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音乐喷泉是由电脑控制声、光及喷孔组合、配合音乐节奏产生不同形状、不同色彩的综合水景。音乐喷泉的声、光、色、形俱美,常常用作风景园林的主景。随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们越来越注重环境的改善和美化,音乐喷泉在小区、公园、休闲广场得到了广泛的应用。音乐喷泉的控制系统是音乐喷泉设计的核心,下面以INVT-CHE系列变频器在珠海某广场的应用为例,阐述音乐喷泉的变频控制。  相似文献   

针对深空通信长时延、误码率和丢包率大、上下行链路带宽不对称和链路易中断等特点,提出利用喷泉码的编译码技术解决上述问题。阐述了喷泉码的编译原理、类型、典型应用、关键技术,并提出利用喷泉码不需要反馈的思想,将喷泉编码与深空通信中的协议技术相结合,以简化协议,减少确认-重传过程,缩短长距离文件传输时延,增大系统的吞吐量。  相似文献   

新加坡馆如同一座即将开启的音乐盒,聆听悦耳的音乐,独有的韵律与节奏,尽显“城市交响曲”这一主题。景观的设计多元化,水、花园、音乐喷泉、视听效果互动以及屋顶花园的特色花卉景观等多种设计元素的融合,形成了一曲完美的协奏曲。“在新加坡,无论走到哪里,我总能闻到泥土的芳香,人与自然相互亲近和信任。”上海世博会新加坡馆设计师陈家毅说,“不是我们选择了‘水’与‘花园’,而是它们选择了我们。”  相似文献   

本文运用物理学规律,以喷泉水流中的小水滴为模型来分析喷泉喷水速度、喷射最大水平距离和喷射高度之间的呃相互关系以及影响这些量的因素,从而实现对喷射高度和喷射最大水平距离的适当控制,达到行人能够看到赏心悦目的景象与被水淋湿之间可以接受的平衡.  相似文献   

无锡宜兴的“江苏浪花景观有限公司”通过对俄罗斯市场深人考察和详细论证,决定在俄独资建办“上海戈顿喷泉工程有限公司”,潜心开拓承建俄罗斯及周边国家的喷泉景观和水处理工程。该境外公司今年1月份批准设立,短短3个多月时间,已分别承接到造价约为200万美元和600万美元的俄罗斯和土库曼斯坦各一个城市喷泉景观工程。  相似文献   

萧易寒 《广告大观》2006,(2S):148-149
上班的时候,你说今天是我们的两周年纪念日,晚上无论如何要早点回来,一起庆祝一下。我笑着捏你的鼻子说,老婆大人放心,我一定会在很早的时间回来,与你一起看一场浪漫的电影,然后吃一顿灿烂的两周年纪念餐,如果还有时间的话,一起去泉城广场看一看音乐喷泉。你笑笑地看着我,眼睛里充满着一种期待的神采奕奕。  相似文献   

<正>中山市古镇盈格威电子电器灯饰厂是集开发、研制尖端智能电子镇流器及LED配套应用的全塑智能筒灯,防水吸顶灯,防水防尘支架,音乐喷泉专用LED水池灯,T5防水护栏灯,T5+LED组合公园灯,LED草地灯等产品的专业  相似文献   

<正>抓狂游乐推币机新奇前卫的造型,上端带有两个置币孔,下面有储币箱,前台带有两个控制器,可分别控制启动停止和音乐声光;在插币的同时还会触发内置音乐系统,全程音乐伴随,多路幻变七彩闪光系统,还带有恶意或非法操作警报功能,能自动停机。  相似文献   

炎炎夏日的午后.金融街中心广场上,喷泉有节奏地跳动着,一辆大气稳重的荣威950悄然驶入,静静停在喷泉旁。匆匆而过的人们纷纷放慢脚步侧目打量这个突如其来的“新人”。北京金融街,享有“中国华尔街”之美誉,坐落着70多家高端金融机构的总部.每天进出的商务人员数以万计.也是商务车需求最集聚的地方之一。因此,我们特地将荣威950带到这里,直面潜在消费者的考验。  相似文献   

王辉 《品牌》2014,(12)
本文首先对中职音乐教学的基本功用做了系统的论述分析,详细阐述了中职音乐教学的重要意义和教学特点。接着笔者又深入分析了现阶段我国中职音乐教学中的问题所在并结合自身多年工作研究经验提出了相应的完善策略。最后,针对建设中职情景音乐教学问题,笔者做了观点性和理论性的论述分析。  相似文献   


This study examines the relationship between opinion seeking and cultural values and individual characteristics in the context of electronic products by surveying cosmopolitan adults of 15 nationalities, namely, American, Australian, British, Dutch, Filipino, German, Hong Konger, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Malaysian, New Zealander, Singaporean, Swedish, and Thai. It finds (i) positive correlation between opinion seeking and power distance, category knowledge, category purchase intention, category innovativeness, opinion giving, market maven, brand loyalty, and susceptibility to interpersonal influence, (ii) negative correlation between opinion seeking and the masculinity and uncertainty avoidance cultural dimensions, category ownership, self-esteem, education, and age, and (iii) no correlation between opinion seeking and individualism, long-term orientation, and risk taking. It then discusses the managerial implications of the findings.  相似文献   

The results of the Annual Global Public Opinion Survey were released by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) on April 2,2008,the combination of 7,457 public opinion polls in 34 countries,gave Germany and Japan the No.1 and No.2 spots,respectively, while the last four went to North Korea, Pakistan,Israel,Iran.  相似文献   

In the middle of last December, the key purchase contracts for coal used in power generation in 2008 were signed, reflecting a demand for more than 1.085 billion tons. It is important to note that the country's five biggest power producers, China Huaneng Group, China Guodian Corporation, China Power Investment Corporation, China Huadian Corporation and China Datang Corporation, had settled on the prices on their purchase contracts, and they are expected to consume 290 million tons of coal for generating electricity,  相似文献   

浅谈粮食企业团队建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从目标、旗帜、战略、激励、执行、激情等方面简单介绍了如何建立一支高效的粮食企业团队。  相似文献   

本文主要编写了立式加工中心实用简化编程,其中包括用户宏程序的概念、特征、示例宏程序。用户宏程序可以提高编程效率,尤其是重复动作的加工过程,减少编程的辅助工作时间,从而提高数控的效率;在宏程序中可以添加多种行程保护,防止过切、回程撞刀和因程序错误而发生的质量和安全事故;用户宏程序应用方便,可以控制机床的微小动作,并进行运算从而提高产品质量。  相似文献   

实施节约优先的国家能源战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放后的二十多年,我国在提高经济效益方面取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但同时,高耗能产业快速成长,居民消费结构升级以及高耗能产品、低效能生产能力淘汰迟缓,使能源消费总量快速扩张,导致能源、资源的对外依存度迅速上升,生产要素低价格政策和环境监管不到位又提供了一种资源依赖型发展环境,这使我国站在了一个发展的十字路口。节约能源必须发展清洁能源,使能源结构得到改善和升级;要通过法律约束、政策导向和经济激励等手段,推动大范围采用节能装备、节能建筑和节能产品,进而发展循环经济,提高能源的转换效率。改善产业结构和提高能源效率,必须使各市场主体的行为主要受经济力量的驱动,使政府的政策包括价格、技术标准、政策法规、经济激励等措施通过市场起作用,并着重建立全社会的节能环保机制。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the case of the vinyl record to show that iconic objects become meaningful via a dual process. First, they offer immersive engagements which structure user interpretations through various material experiences of handling, use, and extension. Second, they always work via entanglements with related material ecologies such as turntables, speakers, mixers, and rituals of object care. Additionally, these engagements are complimented by a mediation process which emplaces the vinyl historically, culturally, spatially, and also politically, especially in the context of digitalization. This relational process means that both the material affordances and entanglements of vinyl allow us to feel, handle, experience, project, and share its iconicity. The materially mediated meanings of vinyl enabled it to retain currency in independent and collector’s markets and thus resist the planned obsolescence and eventually attain the status of celebrity commodity with totemic power in music communities. This performative aspect of vinyl markets also means that consumers read closely the signals and symbols regarding vinyl’s status, as its various user groups and champions try to interpret its future, protect, or challenge its current position. Vinyl’s future, and the larger expansion of pressing plants and innovative turntable production around it, largely depend on processes of cultural and status mobility. In the current phase of market expansion, vinyl’s status might be challenged by its own success. Neither a fashion cycle phenomenon, nor simple market conditions explain vinyl’s longevity. Rather, cultural contextualization of vinyl as thing and commodity is crucial for avoiding symbolic pollution and retaining sacred aura.  相似文献   

Employees face increasingly time‐pressured operational environments. Using theory from Reynolds' ( 2006 ) neurocognitive model of ethical decision making, we explore how temporal constraint, consequence framing, and organizational norms affect self‐interested decision making in business. Conducting three experimental manipulations with a sample of MBA students, we found the following: First, consistent with previous studies, high time pressure promotes self‐interested intentions. Second, unethical framing encourages self‐interested intentions, though this relationship is unaffected by the presence of time pressure. Third, unethical organizational norms encourage group‐interested intentions. Lastly, however, when these same norms are experienced under high time pressure, individuals display self‐interested intentions. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research presents a qualitative exploration of food-related nostalgia experienced by individuals from Russia and the former Soviet Union in the context of diasporic waves. By varying time and space dimensions associated with nostalgia, the analysis is conceptualized around three “locations”: (1) Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, (2) Brighton Beach, New York, and (3) cyberspace. Weblogs, demonstrated here to be objects of inquiry, are analyzed according to their nostalgia content, social connections, and community interaction. Nostalgic evocation through traditional cuisine is evident in all three settings. Personal, interpersonal, and cultural nostalgia are apparent in web content, demonstrating a technological role in the creation, sharing, and dissemination of nostalgia. Implications of the study relate to the sociology of food and interdisciplinary food studies, culinary tourism, online and offline marketing, and product distribution into ethnic and international markets.  相似文献   

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