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This article is concerned with criminal activity in the context of the regulation of occupational safety and health; within this general concern is a more specific focus upon corporate crime, in the context of the management of major hazards. The article begins by, developing the argument that safety violations are indeed crimes, and ought to be treated as such. This leads on to a more general definitional discussion of the nature of corporate crime. The article then addresses the 'production' of

corporate crime in the context of the management of major hazards, This consideration begins by noting the principles of 'effective'—and hy implication lawful—safety management, before going on to discuss briefly the findings of case studies on the management of safety in contexts characterized by the operation of hazardous technologies. It is concluded that the management and organization ofsafep in these contexts might be labelled 'criminogenic'; a conclusion challenging arguments for increased self-regulation in the organization of safety in such contexts. More generally, it reinforces the claim that we need to consider hazardous technologies and their organizational and managerial contexts in terns of the possible production of safety crimes.  相似文献   

This article considers the various strategic and organizational problems connected with the UK's introduction of university-based Interdisciplinary Research Centres (IRCs) to develop the knowledge bases underlying key new generic technologies—such as biotechnology and high temperature superconductivity. The new IRCs are set against the context of the UK's declining economic competitiveness and the UK's present rationalization of higher education, including the further concentration of university scientific research in fewer departments and centres. The origins of the IRC model are examined and related to similar cantres now being introduced in the USA. Mobility between the IRCs, university departments and participating firms is seen as a key issue, as is the question of whether a balance of resources can be maintained. A sensitive issue is whether or not the sort of strategic management of research resources envisioned will result in long-term distortions of organizational decelopment—and of the overall intellectual directions, shape and standing of UK universities.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that formal networks can play a crucial role in the formation of technological innovation systems (TIS). Firms and other actors collaborate in formal networks not only to generate new knowledge but also to strategically create and shape supportive system resources such as technology specific R&D programs. This paper takes a closer look at the resources, which are developed and deployed by networks to facilitate the building up of a TIS. Networks rely not only on the organizational resources of their members but also on new resources developed at the network level including network governance structures, trust among network members, a common understanding of the strategic goals or a good reputation of the network. Our analysis shows that the capacity of networks to fulfill different tasks of system building especially depends on the network resources they are able to establish. With the differentiation of organizational, network and system resources we introduce a conceptual framework, which makes three important contributions. It highlights the strategic nature of (innovation) system building; it allows us comparing the contribution of different actors and formal networks in this regard; and it improves our understanding of how firm and system level processes are intertwined.  相似文献   

The present document attempts to provide a global understanding of the ways in which the mixed corporation differs from public and private firms. Its main objectives are to: 1) identify how organizational theory specialists distinguish mixed firms from those which are purely public or private; 2) redefine the lines of thought which can serve to classify public, mixed and private firms from an organizational perspective; 3) formulate research proposals related to the functioning and survival of mixed firms operating alongside public and private firms.
This document aims to constitute a synthesis of the ideas and empirical knowledge already acquired about the nature and functioning of mixed firms, in order to identify the means by which this type of firm can become specific and distinct from public and private firms as an object of study. Specifically, our review of the literature is intended to lead to the development of an organizational approach which will distinguish between public, mixed and private enterprises.
We undertake the integration of hybrid, resource dependence, strategic choice, organizational ecology and institutionalism theories in order to develop criteria of distinction between the public, mixed and private categories, as well as between sub-categories of mixed firms, so as to arrive at a strategic configuration perspective of the organization.
Use of the model is illustrated by examples taken from observation of a number of mixed Western European and Canadian firms. Research proposals on the distinctive character and variety of mixed firms are also outlined in view of future empirical verification.  相似文献   

陈彦亮  高闯 《经济管理》2020,42(3):89-101
组织惯例复制作为一种价值创造的战略日 益受到学界的关注,但情境与惯例的互动博弈而引致的复制低效或失效则成为当前“复制困境”理论与实践的关键议题。传统研究着重从外部情境切入,保持对惯例复制的宏观层面分析,本研究则将组织惯例复制视为一种内生性政治进程,强调个体机构和管理的自由裁量权等内源性情境要素的作用机理,由此尝试揭示惯例复制微观机制进程中的情境嵌入机理。本文首先对组织惯例复制的情境依赖机制进行了梳理,指出内部情境嵌入是组织惯例复制的核心,而后引入全新的分析单位——特定业务单元,以展示和刻画复制进程中的“组织情境魔力”,进一步以“理性计算还是情感耦合”和“高管团队介入还是放任”作为业务单元特性维度表述了惯例复制过程中的情境差异性。区分并阐述了惯例复制的两种形态:精准的完全复制和适应性的漂移复制,阐述了两种形态的惯例复制在不同情境机制下对利用性能力和探索性能力的差异性匹配需求,然后结合组织双元性能力培育的四种途径创建了一个二维四象限的组织惯例复制模型,实现了结构双元、情景双元、领导双元和集成双元与组织情境(业务单元特性)的匹配适应。  相似文献   

Cross-subsidization and cost misallocation by regulated monopolists   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While cross-subsidization is understood theoretically as involving the sustainability of a cost allocation scheme, it is invoked in regulatory policy contexts, such as the divestiture of AT&T, where costs of serving unregulated markets may be borne by ratepayers of regulated monopolies. We analyze two cross-subsidization tactics—cost misallocation and distorted technological choice — under a spectrum of regulatory cost allocation policies. These tactics lead to higher prices in regulated markets and inefficient production in unregulated markets. Welfare effects are discussed; we conclude with observations on strategic behavior and regulatory policy.  相似文献   

组织惯例更新是企业进行组织优化和迭代以适应外部动态环境的重要途径,基于组织学习理论和动态能力理论,构建先动型市场导向—组织学习—组织惯例更新—动态能力—可持续竞争优势研究框架,探讨组织惯例更新触发因素与影响效应。通过对191家科技型企业进行问卷调研发现:①先动型市场导向显著正向影响组织惯例更新,组织学习在先动型市场导向与组织惯例更新之间起部分中介作用;②组织惯例更新显著正向影响企业可持续竞争优势,动态能力在组织惯例更新与可持续竞争优势之间发挥完全中介作用。研究结论有助于厘清组织惯例更新触发因素、丰富组织惯例更新结果研究,并对企业建立可持续竞争优势具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Abstract ** : This paper proposes an internal management perspective of the company, as a complement to longstanding principal‐agency theory, for understanding the interchange between regulator and company. It draws from a longitudinal research project on understanding the implications of regulation policy incentives for strategic control in the management of UK monopoly network utilities and the management implications of regulatory policy making. This paper reports on how two utility companies have managed regulatory objectives alongside organizational ones in electricity distribution and gas transportation and suggests a new integrative model of strategic control for understanding utility management. It concludes if regulation policies are to be effective then regulators should understand the internal management of the companies if performance targets are to be attained .  相似文献   

'Metal-bashing' is a derogatory term, implaying unsophisticated engineering. Few modem engineering firms covet a metal-bashing image and probably none would encourage a metal-bashing culture. However, changing an image and expunging a culture present problems for the organization when both are reinforced by beliefs that transcend organizational boundaries. Engineering itself has a metal-bashing image—part of an engineering myth which also includes characteristics which the modern engineering firm would wish to ratain. This paper is concerned with the images of two large engineering firms. In both cases, the firm's image had reflection of the firm's businesses and in neither case was the image deliberately cultivated. However, in one case, senior mangement deemed the metal-bashng image to be so incompatible with global aspiration: that it was deliberately expunged. In the other firm, the same image was seen as less damaging to international aspirations and no specific efforts were made to change it. This paper examines some of the strategic implications of changing image and culture when myth cannot be changed.  相似文献   

数字经济时代数字技术与实体经济深度融合,中国制造企业面临通过战略变革实现创新发展的机遇和挑战。囿于理论视角和研究方法,现有研究难以指导管理者实现有效的战略变革。鉴于此,立足战略三角框架,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA),基于2018年中国A股上市制造企业样本数据,检验政府效率、创新创业活跃度、过往绩效、控股股东性质、市场竞争度与战略变革幅度6项条件对创新绩效的组态效应。结果表明:战略变革不构成高创新绩效的必要条件,不同制度情境下企业应依据组织要素特征选择战略变革模式。4种组态能够引致高创新绩效:高政府效率、非高创新创业活跃度环境下高绩效国企宜实施回避式战略变革;高政府效率、高创新创业活跃度环境下高绩效民企应实施妥洽式战略变革;高政府效率、高创新创业活跃度环境下非高绩效国企宜实施转向式战略变革;非高政府效率、非高创新创业活跃度环境下非高绩效企业应进行复兴式战略变革。  相似文献   

在综述现有文献的基础上,提出:项目管理办公室不但能给项目经理提供项目管理知识支持,还能给组织高层提供资源配置、战略对应等支持,既体现出操作性角色,还体现出战略性角色;组织内的项目管理办公室有多种类型,其发展变革历程和具体类型选择与组织战略紧密相关,设置目的都是希望通过变革实现收益;项目办公室的5大基本职能是开发、支持、监控、培训和组合。最后以国家应用软件产品质量监督检验中心为例,分析了项目管理办公室在中心的应用及其具体职能。  相似文献   

I prove the subgame-perfect equivalent of the basic result for Nash equilibria in normal-form games of strategic complements: the set of subgame-perfect equilibria is a nonempty, complete lattice—in particular, subgame-perfect Nash equilibria exist. For this purpose I introduce a device that allows the study of the set of subgame-perfect equilibria as the set of fixed points of a correspondence. My results are limited because extensive-form games of strategic complementarities turn out—surprisingly—to be a very restrictive class of games.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to examine the strategic, technological and organizational implications of Piore and Sabel's thesis of 'industrial divides'— of critical moments in history when the existing logic of organizational and technological development comes to be challenged. This thesis, while very influential in the social sciences, has not received the attention it merits in the discourse o f strategic management. Herein we extend the Piore and Sabel thesis to examine changes currently under way in the UK television (TV) industry. These changes, based on flexibility and the development of network forms of organization in TV production, are broadly supportive of Piore and Sabel's argument. However, when we look at the downstream elements ofthe TV value chain, we see dzffermt forms of reconfiguration at firm and sector levels driven in part by an emerging range of new distribution technologies.  相似文献   

This paper argues that our understanding of the different forms of teamworking in manufacturing is aided by placing teamworking within an organizational and a strategic context. The argument is developed firstly by considering changes in the manufacturing environment which have resulted in the need to overcome the legacy of traditional organization and move to contemporary forms emphasizing quality and flexibility. Secondly, there follows a discussion of the role of teamworking in the current literature, particularly that focussing on 'new wave' manufacturing. Thirdly, extracts from one of our fourteen in-depth case studies from field work are presented as examples. This is of a car assembly plant, which used teamworking as a vehicle for major organizational change. Data analysis used Hinings and Greenwood's (H.R. Hinings & R. Greenwood, Understanding Organisational Design (Oxford, Blackwell, 1989)) theoretical framework, arguing the relevance of that model to aid our understanding of teamworking, both in terms of utilizing an organizational perspective and of recognizing and defining different team archetypes. Finally, the article concludes by summarizing the main findings of the research so far, emphasizing the benefits of taking a strategic approach to teamworking.  相似文献   

We consider the choice of price/quantity of a public and a private firm in a mixed differentiated duopoly. First, we study the way in which the strategic choice of the market variable is affected by different given organizational structures (managerial or entrepreneurial) of the public and the private firm. Second, we investigate how the price/quantity choice interacts with the endogenous choice of the organizational structure, thus determining a subgame perfect equilibrium at which firms choose to behave as price‐setters and to adopt a managerial structure.  相似文献   

This paper examines from a technology management perspective the prospects for conversion within the US military industrial complex from defence to civil production. After the introduction, the second section establishes a theoretical framework for the analysis, and the concept of conversion is critically examined. This section concludes, among other things, that firms can be perceived as a function of their core skills and their strategic alliances. In the next section, US defence production is discussed from a technology management perspective. Then there is an examination of three firms strategies to develop a competitive advantage in civil commercial markets: edploitation of the defence technological base; organizational and institutional changes; initiatives to affect the socio-economic framework. The success criteria for coping with reduced defence spending are established at frim, individual, local and national levels, and the firms performance with respect to these success criteria are evaluated. A major conclusion is that elements of industrial restructuring constitute an essential—although not sufficient—part of a successful transition to an economy less devoted to defence.  相似文献   

从分析战略人力资源管理和组织绩效的概念着手,简单介绍了目前国内学者关于战略人力资源管理对组织绩效影响的研究现状,并在总结学者研究成果的基础上,尝试提出战略人力资源管理对组织绩效的作用机理模型来说明实施战略人力资源管理对组织绩效的影响。  相似文献   

Private information is typically modeled as signals. A joint probability distribution captures relationships between signals and between signals and relevant variables. In this paper, we define and contrast two types of signals: generated and interpreted. We demonstrate that even though the standard assumption of conditional independence is a reasonable benchmark assumption for generated signals, it imposes a specific, and unlikely structure on interpreted signals. We also show that independent interpreted signals are negatively correlated in their correctness, but generated signals can be independent. Our findings may limit the contexts in which many models of information aggregation and strategic choices in auctions, markets, and voting apply.  相似文献   

The potential of a theory based on organizational memes in coevolution with the environment has been postulated, but remains empirically under-developed. This study explores whether understanding organizational memetic variation is empirically possible and, if so, whether it might, with further development, provide managers with early indications of a misalignment between organizational action (operationalized as memetic variation) and strategic intent—the amount of memetic variation needed to stay aligned with the competitive environment. A method for empirically identifying knowledge-based memes in everyday practice is developed. It stems from modern advances in genetics allowing micro-level changes in genes to be linked to macro-environmental dynamics. Using the concept that memetic variation is caused by everyday, uncontrollable uncertainties of interpretation, memetic variation is reduced to seven categorical types. A highly exploratory quasi-experimental design allows a preliminary comparison of a would-be innovative ‘Portfolio Management Committee’ with self-organizing Internet chat-room settings that are representational of open-source innovation. Results are consistent with predictions showing that higher levels of variation are seen in the latter, despite the former’s strategic intent of innovating to stay aligned with a dynamic environment. Further work is needed, however, to test reliability and validity.   相似文献   

This paper proposes to analyse intra-firm ICT diffusion with a specific focus on the differentiation of the types of ICTs adopted. Its theoretical foundations rest on three sources: (i) models of technology diffusion, (ii) Milgrom's and Roberts’ complementarity hypothesis (1990), and (iii) the neo-Schumpeterian theory of technological choices. Cluster analyses and a multinomial logit model are used to show the coexistence of four ICT adoption modes characterized by different ICT choices, as well as by different strategic, organizational and environmental patterns. The dataset is based on a cross-sectional survey of French firms, which was conducted in 2002.  相似文献   

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