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We catalog the complete contents of Institutional Investor All-American analyst reports and examine the market reaction to their release. Including the justifications supporting an analyst's opinion reduces, and in some models eliminates, the significance of earnings forecasts and recommendation revisions. Analysts both provide new information and interpret previously released information. The information in a report is most important for downgrades; target prices and the analyst's justifications are the only significant elements for reiterations. No correlation exists between valuation methodology and either analyst accuracy or the market's reaction to a report. Our adjusted R2s are much larger than those of studies using only summary measures.  相似文献   

We construct investor sentiment indices for six major stock markets and decompose them into one global and six local indices. In a validation test, we find that relative sentiment is correlated with the relative prices of dual-listed companies. Global sentiment is a contrarian predictor of country-level returns. Both global and local sentiment are contrarian predictors of the time-series of cross-sectional returns within markets: When sentiment is high, future returns are low on relatively difficult to arbitrage and difficult to value stocks. Private capital flows appear to be one mechanism by which sentiment spreads across markets and forms global sentiment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the initial public offering (IPO) first-day returns. Our focus is to examine the irrational component of the agent behavior towards IPO lotteries. Based on 234 French IPOs performed between 2002 and 2012, we find that IPOs with high initial returns have higher idiosyncratic skewness, turnover and momentum. This finding provides empirical evidence for investors' preference for stocks with lottery-like features and investor sentiment. In addition, we show that the skewness preference and the investor sentiment effect are stronger during periods of favorable market conditions. Our results are robust to the integration of uncertainty underlying factors.  相似文献   

Voluntarily disclosed employee costs in annual reports of listed firms are value relevant, according to US based studies. However, investors appear to fail to take full advantage of the signaling opportunities presented by these disclosures. This study suggests that labor productivity, audit quality, analyst coverage and high technology categorization moderate the value relevance of voluntarily disclosed employee costs in Malaysia, contributing a novel set of moderating variables to the human capital accounting and value relevance literature, and extending the extant literature to an emerging economy. The results are consistent with the findings from US based settings, after incorporating these moderating factors. Pertinent policy recommendations, based on these findings, are suggested.  相似文献   

This study empirically clarifies whether analyst and investor days (AI days) affect earnings expectations of participants. The analyses reveal that the tone of the question-and-answer (Q&A) session, rather than that of the management presentation, is positively associated with subsequent revisions of analysts' earnings forecasts. This suggests that such an interactive discussion during a Q&A session plays a key role in affecting analysts' expectations. Furthermore, abnormal returns around the AI days are irrelevant to the tone of the Q&A session. This suggests that AI days mainly provide a partially known (supplemental) information rather than offering new information to analysts and investors.  相似文献   

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management - This study examines the effect of firm-level investor sentiment derived from news articles and Twitter media content on analyst herding. The results...  相似文献   

We document that the Treasury market investor sentiment (TSENT) of institutional investors is a powerful predictor of bond risk premia. Specifically, TSENT positively predicts Treasury bond excess returns in and out of sample. The forecasting gains of TSENT are incremental to those in conventional bond return predictors: Fama–Bliss forward spreads, Cochrane–Piazzesi forward rate factor, and Ludvigson–Ng macro factor, as well as equity market sentiment proxies such as the investor sentiment index and the partial least squares sentiment index. Asset allocation analysis indicates the forecasting power of TSENT is economically valuable to investors. Finally, we show that the time-series bond risk premia predictability associated with TSENT relates to its predictive power for macroeconomic performance, such as payroll employment, unemployment rate, and industrial production.  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between the profitability of the 52-week high momentum strategy and investor sentiment. We hypothesize that investors' investment decisions are subject to behavioral biases when the level of investor sentiment is high, resulting in higher profits for the 52-week high momentum following high-sentiment periods. Our empirical results confirm this prediction. In addition, we find that the significant profit of the 52-week high momentum following high-sentiment periods persists up to five years. Further investigations show that the strong persistence of the 52-week high winners (losers) is concentrated in stocks with higher (lower) earnings surprises, especially during periods following high sentiment. Overall, our results provide supportive evidence for the anchoring biases in explaining the 52-week high momentum, especially when the role of investor sentiment is taken into account.  相似文献   

This paper explores the time-varying institutional investor preference for lottery-like stocks. On average, institutional investor holdings reflect an aversion to lottery-like stocks. However, I find that an institutions’ aversion to lottery-like stocks is reduced when investor sentiment is low. Moreover, I find that during low sentiment periods, institutional investors have abnormally high trading profits in more positively skewed stocks. These results suggest that institutions reduce their aversion toward lottery-like stocks during low sentiment periods to profitably trade in lottery-like stocks.  相似文献   

Soccer clubs listed on the London Stock Exchange provide a unique way of testing stock price reactions to different types of news. For each firm, two pieces of information are released on a weekly basis: experts' expectations about game outcomes through the betting odds, and the game outcomes themselves. The stock market reacts strongly to news about game results, generating significant abnormal returns and trading volumes. We find evidence that the abnormal returns for the winning teams do not reflect rational expectations but are high due to overreactions induced by investor sentiment. This is not the case for losing teams. There is no market reaction to the release of new betting information although these betting odds are excellent predictors of the game outcomes. The discrepancy between the strong market reaction to game results and the lack of reaction to betting odds may not only be the result from overreaction to game results but also from the lack of informational content or information salience of the betting information. Therefore, we also examine whether betting information can be used to predict short-run stock returns subsequent to the games. We reach mixed results: we conclude that investors ignore some non-salient public information such as betting odds, and betting information predicts a stock price overreaction to game results which is influenced by investors' mood (especially when the teams are strongly expected to win).  相似文献   

Measuring the information environment of firms using analyst(price)forecast bias and forecast dispersion before listing,we empirically examine the interactive i...  相似文献   

We examine the impact of firm-specific investor sentiment (FSIS) on stock returns for negative and positive earnings surprises. Using a measure constructed from firm-specific tweets, we find that FSIS has a greater impact on stock returns for negative relative to positive earnings surprises. We further show that the impact of FSIS is greater for firms whose valuation is uncertain and difficult to arbitrage. Moreover, we provide evidence of return reversals over post-announcement periods. Our results highlight the importance of FSIS around earnings announcements.  相似文献   

This paper examines the equity market return predictability of institutional investor sentiment, in comparison to individual investor sentiment. Our findings suggest that institutional traders are informed and that their sentiment helps to tilt stock prices towards the intrinsic value. This is because the sentiment of institutions encompasses news regarding expectations on future cash flows of underlying firms that impounds itself into future price expectations. In this study, we add to the large number of studies that investigate the role and implications of investor sentiment, which has long been viewed as a pure behavioural phenomenon, on market efficiency and price discovery.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(2):122-130
This note examines the relationship between aggregate news sentiment and changes in the implied volatility index (VIX). A significant negative contemporaneous relationship between changes in VIX and news sentiment is discovered. The relationship is asymmetric whereby changes in VIX are larger following the release of negative news items.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct the information network of fund investors based on the theory of social relationship networks and examine its impact of fund information sharing with analysts on stock price crash risk. Our results show that private information sharing among institutional investors reduces crash risk. Further results show that fund information sharing can alleviate analyst optimism bias and improve analyst forecast accuracy, which further reduces stock price crash risk. Moreover, these identified effects are more pronounced in a bull market than a bear market. Our study contributes to the research on private information transmission in fund information networks, and provides a new perspective for recognizing the relationships among institutional investor behavior, analyst forecasting, and stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

We investigate a proxy for monthly shifts between bond funds and equity funds in the USA: aggregate net exchanges of equity funds. This measure (which is negatively related to changes in VIX) is positively contemporaneously correlated with aggregate stock market excess returns: One standard deviation of net exchanges is related to 1.95% of market excess return. Our main new finding is that 85% (all) of the contemporaneous relation is reversed within four (ten) months. The effect is stronger in smaller stocks and in growth stocks. These findings support the notion of “noise” in aggregate market prices induced by investor sentiment.  相似文献   

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