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几年前看到《中国企业家》杂志的一个主题报道,标题是“买下沃尔玛”。几年过去了,沃尔玛非但没有被人买走反而在市场竞争中变得越来越强大。  相似文献   

扩张风格:激进VS保守家乐福于1995年进入中国,沃尔玛则于1996年在深圳开设了第一家店。然而,家乐福开店的速度却比沃尔玛快,门店的覆盖面也比沃尔玛大。两个企业选择的扩张路线也有着较大差异:家乐福将总部选择在上海,并以此为中心,迅速向全国辐射;沃尔玛进入中国市场后,选择深圳作为落脚点,然后逐步向全国伸展。而且,在相当长一段时间里,沃尔玛将扩张版图一直谨慎地集中在深圳、厦门、东莞等华南城市。显然,家乐福采取的是迅速进入策略,即先尽可能快的占领主流消费市场,然后边运营边调整。总部选择上海有利于全国市场的战略展开,是最容易…  相似文献   

最近一段时间,沃尔玛在中国市场不断地进行调整。继在中国市场采购体系和门店再度调整后,沃尔玛在中国的高层再现人事调整。沃尔玛中国发展部高级副总裁梁贵基已辞职,沃尔玛中国亦迎来两位新负责人,分别任职中国发展部高级副总裁、中国发展部地产高级副总裁。本文主要分析了沃尔玛竞争战略和近期战略的调整,以及对我国零售企业的启示。  相似文献   

零售巨头沃尔玛近期宣布了加速在华布局的一系列计划,预计今年将开30多家新的商场,包括沃尔玛大卖场和山姆会员店。未来三年新增110家新址,包括商场及配送中心。主力发展沃尔玛大卖场及山姆会员店。看准中国城镇化机遇,未来沃尔玛加大布局三四线城市。沃尔玛全球CEO麦道克强调.中国不断崛起的中产阶级、城镇化战略都让我们看到了发展的机遇。新店的增长、就业岗位的增加,以及我们提供更多的商品选择,所有这些都与我们为中国制定市场的增长战略相符合。  相似文献   

随着市场经济发展和加入WTO进程的不断深入,市场竞争日趋激烈,我国中小企业由于诸多限制面临极大挑战,但对敢于创新、善用经营战略和策略的中小企业而言又存在众多发展机遇,关键在于企业自身要认清形势、选择正确的市场竞争战略和策略。本文就中小企业如何参与市场竞争问题展开讨论,愿有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

伴随着我国零售业外贸经营权的全部放开,沃尔玛等外资零售企业在中国进入了快速扩张时期。本文运用空间统计分析等方法,分析了沃尔玛(购物广场)从2006年至2011年在长三角各城市的扩张时机和区位选择特征,发现长三角各城市在经济发展水平、利用外资规模、市场运营成本和信息化水平等方面的差距,直接导致了沃尔玛每年在各城市新开大型购物广场数量的差异;城市的贸易外向度、外资吸引能力、信息化水平、市场潜力、运营成本和市场竞争状况等,成为影响沃尔玛在长三角扩张的重要驱动因素。  相似文献   

随着市场经济发展和加入WTO进程的不断深入,市场竞争日趋激烈,我国中小企业由于诸多限制面临极大挑战,但对敢于创新、善用经营战略和策略的中小企业而言又存在众多发展机遇,关键在于企业自身要认清形势、选择正确的市场竞争战略和策略.本文就中小企业如何参与市场竞争问题展开讨论,愿有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

沃尔玛以“Every day low price”的低价战略走向世界零售市场。2006年报显示,沃尔玛2006年净收入增长9.5%,达3124亿美元,净利润增长9.4%,达112亿美元。  相似文献   

本文分析了"雅戈尔"和"杉杉"的竞争力指数,并从供应链管理角度对它们面对市场竞争时所采取的不同的战略进行了分析,指出"雅戈尔"在营销网络的建设和管理方面应借鉴"沃尔玛"有效沟通的经验,而"杉杉"的多元化发展则需量体裁衣、量力而行、循序渐进和放缓节奏。  相似文献   

沃尔玛的全球采购战略、配送系统、商品管理、电子数据系统、天天平价战略在业界都是可圈可点的经典案例.可以说,沃尔玛所有的成功都是建立在利用信息技术战略与整合零售业资源的基础之上.  相似文献   

Wal-Mart entered South Korea in late 1990s for its international expansion; however, IT had a major failure in this market and left Korea in 2005 as the American way of marketing did not translate well in Korea. Wal-Mart had critical shortfalls in enabling value exchange with the Korean consumers as the Korean consumers had significantly different taste and preferences compared to American consumers. Wal-Mart's Every Day Low Price (EDLP) strategy was not perceived to have the “value” in the minds of the Korean consumers, while its store locations were not strategically well positioned to create sufficient customer traffic. Wal-Mart's competitive advantage of low cost and low price was not suitable in the Korean competition and consumption context. Wal-Mart was not prepared to develop an effective localization strategy that might have stemmed from not having a clear projection of how much it was willing to invest and grow in this market. This Wal-Mart Korean case shows the importance of the compatibility of a corporate unique value proposition and strategic fit with the local market conditions.  相似文献   

Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, was named by Fortune as the “most admired company in America” for the years 2003 and 2004. However, these and other accolades have not quieted a chorus of critics, including organized labor, feminists, human rights activists, environmentalists, local businesses, and antisprawl activists, all of whom revile the retail giant for its business practices, resulting in a growing negative consumer perception of Wal-Mart's corporate citizenship. Wal-Mart has instituted a comprehensive nonmarket strategy to counter this criticism, employing a proactive combination of social, political, and legal strategies to manage a contentious environment that could threaten its future growth and financial success.  相似文献   

This research seeks to further the understanding of the relationship between Wal-Mart and its suppliers. 1988-1994 demonstrates Wal-Mart's market power in relation to manufacturers [Bloom PN, Perry, VG. Retailer power and supplier welfare: the case of Wal-Mart. Journal of Retailing 2001; 77( 3): 379-396.]. Wal-Mart suppliers for that period had lower profits than non-suppliers, which indicate a dependency model of market power when suppliers give concessions to a stronger retailer in order to obtain or maintain the relationship. Wal-Mart's dramatic growth and increasing marketing power since the 1988-1994 period offer an opportunity to retest previous findings and further the understanding of a major retailer's strategy for managing suppliers through the use of the strategic profit model. Initial results indicate that gross margin is significantly less for Wal-Mart suppliers than non-suppliers indicating pricing concessions and a dependency model of market power. However, a fixed-effects model controlling for unobservable firm characteristics such as strategic choice suggest that Wal-Mart suppliers are self-selecting or are implicitly pre-screened such that Wal-Mart suppliers have a low-cost strategy and choose lower returns as a market strategy. Findings indicate that small firms do experience a dependency model in that they have lower gross margin, lower operating income, and higher turnover. However, considering fixed-effects for these firms, small manufacturers experience only higher turnover as a result of doing business with Wal-Mart, thus indicating more of a partner-type model of market power.  相似文献   

For a variety of reasons, Wal-Mart is a transnational brand which has, at the same time, many fans and many detractors. Despite considerable criticism and opposition, the firm is accelerating in growth and retains a strong customer base. One reason for this growth and loyalty is that Wal-Mart generates intrinsic value through its brand name and brand community. Here, we highlight the latter method Wal-Mart uses to manage its brand and create value propositions by building loyalty among local community members. We provide a practical example of a special branding strategy that can be used by firms seeking innovative ways to create customer (and stakeholder) value.  相似文献   

With Americans spending up to 13% of their income on grocery shopping, smart shopping can help a typical family save. Many scholars have studied the effects on market share and profits from changing market share using the Markov model, and also studied the competitive strategies of grocery retailers under these conditions. While the forecast of the steady state is highly useful, examining the transition periods before the steady state is reached is also useful. In these transition periods, a retailer may opt for a new competitive strategy; therefore, the transition periods may provide greater insight into the dynamics of the competitive response. More attention should be paid to the revenues for groceries in transition periods before a steady state is reached—especially in markets dominated by retail giants, such as Wal-Mart. This study attempts to model that phenomenon and to explore appropriate competitive strategies.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,提高国际竞争力已成为产业发展的核心。纺织服装产业一直是我国的传统优势产业,但近年来竞争压力日趋激烈。本文基于波特教授的钻石模型理论,从要素条件,需求状况,相关产业和支持性产业,企业战略、结构和竞争4个关键要素方面,研究了该产业的发展现状及出现的问题,并结合RCA显示性比较优势指数,实证分析了中国与印度、意大利等国的竞争力指标。从而针对性地提出了提升我国纺织服装产业国际竞争力的对策和建议。  相似文献   

进入网络信息时代以来,零售服务业的"沃尔玛现象"逐步显现,并以广泛运用信息技术,不断突破规模经济和范围经济的界限,对市场结构产生重大冲击。本文从"沃尔玛现象"入手研究零售业市场结构的变迁,发现信息技术创新对熊彼特的五大创新活动有着强烈的整合作用,对市场结构及消费者福利等方面产生了深远影响,而且新的创新模式已经展开。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1169-1195
GKN is Britain's surviving top 50 company from 1905, a flourishing world top-player in automotive and aero components. This article traces 254 years of its development, domestically and internationally, drawing on corporate access and the author's worldwide field research since 1974, and three in-depth business histories including one by the co-author. Lessons confirm just some traits expected of successful ‘Built To Last’ (BTL) companies. However, GKN's ‘robust’ sustained strategy also reflects financial conservatism; constant adaptation to its historical and competitive context; highly proactive internationalisation and, from 1902 onwards, a determination to develop always at least ‘three major business legs’ to survive evolutionary processes as sectors mature and consolidate globally.  相似文献   

运用波特五力模型对Groupon模式团购网站的竞争环境进行分析,结果表明供应商的议价能力较弱、购买者的议价能力较强、潜在进入者的威胁较大、替代品的威胁较小,同行业内竞争者的竞争非常激烈。针对这种竞争态势,提出了保持和提升Groupon模式团购网站竞争力的三大竞争战略:成本领先战略、差异化战略、集中化战略。  相似文献   

The business environment for many firms is changing rapidly and is becoming increasingly uncertain due to the disruption caused by new digital technologies, deregulation, new business models, and the threat of new competitive entrants. This dynamic competitive environment increases the level of uncertainty for senior executives and strategic planning teams who bear responsibility for the strategic development of the firm, particularly in terms of the future direction, scope, and the strategy required to deliver on corporate objectives. This in turn, places increased scrutiny on the strategic planning tools that are used to undertake a rational and comprehensive analysis of the competitive dynamics that inform strategy formulation. This article presents empirical findings and reflections on a scenario-planning project that sought to develop a long-term corporate level strategy. While scenario planning is an established constituent of the strategist’s toolbox, the increasing level of dynamism and uncertainty in many markets has meant that it has seen a resurgence. This article presents empirical findings on how the scenario-planning tool was selected and applied before reflecting on the individual and organizational outcomes of using scenario planning to develop an organizational strategy in uncertain market conditions.  相似文献   

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