate tax avoidance, as captured by effective tax rates and book‐tax differences. These results are incremental to the effects of local religiosity and firm culture toward socially irresponsible activities. They are robust to using organ donation as an alternative social capital proxy and fixed effect regressions. They extend to aggressive tax avoidance practices. Additionally, we provide corroborating evidence using firms with headquarters relocation that changes the exposure to social capital. We conclude that social capital surrounding corporate headquarters provides environmental influences constraining corporate tax avoidance.  相似文献   

Integrated reporting (<IR>) is an emerging international corporate reporting initiative to address limitations to extant corporate reporting approaches, which are commonly criticized for being both voluminous and disjointed. While <IR> is gaining in popularity, current momentum has been limited due to a lack of clear evidence of its benefits. Utilizing the most suitable setting currently available, being discretionary disclosures made by listed companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, this study provides evidence that analyst forecast error reduces as a company's level of alignment with the <IR> framework increases. Further, the improved alignment is associated with a subsequent reduction in the cost of equity capital for certain reporting companies. The results are obtained after controlling for factors relating to financial transparency and the issuance of standalone non‐financial reports, which suggests that <IR> is providing incrementally useful information to the capital market over and above existing reporting mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study finds overall increases in equity value surrounding addition to the S&P SmallCap and MidCap indexes from 1996 to 2003 and investigates sources of the value gains. Following addition, there are significant increases in proxy variables for stock liquidity and investor recognition, and changes in these variables are impounded into the permanent component of announcement share price revisions. We also find that changes in capital investment intensity are increasing in changes in stock liquidity, consistent with a reduction in the cost of capital following index addition.  相似文献   

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