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According to the “evolutionary” approach (Davoudi & Al., 2012), urban resilience implies that urban systems have capacity to react to several external disturbances - economic, social, environmental - regarding all components of urban governance and transforming itself in a new development model.River basins are considered an interesting space for experimental workshop on resilience, as a driver of territorial policy, for ordinary communities and landscapes, where the relationship between the sustainable use of territorial resources could led to new territorial strategies, as well as “promote managements synergies” at different levels of regional and local planning.River Agreements (RA) appear as an innovative governance method which can help in the drafting of potential plans and practices for the development of resilience in fluvial territories. It is a form of negotiated planning, that helps to involve social actors in order to: improve people’s knowledge of current territorial conditions and the effects of human activities; increase social awareness; include society in the identification and implementation of solutions; to encourage innovative changes in planning objectives and urban and architectural design, starting with the legal and planning framework of an Action Plan. Starting from the ‘80 s, RA were experimentally tested in Belgium and France and currently widespread also in Italy. In Piedmont Region (Italy), it is recognized as a successful territorial governance tool used to define shared strategies, measures, rules and projects. We will present the case study of the Sangone River Agreement as the first participate planning and design experience in Piedmont signed by local actors.  相似文献   

Critical scholars have addressed land use models and related technologies by pointing to their epistemological underpinnings and the social consequences of visibilities and invisibilities induced by these instruments to different forms of governance. More recently, in addition to reaffirming the old dictum that the map is not the territory, some scholars have analyzed how land use models can shape perceptions, narratives and policy, and in this way “make” the territory and the state. In this study, we adopt the notion of sociotechnical imaginaries to highlight the role of land use models and basin-wide development schemes in the emergence of military developmentalism in the Brazilian Amazon. We show that earlier surveys of the Amazon were created in order to substantiate territorial claims and to guide the exploitation of natural rubber and other extractive resources. Mapping of the rivers as arteries with limited upland assessment implied a view of the Amazon as an immutable and invincible nature where resources were given as elements of natural landscapes. The approach of economic sectorial mapping that had dominated earlier surveys began to shift during and especially after World War II in an effort to imagine Amazonia as a separate and identifiable policy space which transformation would be possible with the application of development frameworks, such as the one derived from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Likewise, experts from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization played a key role in providing land use models and assessment that “proved” the economic viability of large-scale colonization projects. This article points out that the extensive occupation and ongoing destruction of the Amazon rainforest was also informed by US large-scale planning regimes infused with technoscientific approaches derived mostly from Global North scientific institutions. Those concepts underpinned imaginaries of an integrated region whose “planning surface” would be oriented by the idea of the “Legal Amazon”, subject to a technocratic, centralized and authoritarian style of developmentalism. In this way this paper shows how land use models are not mere representations of the territory but also carriers of sociotechnical imaginaries that coproduce radical changes in social and natural landscapes.  相似文献   

针对当前水利工程EPC项目中信息技术应用效率低下的问题,将BIM技术应用于水利工程EPC项目能够促进项目全生命周期信息和知识的共享,提高项目参建方之间的协同工作能力,实现价值增值。探索基于BIM的水利工程EPC项目价值增值影响因素及作用机理是实现项目价值增值的前提和关键,采用质性研究方法,通过对20名从事水利工程EPC项目建设或研究的人员进行访谈,以及对90篇相关文献进行梳理,识别了BIM技术对水利工程EPC项目价值增值的影响因素;运用DEMATEL-ISM法分析因素间相关性,得到影响因素层次结构。结果表明:BIM市场需求是根源影响因素,BIM技术支持能力、企业重视及投入程度和管理组织建设是影响基于BIM的水利工程EPC项目价值增值的核心因素。  相似文献   

Despite a growing recognition of the importance of social learning in governing and managing land use, the understanding and practice of learning has received limited attention from researchers. In global environmental programs and projects aimed at supporting sustainable land use in developing countries, learning is often promoted but without explicit learning goals. The focus may be on capacity building and community participation, and on testing policy tools, rather than on collaborative social learning. In this study, we looked behind the rhetoric of learning in the Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership (KFCP), a large demonstration project for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) in Indonesia. The novelty of such mechanisms, linked to international forest carbon outcomes, means that learning lessons provides a rationale for REDD+ pilot activities. We used a qualitative approach to examine the nature and type of learning that occurred in the KFCP. While the stated project aims were to support policy experimentation and apply learning, the project design was highly technical, and project decision-making did not explicitly encourage joint problem solving. Despite the project’s shortcomings, we identified that learning did occur by the end of the project in ways that were different to the initial goals. Our findings suggest that flexibility and openness in project design and implementation can enable different local actors to define shared learning agendas in ways that are meaningful for them. Designing and implementing environmental projects, and learning goals within them, should attend to the needs and aspirations of those who will have to live with their long-term consequences. Learning should be integrated into international environmental programs and projects at all levels, including for policy and funding bodies, rather than focusing on local capacity building and similar project ‘benefits’. Interviewees’ eagerness to learn suggests that building approaches to social learning into program design has the potential to yield opportunities for learning beyond REDD+ to other forms of policy experimentation and governance innovations.  相似文献   

“十四五”时期中国农村发展若干重大问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"十四五"时期是中国经济社会发展的重要转折时期,其规划制定必须处理好继承和创新的关系,实现继承性与创新性相统一。新中国70年的持续发展、40多年的农村改革经验以及"十三五"规划的有序推进,为"十四五"时期中国农村发展奠定了坚实的基础。随着2020年全面建成小康社会和脱贫攻坚目标的实现,中国将进入高水平全面建成小康社会进而向富裕社会迈进的"后小康"时代,国家"三农"工作的重点将逐步由脱贫攻坚转移到全面实施乡村振兴战略上来。在"十四五"时期,立足"两个阶段"发展目标,进一步巩固提高农村全面小康质量、为农业农村基本现代化开好局将成为核心主题。围绕这一核心主题,中国农村发展需要着力解决好五个重大问题,即建设高水平的农村全面小康、夯实农业农村基本现代化的基础、实现由脱贫攻坚到乡村振兴的转型、破解粮食安全和农民增收难题以及推动农村改革由试点走向全面推开。  相似文献   

While the question of social and political regulation (in Polanyi’s sense) in areas characterized by industrial districts and systems of SMEs is well-known, alongside the effects of globalization in such situations, the role of land use regulation as a public policy has been underestimated. The sprawl that connotes these situations (and in particular our case-study, the Veneto region) has usually been intended as the product of a laissez-faire orientation. In our paper, we try instead to demonstrate that sprawl, in the golden age of development, has been intentionally pursued, through specific technical mechanisms and widely accepted policy discourses. The “planned sprawl” has been largely socially shared, and significantly contributed to, by a peculiar embeddedness of the public action in market and reciprocity mechanisms, to social integration and economic effectiveness, until the change of international division of labor, social and cultural transformations, and the rise of severe negative externalities as unintended consequence of the “planned sprawl”. Moreover, the paper discusses the lack of effectiveness of the recent regional reform of territorial planning in coping with the new social and economic requirements, compared to the variety of urban projects based on a governance style.  相似文献   

在基层治理现代化背景下,乡镇政权对村干部的政策动员,开始由激励机制、压力机制转向责任机制。乡镇政府面对财权与事权不匹配现实,渐次倚重对制度性资源的技术化调配,塑造乡村"责任共同体"关系,推进政策落地。乡村政策动员中体制性吸纳、组织化协调、技术性约束和伦理化调适等权力—技术支配机制,虽可借助组织内责任关联纽带提高政策动员与执行效率,但该"权力的技术支配网络"同时也容易带来乡村治理的悬浮化、去政治化与泛政治化等"行政消解治理"问题。由此,乡村政策动员应警惕过于强化制度的工具性价值,重新发掘其治理内涵与社会价值,实现乡村治理"治术"与"治道"的平衡。  相似文献   

舟山地方经济与社会发展变化的一种载体,即是向海洋要"土地",并以政府工程的形式实现,但也由此引发了与民争利的社会新问题。面对政府工程"用海"的现实矛盾,唯有政府采取安抚和缓政策,加大经济补偿力度,容纳民声,主动扩展民生空间来解决。实践中,主要通过公平推行、阳光操作、取信于民、积极化解社会底层矛盾等来构建海岛渔村和谐社会。值得注意的是,尽管采取了种种惠民政策,仍然出现了产权归属、利益分配等问题。  相似文献   

Land use,water management and future flood risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human activities have profoundly changed the land on which we live. In particular, land use and land management change affect the hydrology that determines flood hazard, water resources (for human and environmental needs) and the transport and dilution of pollutants. It is increasingly recognised that the management of land and water are inextricably linked (e.g. Defra, 2004). “Historical context, state of the science and current management issues” section of this paper addresses the science underlying those linkages, for both rural and urban areas. In “Historical context, state of the science and current management issues” section we discuss future drivers for change and their management implications. Detailed analyses are available for flood risk, from the Foresight Future Flooding project (Evans et al., 2004a,b) and other recent studies, and so we use flooding as an exemplar, with a more limited treatment of water resource and water quality aspects. Finally in “Science needs and developments” section we discuss science needs and likely progress. This paper does not address the important topic of water demand except for some reference to the Environment Agency's Water Resources Strategy for England and Wales (Environment Agency, 2009).  相似文献   

Rural Sustainable Development (RSD) is promoted by the European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2014–2020, and in particular by the national and regional Rural Development Programmes (RDPs), which are mainly supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). At the sub-regional level, a part of the EAFRD is managed by Local Action Groups (LAGs), which decide how to use their own budget within their municipalities via a bottom-up approach, according to the most suitable projects available within the RDP.Requalification of traditional farm buildings is a possible RSD project for achieving various objectives, including creation of new jobs and economic activities, protection of the natural environment, promotion of rural tourism, preservation of rural culture and traditions, encouragement of a sense of community, improvement of the viability of rural villages, and also to contrast the abandonment of rural areas.Nevertheless, European projects and research show that the different types of requalification carried out are often not related to RSD objectives and that requalification does not usually combine the sustainability dimensions and spatial features of rural areas. Furthermore, the opinions of various stakeholders should be considered to support the generation of RSD policies and strategies.Thus, this research aims to provide a RSD decision making framework that makes it possible to tackle the above issues for identifying which type of requalification to assign to certain traditional farm buildings. Therefore, the results should facilitate the work of LAG policy makers in planning and managing the EAFRD 2014–2020. The framework combines the Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) methods “Analytic Network Process” (ANP) and “Dominance-based Rough Set Approach” (DRSA).This framework was applied to a LAG territory in Apulia Region (Southern Italy) that includes 176 traditional farm buildings. The ANP application identified the optimal quota for each type of requalification and showed that the highest quota is allocated to Facilities and Accommodations for Rural Tourism. The second preferred requalification is Centres for Environmental Education, Recreational and Social Facilities, while the third is Facilities for the Transformation and Sale of Agricultural Products. The DRSA was then applied in a Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to choose the most suitable traditional farm buildings for each type of requalification, helping the LAG policy makers to fill each quota.  相似文献   

以镇江新区为例,借鉴土地整理效益评价的原理及方法,从经济效益、社会效益和生态效益三个方面入手,用层次分析法(AHP)确定各评价指标权重,量化各评价指标,得出该区万顷良田建设工程综合效益评价值。评价结果表明:工程综合效益较好,但经济效益远高于社会效益及生态效益。在万顷良田建设工程实施过程中,应重视促进工程实施的社会效益和生态效益,达到经济效益、社会效益和生态效益协调共同发展。  相似文献   

In this article, we critically review the developmental claims made for the construction of the Rampal power plant in southwestern Bangladesh, in the light of evidence about transformations of land control related to this construction project. Land has become a heavily contested resource in the salinity-intruded southwestern coastal area of Bangladesh. Changes in land control for the construction of the Rampal power plant and similar projects have intensified decades of struggles over rights and access to land. The Rampal project is labelled as “development” and claims to contribute to the elimination of poverty. However, we find that, in reality, this project leads to a reorganization of land control, rights and access in ways that perpetuate and intensify waves of eviction and exclusion of small landholders and landless laborers, thus threatening agriculture-based rural livelihoods. We analyze how four actor groups involved in land control are differently affected by the project interventions, embedded in the context of historical land tenure developments. We find that the benefits of this “development”, primarily favoring rich and powerful social groups and investors, necessitates a critical rethinking of Bangladesh's development and its claims of poverty elimination in the light of related land control practices.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to expose the effects of planning on development. It asserts that the failure or success of a project Is pre-determined by the events during the planning phase. The various agencies involved in planning, decision making, implementation and evaluation of projects appear to be serving their own interests first and those of the people last. This article concludes that projects must be born in the hearts and minds of the people if any degree of success is to be achieved. Two projects in the Zambezi Valley are looked at to show the differences between a ‘professional-initiated’ project and a ‘people-initiated’ one.  相似文献   

Smallholder agricultural carbon market projects have potential to achieve climate-smart agriculture (CSA), a “triple-win” for food security, climate change mitigation, and adaptation. Farmer participation is critical for achieving widespread impact, yet their adoption of sustainable land management practices is constrained by eligibility, willingness, and ability to participate. This research examines how the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project enabled smallholder participation, with results emphasizing the importance of institutional conditions and farmers’ perceptions. Findings highlight the necessity of international collaborations and high levels of synergistic coordination. Building social capital and adopting participatory learning approaches are strategies that can increase participation and create inclusive climate-smart agriculture projects.  相似文献   

以社会公正为视阈,当前我国城市化建设中的土地征收,实施以"保障"为基点的"社会补偿"政策,既不能合理分配土地增值资源,实现社会资源"分配的正义",又不能切实保障被征收土地人民群众的切身利益,达到社会资源"持有的正义"。因此,我国土地征收社会公正化,应在社会主义社会公正观指导下,实施以"保护"为基点的"社会赔偿"政策,使得城市化建设中的土地征收既"化地"又"化人"。社会赔偿区别于国家赔偿、民事赔偿,是基于社会发展需要而对承担社会发展代价一方给予的符合社会公正的赔偿。  相似文献   

移民作为大型跨流域调水工程的重要利益相关者,在从原所在村落迁入新址和被征地后生计恢复的过程中,容易出现社会不适问题。针对这一问题,以Y工程二标段H市为例,基于半结构式访谈收集相关资料,分析Y工程移民的经济生活、社会生活等社会适应困境。研究表明,移民社会适应不良会导致经济水平下降、社会网络破坏、工程推进困难和地方治理无效等社会经济系统风险。基于此,提出帮助移民转变思想观念、重建社会网络、完善监督制度、建立互助机制等风险减缓措施,以促进移民、业主与地方政府的协同发展,解决移民社会不适问题,促进调水工程顺利实施。  相似文献   

Of the more than 1600 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects that are currently registered with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), only four are afforestation or reforestation projects. This paper asks why there are so few CDM afforestation or reforestation (CDM A/R) projects given the many economic, social and environmental benefits that such activities potentially offer. The authors discuss the question from two perspectives: namely the constraints to the development of CDM A/R projects and the features of ‘successful’ CDM A/R projects. Constraints to the development of CDM A/R projects include financial, administrative and governance issues. Analysis of the four registered CDM A/R projects suggests that ‘successful’ CDM A/R applications are likely to be characterized by the following: initial funding support; design and implementation guided by large organizations with technical expertise; occur on private land (land with secured property rights attached); and most revenue from Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) is directed back to local communities. It is argued that the CDM needs to be reformed to support the development of more CDM A/R projects, particularly with regards to incorporating greater flexibility, simplifying the methodological and documentation procedures of CDM registration, and redefining the role of the UNFCCC in CDMs from one of adjudication to one of facilitation.  相似文献   

In the last decades rural communities face the problems of ageing of population, high share of elder farmers and imbalanced distribution of farmers across age classes. The Rural Development Plans (RDPs) of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in European Union (EU) are the policy instruments that affect agriculture and the people living in rural areas. The RDP measure “Setting up Young Farmers” aims to fight the demographic problems of these areas. This study is an attempt to highlight the role and the impacts of RDPs and especially of the “Setting up Young Farmers” measure in the prefecture of Thessaloniki in Greece. To this end, a multicriteria mathematical programming model was implemented. This methodology was chosen using the Knowledge Brokerage Approach in the context of the LIAISE project, which proposes a set of support modules that are linked to the impact assessment process with a final goal to support future policies and design. The results showed that the “Setting up young farmers” measure achieved its goals to transfer land to young, trained farmers, to offset the set-up costs faced by young people when establishing themselves in farming.  相似文献   

The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) was assisted by the Australian government's aid agency, AusAID, with technical input from UNHabitat and the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, in the developing of regional land policy guidelines that will address the most critical land issues being faced by the countries. A key aspect of this project was to evaluate pro-poor land tools that would provide comprehensive land administration and thus facilitate the equitable use and allocation of the limited land resource in the sub-region. This initiative provided for and included an opportunity for introducing the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) to support economic, social or environmental land policy goals. The individual member states of the OECS committed to participate in the project notwithstanding existing institutional shortcomings that may affect implementation.This paper reviews the major characteristics in land administration shared by most of the OECS countries that will affect the implementation of the STDM which is based on the LADM international standard ISO 19152:2012. It then presents a proposed STDM profile that will address the land issues common to most of the OECS states. Lastly, it presents the preliminary results of pilot testing of an implementation of the STDM, software version 0.9.5, developed by the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN). The pilot was conducted in Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The primary aim was to examine the practical and social implications of implementing the recording process for informal tenures using the STDM software developed by the GLTN. It was found that some of the technical process went smoothly but middle and lower middle income groups are resistant to the idea of recognising informality because they perceive difficulties in differentiating between legitimate land tenure rights and illegal occupation and use, and because they anticipate impacts on their own legal tenure.  相似文献   

以镇江新区为例,借鉴土地整理效益评价的原理及方法,从经济效益、社会效益和生态效益三个方面入手,用层次分析法(AHP)确定各评价指标权重,量化各评价指标,得出该区万顷良田建设工程综合效益评价值。评价结果表明:工程综合效益较好,但经济效益远高于社会效益及生态效益。在万顷良田建设工程实施过程中,应重视促进工程实施的社会效益和生态效益,达到经济效益、社会效益和生态效益协调共同发展。  相似文献   

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