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Abstract.  The neoclassical growth model is used to compare an economy with growing per capita income with an economy with stationary per capita income, in terms of equity in distribution of consumption. The economies have the same initial conditions including the same initial wealth distribution. The outcome of the comparison depends on the nature of structural differences between the economies. Even with convergence in wealth distribution in the growing economy, the consumption distribution there may be less equitable and dynasties with least initial levels of wealth may be worse off than dynasties with same initial wealth levels in the stationary economy.  相似文献   

The literature on inequality has generally focused on the analysis of annual per capita income. This paper adopts a different approach by considering the life-cycle dimension of inequality and convergence between economies from 1960 to 2000. We analyze the present value of the set of incomes individuals obtain throughout their whole life (permanent income). On the basis of this approach, various simulations are made to determine the effect on inequality in permanent income of variables such as survival rates and the long-run growth rates in current income. The results indicate that survival rates are an important source of inequality. Inequality in permanent income is about one third higher than in current income. The implication of this finding is that if the whole life-cycle dimension is not considered, the level of inequality among economies is being underestimated.  相似文献   

Does the effect of international trade on income growth depend on the economy’s level of development? More specifically, is trade more beneficial to lower income economies? Does trade contribute to a smaller international income inequality? The present paper seeks to answer these questions by employing the empirical model of Frankel and Romer (1999 ), which shows trade increases income growth in a cross section of 150 countries. We find evidence in support of the hypothesis that international trade benefits the lower income economies more than it benefits the higher income economies. This finding is robust in the presence of control variables including distance from the equator and institutional quality.  相似文献   

We estimate a Barro-type conditional convergence model using religious adherence data from the American Religious Data Archive to analyze independent effects of church adherence rates on economic growth in the United States at the county-level. Per capita income growth is modeled as a function of initial per capita income, initial human capital stock, and a set of control and related variables including religious adherence, religious diversity, and regional indicator variables. We also investigate the independent effects of three main denominations, namely Catholics, Evangelical Christians, and Mainline Christians, on county economic growth. Our results indicate that the religious adherence in general is significantly greater than zero and not beneficial for US county income growth. We find mixed results for effects of various denominations.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the dimensions shaping the dynamics of technology. We present a model where the knowledge stock of a country grows over time as a function of three main factors: innovation intensity, technological infrastructures, and human capital. The latter two variables determine the absorptive capacity of a country as well as its innovative ability. We then carry out an empirical analysis that investigates the dynamics of technology in a large sample of economies in the last two‐decade period, and studies its relationships with income per capita growth. The results indicate that the cross‐country distributions of technological infrastructures and human capital have experienced a process of convergence, whereas the innovative intensity is characterized by increasing polarization between rich and poor economies. Thus, while the conditions for catching up have generally improved, the increasing innovation gap represents a major factor behind the observed differences in income per capita.  相似文献   

This paper contains an empirical analysis of growth and convergence in the European Union using a cross-country data set covering the period 1950–92. It seeks an answer to the question why some countries in Europe manage to catch up, while others, most notably the poorest ones, apparently do not. The empirical evidence provided in the paper points to several responsible factors. The distance of the economy to the technological leader differed across economies, which contributed to differences in convergence and growth behavior. In addition, the finding of conditional convergence implies that economies converge to different steady state levels of income per capita. Poor economies, like Portugal, Greece, Spain, and Ireland, presumably converge to a lower steady state level of income per capita, which leads to persistent differences in income per capita. Funding for this project was provided in part by the Securities Industry Foundation for Economic Education, the Council on Economic Education in Maryland, and the Towson State University Faculty Development and Research Committee.  相似文献   

In models in which convergence in income levels across closed countries is driven by faster accumulation of a productive factor in the poorer countries, opening these countries to trade can stop convergence and even cause divergence. We make this point using a dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin model—a combination of a static two-good, two-factor Heckscher–Ohlin trade model and a two-sector growth model—with infinitely lived consumers where international borrowing and lending are not permitted. We obtain two main results: First, countries that differ only in their initial endowments of capital per worker may converge or diverge in income levels over time, depending on the elasticity of substitution between traded goods. Divergence can occur for parameter values that would imply convergence in a world of closed economies and vice versa. Second, factor price equalization in a given period does not imply factor price equalization in future periods.  相似文献   

This article shows that, contrary to common wisdom, the insurgence of a multiplicity of clusters in the distribution of income is not necessarily against the hypothesis of absolute convergence. Using data for the world economies, the US states, the EU regions, and the Italian regions, we find that despite the distribution of income per capita for both the world economies and for the Italian regions is multimodal, only in the former case absolute convergence can be rejected. Similarly, although the distributions for the EU regions and the US states are both unimodal, convergence is unambiguously taking place in the latter case only. We show that these results are consistent with the neoclassical model of growth in the presence of non-convexities in production. We conclude that polarization in the distribution of per capita incomes is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition to reject the absolute convergence hypothesis.  相似文献   

彭方平  王少平吴强 《经济学》2007,6(4):1041-1052
本文首次应用动态门槛面板数据模型,对我国经济增长的多重均衡现象进行了研究,研究表明我国经济增长具有明显的多重均衡现象。当人均收入低于1007元时,存在着经济增长障碍,经济处于低水平陷阱;一旦突破低收入门槛,在同一的收入状态里省区经济增长率趋向收敛。然而,由于较高收入状态的省区收入收敛速度快于较低收入状态的省区,因此,我国富裕省区与相对落后省区的人均收入差距还在不断扩大;我国目前还没有达到增长极限,不存在高水平陷阱现象。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate how the evolution of income growth, real interest rates, and inflation have driven income inequality across a variety of countries with particular focus on the BRICS economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) during the period 2001 to 2015. Our work suggests that, when central banks of the BRICS economies use monetary policy for macroeconomic stabilization, they need to consider the impact monetary policy changes have on the distribution of income in their nations. Our estimates reveal that the unintended consequence of policies that induce economic growth and higher prices is higher income inequality. We find that the positive relationship between the three macroeconomic variables and income inequality for the BRICS economies is stronger during the post-2008 period.  相似文献   

Using data of 65 economies from January 2000 (2008) to June 2015, we examine the covariates of sudden stops in fund equity and bond flows. Our results suggest that global, contagion and domestic factors are all related to the likelihood of sudden stops. For sudden stops in equity flows, global factors play a more important role in high‐income economies. For sudden stops in bond flows, global variables are the most important covariates in emerging economies, whereas domestic variables play a more important role in high‐income economies. We also find that global and contagion factors are correlated to the magnitude of sudden stops.  相似文献   

The increasing similarity of male and female labor market roles in advanced economies over the past 50 years, dubbed the “Grand Gender Convergence” by Goldin (2014), appears to have stalled. Given commonality of preferences for work and human resource acquisition across the gender divide, women and men with similar human resources and efforts should have similar income distributions in a non-discriminatory equal opportunity equilibrium. However, income convergence is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a “Grand Gender Convergence” as similarities in incomes could be achieved with differences in human resources and efforts given discriminatory rewards. In this study, using new tools for examining distributional convergence processes, the progress of Canada's 21-st Century “Grand Gender Convergence” is examined in the context of an equal opportunity paradigm. While income convergence is almost universally apparent, human resource stock distributions appear to be diverging, with women having increasingly superior resources to men, evidence that the grand convergence is not progressing.  相似文献   

It is widely held that foreign direct investment (FDI) has a positive effect on economic growth. To test this hypothesis, we perform convergence regressions derived from a theoretical model on the impact of FDI on endogenous technological change in small economies. The model includes FDI externalities that enhance growth, but also shows that FDI can crowd out host country income and reduce local innovation. The empirical analysis employs disaggregated US data for various FDI‐related activities—in addition to the conventionally used aggregate FDI stocks and flows. We estimate the net FDI impact on the convergence rate of per‐capita income to US levels, controlling for human development, financial development, and trade. We find that FDI accelerates convergence for high‐income countries only, otherwise slowing it down.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on income convergence estimate the convergence equation derived for autarkic economies using data from the world that is increasingly integrated. This paper derives a convergence equation for a world integrated by trade from the standard Heckscher–Ohlin model with factor price equalization. The convergence equation for an integrated world differs from the autarkic one in that (1) the growth rate of each economy is increasing in the global growth rate; (2) the rate of convergence is increasing in the global growth rate; and (3) the rate of convergence, under conventional parameter values, is much lower.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of population growth and China's entry into the world trading regime on the North and the South. In the absence of the terms of trade effect, population growth reduces the standard of living and causes a decline in welfare. Unilateral trade liberalization of China will worsen the terms of trade for other countries in the South, but will improve those for the North. Thus, population control is an important means to close the gap in per capita income between developing and developed economies. Trade liberalization by developing countries may not necessarily induce income convergence. JEL Classification Number: F1.  相似文献   

This article examines convergence of per capita output for 16 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. Conventional tests on conditional and time series convergence have given mixed results for similar economies. Utilizing the concepts of deterministic and stochastic convergence, we develop techniques which incorporate endogenously determined break points to test the unit root hypothesis in relative per capita income. The tests provide evidence of deterministic convergence for 10, and stochastic convergence for 14, of the 16 OECD countries. Our findings reveal that World War II is the major cause of the structural shifts in relative output.  相似文献   

Abstract .  We study a two-country endogenous growth model where the utility of agents in developing countries is affected by consumption gaps with advanced economies. International status seeking tends to revert growth differentials in favour of the developing country. Preferences with endogenous status desire generate convergence in growth rates in the presence of structural gaps and convergence in income levels if productivity differences disappear. This process is driven by declining terms of trade and faster capital accumulation of the status seeker. The model predictions are shown to be consistent with the stylized facts that characterized the growth performance of East Asian economies.  相似文献   

In the traditional empirical convergence literature, a negative coefficient on initial income in a cross-country growth regression is interpreted as evidence of poor countries growing faster than richer ones. A key assumption in this work is that the relationship between initial income and income growth is linear. The linearity assumption is challenged in some new growth theories, and studies adopting an alternative (semi-parametric or nonlinear) econometric methodology provide support for a nonlinear specification. This paper finds evidence for nonlinear convergence. Using semi-parametric estimation we find that convergence occurs among countries with very low and very high initial incomes, suggesting that convergence clubs characterize the cross-country growth process. Our results provide further evidence for multiple-regime steady states.  相似文献   


This study has attempted to address prior knowledge gaps in the environmental economics literature by integrating the innovation shocks into the Environment Kuznets Curve (EKC) equation for twenty-six OECD economies using data from 1990 to 2014. Foreign direct investment (FDI), exports (EXP), renewable energy consumption (REC), and GDP per capita were included as control variables. The results from multiple empirical analyses indicated that positive shocks to innovation improve, but the negative shocks disrupt environmental quality. Data analyses also showed that a positive correlation exists between income per capita of OECD economies. From the negative coefficient of income per capita (squared) and the existence of a negative nexus between FDI and CO2e, both the EKC and the Pollution Halo Hypothesis (PHH) were confirmed in sampled economies, respectively. The paper offers empirical support for the favourable impacts of REC on the quality of the environment and calls for the adoption of innovation shocks as a policy instrument to formulate better environmental policies for a sustainable future.  相似文献   

ByungWoo Kim 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1347-1362
Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) analysed the empirical determinants of growth. They used a cross-sectional empirical framework that considered growth from two kinds of factors, initial levels of steady-state variables and control variables (e.g. investment ratio, infrastructure). Recent literature suggests that Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation of dynamic panel data models produce more efficient and consistent estimates than Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) or pooled regression models. Following Cellini (1997), we also consider co-integration and error-correction methods for the growth regression. We extend the previous research for Asian countries of Kim (2009) to developed countries. Following the implications of semi-endogenous growth theory, we regressed output growth on a constant, 1-year lagged output (initial income) and the determinants of steady-state income (investment rate, population growth, the quadratic (or linear) function of Research and Development (R&D) intensity). The regression suggests faster significant convergence. This contradicts with that of Mankiw et al. (1992), which asserts that the speed is lower when considering broad concept of capital including human capital. The coefficients for the determinants of steady-state income, especially for the quadratic function of R&D intensity, are significant and occur in the expected direction. Our results suggest that adopting appropriate growth policy, an economy can grow more rapidly through transition dynamics or changing fundamentals.  相似文献   

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