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塑料包装多层复合阻隔技术新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高塑料的阻隔性能。近年来,业界一方面在研究开发新型高阻隔性塑料,另一方面则是对现有的塑料包装材料进行改性。由于多层复合、共混、表面镀覆、表面涂布和拉伸取向等阻隔技术的迅速推广,使塑料包装材料的阻隔性能得到了很大的提高。其中,复合包装膜就是塑料包装中最有活力、发展最快的一类包装材料,代表着当今塑料包装材料的发展方向。由于多层复合结构中的各组分均为连续相,可以通过湿式复合、干式复合、共挤出复合等方法进行生产加工。  相似文献   

药品包装材料和药品质量密切相关,从而直接关系到人类的生命安全。随着市场经济的发展,为了更好的销售药品,其药品包装材料也是影响销售的重要因素,因此无论是从药品本身的特性,还是从商业目的考虑,药品包装材料的安全性有着重大意义。  相似文献   

今年二月,金宝汤(Campbell Soup)公司宣布了旗下“即食汤(Soup at Hand)”系列产品的拓展。取代原来的金属罐包装,这个新系列的包装改为可吸吮、单人份塑料碗装。其中一个主要的卖点在于:这种碗包装可以微波炉烹饪。 金宝汤公司的总裁兼首席执行官Douglas R.Conant表示,他们计划赋予该产品系列“便捷”的形象,“过去赋予的18个月中,我们对汤产品全力开发了一个全面创新计划,现在我们已经准备推出第一款微波方便产品。”  相似文献   

新型自热饮料罐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国饮料包装正在向适应国际潮流的高档次、多品种、深加工方向发展。例如:广泛采用薄型高强度板材、镀铬板材;研制各类不同特性的内涂料;发展形式多样、易开启以及具有防伪、防盗功能的瓶盖类产品等等。因此有不少新型的包装相继问世。包装的人性化、便利化越来越成为人们的需求。本文对自热饮料  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(8-9):493-501
Price cap regulation is often combined with service quality regulation since price caps may create incentives for quality degradation. A service quality adjustment factor (the Q-Factor) in the price cap formula ensures that allowed prices fall as quality declines. This paper discusses some considerations in determining the appropriate form of the Q-Factor. The paper examines the difficulties involved in exploiting the price/quality tradeoff. In addition, the paper presents a quality-corrected price cap procedure—possessing desirable properties—that can be implemented with reasonable informational requirements.  相似文献   

This paper examines the properties of a price-cap regulatory regime similar in design to a plan recently proposed by AGT Ltd. in hearings on Alternative Forms of Regulation before the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. The price-cap plan incorporates a number of novel features which include (i) quantity weights that evolve through time rather than remaining fixed; (ii) adjustments for productivity that incorporate yardstick competition; and (iii) allowing the weights to reflect the firm's market power or absence thereof in the presence of competition. Hence, should competitive circumstances permit, the regulatory regime allows for its own sunset.  相似文献   

军械装备的防锈封存包装   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了军械装备在长期存贮过程中的腐蚀危害,分析了造成腐蚀的机理,提出了防锈封存包装的三种工艺方法和包装材料,一般防锈封存包适用于结构简单的军械装备及工卡量具,环境封存包装适用于各种中小型复杂军械装备和精密仪器,封套式防锈封存包装适用于大型复杂军械装置,军械装备采用防锈封存,工艺严格,防锈效果良好。  相似文献   

We examine commercial office cap rates in 89 large cities in 33 developed and developing countries in the 2000–2019 period. We find that cap rates decline throughout the world over this period, reflecting a corresponding decline in the real rate of interest. In the cross-city analysis our most robust findings are that office cap rates are lower in wealthier cities, especially those that are either considered gateway cities or financial centers. In addition, cap rates tend to be higher in countries with lower credit ratings and higher inflation rates. We find that cap rates in suburban office markets are higher than in central business districts, and for a given metropolis, suburban cap rates are lower in suburbs with better public transport connections to the central business district. Finally, evidence from regressions with city fixed effects reveal that cap rates rise as the discount rate and vacancy rates increase and fall as cities get wealthier.  相似文献   

Corporate Governance in the Newly Emerging Economies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

吸引眼球图案醒目   纸盒包装的形状、特征及其印刷形式的目的是为了更多地吸引消费者的注意力,使它在形形色色的包装制品中如“鹤立鸡群”一样突显出自身的特色,让消费者能够立即做出选择.  相似文献   

上海紫泉标签有限公司近期开发成功我国第一代高透明聚乙烯热收缩印刷膜。  相似文献   

21世纪是环保世纪,环境问题日趋重要,资源、能源的日趋紧张,构筑循环经济社会、走可持续发展道路已成为全球关注焦点和迫切任务,并成为各行各业发展及人类活动的准则,为适应新时代的需求,塑料包装材料除要求能满足市场对包装质量和数量等日益提高的要求外,还要向拓宽应用领域以及塑料包装与环保谐调发展等方向努力。  相似文献   

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