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文化和旅游融合:多层次关系内涵、挑战与践行路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文化和旅游部的组建使"文旅融合"成为热词,对文化和旅游关系的历时性反思却比较缺乏,进而影响了对文化和旅游关系的完整理解。文章基于对文化和旅游关系演变的历时性梳理,分析了文化和旅游关系的起源、发展与提升及其相应阶段可能面临的挑战。研究认为:文化的身份意义和旅游者追求身份认同使文化具有吸引物属性,建构文化的身份认同与集体记忆增强其吸引物属性并使之成为旅游资源,是践行文旅融合的第一层次路径,但也可能会面临关于文化工具性的批判。通过文化的可参观性生产提升文化的展示水平,是增强旅游者文化旅游体验的重要方式,也是践行文旅融合的第二层次路径,但因此而引起的文化商品化往往被批判为旅游导致文化衰落。文化旅游产品的进一步商业化与产业链延伸是践行文旅融合的第三层次路径,但也可能导致过度商业化与文化体验失真的批判。  相似文献   

南方长城与"长城文化之旅"的开发   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
王亚力 《旅游学刊》2003,18(3):53-57
中国南方长城的存在已是不争的事实,苗疆边墙不论在修筑的时间还是在结构和功能上,都与北方长城没有什么两样,不同的是它经过我国湿润的人口密度较大的地区,从而使长城作为历史上中国特定地区不同民族文化之间的功能界线,这一特有的文化背景,在更小的区域内得到了清晰的体现。由于南方长城的存在,凤凰的文化景观形成了差异明显的三大区:民族文化分界区、民族文化分离区和民族文化联合区,它们各自具有鲜明的特色,都是凤凰旅游的重要引力源。本文在挖掘长城文化内涵,诠注凤凰三大文化景观区之间成因联系的基础上,提出以长城文化为旅游主题,以“中国南方长城之旅”为旅游形象,以南方长城和民族文化分合为景观整合的线索,打造中国长城文化旅游精品的思路和措施。  相似文献   

任唤麟 《旅游学刊》2012,27(7):35-40
“八景”曾是重要的地域文化景观与地方旅游资源,深受传统文化影响,具有非功利性、山水人文化与人文景观化、审美意境典型性及景观的多元融合等文化特征,并因相沿袭久而起到文化承传的作用.八景又是一种景观(景点)塑造与资源利用文化模式,具有旅游资源开发与保护、旅游宣传与指南等功能.在当今的旅游开发与建设中,八景文化不仅具有资源的意义,而且具有方法论的意义.  相似文献   


Settler colonialism relies upon a logic of elimination that strives to dissolve Indigenous culture and title to ancestral lands. In Canada, settler colonialism has steered not only oppressive state policy directions, but also settler narratives that essentialize and displace Indigenous Peoples and cultural connections to land. Tourism is an especially potent social force through which such settler stories can be perpetuated and resisted. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how Indigenous culture is portrayed in the tourism promotional landscape of Ontario's ‘near north’, a rural leisure landscape for nature enthusiasts and second-home owners. While Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee First Nations have inhabited this area for generations, their cultural presence is often marginalized in development discourses, both historical and contemporary. Our study draws upon critical discourse analysis of websites produced by stakeholders associated with three case study sites – a Provincial Park, an annual cranberry Festival, and a major casino operation – to understand both the limits and opportunities of tourism in relation to maintaining and revitalizing Indigenous culture. In so doing, our paper contributes to critiques of settler colonial power relations and how these infiltrate tourism, and identifies pathways for disrupting the erasure of Indigenous cultures in tourism.  相似文献   

民族认同感是族群意识的基本组成部分。在旅游影响下,少数民族地区的民族认同呈现出多维度和不同方向的发展轨迹。文章通过对一位土家族青年女性个人生活史的记录,分析了在旅游发展进程中族群个体的民族认同感的演化过程,发现旅游对民族认同的影响在于:旅游引致的经济增长提高了民族文化的"势位";旅游产品创造了民族的集体记忆和文化景观;文化旅游的发展使民族认同的层次不断深化;民族旅游的盲目开发和过度开发将误导民族认同的方向。研究将为民族旅游地社会文化影响研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

历史文化街区既是城市文化的重要地标,也是旅游发展的重要资源,由此成为新时期文旅融合的重要实践载体。本研究基于符号学视角,选取黄山市屯溪区毗邻的屯溪老街和黎阳in巷分别作为传统与复建历史文化街区代表,基于扎根理论构建历史文化街区文旅融合的符号学理论框架。实证分析表明:传统与复建两类历史文化街区均形成了主题定位、文旅功能、空间布局、物质载体、业态产品、旅游服务六方面的文化和旅游符号,前者以传统文化符号居多,后者以现代旅游符号居多;两类街区文化和旅游符号融合的独特性、凸显性、融合性和适应性等特征差异明显,前者偏向地域文化的独特性,后者偏向旅游介入的适应性。据此提出传统历史文化街区“旅游趋向”和复建历史文化街区“文化趋向”的文旅融合路径,两类街区在文化传承与旅游发展中应加强文化资源符号化、资源功能多元化、符号空间整合化、文化符号全景化,促进文化产品价值化、旅游服务品质化,以实现历史文化街区可持续发展。  相似文献   

旅游开发对语言文化景观的影响效应研究--以西安为例   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
潘秋玲 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):19-25
语言变化是衡量社会文化变迁与旅游开发之间关系的一个重要指标。本文在国内外相关研究进展综述的基础上,以西安为例,从文化地理学的角度,就旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响效应进行了综合分析,并探讨了产生这些效应的原因和空间特征。研究发现。旅游开发导致了目的地当地方言的淡化,外来方言的渗入以及外语产生的影响,具体表现在:①土语景观萎缩,普通话景观扩张,形成新语言占据土语空间和两者并存的现象;②目的地语言景观曼趋多元化,空间上形成了以旅游区为主体的粤方言渗透区;③外语作为一种异质文化,与方言相互交融。形成中外语言景观并存,交互并用的格局。文章最后指出,经济上的巨大落差。构成了文化能量的累积差异。从而产生西方文化、粤文化等经济发达地区文化向旅游目的地的传播和影响。同时,旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响表现出其独特的影响方向和空间特征。  相似文献   

宋立中  谭申 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):93-101
文化遗产作为文化旅游发展的重要载体,在国内外引起了业界和学界的广泛关注,而复合型文化遗产是一种具备多元价值和内涵的遗产类型,其旅游产品开发应根据复合型文化遗产资源禀赋及其特征而定.文章以福建马尾船政文化遗产为例,运用文化景观理论和文化再生产理论,并结合问卷调查、因子分析和参与观察等方法,从定性和定量两个方面分析作为复合型文化遗产的船政文化旅游产品开发的路径选择,以此丰富文化遗产旅游研究案例,具有一定的理论建构价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

Ethnic tourism,the state,and cultural change in Southeast Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
International tourism in Southeast Asia increasingly involves a restructuring of the relationship between the state and local cultures. A typology identifies the roles that culture and ethnicity play in Southeast Asian tourism. Tourism involves the state in new relationships with local cultures—as planner of tourist development, as marketer of cultural meanings, as arbiter of cultural practices displayed to tourists, and as an arena for new forms of politics. The state's role is contradictory and complex, as tourism leads to increased state intervention in local cultures and, at the same time, provides cultural groups with new means of pressing claims against the state.  相似文献   


This article poses the question: are there cultural limits to tourism? It argues that tourism is a culture industry in the sense that it markets cultural products to tourists as cultural experiences. The three elements of tourism as culture are: the cultural foundations of tourism products, the sophistication of tourists’ perceptions and experiences of tourist cultures, and the cultural consequences of tourism development on resident communities. Yet these aspects are usually treated in a tokenistic way in favour of economic and environmental considerations, ignoring the cultural consequences of major changes to destination communities as a result of tourist development. This article proposes that the changes and consequences of tourism on the culture of destinations and on the culture of tourists should be central to debates about sustainable tourism development. The article proposes a number of conditions or indicators to identify the matrix of impacts of tourism from which acceptable and unacceptable limits can be determined. The use of these indicators should be central to planning, management and monitoring practices to achieve sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

文学旅游地的社会文化建构:以凤凰古城为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晨  朱兹  安宁 《旅游学刊》2014,(7):68-76
该研究基于文化环及其拓展理论,通过定性和定量相结合的方法探讨了凤凰古城作为文学旅游地的文化生产和消费。结论指出:(1)沈从文及其文学作品所构建的文学世界中的"湘西世界",旅游开发者和经营者所构建的"现实中的边城"与旅游者的"口碑中的凤凰古城"共同构建了"想象中的凤凰古城",即待阅读的"凤凰古城文本",并使这一文本公共化;(2)作为文化消费者,旅游者在文学旅游地的构建与重构过程中扮演了重要的角色,是联系整个社会文化建构过程的纽带。在此基础上,本研究构建了一个新的旅游地社会文化建构模型,以期对旅游地的文化生产和消费相关研究及具体应用进行补充和拓展。  相似文献   

Models of sustainable tourism consider not only the aspects of the physical environment but also the dimensions of the social and cultural environment of destinations. During the past two decades a number of researchers have made the case that local residents must be involved in tourism development decisions if support for, and thereby sustainability of, the industry is to be maintained. Minority ethnic and racial groups, however, are often differentially influenced by tourism within a community. This study investigates the differences between Hispanic and Anglo residents with respect to their perceptions of tourism and quality of life framed with the context of ethnicity marginality theory.  相似文献   

After a decades-long exodus of industry and capital from Southern Appalachia, heritage tourism attempts to generate revenue by representing cultural authenticity in an area historically occupying the place of cultural backwater in American popular imaginations. This paper analyzes the representational terrain that such a tourism project traverses to present viable narratives of cultural authenticity. I suggest that valuations of authenticity in these representations, while exhibiting ambivalences about the values of the past and present, foreground iconic and indexical relationships among music, musicians, and Appalachian history and landscape, in turn drawing on the appeal of a different orientation to space and place. This appeal of and for a cultural and affective alternate route – an alternative to a high-speed, rootless, globalized landscape of mass consumption – is both opposed to and dependent on that landscape for its value and viability.  相似文献   

文化旅游创新体系的结构与性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何提升创新能力是中国旅游业实现产业转型和升级需要解决的关键问题.因为旅游业产业结构的复杂性,所以产业内部创新行为的表现形式也会有很大差异.文化旅游创新主要不是技术创新,而是要以文化创新为基础,达到旅游的创新与发展.文化旅游创新体系在结构和运行机制上都体现为文化与旅游融合的二元复合体系,具有创新目标与成果的双重性、二元核心创新主体、双重价值导向,是双重核心模式.鉴于此,应注意文化创新和文化旅游产品创新的差异,建立协调市场机制和公共管理机制的创新管理体制,充分发挥旅游地居民与旅游企业的积极性.  相似文献   

郭颖 《旅游学刊》2001,16(3):68-71
少数民族文化旅游是我国旅游产品的重要组成部分。少数民族文化旅游的开展在一定程度上促进了少数民族地区的经济发展和民族文化的保护,但同时也可能给少数民族接待地区的社会文化带来负面的影响。本文以泸沽湖地区为例,从文化人类学的角度探讨了少数民族地区文化旅游资源保护的方式和开发的具体模式。  相似文献   

Classical poetry is an important part of Chinese culture. This study explores its roles in contemporary Chinese tourism based on participant observation of tourist destinations in the Three Gorges and surrounding area along the Yangtze River and content analysis of tourism guidebooks. Classical poetry is used to guide Chinese tourists in terms of what to gaze at and how to gaze. Specifically, first, poets and their poems create historical and cultural value for a place, which forms an essential foundation for its attractiveness as an object for Chinese tourists gaze. Second, poems may be used to enhance tourists' aesthetic appreciation of a landscape along the spatial and temporal dimensions, creating transcending poetic experiences. Such influence of classical poetry exemplifies the cultural continuity in China that should be well understood and considered in contemporary tourism. Implications in tourism development and marketing, aesthetic experience creation, environmental interpretation, and literary tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed tourists' motivations and satisfaction in participating in authentic Mi'kmaw tourism activities in Nova Scotia, Canada, as well as the ideas, perceptions and components of sustainable cultural tourism development from the Mi'kmaw perspective. To solicit the tourists' perspective, surveys were administered to tourists visiting the existing Mi'kmaw cultural tourism sites in Nova Scotia, while the Mi'kmaw perspective was obtained through key informant interviews. The results of the survey suggest that tourists visiting the Mi'kmaw cultural tourism sites were highly educated and deeply interested in learning about culture and participating in authentic cultural experiences. Tourists were also highly satisfied with their experience and were interested in participating in aboriginal tourism again. Findings regarding the Mi'kmaw perspective indicate a focus on cultural tourism's ability to educate both tourists and the Mi'kmaw people on the Mi'kmaw culture as well as provide economic opportunities for Mi'kmaw communities. Of greater importance to the Mi'kmaw people is the preservation and protection of the Mi'kmaw culture. Conclusions drawn from the research include recommendations for the future success and sustainability of the Mi'kmaw cultural tourism sector. This study's findings may also inform other Canadian aboriginal communities seeking to develop robust and sustainable cultural tourism in their own settings.  相似文献   

关于旅游购物研究的理论思考   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
石美玉 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):32-36
旅游购物作为旅游产品中的重要组成部分,它既是我国旅游业走向集约化发展的战略选择,也是国家创汇的重要增长点。但是,旅游购物又是我国旅游业长期的薄弱环节。基于理论创新和指导实践的需要,笔者提出了旅游购物的科学含义,建立了研究旅游购物的理论框架,并提出“旅游购物的经济文化解释”、“旅游购物是重要的旅游资源”等观点。  相似文献   

Social capital is a key resource encouraging innovation in clustered firms of the hospitality and tourism industry, however it may be influenced by managers perception of market dynamism. This paper analyses the moderator role of ma’rket dynamism perception among the three dimensions of social capital −structural, relational and cognitive- and radical innovation. We conducted an empirical study on a sample of 215 hospitality and tourism firms located in World Heritage Cities of Spain, by considering each city as a cultural tourism cluster. The structural equations analysis shows divergent direct and moderated effects for the dimensions of social capital. Specifically, the negative effect of structural social capital on radical innovation worsens when market dynamism perception is higher. However, market dynamism perception improves the effects of relational and cognitive social capital on radical innovation. The study contributes to the understanding of the antecedents of radical innovation at firm level in the context of cultural tourism clusters.  相似文献   

论旅游文化——文化人类学视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国内旅游文化研究已进入了瓶颈阶段。尽管有近40部与旅游文化相关的著作和教材以及大量学术论文,但人们在各种意义上使用"旅游文化"这一词汇,旅游文化的内涵与外延仍模糊不定。文章在追溯国内外旅游文化研究成果的基础上,从文化的发生层面来界定和框限旅游文化,并在内涵、特性、功能层面上对旅游文化与一般文化进行比较分析,进而指出未来的旅游文化研究可以运用文化人类学传统民族志方法来获取第一手资料。同时,文章旨在反思国内旅游文化研究的概念误区,并尝试以文化人类学视角来廓清旅游文化的外延,将旅游文化视为文化生产与再生产的结果,为旅游文化内涵的明确化、具体化做抛砖引玉的前期思考。  相似文献   

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