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农业社会化服务能促进农户采用亲环境农业技术吗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用亲环境农业技术是治理农业面源污染、改善耕地质量和提升农业绿色发展程度的重要举措.本文基于农业社会化服务视角,采用农户微观调查数据,利用倾向得分匹配法和mvprobit方法,定量测度了农户购买不同环节的农业社会化服务对其亲环境农业技术采用的影响效应.研究结果表明,农户购买农业社会化服务对其采用亲环境农业技术具有显著促...  相似文献   

Integrated pest management (IPM) potentially reduces pesticide use and costs of agricultural production. However, IPM is knowledge intensive and its spread may dissipate over time due to knowledge required for its effective implementation and to competing messages about pest control. We examine IPM spread and adoption several years after formal intensive IPM outreach efforts ceased in a potato‐producing region in Ecuador. We describe adoption patterns and sources of IPM knowledge in 2012 and compare them with patterns that existed when outreach ceased in 2003. Results show that IPM adoption continues in the area but with a lower proportion of farmers fully adopting all practices and a higher proportion adopting low to moderate levels as compared to 2003. Almost all potato farmers in the area use some IPM practices, reflecting a major increase in IPM use. Farmer‐to‐farmer spread has supplanted formal training and outreach mechanisms. IPM adoption significantly lowers pesticide use and saves production costs for adopters.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨老龄化与农业技术推广对农户采纳绿色生产技术的影响。[方法]文章通过二元Logit模型,利用湖北省襄阳、宜昌、黄冈、潜江4市587户水稻种植户样本数据进行实证分析。[结果](1)老龄化阻碍了农户的绿色生产技术采纳行为,老年组农户相对于年轻组而言,采纳生物农药和测土配方施肥技术的概率在下降,采纳生物农药的年轻组和老年组农户分别占总样本的47.79%和37.67%,采纳测土配方肥的年轻组和老年组农户分别占25.00%和15.48%;(2)农业技术推广能够在一定程度上缓解老龄化对农户采纳绿色生产技术的阻碍。具体而言,政府宣传与政府培训均能显著促进年轻农户的绿色生产技术采纳行为;政府宣传能有效促进老年农户采纳绿色生产技术,但政府培训对其影响作用并不明显。[结论]政府应加强绿色生产技术的宣传力度和培训力度,针对中老年人降低培训难度,且为中老年人提供良好的学习环境。  相似文献   

[目的]在农业生产资源趋紧和环境承载压力的双重考验下,合作社能否以及如何带动农户采纳绿色生产技术成为亟待回答的重大现实问题。[方法]文章基于福建省501户柚农的调查数据,以施用有机肥、生物农药和测土配方施肥3种绿色生产技术采纳为例,运用内生转换模型分析加入合作社对农户绿色生产技术采纳的影响及其作用机理。[结果](1)加入合作社能促进农户采用绿色生产技术,在反事实假设条件下,加入合作社农户若未加入时,其绿色生产技术采纳积极性和采纳强度会降低,未加入合作社农户若加入时,其绿色生产技术采纳积极性和采用强度会提高,用工具变量法进行稳健性检验后,结论仍然成立。(2)加入合作社促进农户采纳绿色生产技术主要通过提升农户绿色生产认知这条路径实现,其中介效应占比为20.7%。(3)加入合作社对农户绿色生产技术采纳的影响存在群组间差异,加入合作社对规模较小农户、参与完全横向合作模式农户的带动效果更显著,合作社产前的统一农资和规定农药化肥清单、产中管理的生产检查和田间技术指导、产后的统一包装和销售等管理和服务,以及合作社分红,对农户绿色生产技术采纳的带动效果更显著。[结论]要大力支持合作社发展,鼓励农户加入...  相似文献   

[目的]推广绿色农业技术是缓解生态环境恶化、保障农业高质量发展的重要途径。[方法]文章利用河北省436户设施蔬菜种植户的调研数据,选择5项绿色农业技术(抗病虫抗逆性强的新品种、生物防治、生物菌肥、生物农药和水肥一体化技术),基于培训主体异质性视角,运用有序Probit模型实证分析公益性和市场性两种不同性质农技培训主体对农户绿色农业技术采纳强度的影响。进一步,基于技术异质性视角,运用二元Probit模型分析两种不同性质主体对农户不同类型绿色农业技术采纳的影响。[结果](1)农技培训能够显著促进绿色农业技术采纳,其中公益性主体开展的技术培训对农户绿色技术采纳的促进效果更加显著。(2)针对不同绿色农业技术,不同性质主体开展的培训对技术采纳的促进效果存在差异,对商业化程度较高、有用性、易用性、适用性较高的技术(生物防治、生物菌肥和生物农药),市场性主体的培训对技术采纳的促进作用更强。(3)对于有用性、易用性和适用性不高的技术(抗病虫抗逆性强的新品种和水肥一体化),公益性主体的培训对技术采纳的促进作用更强。[结论]应加大农业绿色技术培训的普及力度,构建以公益性农技推广机构为主导,其他市场主体为补...  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of mobile information technology adoption on agrochemical expenditures, using data collected from 551 wheat farmers in China. Unlike previous studies that analyse a homogeneous relationship between the adoption of information technologies and farm input use, in this study, an instrumental variable quantile regression approach is utilised to capture the heterogeneous impacts of smartphone use on pesticide and fertiliser expenditures. Findings reveal that smartphone use affects pesticide and fertiliser expenditures heterogeneously, and its impacts on pesticide expenditure are larger than those on fertiliser expenditure. Specifically, at the lowest 20th quantile, smartphone use significantly increases pesticide expenditure by 33 per cent and fertiliser expenditure by 18 per cent. However, at the higher 60th and 80th quantiles, smartphone use significantly decreases pesticide expenditure by 36–39 per cent and fertiliser expenditure by 14–19 per cent. Our findings suggest that guiding farmers’ agrochemical usage behaviours through smartphone-based information intervention can be a practical strategy to help reduce the excessive usage of chemical pesticides and fertilisers and preserve the environment and human health.  相似文献   

Adoptions of improved technologies and production practices are important drivers of agricultural development in low-income countries like Nepal. Adopting a broad class of such technologies and practices is often critical for meeting the multifaceted goals of efficiency, profitability, environmental sustainability, and climate resilience. This study aims to address the knowledge gaps that still exist concerning what determines the adoption of improved technologies and production practices, the factors affecting their diffusion, the impact of interventions on productivity and crops grown, and the variability of impact within a particular country context. In this paper we address these questions using data collected as part of the USAID-led Knowledge-Based Integrated Sustainable Agriculture in Nepal (KISAN) project. We adopted a multistage sampling technique and surveyed 988 beneficiary households and 997 non-beneficiary households in KISAN intervention districts and non-intervention districts. Our findings suggest that, in Nepal, adoption of improved technologies and practices is significantly increased by improved access to markets, private sector involvement in selling improved seeds and disseminating information, membership in progressive farmers groups and cooperative societies, participation in agricultural training and farm visits, provision of subsidies for seeds, and access to credit. We also found the probability of the adoption of improved practices to be affected by farmers’ sources of information; for instance, the adoption of improved practices was increased when farmers obtained information from informal sources, cooperatives/farmers organizations, and public and private extension programs. The effects of KISAN projects vary significantly across the different crops grown, based on the evaluation models that address self-selection of both project participation and crop choices. These implications may also apply to other parts of the world facing similar challenges as Nepal, where limited market access, insufficient knowledge and resource capacity of farmers constrain their adoption of improved technologies and practices in agriculture.  相似文献   

[目的]农业资源环境是农业产品质量保障的基础,农业科技创新有力支撑农业产业发展,探究农业绿色生产技术的影响因素与经济效益,对保障农业产业绿色发展,提高农户绿色生产积极性具有重要意义。[方法]文章基于2020年河北省定兴县实地调研所得的219份农户数据,通过二元Logistic模型分析农户采纳绿色生产技术的影响因素,在此基础上运用倾向得分匹配方法研究技术采纳对农户家庭经济效益的作用水平。[结果](1)虽然定兴县绿色生产技术推广取得一定成效,共有67.58%的农户采纳一种或多种绿色生产技术,但采纳程度有待提高。(2)农户的年龄、受教育程度、大棚类型、是否加入合作社、是否接受技术培训以及政府是否给予指导显著影响农户技术采纳决策。(3)采纳绿色生产技术的农户与未采纳组相比每公顷年均收入增加28.44%;测土配方技术、病虫害绿色防控技术分别带来26.52%和14.90%的增收效应,并分别在1%和5%的水平上显著,节水灌溉技术和废弃物循环利用技术增收效果不显著。[结论]绿色生产技术能显著提高农户收入,因此政府要加强对绿色生产技术的推广,通过技术培训、经济激励、构建技术推广体系等措施提高农户绿色生产...  相似文献   

目的 推广绿色农业技术、强化农业绿色发展的科技支撑是实现农业经济高质量发展的根本要求。方法 文章选择了4项设施蔬菜种植户常用的绿色农业技术(抗病虫抗逆性强的新品种、生物防治、生物农药、水肥一体化),通过计算互联网使用综合得分,运用有序Probit模型实证分析了互联网使用对农户绿色农业技术采纳强度的影响。进一步,结合工具变量法和条件混合过程估计法(CMP)来克服互联网使用的内生性问题,同时检验了社会网络在互联网影响绿色农业技术采纳过程中的调节效应。结果 互联网使用能够显著提高农户的绿色农业技术采纳强度,互联网使用程度高的农户更倾向于采纳多项绿色农业技术;社会网络在互联网使用影响绿色农业技术采纳行为的过程中具有负向调节作用,在影响农户采纳绿色农业技术的过程中互联网使用能够对社会网络产生替代作用。结论 政府应加快推进农村地区互联网基础设施建设,增加农户使用互联网的可行性和便易性;积极开发公益性的绿色技术知识普及、培训、推广和教学软件,帮助农户认识、接受并采纳绿色农业技术;引导农户使用互联网促进产品销售,实现绿色农产品的优质优价。  相似文献   

Concerns about the sustainability of conventional agriculture have prompted widespread introduction of integrated pest management (IPM), an ecologically based approach to control harmful insects and weeds. IPM is intended to reduce ecological and health damage from chemical pesticides by using natural parasites and predators to control pest populations. Since chemical pesticides are expensive for poor farmers, IPM offers the prospect of lower production costs and higher profitability. However, adoption of IPM may reduce profitability if it also lowers overall productivity or induces more intensive use of other production factors. On the other hand, IPM may actually promote more productive farming by encouraging more skillful use of available resources. Data scarcity has hindered a full accounting of IPM's impact on profitability, health, and local ecosystems. Using new survey data, this paper attempts such an accounting for rice farmers in Bangladesh. We compare outcomes for farming with IPM and conventional techniques, using input-use accounting and conventional production functions. All of our results suggest that the productivity of IPM rice farming is not significantly different from conventional farming. Since IPM reduces pesticide costs with no countervailing loss in production, it appears to be more profitable than conventional rice farming. Our interview results also suggest substantial health and ecological benefits. However, externality problems make it difficult for farmers to adopt IPM individually. Without collective adoption, neighbors' continued reliance on chemicals to eliminate pests will also kill helpful parasites and predators, as well as expose IPM farmers and local ecosystems to chemical spillovers from adjoining fields. Successful IPM adoption may therefore depend on institutional support for collective action.  相似文献   

Farmers have a long history of adjusting their production practices in response to changing production conditions. Using a multinomial endogenous treatment effects model that accounts for observable and unobservable heterogeneity, this study investigates the adoption and welfare impacts of climate-resilient practices on Vietnamese rice-cultivating households. We found evidence of clear and positive welfare impacts from the adoption of canal irrigation (CI) and the joint adoption of agricultural conservation practices (CP) and CI as the main adaptation strategies to increase water stress. More importantly, although farmers with access to CI systems obtained the highest returns, the joint adoption of multiple practices still had substantially high adoption rates and significantly positive effects on rice yield, rice revenue and household income. Our findings indicate that farms' and farmers' characteristics, market information and climatic conditions are generally the main factors driving rice farmers' decisions to adopt climate-resilient technologies, both individually and jointly. Follow-up policy interventions should focus on improving CI systems and promoting the joint adoption of climate-resilient technologies to improve rice farmers' well-being and enhance their resilience capacity to cope with incoming climatic uncertainty.  相似文献   

Pesticide productivity,host-plant resistance and productivity in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pesticides are used as the primary method of pest controf in Asian rice production. Conditions in China have led to demand for high and increasing rice yields, resulting in intensive cultivation and adoption of fertilizer responsive varieties. The consequence has been widespread pest infestations. Many studies have estimated pesticide productivity, but few have estimated the productivity of alternative methods ot pest control, namely host-plant resistance. None have estimated the substitutability between these methods of pest-control. The productivity of pesticides and host-plant resistance, and the substitutability between them is measured using two-stage Cobb-Douglas and translog production functions. Under intensive rice production systems in eastern China, pesticide productivity is low compared to the productivity of host-plant resistance. In fact, returns to pesticide use are negative at the margin. Host-plant resistance is an effective substitute for pesticides and substantial reductions in pesticide use could be achieved, with no loss in rice production, through improvements in host-plant resistance. These results suggest that pesticides are being overused in eastern China and host-plant resistance is being underutilized. Government policies to promote increased pesticides in rice might be ill advised given the low productivity and negative returns, particularly in light of well known negative externalities associated with pesticide use.  相似文献   

本文基于安徽省芜湖市以本地就业为主的386户稻农调研数据,采用Logit模型分析了农户IPM技术采纳行为的影响因素。研究表明,农民田间学校能够显著促进农户IPM技术采纳程度;户主非农兼业对化学防治型、生物防治型IPM技术采纳有显著正向影响,但对物理防治型IPM技术采纳影响不显著;耕地规模越大的农户越偏好物理防治型IPM技术,也越厌恶生物防治型IPM技术;农户耕地块数越多化学防治型、生物防治型IPM技术的采纳程度越低;但农民的健康意识、环境保护意识对农户IPM技术采纳影响不显著。  相似文献   

[目的]在社会化服务体系建设不断推进的背景下,农户并非是可自我执行农药减量化的行为主体。分析社会化服务对农户采纳农药减量行为的影响,旨在发掘出以服务规模经营方式促进农户采纳农药减量行为的可行性策略。[方法]文章基于甘肃省802户农户调研数据,利用倾向得分匹配法构建反事实框架,剖析不同专业化服务对农户农药减量行为的影响,最后运用分位数回归模型分析农户农药减量不同行为水平下社会化服务影响效应的动态变化。[结果](1)农业社会化服务能够显著促进农户采纳农药减量行为。(2)讨论内生性后,社会化服务领域下更细化的专业化服务如技术培训、施药外包、农产品销售、产品质量认证等服务对农户农药减量行为具有显著正向影响,而农资供应服务的影响不显著。(3)技术培训、施药外包、产品质量认证等服务对农户农药减量行为高水平组的促进效果最强,对中等水平组的促进效果次之,对低水平组的促进效果最弱,而农产品销售服务的促进作用从中等水平组到高水平组呈现减弱趋势。(4)党员身份、信息来源对农户农药减量行为具有显著正向影响,种粮目的、风险感知对农户农药减量行为具有显著负向影响。[结论]政府对不同类型社会化服务的政策支持应有所差...  相似文献   

[目的]稻虾共作生态农业模式在长江中下游地区发展迅速,对于这一生态农业模式的扩散机理研究,有助于推动其他生态农业模式发展。[方法]文章基于湖北省、湖南省和安徽省农户调研数据,采用二元Probit计量方法分析了农户采纳稻虾共作模式的邻里效应,并采用工具变量法对基准回归结果的内生性进行检验及计算出社会乘数效应。[结果](1)农户的稻虾共作模式采纳行为存在显著的邻里效应,同村邻里农户采纳行为均值每提高一个单位,个体农户采纳稻虾共作模式的概率将提高26.5%;邻里农户采纳行为的社会乘数效应为1.69。(2)农户的稻虾共作模式采纳行为还存在显著的情景效应;加入合作社可以显著提高农户稻虾共作模式采纳行为。[结论]在生态农业模式采纳比较少的行政村内,可以采取适当的激励政策引导部分农户采纳生态农业模式,再通过邻里互动效应作用,间接影响其他农户,从而提高整体采纳水平,形成规模效应。优先采纳的农户通过技术示范、经济收益示范,影响和带动其他农户采纳;充分发挥合作社的辐射带动作用,促进农户生态农业模式采纳行为。  相似文献   

There is a broad literature on the impact of Bt cotton adoption in different countries, but few studies have explicitly looked at environmental and health effects from an economic perspective. We analyse the impact of Bt cotton on environmental efficiency in Pakistan, using farm survey data and a doubly heteroskedastic stochastic production function framework. Negative environmental and health effects of chemical pesticide use are quantified with the environmental impact quotient. Bt‐adopting farms have higher cotton yields, while using lower pesticide quantities and causing less environmental damage. Bt farms are both technically and environmentally more efficient than non‐Bt farms. Bt adoption increases environmental efficiency by 37%. Achieving the same reduction in negative environmental and health impact without Bt would cost conventional cotton farmers US$ 54 per acre in terms of foregone yields and revenues (7% of total revenues). Extrapolating this shadow price of the technology's health and environmental benefits to the total Bt cotton area in Pakistan results in an aggregate value of US$ 370 million. These benefits are in addition to the profit gains for Bt‐adopting farmers. Our results suggest that Bt technology can contribute to sustainable agricultural development.  相似文献   

目的 厘清农业社会化服务对农户家庭收入的影响机制,对提升农户福利水平和完善农业社会化服务体系具有重要意义。方法 文章运用内生转换模型、中介效应模型等方法,重点关注于农药减量增效、保障农产品质量安全的农业社会化服务,实证检验其对农户福利的影响。结果 (1)样本农户中农业社会化服务平均采纳项数仅为2.24项,其中统防统治服务和质量检测服务的采用率均不足20%;(2)农业社会化服务能够通过改变农户传统施药观念与提升种植管理水平,改善农户福利,表现为在反事实假设下,实际采用农业社会化服务的农户若不采用,其家庭人均年收入将下降3.78%;(3)农业社会化服务福利效应存在群组差异性,对于高文化程度、低农业劳动比、种植规模较小的农户而言,采用农业社会化服务后福利水平改善程度相对较大。结论 应持续加强对农业社会化服务的组织形式与服务方式的创新,分类引导不同类型农户理性采用农业社会化服务,充分发挥出农业社会化服务的福利效应。  相似文献   

本文基于收入最大化理论框架,以测土配方施肥技术为例,结合覆盖所有粮食主产区的微观调查数据,采用PSM模型实证分析了合作社参与对农户测土配方施肥技术的影响.研究结果表明:(1)合作社参与有助于提升农户测土配方施肥技术采纳水平;(2)合作社不仅能够通过技术培训促使农户主动采纳测土配方施肥技术,更主要通过标准化生产让农户被动...  相似文献   

作为农业生产的根本,农田质量对于粮食生产而言至关重要,因此农田污染的相关防治已经成为我国农业可持续发展、农产品安全以及我国生态环境保护的重要措施。目前我国农田污染主要特征为农田污染物成分复杂,农田污染程度不断扩大。同时由于农田污染导致土壤肥力下降进而导致相关农作物的产量以及品质不断下降。文章以四川省为例,探究农田污染对粮食生产的影响,结果发现,目前四川省农田污染主要来源于农药化肥的不合理使用,水体以及土壤受工业废水污染严重,畜牧业废弃物污染等。农田污染导致可耕种土地面积不断减少,粮食生产受到严重影响。基于此,该文针对四川省农田污染现状提出农田污染综合立体防控策略,并在此基础上通过合理规划农业生产,减少农药化肥使用量,提高生物防治在病虫害防治当中的比例等措施减少农田污染对粮食生产的影响,以期为我国农田保护以及粮食生产提供一定的理论以及政策依据。  相似文献   

Agricultural policies in Rwanda focus on agricultural intensification and increased market orientation of the smallholder farm sector. Cooperatives are seen as key vehicles in this, but little is known about their effectiveness to achieve these goals. In this article, we analyze the impact of cooperative membership on the agricultural performance of rural households in Rwanda. We use cross‐sectional survey data, collected in 2012, to analyze the impact of cooperative membership on different agricultural performance indicators, including indicators on agricultural intensification, market orientation, farm revenue, and income. We use several econometric techniques to deal with potential selection bias in estimating the impact of cooperative membership, including a proxy variable method based on a willingness to pay measure and propensity score matching methods. We find that cooperative membership in general has a positive impact on farm performance but these effects are driven by specific types of cooperatives.  相似文献   

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