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通过对杭州市下沙高教园区各高校会计相关专业学生进行问卷调查,了解会计专业学生考证的基本现状及存在的问题,并通过开发无纸化机考模拟练习系统,为更好地发挥会计考证对会计教学的积极影响提供相关建议。  相似文献   

政府在高教园区建设中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,高教园区建设作为中国高教改革的一个重要模式被越来越多的地方所运用。宁波的高校改革也是结合园区化建设进行的。伴随着中国高校改革的步伐。宁波在市委、市府的规划引领下,结合宁波实际,走上了一条以园区化建设为特色的高校改革道路。  相似文献   

张春艳 《经济师》2010,(6):92-93
为了加强高教园区建筑工程项目的管理,切实保证工程质量,实现成本管理优化,文章从高教园区建设的实际出发,提出了高教园区建筑工程项目管理体系的构建设想,包括设立项目管理机构,设立项目质量管理机构,构建质量监控体系,狠抓过程控制等四个方面。仅供高教园区建筑工程项目建设、管理单位和人员参考。  相似文献   

在当前垃圾分类工作如火如荼开展的过程中,多元化的分类模式潜移默化地影响着人们的分类积极性。乡村振兴战略背景下,农村垃圾分类由多元化转向一体化的时代已然来临。基于对江苏3个农村垃圾分类试点以及上海试点的实地调研与比照分析,总结出多元化产生的原因,诸如“锦标赛”式的政策解读与扩散,“知行不一”的现象产生与演变,“二元化”的城乡建设与发展,“差异化”的分类机制构建与落实。进一步分析了农村垃圾分类一体化的构成条件,并提出相关政策建议,助力农村垃圾分类实现从多元化到一体化的顺利过渡。  相似文献   

"垃圾分类就是新时尚。"随着全国46个城市强制垃圾分类驶入"快车道",这句话成为新的流行语。那么,垃圾分类落实情况如何?怎样让垃圾分类更加简单高效?民众如何真正参与进来?目前,各地区各领域多措并举,把垃圾分类工作落实落细。  相似文献   

个人网店实名制作为一种市场化网络监管手段,在个人网店有序经营的前提下,可以通过市场机制促进网络交易双方效益最大化,实现社会资源的优化配置和网络交易经济增长方式的转变。本文拟从机会成本、管制经济学等理论出发,以杭州市下沙高教园为例,调查分析个人网店实名制对大学生网络创业与网上购物的影响,并在分析国内外实践结果的基础上提出相关的改进策略建议。  相似文献   

孟春燕 《经济师》2006,(10):62-63
高教园区的兴起,在我国有着特殊的时代背景。正确处理高教园区与当地政府之间的关系是确保现有高教园区健康发展的前提。除此之外,做好园区建设的评估工作以及确保建设资金的及时到位等也是制约我国高教园区发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

党的十九大以来,垃圾分类工作在我国各地逐步推进。部分高校的相关工作效果不如预期,原因之一在于其仅注重宣传培训、指导监管,而未将垃圾分类和高校德育紧密结合。当前,高校应结合实际深入剖析垃圾分类工作的德育价值,培育大学生的生态文明建设意识、新时代劳动精神、社会责任感和创新精神,将知识普及与日常实践、机制建立与责任落实、社会发展与青年智慧、海外经验与本土创新有机结合起来,服务于“立德树人”的根本任务。  相似文献   

赵子光  陈新风 《经济师》2022,(4):163-164+166
垃圾分类是世界趋势。根据生活垃圾产生量影响因子以及山西省垃圾分类处理现状,对生活垃圾的产(产生)、投(投放)、收(收集)、运(运输)、处(处理)五个环节,采取“五化措施”(减量化、精细化、精准化、再利用和资源化、无害化),加快推进垃圾分类产业化进程,破解垃圾分类难题,推进绿色发展,实现再生资源回收利用、垃圾无害化处置,保护生态环境,保障人民身体健康。  相似文献   

在高教园区内,各高校图书馆都会根据本校人才培养的实际需要,有针对性地建立自己的图书信息资源。随着技术的发展,市场对多学科之间技术的融合需求越来越大,因此,仅凭校内图书信息资源已经很难满足广大师生学习、研究的需要。针对高教园区高校集聚的特点,提出如何将这些分散在各高校图书馆中的图书资源实现共享,使其发挥出更大的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

随着垃圾分类政策逐步在全国范围内推行,一些企业将互联网技术与垃圾分类回收相结合,提出了“互联网+再生资源回收”的新模式,但目前该模式仍处于探索阶段,想要在全国范围内推广还有诸多问题需要解决。论文基于演化博弈论理论,构建“互联网+再生资源回收”模式下城市生活垃圾分类回收的演化博弈模型,对博弈三方行为决策进行分析以及仿真验证,研究结果表明:政府的监督成本、政府提供给垃圾分类企业和居民的财政补贴、政府对垃圾分类企业的行政处罚力度以及居民参与垃圾分类的直接收益等因素是制约三方演化博弈能否达到理想均衡状态的关键,进一步分析模型成因,并针对结果提出几点建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the relationship between recycling policy options and recycling behavior to study the most effective methods of diverting post-consumer waste from landfills. We employ data from a unique, micro-data set collected from households in communities across Ontario, Canada. We estimate the relationships between several commonly recycled materials (newsprint, glass, plastics, aluminum cans, tin cans, cardboard, and toxic chemicals) and individual household characteristics, recycling program attributes, and garbage collection financing methods. We find that user fees on garbage collection have significant impacts on recycling levels for all materials except toxic chemicals, and mandatory recycling programs on particular items have significant effects on recycling for almost all materials. Limits on the amount of garbage that can be placed at the curb, and providing free units under user fee systems, however, generally have a negligible or detrimental impact on recycling.JEL classification: D10, H23, Q28  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study of how three waste management policies have affected residential waste generation and recycling behavior in Taiwan over the past decade. The three policies are unit-pricing of garbage in Taipei, a mandatory recycling program in Kaohsiung, and a nationwide policy of charging for plastic bags. We estimate policy effects on total waste, total recycling, and recycling of four specific materials, all measured by weight per capita. Unlike prior work, we find that unit-pricing and mandatory recycling policies lead to significant increases in recycling of most materials, as well as increased levels of total recycling and garbage reduction. The “plastic bag” policy is generally found to lower material-specific and total recycling rates, as well as total garbage volumes.  相似文献   

Quantity-based pricing for garbage collection services and recycling programs are becoming increasingly popular methods of meeting municipal solid waste diversion objectives. This article investigates household willingness to pay (WTP) for a pilot curbside recycling program (CRP) in the presence of a quantity-based pricing scheme for garbage collection services, which allows a household to alter their garbage container size at a reduced price. Unlike previous studies that have modeled the simultaneity of these household decisions as a two-step process, we jointly estimate the household's intentions using a full-information maximum-likelihood (FIML) approach. Our results show a strong positive correlation between a household's WTP for a CRP and its stated intention to reduce its garbage container size when a CRP is offered. The positive correlation suggests that WTP will be higher for households which are more likely to reduce their garbage container size. Thus, in the presence of quantity-based pricing, a household's WTP for recycling more fully reflects the marginal social costs of garbage disposal.  相似文献   

Using a unique 10-year dataset of all 458 Dutch municipalities, we apply a differences-in-differences approach to estimate the effect of unit-based pricing on household waste quantities and recycling. Community-level studies of unit-based pricing typically do not include fixed effects at the local level. We find that failure to do so may substantially inflate the estimated price effect. We also find that unit-based pricing may be endogenous, and use instrumental variables to account for this. Our analysis shows that user fees depend on user fees in neighboring jurisdictions (policy interaction). Our estimate of the garbage reduction per $1 user fee is lower than any previous estimate bar one. The price effect depends on the pricing system: weight-based systems reduce garbage quantities more than volume-based systems. User fees increase recycling, especially of paper, but not nearly as much as they reduce garbage quantities. We find no evidence for waste tourism or illegal dumping.  相似文献   

A model of household refuse production is presented in which the implications of the presence of dumping incentives for the public choice of garbage collection frequency under a user fee system are analysed. Insofar as governments wishing to balance their waste collection service budgets can set the marginal benefit of collecting garbage equal to its marginal cost, no externality arises through pick‐up frequency. However, when the expected punishment for dumping is zero or independent of its extent, the public provision of refuse collection frequency turns out to be negatively affected by the amount of garbage that individuals dump and, therefore, intervention in the management of household waste is required. The optimal policy is found to consist of taxes on consumption goods and subsidies for curbside (or legal) disposal and recycling that are directly linked to collection costs.  相似文献   

随着城市化发展和人口增长,城乡生活垃圾处理问题日益严峻。针对我国城市生活垃圾处理技术和设备存在的问题,提出一种新型的生活垃圾自动分类技术。这一技术可以实现生活垃圾减量化、无害化、资源化,实现可持续发展,同时也有利于生态环境的改善。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断加快和城市规模的日益扩大,西安的环境污染如垃圾污染等问题也El益严重。在对西安市的垃圾处理现状进行大量实地考察的基础上提出:以政策为先导,促进垃圾处理的产业化;加强统一管理,积极推行市场机制;控制生产型企业垃圾产生指标,零售业参与垃圾回收;有效利用国内外先进技术和经验,改进和淘汰现有的落后的垃圾处理技术;有效利用媒体等各种手段,多途径宣传环保知识等一系列具体措施,可为相关部门解决这一问题提供具一定操作性的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Some empirical studies have attempted to clarify the mechanism of illegal dumping by examining the degree to which per-bag pricing plays a role. However, previous research on the behaviour of avoiding paying a charge for waste collection has tended to neglect so-called ‘immoral disposal,’ which is less risky than illegal dumping because there is no legal penalty. In this study, we define immoral disposal as the dumping of waste in a manner that is immoral but not illegal. To detect the existence of immoral disposal, we apply a spatial econometric approach, namely an extended panel spatial Durbin model, to identify the actual spillover effect of garbage pricing in neighbouring municipalities on immoral disposal from the total waste. A major finding of this study is that immoral disposal exists in unit-based pricing, two-tiered pricing, and fixed pricing.  相似文献   

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