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In this paper, we investigate the pricing issue and catastrophe risk management of exchange options. Exchange options allow the holder to exchange its stocks for another at maturity and can be seen as an extended version of catastrophe equity put options with another traded asset price as strike prices. Since option holders have to issue new shares to exercise the option, we illustrate the differences between option prices calculated using pre-exercise and post-exercise share prices. The effects of default risk on option prices and risk management are also considered. Finally, risk management analysis shows that exchange options can effectively hedge catastrophe risk.  相似文献   

In this study, we employ the certainty equivalent principle to investigate cost efficiency and incentives of the options on the maximum or the minimum of the stock prices and market index levels. In addition, the options with averaging features are also considered. Numerical results show that options on the maximum are more cost efficient and incentive-efficient than traditional ones. As for options on the minimum, they are more cost efficient than traditional ones only when the weight in the options is not very large. However, options on the minimum also provide stronger incentives to increase stock prices than traditional ones.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider vulnerable options with stochastic liquidity risk. We employ liquidity-adjusted pricing models to describe the underlying stock price and option issuer’s assets. In addition, the correlation between these assets is stochastic, depending on the market liquidity measures. In the proposed framework, we derive closed forms of vulnerable European options with stochastic liquidity risk and then use them to illustrate the effects of stochastic liquidity risk on vulnerable option prices. Numerical results show that the effects of liquidity risk on the prices of out-of-the-money options or the options with a short maturity are not negligible.  相似文献   

This study assesses systemic risk inherent in credit default swap (CDS) indices using empirical and statistical analyses. We define systemic risk in two perspectives: the possibilities of simultaneous and contagious defaults, and then quantify them separately across benchmark models. To do so, we employ a Marshall-Olkin copula model to measure simultaneous default risk, and an interacting intensity-based model to capture contagious default risk. For an empirical test, we collect daily data for the iTraxx Europe CDS index and its tranche prices in the period from 2005 to 2014, and calibrate model parameters varying across time. In addition, we select forecasting models that have minimal prediction errors for the calibrated time series. Finally, we identify significant changes in each dynamic of systemic risk indicator before and after default and downgrade-related episodes that have occurred in the global financial crisis and European sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate basket spread options under the Heston–Nandi GARCH model. Moreover, we adopt the reduced-form model to capture default risk, which is correlated with all underlying assets. Because of the nonexistence of the analytical fair values, we obtain a closed-form approximated pricing formula of basket spread options with default risk. Finally, we examine the accuracy of approximations and then use the proposed formulae to illustrate the effect of the number of the underlying assets and default risk as well.  相似文献   

The exchange option is one of the most popular options in the over-the-counter (OTC) market, which enables the holder of two underlying assets to exchange one with another. In OTC markets, with the increasing apprehension of credit default risk in the case of option pricing since the global financial crisis, it has become necessary to consider the counterparty credit risk while evaluating the option price. In this study, we combine the vulnerable exchange option and early counterparty default risk to obtain the closed-form formula for the vulnerable exchange option with early counterparty credit risk by using the method of dimension reduction, Mellin transform, and the method of images. Moreover, we examine the pricing accuracy of the option value by comparing our closed-form solution with the formula derived by the Monte-Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

Mutual excitation in Eurozone sovereign CDS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study self- and cross-excitation of shocks in the Eurozone sovereign CDS market. We adopt a multivariate setting with credit default intensities driven by mutually exciting jump processes, to capture the salient features observed in the data, in particular, the clustering of high default probabilities both in time (over days) and in space (across countries). The feedback between jump events and the intensity of these jumps is the key element of the model. We derive closed-form formulae for CDS prices, and estimate the model by matching theoretical prices to their empirical counterparts. We find evidence of self-excitation and asymmetric cross-excitation. Using impulse-response analysis, we assess the impact of shocks and a potential policy intervention not just on a single country under scrutiny but also, through the effect on cross-excitation risk which generates systemic sovereign risk, on other interconnected countries.  相似文献   

According to the observation of the catastrophic events with regime-switching phenomena and default rate varying with economic condition, we extend the results of Chang et al. (2011) and also take the default rate varying with economic condition into consideration by using the Markov-modulated reduced-form model. In order to value options under stochastic interest rates and a default intensity environment, we employ Girsanov’s theorem to obtain two different forward measures and to derive a pricing formula. We also conduct numerical analyses using Monte Carlo simulations to illustrate the influence of the recovery rate, the time to maturity, the frequency of catastrophic events, and the effect of counterparties’ default intensity on the catastrophe equity put price.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate spread options with counterparty risk in a jump-diffusion model. Due to the fact that there is no closed-form formula of spread options with counterparty risk, we obtain analytical expressions of lower and upper bounds by employing the measure-change technique. Finally, we numerically check the accuracy of the bounds and analyze the impacts of counterparty risk and jump risk on spread option prices.  相似文献   

This work presents intensity-based credit risk models where the default intensity of the point process is modeled by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process completely driven by jumps. Under this model we compute the default probability over time by linking it to the characteristic function of the integrated intensity process. In case of the Gamma and the Inverse Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes this leads to a closed-form expression for the default probability and to a straightforward estimate of credit default swaps prices. The model is calibrated to a series of real-market term structures and then used to price a digital default put option. Results are compared with the well known cases of Poisson and CIR dynamics. Possible extensions of the model to the multivariate setting are finally discussed.  相似文献   

Decisions in Economics and Finance - Under the Heston stochastic volatility model, we derive semi-analytical formulas for the prices of path-dependent options with payoffs linked to the maximum or...  相似文献   

In this study, we extend the results in Cox et al. (2004) by considering floating strike prices, which are affected by accumulated losses. We employ a compound Poisson process to describe catastrophe losses and adopt a mean-reverting square root process to capture the volatility of the underlying stock. In the numerical section, we first compare the differences in the prices of the options with fixed and floating strike prices. In addition, we illustrate the variance of the portfolios consisting of the stock and options with alternative kinds of strike prices by holding the total cost of the options constant. Variance-optimal portfolios are also investigated. Interestingly, numerical results show that the portfolios consisting of the stock and options with floating strike prices have lower variances in all cases, even when we hold the total option costs constant.  相似文献   

We aim to calibrate stochastic volatility models from option prices. We develop a Tikhonov regularization approach with an efficient numerical algorithm to recover the risk neutral drift term of the volatility (or variance) process. In contrast to most existing literature, we do not assume that the drift term has any special structure. As such, our algorithm applies to calibration of general stochastic volatility models. An extensive numerical analysis is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of our approach. Interestingly, our empirical study reveals that the risk neutral variance processes recovered from market prices of options on S&P 500 index and EUR/USD exchange rate are indeed linearly mean-reverting.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the impact of financial debt on shareholder value using a new approach that aims: (a) to explain the effect that leverage from debt has on a stock’s systematic risk, or what we shall call here “the systematic cost of leverage,” and (b) to account for default risk in the cost of equity, or what we shall call here “the cost of default.” Our assessment of systematic risk is based on a stochastic approach that is materially different from the one proposed by Hamada: the risk premium remunerates the investor for the probability of equity (expressed as market value) generating a return below that of the risk‐free rate. Furthermore, the approach we use to account for default risk is derived from reduced‐form models, but in this case, (a) we use real probabilities of default and not risk‐neutral probabilities, and (b) we extend the approach to stocks.  相似文献   

External barrier options are two-asset options where the payoff is defined on one asset and the barrier is defined on another asset. In this paper, we derive the Laplace transforms of the prices and deltas for the external single and double barrier options where the underlying asset prices follow a regime-switching model with finite regimes. The derivation is made possible because we can obtain the joint Laplace transform of the first passage time of one asset value and the value of the other asset. Numerical inversion of the Laplace transforms is used to calculate the prices of external barrier options.  相似文献   

We introduce a real options model in order to quantify the moral hazard impact of credit default swap (CDS) positions on the corporate default probabilities. Moral hazard is widely addressed in the insurance literature, where the insured agent may become less cautious about preventing the risk from occurring. Importantly, with CDS the moral hazard problem may be magnified since one can buy multiple protections for the same bond. To illustrate this issue, we consider a firm with the possibility of switching from an investment to another one. An investor can influence the strategic decisions of the firm and can also trade CDS written on the firm. We analyze how the decisions of the investor influence the firm value when he is allowed to trade credit default contracts on the firm’s debt. Our model involves a time-dependent optimal stopping problem, which we study analytically and numerically, using the Longstaff–Schwartz algorithm. We identify the situations where the investor exercises the switching option with a loss, and we measure the impact on the firm’s value and firm’s default probability. Contrary to the common intuition, the investors’ optimal behavior does not systematically consist in buying CDSs and increase the default probabilities. Instead, large indifference zones exist, where no arbitrage profits can be realized. As the number of the CDSs in the position increases to exceed several times the level of a complete insurance, we enter in the zone where arbitrage profits can be made. These are obtained by implementing very aggressive strategies (i.e., increasing substantially the default probability by producing losses to the firm). The profits increase sharply as we exit the indifference zone.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose new option pricing models based on class of models with jumps contained in the Lévy-type based models (NIG-Lévy, Schoutens, 2003, Merton-jump, Merton, 1976 and Duan based model, Duan et al., 2007). By combining these different classes of models with several volatility dynamics of the GARCH type, we aim at taking into account the dynamics of financial returns in a realistic way. The associated risk neutral dynamics of the time series models is obtained through two different specifications for the pricing kernel: we provide a characterization of the change in the probability measure using the Esscher transform and the Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure. We finally assess empirically the performance of this modelling approach, using a dataset of European options based on the S&P 500 and on the CAC 40 indices. Our results show that models involving jumps and a time varying volatility provide realistic pricing and hedging results for options with different kinds of time to maturities and moneyness. These results are supportive of the idea that a realistic time series model can provide realistic option prices making the approach developed here interesting to price options when option markets are illiquid or when such markets simply do not exist.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a reduced-form credit risk model of mortgage default. The data used is of privately-securitized subprime ARMs (adjustable rate mortgages), originated between 1997 and 2008, and observed between 2000 and 2009. The period studied thus encompasses the beginning of the subprime crisis. Given the estimated model, contractual properties of the loans are then used to infer the market price of default risk for the various quarters of origination. It is empirically determined that a change in the inherent nature of borrowers led to a deterioration in their default performance, a change which can be first detected in late 2004. On the other hand, the evidence also indicates that the secondary mortgage market became aware of this change at about this same time. The large rise in defaults in 2007 cannot, therefore, be attributed to any surprise other than the unexpectedly large fall in housing prices.  相似文献   

This paper proves existence of an ergodic Markov equilibrium for a class of general equilibrium economies with infinite horizon, incomplete markets, and default. Agents may choose to deny their liabilities and face trading constraints that depend on the adjusted amount of past default on each asset. These constraints replace the usual utility penalties and explore intertemporal tie-ins that appear in dynamic economies. The equilibrium prices and solvency rates present stationary properties that are usually required in econometric models of credit risk.  相似文献   

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