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文章对CPI"篮子商品"中非食品类和食品类商品的价格传导机制进行考察,采用2005-2010年月度价格指数数据实证分析了两个产业链渠道的上中下游价格传导效应。研究结果显示,两个渠道内的价格指数之间都存在稳定的长期均衡关系,但短期内食品渠道内的价格传导比非食品渠道顺畅,而非食品渠道内存在显著的价格倒逼机制。当两个产业链上的价格各自受到外部冲击时,在食品渠道中能显著传递至下游的CPI,但在非食品渠道中传递至CPI的效应并不明显。  相似文献   

随着国际金融危机冲击的不断减弱,各国经济出现了触底反弹的迹象,天量的货币投放再度引发人们对通货膨胀的担忧。货币数量理论所代表的经济自由主义和凯恩斯主义所代表的政府干预主义在货币供应量对价格水平的影响问题上存在分歧.正确认识这种分歧具有重要的现实意义。本文利用中国1996年1月~2009年3月的经济金融月度数据,在引进房地产市场价格指数和股票市场价格指数的基础上.对中国的货币供应量M2与价格水平CPI之间的关系进行了实证研究,结果表明:货币数量理论在中国仍具有一定的适用性,M2和CPI之间存在长期稳定的正向关系.但M2的增加并不能引发CPI同比例的上涨;股票市场财富效应存在,股票市场价格指数的变化对CPI有重要影响;中国房地产市场财富效应不明显,房地产价格指数的变化不会对CPI变化产生明显影响;CPI具有较强的惯性。因此,当前中央银行要引导和管理好通货膨胀预期,将货币政策目标的重心由保经济增长回归到维持物价稳定上来,防止预期的通胀变成现实的通胀;同时,还要关注资产价格通过财富效应对CPI产生影响。  相似文献   

中国股票市场对货币政策影响的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用现代计量经济分析方法,从股票市场对货币需求的影响、股市的财富效应和投资效应,以及股票市场发展对货币政策信贷渠道的影响等几个侧面,实证分析了股票市场的发展对货币政策的影响。其结论是,中国股市的发展已经对狭义货币M1的需求产生了较大影响,而且整体上加剧了狭义货币M1需求的不稳定性;中国股市的发展并未给广义货币M2的需求造成系统性的影响;中国股市的财富效应和投资效应目前都还比较微弱,特别是投资效应;中国股市的发展已经一定程度地分流了信贷渠道对货币政策传导的作用,但迄今为止,信贷渠道仍然是中国货币政策传导的主渠道。  相似文献   

伴随着我国股票市场的发展,货币需求已不再相对稳定;货币供给结构和数量已发生变化;货币政策传导更趋复杂;货币供应量与实际经济变量失去了稳定的联系;货币数量不再简单地与物价和收入呈比例关系。就中国股票市场的发展对货币政策的影响进行定性分析,着重分析财富效应对货币政策传导的影响,得出现阶段我国货币政策应关注股票市场发展,但不应完全依据股票市场的发展。  相似文献   

影子银行是正规金融机构的有益补充,但因其具有脆弱性,不受监测和监管,会削弱货币政策效果。本文从理论上提出影子银行体系下货币政策传导"渗漏"与"扭曲"效应假设,并运用实证分析发现我国影子银行体系借助信用创造功能、加速社会资金运转,显著影响货币供给总量与货币流动速度,导致货币政策传导的"总量渗漏"和"结构扭曲",在货币政策宽松、社会总需求扩张时期,影子银行活动能够有效补充正规金融体系的货币信用供给不足,强化扩张性货币政策的传导效力;但在货币政策收缩阶段,影子银行的"总量渗漏"会显著弱化中央银行的货币供给调控能力,扭曲紧缩性货币政策传导效果。  相似文献   

我国货币政策传导过程中的“渗漏”效应   总被引:69,自引:0,他引:69  
通过对 5年多来我国“积极”货币政策效果不尽如人意原因的研究 ,本文认为 :货币政策传导过程中有大量货币不是被传导并作用于生产、流通和消费等实体经济环节 ,而是“渗漏”到股票市场“漏斗”和银行体系“黑洞” ,其效应构成了实现货币政策目标的反制力量。公众心理预期变化、收入分配差距拉大和区域经济发展不平衡是“渗漏”效应产生的最直接、甚至是最重要的原因 ,它们交织在一起 ,共同驱动货币在货币政策传导过程中大量“渗漏” ,导致严重的“渗漏”效应。为提高我国货币政策的有效性 ,必须有效抑制“渗漏”效应。  相似文献   

随着我国经济对外开放和市场化程度加深,利率波动和汇率波动呈现出显著的联动性,使得协调利率政策和汇率政策的必要性加大。理论和实证分析的结果显示,利率和汇率对价格水平有明显的政策效应,但利率的负价格效应显著小于汇率的负价格效应,汇率对稳定物价水平的作用效果迅速且强度大,并且,我国物价指数呈现价格链传导特征。建议货币当局应协调汇率政策和利率政策的调整幅度和节奏,完善货币政策工具箱,保证货币稳定。  相似文献   

宋旺  钟正生 《经济研究》2006,41(3):46-58
早在蒙代尔提出最优货币区理论之时,他就指出了最优货币区的范围可以大于国界,也可以在一国国界之内。本文把常用于国际经济领域的最优货币区理论运用于我国这样一个大国内部,指出我国并不满足最优货币区标准;利用VAR模型和IRF检验也证实我国货币政策存在显著的区域效应。进一步,本文从货币政策传导机制的角度分析得出信贷渠道和利率渠道是导致我国货币政策区域效应的主要原因。最后本文提出推进生产要素自由流动,缩小东中西区域经济差异,顺畅我国货币政策传导机制的建议。  相似文献   

本文首先结合组织行为学的团队绩效理论和投资者市场情绪理论对董事会规模、投资者信心与农业上市公司价值三者之间的关系进行了理论分析,然后以2000—2012年间数据完整的222家农业上市公司年为研究样本,利用联立结构方程模型对其进行了实证检验。研究结果表明,在控制了其他变量后,董事会规模对农业上市公司价值存在显著的负向驱动效应,董事会规模对农业上市公司投资者信心存在显著的负向驱动效应,投资者信心对农业上市公司价值存在显著的正向驱动效应;董事会规模对农业上市公司价值的驱动效应是通过投资者信心这一中介变量完全传导的,即董事会规模是完全通过作用于投资者信心然后再对农业上市公司价值产生负向驱动效应的。  相似文献   

本文分别从宏观和微观两个角度来考察我国房地产市场在货币政策传导中的效果。研究表明,利率和货币供应量均不能通过房地产价格对消费和投资产生显著作用,即中国房地产价格的财富效应和投资效应较弱,房地产市场的货币政策传导机制不够顺畅。最后,针对提高房地产市场的货币政策传导机制的有效性,作者提出了一系列建议。  相似文献   

本文采用国际大宗商品价格、中国国内总产出、货币政策变量和上下游价格数据,通过构建多个TVPVARSV模型考察了1997—2017年国际大宗商品价格向中国上下游价格的时变传导效应。研究表明,由于受到来自国际生产资料和生活资料分类价格变动趋势异质性、上下游价格传导路径异质性和价格信息传导机制结构性变动的影响,国际大宗商品价格向中国上下游价格的传导效应呈现时变特征。国际大宗商品价格对国内上游价格传导稳定,但对下游价格传导长期下降,这解释了我国PPI和CPI走势的偏离现象。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes cross‐border price behavior in a three‐dimensional sample of US and Canadian retail prices. Unit‐root tests reveal that a majority of the cross‐border relative price series are stationary and that short‐run cross‐border price differences are eliminated at average speeds comparable to those for intranational prices. Cross‐border convergence is not absolute; the long‐run international price differences average two to three times their intranational counterparts. Moreover, gravity‐type equations reveal a border effect that is sizable but considerably smaller than earlier estimates. These results suggest that, while significant, the Canada–US border may not be the formidable barrier portrayed in previous studies.  相似文献   

Seppo Suominen 《Empirica》1992,19(2):203-219
A simple model with two stages of production is used for deriving some empirically testable hypotheses. Firms (two upstream and two downstream) in the industry are either vertically integrated or not, hence the industry has three alternative patterns: Complete unintegrated, partially integrated, or fully integrated.Final good prices, outputs and profits of firms are different in each integration pattern but what is optimal can not be stated (i.e., pay-offs are much too complicated in order to solve the sub-game equilibrium).The essential feature of the model is that there are external markets for the intermediate inputs. Hence input trade between the four firms/divisions need not balance since excess supply or demand is traded at the external market. With this feature purely downstream exogenous shocks have no effect on upstream pricing nor production decisions if all four firms are unintegrated. Such exogenous shocks have non-zero effects if at least one firm is vertically integrated. There are also other dissimilarities in comparative statics of each industry integration pattern.An indirect method to test the effects of vertical integration on price and volume is presented and empirically tested. Depending on the vertical integration pattern of an industry exogenous shocks have dissimilar effects on prices and outputs of the final and intermediate good. A four equations system is estimated by using Finnish forest industry firm data. Final good demand rise has a reducing effect on both paper and pulp prices. Stumpage prices (upstream marginal costs) have a negative impact on paper and pulp production and a positive impact on prices. These effects from upstream (downstream) stage into downstream (upstream) market should not occur when all firms are unintegrated.This is a revised version of a paper which was presented at seminars at Brussels, Turku, Vienna, and Stuttgart. I would like to thank seminar participants (specially Frank Schmid) and anonymous referees for helpful comments. Financial support from the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of oil price shocks on stock returns in Norway, an oil-exporting country, highlighting the transmission channels of oil prices for macroeconomic behaviour. To capture the interaction between the different variables, stock returns are incorporated into a structural VAR model. I find that following a 10% increase in oil prices, stock returns increase by 2.5%, after which the effect gradually dies out. The results are robust to different (linear and non-linear) transformations of oil prices. The effects on the other variables are more modest. However, all variables indicate that the Norwegian economy responds to higher oil prices by increasing aggregate wealth and demand. The results also emphasize the role of other shocks; monetary policy shocks in particular, as important driving forces behind stock price variability in the short term.  相似文献   

Financial risk derived from housing price fluctuations in China garnered much public concern recently. Based on the theoretical analyses of the transmission of financial risk from housing price fluctuations, this paper establishes panel spatial Durbin models to empirically analyse housing price fluctuations and financial risks transmission from a spatial economic perspective. Employing the panel provincial data from 1999–2015, we conduct an analysis on the 30 provinces in China as well as a comparison among the Eastern, Middle and Western regions of China. The results indicate that: (1) The soaring housing prices driven by bank credit, real estate developers’ heavy investment, local governments’ land revenue and individuals and households demands leads to financial risk in various sectors; (2) due to the ‘substitution effect’, the capital agglomeration in metropolis from bank credits, real estate developers, and individuals and households furthers the amassment of financial risks; (3) housing prices have a significant spatial contagion effect throughout the country, and financial risk could directly transmit across provinces through housing price fluctuations; (4) financial risks could indirectly transmit across provinces via the ‘imitative behaviour’ or ‘driving effect’ of different sectors for different regions of China.  相似文献   

人民币汇率变动对价格传递效应的差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要研究汇率波动对中国三十多个省市物价水平的影响,并分析了可能影响物价水平的诸多因素。从中国样本省市价格水平方面,运用计量经济学模型对人民币汇率波动对中国价格水平的影响差异进行了实证分析,验证了人民币汇率传递的程度与经济开放度有关,并得出了应关注汇率传递差异、积极应对物价变化的结论。  相似文献   

Using Markov-switching models, we investigate whether oil price shocks have nonlinear effects on stock returns. Empirical evidence from a set of international stock indexes suggests that an increase in oil prices has a negative and significant impact on stock prices in one state of the economy, whereas this effect is significantly dampened in another state of the economy. Furthermore, it is shown that changes in oil prices or in oil price volatility do not lead to a higher probability of switching between regimes.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the effects of regulatory activity—specifically periodic price reviews in the English and Welsh water industry—using information on share price volatility. In controlling for different volatility components we identify and discuss general market, industry and firm idiosyncratic effects. We conclude that stock market investors were favorably disposed towards the outcome of the first, and the early stages of the process leading to the second, periodic review of prices in the industry.  相似文献   

Cannabis, Alcohol and Cigarettes: Substitutes or Complements?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses individual level data from the National Drug Strategy Household Surveys to estimate the price responsiveness of participation in cannabis, alcohol and cigarette use. In addition to own price effects, we estimate cross price effects and the impact of decriminalizing cannabis use. We find that participation is responsive to own prices. There is some evidence that cannabis is a substitute for alcohol and a complement to cigarettes, and that alcohol and cigarettes are complements. The liberalization of cannabis laws in South Australia may have led to a temporary increase in cannabis use among the over-30 age group.  相似文献   

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