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The present situation is marketing is characterized by rising costs and increasing prices. In an article in Business Week, a commentator has stated that “...... marketing and distribution are where industry must make up a lot of the costs of doing business today” (13). Pooled marketing is a viable alternative to the marketing practices which have, along with inflation and other factors, contributed to the present situation. In addition to the cost savings that can emerge from pooling programs, the cooperative sharing of resources makes it possible to capitalize on opportunities that a firm would not have been able to seize on its own.  相似文献   

鱼糜制品作为水产品深加工的方向之一,是水产加工业的重要组成部分。近期我国十余家鱼糜制品企业被吊销产品生产许可证,说明鱼糜制品企业的竞争日益激烈。运用评价指标体系来对一家鱼糜制品企业进行营销能力的综合评价,找出该企业的营销能力的优劣势,进而提出针对性的改进建议有一定的现实意义。通过问卷调查和二次文献分析,计算各指标的分值,将各指标的分值结合鱼糜制品企业营销能力评价模型中的指标权重进行综合计算,得到该企业营销能力的具体分值;再对各指标的分值进行分析,探索各指标得分高低的原因,得出提升营销能力的对策。  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会的举办为我国的体育营销带来一个广阔的前景.首先总结出企业成功地实施体育营销的几个关键因素:创造力、整合和持续性,然后提出了我国企业在体育营销中应该采取的对策:注意保持体育营销策略的系统化和连续性;使产品附加中国传统和民族文化的特质,显示体育营销的的文化传播特色;用整合营销的观念来从事体育营销;企业要量力而行,不要盲目"跟风".  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that business models can serve as important strategic tools in innovation and market formation processes. Consequently, business models should have a prominent position in the marketing literature. However, marketing scholars have, so far, paid little attention to the business model concept, perhaps because it lacks an established definition and clear theoretical foundation. This article offers a definition for the business model concept that, using a fractal approach, connects business models to technological and market innovation. Furthermore, the article questions several cornerstone strategic concepts by reconceptualizing business model development from a firm-centric activity that promotes owning key resources and altering sets of decision variables to one that highlights the facilitation of broad institutional change processes. As such, it takes the potentially controversial position of advocating a service-strategy-based understanding of business models for all of marketing strategy.  相似文献   

浅议品牌营销(BM)时代的到来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国市场经济的发展,品牌营销作为企业营销的一个高级阶段,在企业营销中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文通过案例说明了品牌营销时代的到来和成功品牌营销的模式。  相似文献   

近几年来,由于受到国家经济宏观调控、煤炭价格市场化、电热价格调整滞后等因素的影响,电力企业面临资金短缺、成本居高不下的经营严重亏损局面。针对当前面临的严重困境,电力企业应坚定信心,从加强煤电企业合作、增强市场营销工作、注重企业经营管理、强化企业成本控制、夯实安全生产基础、提高企业凝聚力等方面着手,认真分析亏损原因,明确扭亏增盈思路,积极采取有效措施,走出一条适合自身发展的扭亏增盈之路。  相似文献   

While emotions have been shown to have significant influence on various consumer behaviors, the cognitive appraisals linked to consumption emotions have not been fully explored. This research investigates how individuals' cognitive interpretations of situations correspond to the emotions they experience in these contexts. Using analysis of variance and multiple discriminant analysis, our results show a systematic relationship between cognitive appraisals and 10 consumption emotions. The author's findings offer theoretical insights into these consumption emotions, the appraisal/consumption emotion correspondence, basisversus subordinate-level category differences in emotions, and mixed consumption emotions. The findings provide a practical framework for academics and practitioners interested in better understanding and managing consumption emotions. Julie A. Ruth (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is an assistant professor of marketing in the School of Business—Camden at Rutgers University. Her research interests include affect and emotions, consumer relationships, and consumer response to brand strategies such as brand alliances and sponsorships. Frédéric F. Brunel (Ph.D., University of Washington) is an assistant professor of marketing in the School of Management at Boston University. His research interests include consumer perceptions of product design and aesthetics, consumer attitude and affect, and gender and sociocultural issues in consumption. Cele C. Otnes (Ph.D., University of Tennessee) is an associate professor of business administration in the College of Commerce and Business Administration at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Her research interests include consumer rituals, affect and consumer ambivalence, and gift exchange.  相似文献   

Brand loyalty has been a major concern within marketing circles, both business and academic. This research goes beyond the traditional end brand-loyal behavior. In addition, the effect of several variables which may mediate this attitude/behavior association was analyzed. Attitude was represented by Fishbein's AB and BI models while brand loyalt) was measured by actual purchase data. Diaries of consumer purchases were kept over a two month span, during which several measures of attitude and intervening variables were collected. Correlation and regression analysis indicated that an association exists between attitude and brand-loyal behavior, with very little difference between the AB and BI models. While the effects of intervening variables were equivocal, the attitudinal approach to brand loyalty appears to a viable alternative to ex post facto measures.  相似文献   

Item response modeling (IRM/IRT) has been known to marketing scholars for a number of years. However, with the exception of some notable and important applications in international (cross-cultural) marketing and consumer behavior, even a cursory reading of marketing journals reveals a general lack of interest in applying IRM, despite its ability to provide highly useful measurement-related information. To address and hopefully remedy the paucity of adoption, we offer an application-oriented discussion of the utility of IRM for marketing and related business research to enable researchers to utilize the strengths and realize the benefits of this methodology in their empirical work. After a short discussion of the history of IRM, we focus on its fundamentals within a modern statistical framework based on the generalized linear model and closely related non-linear factor analysis. We then engage major concepts of IRM, including item characteristic curve, local independence, and dimensionality, as well as parameter estimation and information functions. The popular one- and two-parameter logistic models are next discussed, as is the issue of model selection. Several polytomous item response models are subsequently dealt with, followed by a discussion of multidimensional IRM and data illustrations of item response models using widely available software. References to exemplar marketing applications are provided along the way, and a discussion of limitations of IRM concludes the article.  相似文献   

近年来随着我国经济迅猛发展,城市化进程加快和人民生活水平提高,社区商业发展越来越受到全社会广泛关注.北京城市副中心建设对社区商业发展提出了更高标准.本文以通州北关社区商业[1]分析为例,借助神经网络技术[2]提出一种社区便利城模式,对便利城模型可行性进行理论分析,并创新提出一种TTT便利城神经网络应用模型,运用该模型对社区商业孵化[3]进行方法研究,验证了这种方法的有效性,并运用孵化技术对社区商业移植的自适应性、鲁棒性和非线性等复杂问题做出分析.本文创新之处在于,把神经网络技术与北关社区便利城模型设计相结合,探讨了一种便利城模式移植的可行性和主动性.  相似文献   

Academics and managers have struggled for many years to understand and delineate the role of marketing in explaining business performance differences between firms. Most of the theory base for any such attempts has to be informed by strategic management theory, since the primary question that strategic management seeks to answer is why some firms outperform others over time. This paper synthesizes three major streams of thought in strategic management with the empirical and theoretical literature on strategic marketing to develop an integrative theory-based conceptual framework linking marketing with firms’ business performance.  相似文献   

政策、技术、市场和媒体等因素的变动,造成广告环境呈现动态性和不确定性特点,对广告企业的生存和发展既是机会又是挑战。学者们对广告环境动态性的研究不够系统,特别是对它的作用机制的研究比较少。笔者通过实证研究环境动态性对广告企业商务模式及企业绩效的作用机制,验证了环境动态性对企业商务模式和绩效之间关系中的调节效应,证明了在动态环境下,企业商务模式越佳,越能产生良好的企业绩效。  相似文献   

在中国的众筹实践中,产品众筹是众筹的主要表现形式,但在实际操作中存在众筹成功率低、融资额度较少、缺乏持续性等问题。造成这些问题的主要原因,在于缺乏完整的产品众筹商业模式的研究。在产品众筹相关研究和商业模式理论的基础上,归纳出产品众筹商业模式的一般结构,并以小牛电动车的典型成功案例对该模型进行了验证,而后将产品众筹的商业模式拓展到了不同生命周期的企业,并根据不同时期企业的特征对模型进行了修正。研究发现,产品众筹不仅适合新创企业,还可以应用于成长型企业和成熟期企业之中。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a domain statement for strategic marketing as a field of study and delineates certain issues fundamental to the field. It also proposes a definition for marketing strategy, the focal organizational strategy construct of the field, and enumerates a number of foundational premises of marketing strategy. The domain of strategic marketing is viewed as encompassing the study of organizational, inter-organizational and environmental phenomena concerned with (1) the behavior of organizations in the marketplace in their interactions with consumers, customers, competitors and other external constituencies, in the context of creation, communication and delivery of products that offer value to customers in exchanges with organizations, and (2) the general management responsibilities associated with the boundary spanning role of the marketing function in organizations. At the broadest level, marketing strategy can be defined as an organization’s integrated pattern of decisions that specify its crucial choices concerning products, markets, marketing activities and marketing resources in the creation, communication and/or delivery of products that offer value to customers in exchanges with the organization and thereby enables the organization to achieve specific objectives. Chief among the issues that are fundamental to strategic marketing as a field of study are the questions of how the marketing strategy of a business is influenced by demand side factors and supply side factors.  相似文献   

Corporate citizenship: Cultural antecedents and business benefits   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The article explores the nature of corporate citizenship and its relevance for marketing practitioners and academic researchers. Specifically, a conceptualization and operationalization of corporate citizenship are first proposed. Then, an empirical investigation conducted in two independent samples examines whether components of an organization’s culture affect the level of commitment to corporate citizenship and whether corporate citizenship is conducive to business benefits. Survey results suggest that market-oriented cultures as well as humanistic cultures lead to proactive corporate citizenship, which in turn is associated with improved levels of employee commitment, customer loyalty, and business performance. The results point to corporate citizenship as a potentially fruitful business practice both in terms of internal and external marketing. Isabelle Maignan is an assistant professor of marketing and international business at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Her research interests focus on business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and international marketing. Her work has appeared in theJournal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, and theJournal of Business Ethics, as well as other journals and conference proceedings. O. C. Ferrell is a professor of marketing at Colorado State University. He is the coauthor of 16 books and 60 articles. His work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, and theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, as well as other journals and proceedings. G. Tomas M. Hult is the director of international business and an associate professor of marketing and international business at Florida State University. His research interests focus on marketing strategy, international marketing, and methodological issues in marketing. Dr. Hult’s work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, Decision Sciences, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, andInternational Marketing Review, as well as other journals and proceedings.  相似文献   

论文首先阐述了数据挖掘与电商企业客户关系管理(CRM)的内涵,分析了数据挖掘在电商企业CRM中的作用,包括获取新客户、客户细分、交叉营销、客户保持、客户盈利能力分析。其次,构架了基于数据挖掘的电商企业CRM的体系结构,并阐述了基于数据挖掘的电商企业CRM的实现过程。最后,分析了基于数据挖掘的电商企业CRM的实施,给电商企业带来智能化、个性化、集成化、共享化的好处。  相似文献   

The ethical sensitivity of all professionals has come under closer scrutiny recently. Within the business area, the ethics of marketing executives in particular has been viewed with skepticism. The growing use of “social marketing” also compounds the potential for ethical abuse. The ethical dimensions of both business and social marketing are examined in this paper. Four ethical guidelines-increased professionalism, ethical consultants, seminars and ethical cost-benefit analyses-are suggested as a means of improving the ethical standards of marketing decision-making.  相似文献   

The effect of a message source on the persuasion of a target audience has been a topic of interest to scholars in psychology, consumer behavior, and communications for many years. Narrative reviews of this literature are available; the contribution of this study is that we present a quantitative review of studies of source effects on persuasion. One of our research goals is to determine how strong and consistent source manipulations tend to be. We find that, on average, source manipulations account for nine percent of explained variance among studies reporting significant findings. In particular, expertise tends to have the greatest effect on persuasion with an average of 16 percent of the explained variance being due to the expert versus non-expert manipulation. As well as gaining insight into the pattern of results across a body of literature, our findings may be used as benchmarks by researchers, as advocated by Sawyer and Ball (1981), to evaluate results of future persuasion studies employing a source manipulation. She received a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Pennsylvania State University in 1989. Dr. Wilson’s research interests include persuasion processes, meta-analysis, and issues in business marketing. Her work has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Letters, and elsewhere. He received a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of South Carolina in 1980. Dr. Sherrell’s research interests include consumer behavior, retailing, and marketing management. His work has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Psychology and Marketing, and elsewhere.  相似文献   

随着中国电信行业的重组,具备全业务运营基础条件的新电信、新移动及新联通应时而生。面对相互间极为激烈的市场竞争,营销渠道作为市场开拓的动力核心开始成为运营商争先整合规划的焦点。基于此,文章对中国电信的营销环境进行分析;指出中国电信要适应全业务运营需要发展营销渠道,包括实体渠道、直销渠道、社会渠道及电子渠道;提出了中国电信在全业务运营下营销渠道发展的指导原则和总体定位以及中国电信全业务运营营销渠道的发展策略。  相似文献   

作为一种地域商业模式,粤商在企业经营中以鲜明的文化特色和强大的经济实力而著称,但新粤商企业在内部管理尤其是人员管理方面是否延续着粤商的精神理念?建立新粤商企业劳动关系影响因子模型,能较好分析影响新粤商企业劳动关系的主要因素,而对企业统计变量的单因素方差分析,可衡量各因素对新粤商企业劳动关系的影响程度.研究表明:企业福利因素对新粤商企业劳动关系至关重要,而粤商精神在劳动关系中并没有得到充分体现.  相似文献   

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