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马彦琳 《旅游学刊》2005,20(1):63-67
本文紧紧围绕乡村旅游发展的方向——环境旅游与文化旅游紧密结合这个主题,从乡村旅游的基本概念和本质特征入手,就乡村旅游的市场特点和发展趋势进行了分析.并对如何开发贵州省乡村旅游产品进行了分类讨论,指出环境旅游和文化旅游紧密结合是贵州乡村旅游可持续发展的基本要求.贵州省乡村旅游只有沿着环境旅游和文化旅游紧密结合的方向前进,才有希望把贵州省建设顾国内、乃至国际著名的乡村旅游胜地。  相似文献   

Bundling attractions for rural tourism development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourism is often regarded as a viable solution to economic crisis, especially for remote areas without many development options. While many tourism destinations have strong cultural or heritage assets, not all destinations have primary attractions that can bring visitors to the region. Rather than developing special interest “themes”, rural areas that do not have enough of any one type of tourism resource to act as a primary draw may consider bundling different attraction types to increase visitation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the preferences of visitors to secondary heritage sites and explore the relationship between heritage tourism and alternative, non-heritage activities in rural areas. Findings revealed that motivation to visit small-scale heritage sites consisted of two dimensions: learning and recreation. The two motivational dimensions influenced visitors’ interest in different heritage attractions and likelihood of visiting heritage tourism “scenarios”. As for alternative activities, there was a cluster of “popular” activities that were enjoyed by both learning-oriented and recreation-oriented respondents, but recreation-oriented visitors were more interested in nature-based activities and sport-related activities than learning-oriented visitors. Findings can help rural communities improve secondary attractions and diversify their tourism product by bundling heritage attractions with non-heritage activities.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between media coverage patterns of rural and urban tourist spaces in Israel, the characteristics of these spaces, and the way in which public relations (PR) are conducted to promote rural tourism in those areas. Using geographical distance, population size and type of tourist products for the spatial variables, PR financial budgets and PR practice types for the PR variables, the study examines their relative importance for rural versus urban tourism promotion. Results show that ongoing professional PR is crucial for the success of rural destinations in receiving large and positive national media coverage.  相似文献   

国内乡村旅游研究:蓬勃发展而有待深入   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
何景明 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):92-96
从现有的研究资料看,我国目前的乡村旅游研究主要集中在以下五个方面:乡村旅游概念;乡村旅游开发意义、条件和模式;乡村旅游规划与设计;乡村旅游存在问题和发展策略;国外和台湾乡村旅游发展的经验借鉴。虽然我国乡村旅游研究近年来发展迅速,也取得了不少有价值的研究成果,但整体上研究水平不高,许多方面都有待深入。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是促进城乡市场连接的途径之一。厘清乡村旅游发展带来的城乡要素流动过程及其机制,既是乡村旅游衔接乡村振兴战略、推动城乡融合发展的重要议题,也是促进乡村旅游高质量发展的题中之义。本文遵循“过程—特征—机制”的研究思路,分析乡村旅游发展的城乡流动要素类型,总结要素流动过程中的规律与特征,进而阐释要素流动机制。研究表明:乡村旅游带来的要素流动,既涵盖了人、资金、物资等基础要素,也涵盖了生态、文化等核心要素及技术、信息等创新要素。在乡村旅游的萌芽和启动、设计和建设以及运营和转型等发展阶段中,城乡之间的流动要素类型不断增加,要素流向从单向逐步转变为双向,生态和文化是关键要素类型。“需求牵引—价值耦合—市场推动—政策促进”是乡村旅游发展的要素流动机制,合理的流动能促进城乡要素互动以及乡村要素价值增值、类型增多、数量增长,进而推动乡村振兴和城乡融合发展。  相似文献   

Tourism authorities in the Las Vegas region have suggested the diversification of the tourism industry as a strategy to improve the vitality of rural communities outside of the metropolitan area. The present study uses Social Representation Theory as the conceptual basis to test the moderating effects of the various types of proposed tourism development on residents' willingness to pay higher taxes to support such development. A survey of 301 residents in Las Vegas rural communities examined how the factors of economic dependence on tourism, community attachment, and ecocentric attitude towards tourism influence residents' perceptions of tourism's impacts. A higher economic dependence on tourism and higher levels of community attachment led to more favorable perceptions of tourism's economic and social impacts. The economic impacts, in turn, resulted in a willingness to pay higher taxes, irrespective of the type of tourism development proposed by the Las Vegas authorities. The results suggest that rural communities reinforce a hegemonic social representation of tourism in order to characterize the ethos of capitalist urbanism that pervades the economic development discourse. The residents' social construction of tourism has important implications for tourism planners in the region and suggests the adoption of an inclusive tourism diversification strategy that leverages both gaming and alternative tourism.  相似文献   

In The Gambia, as in many other African countries, rural areas rarely profit from the turnover earned in the country's tourism sector. In academic and political literature, however, rural tourism is frequently identified as a diversification strategy that may trigger local economic development in remote communities. To promote rural tourism development, further knowledge is required to understand why tourists are motivated to engage in distinct tourism market segments. In this study, survey data was collected from 450 tourists in The Gambia using a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed to identify the key characteristics and motivations of tourists so that the significant market segments could be categorized and the (latent) tourist demand for rural tourism activities could be gauged. This study identified four distinct segments of tourists in The Gambia: heritage & nature seekers, multi-experiences seekers, multi-experiences & beach seekers, and sun & beach seekers. Drawing on our key findings, we conclude by identifying a development path that could diversify Gambia's tourism sector. The development path would also include event-based rural tourism initiatives that align with the motivations of the identified market segments and may additionally benefit rural communities by reducing economic leakage rates.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the factors influencing social capital as it affects community conflict management for community residents in rural tourism villages. An on-site survey consisting of self-administered questionnaires was conducted with residents of rural tourism communities. These self-administered surveys were obtained from 380 community residents in the study area. A factor-clustering method identified distinct segments: high social capital (52%) and low social capital (47.7%). The estimation of a binary logistic regression model determined the characteristics of community residents who were most likely to be associated with each type of social capital. Results indicated that fruit, vegetable and rice farmers who also operated farm-stay businesses and rural activity programmes for tourists had the most social. We suggest that certain types of government policy programmes are helpful for increasing social capital and managing community conflicts by means of involvement in the tourism business.  相似文献   

影视旅游形成、发展机制研究——以山西乔家大院为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
影视作品与旅游业存在着密切的联系。本文全面总结了影视旅游的形式及特征,并在此基础上,对影视旅游作了界定。进一步分析影视旅游的旅游动机,分析了影视旅游对我国旅游业发展的影响,指出影视旅游中值得乡村旅游、体验旅游和旅游宣传借鉴的元素。  相似文献   

关于乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游的几点辨析   总被引:109,自引:4,他引:109  
刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):12-19
目前,乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游越来越受到我国旅游业界和学界的关注,但是,包括研究论文、会议发言和旅游规划中的片面理解不仅相当普遍,而且也正在传播.本文作者认为,如果业界、学界能够更广泛的注目业态实践,并在此前人们已有研究的基础上进行更深入的研究,则将有可能对乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游的理论和实践产生更加积极的作用.本文的几点内容,就是作者试图根据自己近20年的接触对乡村旅游、农业旅游、民俗旅游所做的一点个人的诠释和辨析.  相似文献   

Following the decline of traditional agrarian industries, tourism has become one of the most popular rural development strategies adopted by destinations. Rural tourism has been regarded for years as a means of economic and social development in rural areas; particularly, in destinations where tourism has been concentrated in coastal areas, rural tourism development has been considered as a means of diversification of the tourism product. The popularity of tourism as a means of development in rural areas is reflected in academic research; nevertheless, vagueness still exists over what constitutes rural tourism. Whilst several studies have been undertaken investigating the reasons for rural tourism development, little is known about what attracts visitors to rural areas. The aim of this research paper is to enhance understanding of rural tourism by examining rural tourists' motivations. Qualitative research, in the form of unstructured interviews, was performed with both the supply-side and the demand-side sectors of the Cyprus tourism industry to identify the factors that motivate people to visit rural areas. Research findings reveal that different types of rural tourists exist as respondents expressed different levels of interaction with the rural environment and varying interest in rural activities. Also, it was found that people travel to rural areas for various reasons, whereby often the main motivation is not related to the rural setting. Hence, the findings verify the complexity of defining rural tourism and create implications for tourism planners and managers regarding the interaction of destination-specific and personal-specific attributes in attracting tourists to rural settings.  相似文献   

This study puts to empirical test a major typology in the tourism literature, mass versus special interest tourism (SIT), as the once-distinctive boundary between the two has become blurry in modern tourism scholarship. We utilize 41,747 geo-located Instagram photos pertaining to the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse and Big Data analytics to distinguish tourists based on their choice of observational destinations and spatial movement patterns. Two types of tourists are identified: opportunists and hardcore. The motivational profile of those tourists is validated with the external data through hypothesis testing and compared with and contrasted against existing motivation-based tourist typologies. The main conclusion is that large share of tourists involved in what is traditionally understood as SIT activities exhibit behavior and profile characteristic of mass tourists seeking novelty but conscious about risks and comforts. Practical implications regarding the potential of rural and urban destinations for developing SIT tourism are also discussed.  相似文献   

旅游区资源过度利用的经济学分析及治理途径探究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李雪峰 《旅游学刊》2002,17(5):22-28
随着旅游活动的大力开展和旅游业的蓬勃发展,旅游区的环境容量日趋饱和甚至出现超载现象。本语言借用科斯定理的外部性理论框架,分析了在纯粹市场调节之下,旅游区资源客观上存在着过度利用的现象,并对各种解决外部性效应的途径进行分析评价,从而提出解决旅游区资源过度利用问题的政策建议。文章共分为三部分:第一部分指出旅游区资源存在过度利用的情况;第二部分在外部性理论框架下,分析旅游区资源过度利用的必然性;第三部分探讨治理外部性问题的几种途径选择,并结合旅游区资源的特点,提出具体的,具有可操作性的政策建议。  相似文献   

智慧旅游的丰富实践使研究者不断思考“什么是智慧旅游”的问题,而对这个基本问题虽有很多解答但仍然需要进行探索。文章试图通过对国内外有关智慧旅游的概念进行了梳理,建立起以旅游信息服务为基础的智慧旅游的基本概念,即把智慧旅游定义为旅游者个体在旅游活动过程中所接受的泛在化的旅游信息服务。该定义旨在强调智慧旅游以旅游者个体为核心、以信息服务为载体的支撑体系,以泛在化作为核心内涵,以旅游者行为方式、旅游业营销方式、管理方式和服务方式的根本性变化为主要外延,并据此对国内外智慧旅游概念进行了全面评价。文章的价值在于将智慧旅游的概念与旅游信息化(特别是旅游信息服务)有机结合,既承上启下又能开启智慧旅游发展的新思路。  相似文献   

The development of rural tourism and tourism to protected areas relies heavily on visitors' appreciation of scenery. This paper assesses visitor responses to Taiwan's changing rural landscapes, which have experienced agricultural decline, and a government-aided shift to rural tourism, with landscapes rapidly transformed from farm production scenery to recreation-oriented scenery. The study describes the changing character of the visual landscape characteristics of the Dongshan River Basin in Yilan County, and the influence of those changes on visitors' landscape preferences. Using a recognized nine landscape characteristics typology, survey results indicated participants believed that agricultural landscapes represented the qualities of historicity, naturalness and ephemera more than tourist landscapes, but showed fewer qualities of stewardship, disturbance and visual scale than tourist landscapes. Participants did not perceive the two types of landscapes differently for their qualities of coherence, imageability and complexity. They also preferred tourist landscapes to agricultural landscapes. For agricultural landscapes, when the qualities of ephemera, coherence, imageability, complexity, visual scale, stewardship, naturalness and historicity increased, participants appreciated the landscapes more. However, as the quality of disturbance increased, participants appreciated both landscapes less. Overall, when ephemera, coherence, imageability, complexity, visual scale, stewardship and naturalness increased, participants liked the landscapes more.  相似文献   

乡村旅游偏好差异测量研究:基于离散选择模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消费者偏好分析是进行产品开发、市场营销的基础,本文运用离散选择模型中的Multinomial logit(MNL)模型,分析旅游消费者在产品选择过程中,其个人特征及行为特征对某类旅游产品偏好的影响。通过大连乡村旅游消费者产品选择行为的实证研究,表明乡村旅游消费者对不同类别产品的偏好,会随着消费者个人特征和行为特征的不同而发生变化。MNL模型能较为合理地解释乡村旅游者个人特征和行为特征与乡村旅游产品选择偏好之间的关系。  相似文献   

大众的"新旅游",还是新的"大众旅游"?--普恩新旅游论批判   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张凌云 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):64-70
本文对普恩博士提出的新旅游理论及其预测提出了质疑 ,在新旧旅游的划分、大众旅游的性质和作用以及与替代旅游之间的关系等问题提出了与普恩博士迥异的见解。本文作者认为 ,大众旅游是一个相对概念 ,随着时间推移 ,大众旅游可能发生整体性的进化 ,在一定程度上更符合个性化和可持续性的要求。但大众旅游与“新旅游”作为旅游消费的两极不仅是永远不会被相互替代 ,而且“新的”大众旅游还将成为世界旅游业发展的主流。  相似文献   

乡村旅游开发中农业景观特质性的保护研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冯娴慧  戴光全 《旅游学刊》2012,27(8):104-111
农业景观的特质性是农耕活动千百年演变积累下来的人地关系,表现为所在地域自然环境特征与人文地理特征叠加的土地形态,是具有生产、生活、生态“三生”功能的景观系统.在乡村旅游开发过程中,若缺乏对农业景观特质性全面、深入的认识,盲目采用城市景观建设方法来指导农业景观的建设,将导致农业景观特质性核心价值的消失与乡土特色的丧失.农业景观资源的科学旅游开发利用已经成为亟待研究的重要问题.文章首先分析乡村旅游开发中的农业景观特质性保护和开发利用面临的主要问题,然后依据农业景观特质性的“三生”功能,提出整体性、资源可持续发展、地域分异与协调共生原则以及农业景观特质性的系统保护模式,并以广东南海西樵旅游开发中西樵山七星村的传统特色农业景观“桑基鱼塘”有机再生为例,分析如何在旅游开发中实现农业景观特质性的有效保护和可持续利用.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether there has been a change in residents' perceptions of various tourism impacts over time and the impact of residents' socio-demographic characteristics on those changes. A survey of local residents (n?=?732 in 2004 and n?=?590 in 2009) was carried out for collecting the data for this study which was then followed by focus groups, conducted in 2012, consisting of academics, local residents and the tourism experts to validate the outcome from the survey. The results suggest that there has been significant increase in the level of agreement of the Sunshine Coast residents during this period on some of the tourism impacts such as job creation, attracting more investment, providing more business for local people and more cultural exchange between tourists and residents. The results also suggest that there is a significant decline in their perceptions of tourism negatively affecting the way of living of local residents and likelihood of residents suffering from living in a tourism destination. The residents also feel that there will be a decline in parks and other recreational areas for local residents with growth in tourism. The study also found that demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education and occupation are likely to influence residents' perceptions of tourism impact over time. Implications for future tourism development plans for the region are discussed.  相似文献   

In the past decade, tourism firms have become aware of the great benefits of maintaining a solid base of loyal customers. Because rural tourism is a relatively new phenomenon in some countries, the main antecedent of tourism loyalty remains infrequently studied in rural lodgings. In this work, a structural equations model is explored, with PLS technique, giving relevance to the interrelationships among image, quality, satisfaction, and trust and among these variables and the tourists' behavior variables. Instruments are identified and exploratory research was undertaken among rural tourists of the main rural lodgings in two border regions of Spain and Portugal. The results confirm image as a direct antecedent of perceived quality, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty for rural tourism, too. The analysis also confirmed that quality has a positive influence on satisfaction and loyalty, and trust has a positive influence on loyalty. Image is shown as a key factor to rural lodging managers. This study may help rural tourism managers to develop and implement effective relationship marketing strategies.  相似文献   

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