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This paper generalizes a result due to Okishio: the rate of profit increases as a result of cost reducing technical changes. The generalization is carried out first in a model of joint production which allows for new processes and commodities to be introduced or some of the old ones to be discarded. Then we consider nonlinear models incorporating external and internal (dis)economies  相似文献   

基于多式联运的国际物流运作模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
多式联运是国际物流服务中的重要环节,无疑将带动国际物流业务的发展.建立完善我国国际物流网络,要结合国家宏观国际贸易总体规划,明确各级供应范围及有机衔接,考虑现代物流技术发展,留有余地.应合理选择和布局国内外物流网点,扩大国际贸易的范围和规模,采用先进的运输方式、运输工具和运输设施,加速进出口货物的流转,改进运输路线,缩短进出口商品的在途积压,改进包装,增大技术装载量,同时改进装卸作业及海运配载,在国内物流运输中要采取节约成本的物流策略.  相似文献   

This note is to reintroduce to the reader Eisenberg's symmetric duality theorem in homogeneous programming problems as a useful tool in economic analysis, and thereby to pay a due tribute to him for one of his mathematical contributions. His duality result has been almost in oblivion during the development of Shephard's duality theory between cost and production, and has seldom been mentioned in the literature about the dualities concerning Shephard's distance function, Luenberger's benefit function and directional distance functions proposed by many authors. We show that from Eisenberg's duality it is possible to derive in a systematic way these dualities so far obtained. We also present a further extension of the duality for generalized directional distance functions. In addition, we explain the relationships between the duality theorem of linear programming and that of homogeneous programming, and show how to apply the latter in those economic models in which linear programming has been utilized.  相似文献   

对我国信贷配给双重性的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟  罗凡 《商业研究》2004,(23):134-135
在对金融抑制理论和金融约束理论的简要回顾的基础上 ,了解了信贷配给的形成及西方经济学家对此研究的现状 ,通过对中国金融市场上存在的信贷配给现象的考察 ,使中国信贷配给的双重性有了进一步地说明和解释  相似文献   

企业品牌成长与整合模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业品牌的成长过程,一般需要经历品牌孕育、品牌诞生、品牌成长和品牌成熟几个阶段;企业品牌的整合,一般呈现出一个从低级到高级、从外部到内部的品牌整合路径.通过企业行为一致性和信息传播一致性的特点建立企业品牌成长与整合模型,得出的结论是:处于品牌孕育阶段的企业,其品牌整合战略必然选择低级整合型路径;处于品牌诞生阶段的企业,其品牌整合战略一般选择强外部整合型路径;处于品牌成长阶段的企业,其品牌整合战略必然选择强内部整合型路径;处于品牌成熟阶段的企业,其品牌整合战略最佳的选择是高级整合型路径.此研究对于处于各个发展阶段的企业具有一定得指导意义.  相似文献   

The importance of high data quality and the need to consider data quality in the context of business processes are well acknowledged. Process modeling is mandatory for process-driven data quality management, which seeks to improve and sustain data quality by redesigning processes that create or modify data. A variety of process modeling languages exist, which organizations heterogeneously apply. The purpose of this article is to present a context-independent approach to integrate data quality into the variety of existing process models. The authors aim to improve communication of data quality issues across stakeholders while considering process model complexity. They build on a keyword-based literature review in 74 IS journals and three conferences, reviewing 1,555 articles from 1995 onwards. 26 articles, including 46 process models, were examined in detail. The literature review reveals the need for a context-independent and visible integration of data quality into process models. First, the authors present the enhancement of existing process models with data quality characteristics. Second, they present the integration of a data-quality-centric process model with existing process models. Since process models are mainly used for communicating processes, they consider the impact of integrating data quality and the application of patterns for complexity reduction on the models’ complexity metrics. There is need for further research on complexity metrics to improve the applicability of complexity reduction patterns. Lacking knowledge about interdependency between metrics and missing complexity metrics impede assessment and prediction of process model complexity and thus understandability. Finally, our context-independent approach can be used complementarily for data quality integration with specific process modeling languages.  相似文献   

The formal similarity between von Neumann's theorem on maximal growth and (a weak form of) the fundamental theorem of linear programming is striking. The parallelism is explained by considering a simple economy for which the two problems are identical.  相似文献   

This article uses cointegration and error-correction models to analyze the causal relationship between agricultural export diversification and economic growth in eight selected Caribbean countries using annual data from 1961 to 2000. The empirical results show that in the short run, agricultural export diversification Granger causes economic growth in Barbados and Belize. Noncausality exists for the other countries. In the long run, agricultural export diversification also Granger causes economic growth in the Dominican Republic. On the contrary, agricultural export diversification is the outcome of the economic growth process in Belize, Costa Rica, Haiti, and Jamaica, in the long run. Noncausality exists in Trinidad and Tobago. There is no evidence of bi-directional causality in any of the countries in either the short or long run.  相似文献   

环保的大量投入对生产性投资具有挤出效应,如果只是静态地看待环保投入的挤出效应,而不考虑环保技术进步对环保资本品投入的替代作用,可能就会忽略环保投入具有生产性的一面。而从环保投资两重性来考虑经济增长和环境品质之间的关系构成了一个全新的研究视角,通过把环保技术进步效应加入内生经济增长模型发现:环保技术的采用在降低污染排放量的同时也促进了经济增长;生产技术进步可以提高生产效率,只是减少单位投入的污染排放,却要带来总量更大的污染;外资进入对提高经济增长虽有益处,但对环保设备投资却有挤出效应;从经济增长的角度看,生产技术进步对经济增长和居民效用水平提高的贡献程度要大于环保技术的贡献程度。  相似文献   

贾晓菁  周绍森 《商业研究》2006,(12):133-137
随着国企改革的不断深入,国有企业正在出现用工二元制现象,剖析对其形成机理和影响,运用系统动力学和基模分析的方法可以揭示国有企业用工二元制问题的动态复杂性,从而提出解决这种用工二元制问题的关键策略。  相似文献   

中国经济现在已经与世界经济紧密结合,再也不能在危机中“独善其身”了。在过去经济危机中生存下来并且之后发展良好的企业,它们的一些经过实践检验的生存之道,能帮助企业战胜短期困难,建立长期竞争力,值得中国企业借鉴。  相似文献   

在要素市场一体化条件下,多数票规则会导致较高的再分配水平,降低财政竞争的激励,形成财政竞争的自动制衡机制,确保财政竞争处于适度水平。中国城市的公共产品供给二元体制降低了农村劳动力迁移的收益,并因此影向农村劳动力向城市转移的规模。农村劳动力转移规模的减少,会减缓城市公共产品的供给压力,降低财政竞争的成本。同时,二元体制又通过就业收益和城市住房价值的提升,提高了财政竞争的收益。上述因素将共同提高财政竞争的均衡水平,加剧中国地方政府的财政竞争。  相似文献   

本轮经济调整具有二重性,决定这二重性的两方面原因及其政策取向存在相互矛盾和对立的一面,并对当前经济调整产生影响。下一阶段的调整要求对经济激励政策作出"微调",货币政策运用应在支持经济发展和防范金融风险之间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

2021年4月18日—21日,备受全球瞩目的博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会在海南省琼海市博鳌召开。中国国家主席习近平发表视频主旨演讲,国家副主席王岐山出席并致辞。本届年会共有60多个国家和地区的2600多名代表和1200多名记者参会。同时,本届博鳌亚洲论坛也是今年全球首个以线下会议活动为主的大型国际会议。此外,年会在举办同时也安排了多场行业发展分论坛,其规模较以往也有大幅提升。这说明越来越多的行业寄希望于借助知名大会的品牌影响力来发出自己的声音。  相似文献   

提起 TCL,我先想起 TCL 集团总裁李东生一句颇具时代性的话:"历史是由那些充分利用时代机会和不断进行变革创新的人们写就的。"反过来看 TCL 的国际化足迹,也确实在印证着他的这种思想。TCL 的国际化之路实施的是三步走战略:首先,在东南亚、中东、东欧、南非等发展中国家的新兴市场,以推广TCL 自有品牌产品为主,并逐步形成完全自己掌控的销售网络;其次对于成熟的欧美市场,初期是利用制造优势通过 OEM、ODM方式输出产品和服务;在积累了一定的国  相似文献   

突破"粉色"贸易壁垒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴莉 《中国海关》2004,(4):42-44
今年5月1日前后,德、法、荷等国继美国之后,将强制推广一个新的国际贸易标准——社会责任标准。今天我国85%的出口生产企业将要受到该标准影响。实际上,近年来已经有许多企业因为没有或通不过认证审核而白白丢失定单,甚至付出了痛心的代价。  相似文献   

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