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徐华  王莉 《商场现代化》2007,(36):93-94
中国已进入奢侈品消费时代,国外奢侈品厂商纷纷进入中国,而中国本土的奢侈品却少有作为,本文在中国存在庞大奢侈品需求的背景下,基于景德陶瓷的现状和历史优势分析,探讨了景德镇陶瓷实施奢侈品营销策略的可行性  相似文献   

自各国奢侈品进入中国以来,中国的奢侈品消费呈逐年递增趋势,逐步成为世界第二大奢侈品消费国。不过,中国的奢侈品消费格局正在发生变化,消费者已从对豪华汽车、游艇和私人飞机的消费转向了名表与珠宝,而随着中国中产阶级新贵逐步成为奢侈品消费的中流砥柱,这无疑宣告着奢侈品消费已进入珠宝时代。  相似文献   

奢侈品中国市场前景谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着众多奢侈品公司进入中国,奢侈品市场越来越受到关注,本文就其发展前景及存在的问题作了简单的分析和探讨:奢侈品在中国市场发展是充满惊喜的。  相似文献   

中国消费者奢侈品消费特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球最大的市场研究机构之一TNS最新发布的奢侈品研究报告显示,中国大部分中产阶层对奢侈品抱有积极的态度,奢侈品在中国市场的发展大有可为。近几年,不少国际知名的奢侈品品牌逐渐进入中国市场,也带动了中国奢侈品市场的蓬勃发展。中国正日渐成为世界奢侈品的主要市场。从东西方奢侈品消费动机的比较入手,着重回顾奢侈品消费在中国的发展,由此归纳出中国消费者奢侈品消费特征。  相似文献   

<正>自各国奢侈品进入中国以来,中国的奢侈品消费呈逐年递增趋势,逐步成为世界第二大奢侈品消费国。不过,中国的奢侈品消费格局正在发生变化,消费者已从对豪华汽车、游艇和私人飞机的消费转向了名表与珠宝,而随着中国中产阶级新贵逐步成为奢侈品消费的中流砥柱,这无疑宣告着奢侈品消费已进入珠宝时代。由于近几年的全球经济危机,中国的富豪们都会受到或多或少的冲击,所以在消费上也有所缩减。相对于游艇飞机这种大型的奢侈品,珠宝更具实用性且更易收藏。尤其近年来,中国新贵不断增加,中产阶级迅速崛起,他们认为品牌是成功、身份和地位的象征,即便他们无法购买  相似文献   

秦越 《国际市场》2009,(9):77-78
中国奢侈品行业的现状 进入21世纪,欧洲国家奢侈品消费开始消退。但在中国,市场容量却在不断增加,成为世界奢侈品行业的主要增长点。到2010年,中国将有2.5亿消费者有能力购买奢侈品,占全球奢侈品消费总需求的1/4。届时,销售额将超过115亿美元,中国奢侈品消费总量将占全球的29%。中国将成为继纽约、巴黎、香港、伦敦和悉尼这五大奢侈品朝圣地之后的另一片乐土。  相似文献   

国际奢侈品牌进入中国市场意味着国际奢侈品行业在中国的市场上孕育着巨大的商机。奢侈品的价值衡量标准、目标消费群体等都与一般商品不同,因此,奢侈品品牌的营销管理也需要特殊对待。本文以成功进入国际奢侈品行列的意大利服装品牌Giorgio Armani、法国珠宝品牌Cartier、瑞士手表品牌Patek Philippe为例,描述其占领国际市场的发展规律,以为中国本土奢侈品牌的发展为鉴。  相似文献   

中国消费者奢侈品消费心理特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪以来中国的奢侈品消费市场快速发展。但中国独特的文化和消费心理,使得奢侈品的消费呈现出与欧美等国不同特点。本文主要分析了中国消费者奢侈品消费心理特征,并提出相应的营销建议。  相似文献   

<正>全球最大的市场研究机构之一TNS最新发布的奢侈品研究报告显示,中国大部分中产阶层对奢侈品抱有积极的态度,奢侈品在中国市场的发展大有可为。近几年,不少国际知名的奢侈品品牌逐渐进入中国市场,也带动了中国奢侈品市场的蓬勃发展。2004年,  相似文献   

<正>无论岁月如何更替,都是你方唱罢我登场。选题,也是如此。进入新的一年,我们也将一个新的话题呈现给大家,那就是“中国进入了奢侈品时代?”我们无意提倡奢侈品消费,也无意对算不上成熟的中国奢侈品市场进行催熟。何况,我们面对的是早已进入理性消费阶段的中国消费者。我们深知,奢侈品是个让大部分人望而却步,小部分人趋之若鹜的东西。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(5):631-642
In recent years, greater disparities in incomes and growth in wealthy consumers have fueled new opportunities in luxury markets. As firms launched luxury brands, some have thrived as others stumbled. One important difference between those who succeed and those who struggle, we suggest, is brand authenticity. Scholars have studied authenticity extensively, and research has isolated different sources of authenticity. How firms draw on these sources to create legitimate luxury brands has, however, received surprisingly little attention. In this article, we discuss the research on the sources of brand authenticity, and we explore how brands rely on those sources to craft authentic luxury brands. Using the examples of Canada Goose and Shinola, we illustrate how one firm drew on multiple sources of authenticity and, through the symbolism of its actions, successfully created an authentic luxury brand. We conclude with a discussion of the implications for other firms seeking to enter the luxury market.  相似文献   

Despite the growth of luxury markets during the last decade, luxury brand management is facing tremendous changes and challenges. In previous research, the focus has largely been on the appeal of luxury brands to represent status and prestige. However, this study argues that luxury consumption is highly individualistic and is a means through which consumers pursue personal goals.This research examines the influence of consumer goal attainment (extrinsic and intrinsic) on intention to purchase luxury products (explicitly versus subtly marked). Study 1 examines the moderating role of consumer need for uniqueness. Study 2 examines the moderating role of self-monitoring of expressive behaviour. This research resulted in three major findings. Firstly, this research shows that all respondents were more willing to buy a luxury product when it was subtly marked rather than explicitly marked. Secondly, extrinsically motivated respondents showed a greater preference for the luxury product, irrespective of signal type, than did intrinsically motivated respondents. Thirdly, for the intrinsically motivated respondents, Study 1 showed that individuals whose needs for uniqueness is high are predisposed to inconspicuous consumption. This effect was observed for respondents who were intrinsically motivated, but not for those who were extrinsically motivated. Study 2 demonstrated that low self-monitors were more disposed to inconspicuous consumption. Again, this effect was observed for respondents who were intrinsically motivated, but not for those who were extrinsically motivated. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Emerging markets, and especially lower-tier cities within these markets, are seen as the future growth engines for luxury brands. However, extant literature on the drivers of luxury consumption has predominantly focused on Tier-1 cities. Grounded in the theory of network effects, this study offers first such intra and inter-country comparison of the symbolic motivations (i.e. snob, bandwagon and Veblen motivations) underpinning luxury purchases between and within Tier-1 and lower-tier cities in two prominent emerging markets, China and India. The findings offer first account of similarities and differences in consumer motivations that drive luxury consumption within and between these markets. While most luxury brands have ubiquitous strategies for emerging markets, the results will assist managers in developing distinctive brand strategies catering to the intra and inter-country differences.  相似文献   

This research investigates what consumers in democratized luxury markets value when purchasing luxury items. Nonetheless, these consumers have a limited budget and can not always buy luxury items, yet they are drawn back to these luxury brands. Thus, we use brand engagement in self-concept (BESC) to explain the relationship between these consumers and luxury brands within democratized luxury markets. A conceptualized model of three luxury value dimensions (experiential, symbolic, and functional) is proposed, and 488 cases were gathered through a phone survey. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results show that the most critical drivers of consumers' luxury purchase intention (LPI) are hedonism, escapism, conspicuousness, quality, and usability in democratized luxury markets. Also, BESC can unify luxury value dimensions into an integrated whole and mediate the relationship between them and LPI.  相似文献   

新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、越南、缅甸、柬埔寨六国不同程度地向中国开放电信市场,这为中国信息通讯企业在东盟国家的发展提供了更广阔的区域性市场。现阶段,金融危机对欧美的电信企业有一定冲击,他们在融资方面面临困难,中国电信企业可以抓住机遇,更好地发挥自己的低成本优势,扩大在信息通讯领域对东盟的投资与合作。本文通过对新加坡等六国信息通信市场的分析,总结我国在上述市场中的所处地位和面临的问题,得出适合重点开拓的市场及非重点市场,并根据相应市场特点提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

In social media marketing, celebrity endorsement is a widely used strategy. Luxury brands use their social media accounts to post pictures of celebrities using their products. However, they would be confronted with the dilemma of whether to standardize or localize their celebrity endorsers for different markets. This dilemma of whether to standardize or adapt their advertisements to the local market has been haunting luxury brands for a long time. This paper examines the effectiveness of localized celebrity endorsements for luxury brands on Chinese social media. We analyze whether Chinese celebrity endorsers could trigger more social media interactions and enhance perceived brand luxury than Western celebrity endorsers, based on an analysis of online big data and two experiments. We also explore when localized celebrity endorsement is most effective, focusing on the moderating role of patriotism. The results suggest that localized (vs. standardized) celebrity endorsements lead to more social media interactions. Using localized (standardized) celebrity endorsements enhance the perceived brand luxury for people with high (low) patriotism.  相似文献   


This is one of the first investigations of consumer motivations for purchasing luxury brands in India, a country with an emerging middle class. It identifies four dimensions of luxury benefits for segmenting markets. These include the financial, functional, personal, and social benefits of luxury value. Using data collected from 329 respondents in Mumbai the study identifies nine luxury factors for purchase behavior. These are used for classifying respondents into three behavioral segments using cluster analysis. The first segment appears to buy luxury goods primarily for their snob appeal, the second segment for their prestige appeal, and the third for their value appeal. The results show that while many consumers may buy the same luxury goods, their motivations for doing so differ. The findings should help marketers tailor their messages to specific luxury-seeking segments. There are many papers on luxury brands but very few are from emerging markets. The results may be of great use to global brands that are looking for expansion due to slowdown condition across globe.  相似文献   

This research investigated how the use of a prominent versus subtle branding strategy and status consumption affect consumers’ intention to buy luxury products across emerging and mature markets. To this end, an experimental study with consumers in India (emerging market) and the United States (mature market) was conducted. The results suggest that Indian (but not U.S.) consumers with a higher status consumption tendency are more willing to purchase prominently branded luxury products than subtly branded ones. On the other hand, U.S. (but not Indian) consumers with a lower status consumption tendency are more willing to purchase subtly branded luxury products than prominently branded ones. The paper discusses these findings, highlights their contribution to luxury research, and illustrates their practical value for luxury companies interested in targeting mature and emerging markets.  相似文献   


While the Chinese luxury industry is enjoying rapid growth, the market for counterfeit luxury brands is growing equally fast. There are contradictory views regarding the role counterfeit luxury brands play in the marketplace. Luxury brand owners denounce counterfeit luxury products for harming the reputation of luxury brands and reducing their profitability. Others believe that the availability of counterfeit luxury products may help increase the brand awareness of luxury names and thereby make authentic products more sought after. In this study, we examine the impact of counterfeit luxury products from the consumers’ standpoint. Specifically, the authors investigate whether and how Chinese consumers with different luxury consumption experiences view counterfeit luxury products differently. The study contributes to a better understanding of Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward counterfeit luxury products and thus helps marketers and policy makers develop more effective strategies for dealing with the issue.  相似文献   

中国消费者奢侈品消费动机的实证研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
亚洲特别是中国正成为世界奢侈品的主要市场,但是受文化的影响,东西方消费者的奢侈品消费动机是不同的。本文回顾了东西方奢侈品消费动机的研究,及其文化背景原因,特别关注了儒家文化对于东亚消费者的影响;对中国消费者的奢侈品消费动机进行了实证分析,对于奢侈品市场细分策略提出了建议。  相似文献   

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