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一、影响金融机构反洗钱报告质量的主要原因 (一)反洗钱工作内在动力不足,降低了对可疑交易分析的效率。一些金融机构对反洗钱工作认识不到位,认为履行反洗钱义务要投入不少的人力物力,势必增加经营成本,从而在反洗钱工作中存在消极应付,懈怠报送反洗钱报告现象。  相似文献   

试论我国金融机构反洗钱的成本补偿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文拟对《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》颁布实施后我国金融机构反洗钱工作的内在成本补偿问题进行分析,剖析我国金融机构反洗钱工作的内在动力,并结合近年来我国反洗钱实践的效果,提出政策建议。  相似文献   

一、反洗钱工作中遇到的难点(一)充分调动金融机构开展反洗钱工作积极性难。主要是因为:一是认识不足。各金融机构认为反洗钱是发达地区的事,贫困或偏远的地区不会存在反洗钱问题,同时,在思想上还没有意识到如果金融机构从业人员卷入洗钱犯罪,往往也会给金融机构自身的利益造成相当严重的损害。二是动力不足。  相似文献   

目前,基层金融机构反洗钱工作仍存在许多亟待解决的问题。工作积极性不高,内部动力不足。一是部分金融机构对反洗钱工作的重要性和紧迫性缺乏足够的认识,认为反洗钱工作不仅增加了工作流程、工作量和经营成本,甚至还可能因严格执行制度而影响了与客户的关系,导致存款外流,结  相似文献   

本文从金融机构反洗钱管理目标出发,阐述金融机构如何建立健全本机构反洗钱主要内部控制制度,并就当前金融机构反洗钱管理现状,梳理金融机构反洗钱工作中普遍存在的问题和不足,提出加强金融机构反洗钱管理的建议。  相似文献   

随着人民银行反洗钱监管的不断加强,金融机构反洗钱意识有了较大程度提高,能够按照反洗钱工作机制和操作流程加强义务履行,取得了一定的成效。但是随着国内外经济形势的发展变化,各金融机构反洗钱工作仍然存在许多问题和不足,影响了反洗钱工作效果。  相似文献   

目前,金融机构反洗钱工作还面临一些问题。首先比较普遍的是一些金融机构的领导和职工对反洗钱工作的重要性认识不足。反洗钱意识淡薄,对有关制度、办法缺乏学习。其次是反洗钱信息收集与分析存在纰漏。当前,人民银行反洗钱手段主要是分析金融机构报送的大额支付交易和可疑交易报告。反洗钱工作的基础是对交易信息的处理,但由于人民银行尚没有建立专门的反洗钱信息监测系统,  相似文献   

我国加入世贸组织后,经济、金融领域逐步开放,反洗钱工作面临的形势日趋严峻。作为反洗钱工作主要载体的金融机构,无论在社会环境、技术手段、人员配备及素质上都存在诸多不足。本文从基层金融机构的角度,对当前基层金融机构反洗钱工作存在的问题进行剖析。并提出提高反洗钱工作水平的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,洗钱风险逐渐向监管薄弱的县域地区转移,县支行反洗钱监管力量不足,加大了县域金融机构反洗钱监管工作的难度,本文分析了县支行反洗钱监管工作中存在的专职人员缺乏、知识储备不足、金融机构配合度差等问题,并提出了相关意见建议。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》的颁布实施,是我国反洗钱法制建设的里程碑。学习贯彻《反洗钱法》,对于预防洗钱活动,遏制洗钱犯罪及其相关犯罪、保护国家和广大人民群众根本利益具有重大作用,也有利于促进金融稳定、维护公平公正的市场经济秩序。金融行业是反洗钱工作的重点领域,金融机构在金融服务中直接办理现金支付和结算业务,处在反洗钱工作第一线,应当自觉履行反洗钱义务。基层金融机构怎样履行好反洗钱的职责是当前的一个新课题,对此,作者谈点浅见。一、基层金融机构反洗钱工作的现状1.思想认识不足,履行反洗钱职责的积极性不高。在《反洗钱法》出台以前,反洗钱工作主要由公安部门承担,各金融机构接触甚少,对反洗钱的具体要求和内容了解不深,缺乏反洗钱意识,认为反洗钱工作重点在沿海地区和经济发达的大城市,看不到洗钱活动已蔓延到内地和中小城市,忽视洗钱活动的危害。有的金融机构认为:“反洗钱是人民银行的事,跟我们关系不大,在金融机构开展反洗钱工作,只会增加成本,出不了效益,是亏本的买卖”。由于认识不到位,金融机构参与反洗钱工作的积极性不高,不能自觉履行反洗钱工作职责。2.规章制度执行不到位,业务操作不规范。金融机构在金融服务中本来早有完整的规章制度...  相似文献   

反洗钱的外部性与激励机制的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
反洗钱的特殊性需要各机构通力合作,尤其需要银行等金融机构的参与.通过对反洗钱过程中的洗钱方和反洗钱方的私人成本和社会成本、私人收益和社会收益的对比,揭示了外部性对银行业反洗钱的影响.  相似文献   

Financial transformation is a major organizational change that enterprises face today. Under the influence of information technologies, financial shared service mode has become a better option for enterprise financial transformation. Financial shared service mode has a positive or negative influence on the competitive advantage of enterprises under the promotion of internal and external factors. At the same time, the ever-changing complex environment makes the influence of financial shared service mode on the competitive advantage of enterprises more uncertain.Based on organizational complexity theory, this paper uses both a multi-case study approach and a force field analysis to explore the influence mechanism of financial shared service mode on the competitive advantage of enterprises and constructs the force field model of the influence mechanism. Under the premise of being influenced by the driving forces and restraining forces in the force field model, this paper focuses on the moderating forces associated with organizational complexity on the relationship between financial shared service mode and competitive advantage.The research shows, it is evident that the driving forces and restraining forces in the force field model exert dominant and restrictive effects on competitive advantage respectively through the financial shared service mode. It is vital to find that organizational complexity factors in the force filed model have moderating effect on the influence relationship between competitive advantage and financial shared service mode. Enterprises need to seek solutions to deal with organizational complexity factors under the joint influence of driving forces and restraining forces to maximize the positive influence of financial shared service mode on the competitive advantage of enterprises.  相似文献   

Using a new database covering some 91 supervisory agencies, this paper examines how important various skilled experts are in the supervisory process and the relative usage of different kinds of such experts. We seek to explore what kind of perspective supervisors in different institutional settings may adopt: a macro-oriented perspective or a more micro-approach? The answer to this question is relevant, as there is evidence that many financial crises have been macro-induced.It is found that central banks employ more economists and fewer lawyers in their supervisory/financial stability wing than non-centralbank supervisory agencies. This result would indicate that an institutional setting with direct or indirect central bank involvement is more likely to produce a macro-approach. Next, there are significant economies of scale in financial supervision, though this can be measured by several alternative variables (e.g., the relative scale of bank intermediation). Finally, there do not appear to be major economies of scope. A more complex financial system with a well-developed stock market would need both more supervisors as well as more skilled ones.  相似文献   

Growing investor interest in microfinance combined with strong demand from microfinance institutions (MFIs) for capital have caused the financial industry and rating agencies to seek more reliable and precise methods for assessing the risks of MFIs. Drawing on the work of various industry leaders as well as its own experience, Morgan Stanley's Microfinance Institutions Group has created a comprehensive internal credit analysis and rating methodology—one that, by producing global (foreign and local currency) scale ratings, enables its analysts to assess and compare risks both within the growing microfinance sector and relative to other sectors.  相似文献   

中国人民银行自2000年成立内部审计部门以来,财务审计就成为内审部门的一项重要业务。近年来,随着财务工作的发展和变化,财务审计在审计工作中的地位越来越重要,财务审计的内容也越来越广泛。本文结合人民银行财务管理和财务审计工作开展的现状,对影响人民银行财务审计质量的问题进行了详细、深入剖析,并提出了提高财务审计质量的措施和建议。  相似文献   

基于多层级委托代理的金融机构内部道德风险模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹元芳 《上海金融》2008,51(1):53-56
道德风险问题是我国金融业普遍存在的问题,许多金融案件的发生无不与金融从业人员的职业道德水平有关。而目前金融系统实行的多层级委托代理经营管理模式存在制度缺陷和道德风险隐患。本文通过建立三方两阶段的博弈模型,对我国金融业中多层级委托-代理存在的道德风险给出实证分析,提出具有实践意义的建议。  相似文献   

Scale and scope economies are examined for life insurance agencies that distribute multiple financial products. The results of this study suggest that there are significant administrative returns to scale for firms that sell a mix of financial products. The findings for scope estimates are inconsistent, suggesting that there are positive and negative cost complementaries for pairs of products. Subadditivity can be rejected, suggesting that joint distribution of financial products is not necessarily more efficient than specialization and that different-sized agencies are not necessarily at a cost disadvantage.  相似文献   

The debate over modernizing the financial structure is raising questions about the merits of modernizing the financial regulatory structure. Regulatory structure is important because an almost unavoidable feature of our current system of government is that Congress assigns multiple goals, which sometimes have conflicting policy implications, to the regulatory agencies. The structure of the agencies is important to the resolution of these conflicts. Responsibility for two or more goals that have conflicting implications may be assigned to a single agency, which is likely to resolve the conflict with a consistent set of policies based on the agency's priorities. Alternatively, the goals may be assigned to more than one agency, an action that often results in the conflicts being debated in the public arena but that also may result in the agencies implementing inconsistent policies. This paper uses the problem of goal conflicts to provide a framework for evaluating alternative regulatory structures.  相似文献   

基于会计相关性的企业内部报告地位与价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从会计相关性对内部报告的需求出发,首先探讨了企业内部报告的内涵,明确了企业内部报告与外部报告的关系,以及企业内部报告的主导地位。在此基础上,分别从企业内部报告与管理会计创新,企业内部报告与财务报告变革,企业内部报告与内部控制实施,企业内部报告与财务分析发展,企业内部报告与公司理财完善五个方面,论述了企业内部报告的理论价值与应用价值。随着企业内部报告体系的建立,管理会计将从基于会计的管理转向基于管理的会计;财务报告的变革将以内部报告创新为基础;内部控制实施的信息将更加系统;财务分析将从基于投资者的财务分析发展到基于管理者经营的财务分析;公司理财将更加注重资本经营、资产经营、商品经营和产品经营的协调统一。  相似文献   

"十二五"是我国调整经济发展模式的重要时期。对于金融业而言,在继续深化改革加快发展的同时,也必须以更新的思维和理念,做好这一时期的信息化工作。作为"十二五"承上启下的一年,2012年我国金融业的信息化建设,"创新"成为主线,无论是在工作  相似文献   

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