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Recent evidence suggests that volatility shifts (i.e. structural breaks in volatility) in returns increases kurtosis which significantly contributes to the observed non-normality in market returns. In this paper, we endogenously detect significant shifts in the volatility of US Dollar exchange rate and incorporate this information to estimate Value-at-Risk (VaR) to forecast large declines in the US Dollar exchange rate. Our out-of-sample performance results indicate that a GARCH model with volatility shifts produces the most accurate VaR forecast relative to several benchmark methods. Our contribution is important as changes in US Dollar exchange rate have a substantial impact on the global economy and financial markets.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of an unexplained component of real exchange rate volatility on FDI in transition economies. We make an attempt to overcome some problems associated with previous studies; the aggregation problem, inadequate measures of volatility, short-run focus and the endogeneity problem. Using a GARCH specification, we focus on long-run volatility, while we control for the endogeneity problem by applying SYS-GMM estimation. The obtained results show that the impact of the unexplained component of real exchange rate volatility on FDI differs among economic activities since 2000. As part of the re-estimation exercise, we use two alternative measures of volatility to avoid arbitrariness. The obtained results are to a large extent in accordance with the first one.  相似文献   

The empirical observation that purchasing power parity (PPP) holds in the long run but not in the short run has enjoyed a near-consensus status in international finance literature. However, a similar degree of agreement has not been reached with respect to the exact horizon of this “long run” aspect. To shed light on this matter, a novel approach is adopted in this paper to combine conventional time series methodology with insights from multi-frequency analyses. In particular, we simultaneously explore price-exchange-rate dynamics not only through time, but also at various horizons via a wavelet decomposition. Unit root tests applied to wavelet-based decomposed real exchange rates indicates that PPP holds at horizons consistent with the literature. With respect to the predictive value of our approach, we show that our decomposed measures provide guidance to future movements of real change rates. Additionally, we find that nominal exchange-rate dynamics are dominated by activities corresponding to low frequencies. Results from this study thus enable researchers and practitioners to establish an exchange-rate modelling framework with increased efficiency.  相似文献   

We study the forecasting of future realized volatility in the foreign exchange, stock, and bond markets from variables in our information set, including implied volatility backed out from option prices. Realized volatility is separated into its continuous and jump components, and the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model is applied with implied volatility as an additional forecasting variable. A vector HAR (VecHAR) model for the resulting simultaneous system is introduced, controlling for possible endogeneity issues. We find that implied volatility contains incremental information about future volatility in all three markets, relative to past continuous and jump components, and it is an unbiased forecast in the foreign exchange and stock markets. Out-of-sample forecasting experiments confirm that implied volatility is important in forecasting future realized volatility components in all three markets. Perhaps surprisingly, the jump component is, to some extent, predictable, and options appear calibrated to incorporate information about future jumps in all three markets.  相似文献   

Recently, the Chinese government has launched the renminbi (RMB) internationalization policy as an impetus to foster China’s global economic integration. The RMB internationalization effect on China’s economy and the RMB exchange rate has attracted massive attention in recent financial research. In this paper, we adopt a genetic programming (GP) method to generate new RMB exchange rate volatility forecasting models incorporating the RMB internationalization effect. Our models are proved to have significant accuracy improvement in predicting both RMB/US dollar and RMB/euro exchange rate volatilities, compared with standard GARCH volatility models, which are incapable of capturing the RMB internationalization effect. Furthermore, our models display salient practical implications for policy makers to formulate monetary policies and currency traders to design effective trading strategies.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(2):358-366
This paper revisits some key topics in the literature on purchasing power parity (PPP). The study applies a set of newly developed unit root tests, which account for both nonlinearity and multiple smooth temporary breaks in series, to the real effective exchange rates (REERs) of 23 developed countries. The results suggest that PPP generally holds for various currency-based real rates. There is evidence in favor of linear stationarity in REERs for highly integrated economies. The REERs of most other countries tend to have nonlinear adjustment toward large long-swing type mean changes around constant equilibrium values.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relation between nominal exchange rate volatility and several macroeconomic variables, namely real output growth, excess credit, foreign direct investment (FDI) and the current account balance, in the Central and Eastern European EU member states. Using panel estimations for the period between 1995 and 2008, we find that lower exchange rate volatility is associated with higher growth, higher stocks of FDI, higher current account deficits, and higher excess credit. At the same time, the recent evidence seems to suggest that following the global financial crisis, “hard peg” countries may have experienced a more severe adjustment process than “floaters”. The results are economically and statistically significant and robust.  相似文献   

侯青 《价值工程》2012,31(2):141-142
基于2000年1月~2009年12月我国名义利率和通货膨胀率均为非平稳时间序列的事实,采用Johansen协整检验和门限协整(threshold cointegration)两种方法对我国是否存在费雪效应进行检验;实证发现,两种方法均支持我国存在弱费雪效应,但得出来的弱费雪效应程度却存在差别,前者认为我国通货膨胀率的变化只有6%反应到名义利率上面,而后者认为这个比例达到42.4%。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the pure and fundamentals-based contagion effects in ASEAN-5 exchange rates during Covid-19 period using daily exchange rates from June 2019 to December 2020. We adopt VECM within the structural VAR framework and higher time–frequency wavelet analysis. The VECM findings show that ASEAN-5 exchange rates are cointegrated during this pandemic and should there be any disequilibrium, daily rate of adjustments in the Indonesian rupiah, Malaysian ringgit and Singapore dollar are 6.58%, 1.47% and 2.45% respectively. The wavelet power spectrum implies that Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore experience prolonged high degree of exchange rates volatility, Thailand experiences mild volatility in the short run and high volatility in the long run and only Philippines experiences mild volatility in the short run and no heightened long run volatility. The wavelet coherence shows Indonesian rupiah reacts first to the Covid-19 shock leading to fundamentals- based contagion to Malaysia and Thailand, and temporary pure contagion based on sentimental to Philippines and Singapore. Only the Philippine peso that insulates itself from the long run shocks. These findings are important as it gives insights into the nature of contagion among ASEAN-5 exchange rates due to global shock of Covid-19 and the need for timely intervention to prevent the short run contagion turning into the long run.  相似文献   

To understand the potential for forming an optimum currency area it is important to investigate the origins of macroeconomic volatility. We focus on the contribution of real exchange rate shocks to macroeconomic volatility in selected Central and Eastern European countries. The contribution of real exchange rate shocks relative to other shocks allows us to evaluate whether the real exchange rate is a source of volatility or a buffer against shocks, as the theory suggests. The identification of the contributions is based on variance decomposition in two-country structural VAR models, which are identified by the sign restriction method. For most of the countries in the sample, shocks are predominantly symmetric relative to their effective counterpart, although the role of non-symmetric shocks is non-negligible. In general, for all the countries considered except Bulgaria and Slovenia, the real exchange rate does not generate large volatility over the business cycle and, with the exception of Bulgaria and Romania, is mostly driven by the non-symmetric shocks. These results are consistent with the real exchange rate having a shock-absorbing nature.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(4):592-607
This paper investigates whether the deviation of a currency from its fundamentally determined rate of return affects the relationship between interest rates and stock market yields. A time-varying transition probability, the Markov-switching vector autoregressive (MS-VAR) model, is utilized for this purpose. Wald and likelihood ratio tests are computed and used as model adequacy measures. In order to analyze the link between the variables, impulse–response functions are employed. A sticky price exchange rate model is used to show the fundamentally determined rate of return of currencies. States are defined as either overvalued or undervalued, depending on the position of the observed exchange rate compared to its fundamentally determined rate. The model is applied to four major currencies: the Australian Dollar, the Canadian Dollar, the Japanese Yen, and the British Pound. Transition between the states is linked to the risk-adjusted excess return (the Sharpe ratio) of the debt and equity markets of the respective currencies in order to understand whether over- and undervaluation is connected to the returns in these markets. The results provide evidence that the relationship between economic fundamentals and nominal exchange rates are subject to change depending on the over- or undervaluation of the currencies relative to their fundamentally determined rate of return. An extension of this result shows that the Sharpe ratios of debt and equity investments in the currencies influence the evolution of the transitional dynamics of the exchange rates’ deviation from their fundamental values.  相似文献   

We make an assessment of the current account and price competitiveness of the Central Eastern European countries that joined the EU, using data up to 2016. Foreign capital flows, fiscal balance and relative output growth seem to play a crucial role in explaining the current account balance. The real effective exchange rate gaps behave in accord with the current account misalignments, which clearly display cyclical behaviour. When foreign direct investments are introduced as a determinant, the misalignments are larger in boom periods (positive misalignments), whereas the negative misalignments are smaller in magnitude. Overall, the countries have moved closer to their equilibria since 2010.  相似文献   

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