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A substantial fraction of the open space in (peri-) urban and rural areas is covered by domestic gardens which support the delivery of multiple ecosystem services. Although individually they may look insignificant, the aggregation of domestic gardens and of gardening actions can be significant. Referring to ‘the tyranny of small decisions’, we launch the concept of a ‘resource by small gardening actions’: the positive cumulative outcome of individual garden owners adopting pro-environmental gardening practices. Using qualitative research, we gained a thorough insight into the barriers and levers related to the development of domestic gardens as a ‘resource by small gardening actions’. By combining the data from expert interviews with a design workshop addressing garden and landscape architects, and focus groups with private garden owners, we identified eight barriers and nine levers. These levers are part of a ‘mix and match’ toolbox, allowing the development of tailor-made strategies for garden governance. These insights increase the understanding on if and how private actors and their properties could become part of policy plans to support ecosystem services. This adds to the global understanding of the strategic value of daily-life landscapes that exist all over the world.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市城市园林绿化景观现状浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园林绿化是生态城市建设的基础,是城市市政公共事业和环境建设事业的重要组成部分,是现代化城市的象征和文明标志.本文通过对哈尔滨市城市园林绿化景观现状的实地调查,并参考所查阅的相关资料和文献,对哈尔滨市整体园林景观绿化现状简要总结基础上,提出相应建议,以期为哈尔滨市园林景观建设提供参考.  相似文献   

现代农业观光园作为一种综合性的特色产业,不仅能够推动地方农业的发展,也能提高相关行业的整体发展水平,是地方推进农业发展的重要措施。我国各地都开始进行现代农业观光园的建设,观光园的普遍发展让城市居民的居住环境得到了很大的提升,同时也获得了可观的经济收益。但由于我国现代农业观光园缺乏系统的理论指导,普遍面临生态环境建设失衡的问题。文章以西安浐灞生态园区为例,在综合考量园区生态建设的基础上,指出园区建设还存在技术落后、专业人才匮乏、市场主体参与度不够、生态信息网络不完善、园区生态文明建设不协调等问题。运用内外部因素评价矩阵,分析浐灞生态园区现有的优势和弱点,面临的机遇和挑战,并为其发展提供对策建议。文章指出浐灞生态园区应开放园区规划平台、引进先进的建造技术、与高校合作建立人才定向培养基地。现代农业观光园的生态环境建设应以科学生态观为指导,着重建设园区生态循环系统和资源循环系统,注重园区环保宣传,以营造良好的生态文明氛围。  相似文献   

The island of Mallorca is the main Balearic resort and sustainable water management is a key challenge for the economic and ecological sustainability of tourism as the main economic activity. The critical water supply situation on the island is being exacerbated by the extension of the tourist base to so-called “quality tourism”. Since the mid 1990s, low-density residential tourist land uses associated with second homes and more affluent urban dwellers have spread around existing mass tourist urban centres. Increasing water consumption for outdoor uses (gardens, swimming pools) is a direct consequence of this development. Available water consumption data mask the impact of residential tourism on water consumption levels. The objective of the present paper is to compare per capita water consumption in quality tourist, mass tourist and residential urban areas, and to provide quantitative information on the magnitude of water consumption by gardens and swimming pools as water-related leisure structures. The analysis combines water consumption data with a land use geodatabase at the sub-parcel scale, a detailed population inventory, and an estimate of pool water use. The results show that quality tourism produces higher water consumption levels per capita than mass tourism. Garden irrigation is the single main cause of the high water consumption in quality tourist areas and accounts for more than 70% of these areas’ total consumption in summer. But even in mass tourist and residential areas, garden irrigation accounts for up to 30% and 20%, respectively, of total water consumption in summer. Individually owned swimming pools cause an additional average water consumption of 22 litres/person/day. The proliferation of swimming pools and lavish ‘Atlantic’ gardens may turn out as one of the biggest threats to sustainable water management on the island of Mallorca and in other tourist destinations adapting the quality tourist model.  相似文献   

Extant research on guerilla gardening, defined as the unauthorized cultivation of land belonging to another, has hitherto focused on public space in urban areas, neglecting those that occur in rural settings. This rural land policy study examines a form of guerilla gardening in the countryside in Hong Kong, carried out by specific walker communities who routinely do early morning walks. Most of the gardens they have cultivated have become part of country park protected areas. This study identifies five phases of land use status evolution undergone by these morning walkers’ gardens (MWG), from the time the phenomenon of guerilla gardening in the countryside began in the 1960s to recent times, illustrating the role of land use change in enabling squatters with a degree of property rights by way of informal land resource co-management. Through the three case studies presented in this article, it is argued that MWGs can represent the emergence of incipient forms of natural resource co-management in Hong Kong. This study emphasizes the important role of resource user leadership in enhancing the land use value of land in itself and for the wider community. Some recommendations are provided to enhance resource user participation in land resource management.  相似文献   

Home gardens are small-scale family farms managed with traditional methods. Throughout Hungary's history, they have provided food security and diet quality to families who have faced volatile food prices and fluctuating real incomes. If markets function better with European Union (EU) accession, the conditions for reliance on home gardens may weaken—although not for all Hungarians. This paper reports the results of an interdisciplinary project investigating the economic value of home gardens of over 400 farmers in rural Hungary. We find that home gardens generate several public goods, including agro biodiversity and cultural heritage. The most economically, geographically and ecologically marginalized farmers not only manage the home gardens with the highest levels of public goods, but also derive the highest private benefits from them. Should Hungary seek to promote multi functional agriculture in line with the objectives of the EU's reformed Common Agricultural Policy, then provisions for home gardens would need to be incorporated into national programmes and legal frameworks. This research identifies some of the crops and the characteristics of farmers and farming communities that would constitute least cost targets for related programmes. Findings have implications for other EU member Central and Eastern European Countries with similar traditions of home gardening.  相似文献   

[目的]生态化发展是未来我国包括茶产业在内的农业发展的主要趋势之一,目前我国正在大力推进生态茶园建设,但是对茶园生态化发展水平评价的研究尚不充分,不能满足产业推进生态价值评价转化的实际需求。构建茶园生态化发展水平综合评价体系具有重要的理论和现实意义。[方法]文章从生态环境水平、技术与管理水平、经济效益、生态效益和社会效益5个维度建立了茶园生态化发展水平评价指标体系,采用专家咨询法和层次分析法测算指标权重,开展17个样本茶园的实证研究,计算茶园生态化发展水平综合指数,同时用障碍度模型识别了阻碍茶园生态化发展水平提升的主要因素。[结果] 17个样本茶园的评价结果与样本茶园生态化发展水平的原有判断基本吻合;样本茶园生态化发展的主要障碍因子包括生态效益维度中的水土保持情况和茶园土壤微生物(细菌、真菌)多样性,茶叶产品安全质量维度中的农药残留是否零检出。[结论]该文构建的茶园生态化发展水平评价体系具有较强的可操作性和较好的实用价值,可用于对茶园生态化水平的评价。  相似文献   

Identification, analysis and assessment of changes in the urbanised landscape, one of the most conspicuous transforming parts of earth surfaces, has become the topic of numerous research projects. However, there is still a lack of compatible data suitable for the generation of topical information about the urbanised landscape and its changes at different scales. An important contribution in this sense is the Urban Atlas (UA) Project pursued under the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security)/Copernicus Land (GIO land) Programme auspiced by the European Commission. The aim of this study is to document, examine and compare land use/cover change (LUCC) of the LUZs (Large Urban Zones) of Bratislava and Prague in 2006–2012 by means of the UA data and show how these changes are captured in official statistical data. Results confirmed the present trends in modern industrial cities dominating by transforming the agricultural land into residential and industrial areas. Dispersion of the urban fabric into locations previously used for agriculture was mostly widespread in LUZ Prague (1,718 ha). This trend has also been partially confirmed by the change of agricultural land in favour of construction sites, the most pronounced one in LUZ Bratislava (580 ha). Assessment and comparisons of LUCC changes of LUZs Bratislava and Prague proved that combining the UA data and official statistical data has a great potential for insight into the dynamics of the urbanised landscape of Europe.  相似文献   

从遗产经济学的角度切入,探讨苏州园林作为文化遗产的经济学特性;介绍其发展现状,揭示它现存的问题,如园林周边旅游业乱象、门票价格偏高、大园林容量与游客流量矛盾、小园林客流量较少等。针对这些问题提出了完成基于O2O (线上到线下)的周边旅游OTA (在线旅游)转型、实行限流措施、门票价格分季而定、加大对小园林的宣传力度等建议。  相似文献   

[目的]探明茶叶区域格局演变特征,对优化安徽省茶园空间布局意义重大。[方法]文章基于空间分析手段和县域统计信息,定量探究1998—2019年安徽省53个县区茶叶生产格局变迁规律,并对演变驱动因素进行了分析。[结果](1)安徽省茶园种植区域向皖西、皖南空间集聚不断增强。安徽省茶园种植主要分布在两大热点区域:以歙县、黄山市辖区为核心的皖南地区,以霍山县、岳西县为核心的皖西地区。(2)茶叶生产格局由“单核心”向“双核心+周围小中心”的集聚模式转变。(3)标准差椭圆分析表明,安徽省茶园沿NW-NE方向展布,椭圆扁率由1998年的0.46增加至2019年的0.54,椭圆中心逐步向西北方向迁移。[结论]安徽省茶园时空格局集聚及演变的驱动因素趋于多元化。自然资源是区域茶园生产变动的首要因子,政策因素是安徽省茶叶时空集聚的导向性因素,茶叶技术及茶园规模化建设是茶园扩张的推动力,茶叶市场、效益等外部性因子对茶园格局变迁发挥着日趋重要的影响。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析城市扩展中交通用地、商住用地和工业用地扩张的时序特征、空间关系以及扩张时点的影响因素。研究方法:农地—建设用地转换最优时机理论;加速失效模型。研究结果:(1)不同类型建设用地在扩张过程中具有相互关联的时序和空间特征;(2)静海区交通用地引导了其他建设用地扩张的方向,而不同级别交通用地由于对建设用地和农用地影响的差异,加快或延缓了建设用地扩张的时机;(3)商住和工业用地在200— 400 m 范围内相互集聚,且商住用地产生的集聚效应强于工业用地。研究结论:细化建设用地类型以分析城市扩张的特征和机制,有助于城市扩展区的布局优化和集约发展。  相似文献   

Urban agriculture literature regarding the Global South reveals important knowledge gaps concerning spatial variations of food gardens across cityscapes, gardener motivations, and tensions with urban planning regulations, especially in locales beyond sub-Saharan Africa. In Vietnam, urban agriculture is growing in popularity and gaining media attention but there is little research as to why urban agriculture is practiced in smaller Vietnamese cities, especially those close to rural hinterlands. In this paper we investigate small-scale urban agriculture – or food gardens – in Lào Cai, a small upland city located on the Sino-Vietnamese border. We find a complex diversity of garden sizes and land management arrangements where gardens are built, including on state institutional land, thanks to informal arrangements. Gardener motivations focus predominantly on food safety concerns, contrasting with key motivations found elsewhere in the Global South. Throughout the city, albeit more so in newly urbanising sectors, this urban practice remains precarious due to irregular land access and confusing city authority regulations. We thus examine how urban residents are working to access safe food and contribute to their city’s urban food system while state officials tend to focus their priorities elsewhere.  相似文献   

隋唐五代时期园艺作物的培育与引进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏露苓 《中国农史》2003,22(4):18-23
隋唐五代时期是我国园艺业发展史上的重要时期。多种园艺作物培育成功并有为数不少的域外作物引进中土。这些新品种的花果、蔬菜、香料等,为我国园艺业增添了新的内容,丰富了人民生活。有的作物后来传到国外,为世界园艺提供了宝贵的种质资源。培育与引进的成功,则是与隋唐五代时期经济发展、气候条件适宜以及园艺技术提高等因素紧密相关的。  相似文献   

浙江农民宅基地退出模式调研与思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
浙江丽水等地通过旧村改造、移民下山,海宁等地通过“两新”建设等积极推动农民宅基地退出和置换。农民拆除原有宅基地,可以按统一规划在原址重建、异地重建新房,也可以选择入住统一建设的公寓房,到县或镇购买经济适用房,或者直接获得现金补偿。但宅基地退出存在4个两难:整村推进还是零星搬迁?先拆后建还是先建后拆?节约指标留在村里还是卖到城里?旧宅基地是复垦为耕地还是因地制宜?规范有序引导农民宅基地退出的建议:一是因地制宜,赋予农民多样化选择的权利;二是整体谋划,分步推进农民宅基地退出;三是严格控制,规范节余指标的使用和收益分配;四是加强监管,维护农村土地管理秩序。  相似文献   

[目的]以重庆市綦江区为研究对象,通过模拟预测2010—2020年规划调控影响下研究区的土地利用空间格局变化特征,以期为目标情景下土地利用规划的空间实施提供技术支持。[方法]文章通过构建Dyna-CLUE模型分别模拟研究区在自然增长和规划约束引导下的土地利用空间格局,并对照自然情景进而分析规划约束下土地利用空间格局的表现特征。[结果]比较AutoLogistic模型与传统Logistic模型回归结果发现,除建设用地外,其他地类的ROC值都有显著提升;对比两种情景模拟结果发现,到2020年,研究区内耕地、农村居民点、未利用地较自然情景显著减少,林地、园地显著增加,城镇建设用地增长规模较自然增长情景减少171.86hm~2;规划情景约束下,2010—2015年研究区地类转移以耕地转建设用地为主,2015—2020年以耕地转林地为主,耕地转建设用地次之,再次为农村居民点转耕地。[结论]Dyna-CLUE模型模拟中,运用添加自相关因子的AutoLogistic模型代替传统Logistic模型进行空间驱动力分析,能够显著提升模型模拟精度;规划约束下,退耕还林、农村居民点复垦和农业结构调整等工作的开展是耕地减少、林园地显著增加,建设用地规模得以控制的重要原因;退耕还林成果在规划约束情景中得到较好体现,表明规划目标对于引导土地利用空间格局定向变化有重要作用,但是丘陵山地的耕地减少态势也需得到足够重视,建议推进耕地产能建设从而协调生态保护与粮食安全间的用地需求。  相似文献   

[目的]研究桂林乡村园林景观的空间分布特征并对其生态效益和美学效果进行评价,以期为桂林乡村园林的建设和发展提供参考。[方法]文章采用层次分析法,构建桂林市乡村园林景观评价指标体系,计算各区域的乡村园林景观综合评价指数并比较其差异。[结果]在园林景观评价体系中,美学效果的权重值要高于生态效益;在生态效益方面,植被覆盖率的权重值最大;在美学效果方面,景观类型丰富度的权重值最大。漓江山水生态型乡村景观分布区的景观综合评价指数远郊村镇景观型乡村景观分布区市郊园林社区型乡村景观分布区。[结论]桂林市乡村园林景观空间分布特征明显,漓江山水生态型乡村景观分布区的乡村园林生态效益发挥最好、景观美学功能的实现最突出,是桂林乡村园林景观发展的代表区域,极具发展潜力。  相似文献   

朱奎泽 《中国农史》2007,26(2):48-59
军粮的分配是汉代屯戍系统的一个重要的系统性工作,也是粮食在屯戍系统最终发挥效用的落实点,直接关系到屯戍系统的各项建设。就相关简牍资料所及的情况来看,粮食消费的主体多样、用途不一;配给与消费的具体安排尽管随类有别,但都以保证屯戍人员足食为原则,并注意分配中的公平合理,体现了边防军队的一体化要求。这是汉政府保持边疆军队战斗力和稳定人心的必要举措,也是其注重西北边疆战略的突出反映。  相似文献   

Systems of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) take many forms in terms of integration of different activities, production intensities and production orientations. The present study is aimed at a refined characterization of the diversity in terms of production orientation, resource endowments and production strategies of the different types of farm households involved in urban and peri-urban agriculture in three West African cities. A total of 318 UPA households were surveyed using a standardized semi-structured questionnaire in the West African cities Kano (Nigeria), Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) and Sikasso (Mali). Through categorical principal component analysis and two-step cluster analysis, six distinct household clusters were identified based on resource endowments and the degree of integration of vegetable, field crop and animal production. Three clusters appeared in all three cities; the remaining three were specific for one of the cities each and comprised (i) commercial gardening plus field crop–livestock (cGCL) keeping, (ii) commercial livestock plus subsistence field cropping (cLsC), (iii) commercial gardening plus semi-commercial field cropping (cGscC), (iv) commercial gardening plus semi-commercial livestock (cGscL) keeping, (v) commercial field cropping (cC) and (vi) commercial gardening (cG). Production constraints were similar across the cities, that is, high costs of inputs, water shortages and lack of fertilizers in the garden and field crop production systems, while feeding constraints and animal diseases were the main constraints in livestock production. UPA remains an important economic activity to livelihood strategy for urban and peri-urban farmers. Appropriate policies should be formulated that efficiently target the site-specific constraints for improving the quality and sustainability of UPA production systems.  相似文献   

小产权房治理与《土地管理法》修改   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:对《土地管理法》的修改和小产权房的治理提出建议。研究方法:现象溯因法,综合分析法。研究结果:只有解决制度障碍,通过合理的制度设计允许集体建设用地用于商品房开发和允许宅基地使用权有条件对外流转,才能从根本上治理小产权房。研究结论:正在修订的《土地管理法》不应禁止集体建设用地用于房地产开发,应允许宅基地使用权在一定条件下对外流转。  相似文献   

节能环保型风景园林建设的意义、策略与方向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在"十一五"规划中,中央提出单位GDP能源消耗要比"十五"末期降低20%。风景园林行业作为中国国民经济和社会可持续发展的重要部门,完成国家环保、节能、降耗的强制性目标,是义不容辞的政治责任。本文结合风景园林行业的特点,建设部门的实际,国家及全球的发展目标,研究、探讨、提出节能环保型风景园林建设的意义、策略与方向。  相似文献   

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