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Based on the China's non-state-owned listed corporates in 2014–2020, we adopt the real-time air quality index data published by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China as the proxy of air pollution to examine how air pollution affects firm's CEO pay–performance sensitivity (PPS). The results of logistic regression show that air pollution is negatively correlated with the executives' PPS. We also find that industrial and regional characteristics is heterogeneous by exploring the interaction effect of CEO. In addition, our study indicates that the influence of air pollution on PPS is more significant in companies with improved performance and we provide a possible explanation of this based on the theory of resource category equivalence. The mechanism test shows that air pollution increases the firms' difficulty to motivate executives, it also destroys the effectiveness of compensation contracts and significantly reduces the PPS by increasing explicit and implicit incentive. Furthermore, we investigate the economic consequences of air pollution. Results show that air pollution would damages the firm value directly and also affect their PPS. Overall, our study reveals how air pollution affects executives' incentive, therefore provides policy support to developing countries to balance the relationship between economic development and environmental protection.  相似文献   

通过建立一个四自变量两层级的面板向量自回归模型(PVAR),以2004年1月~2012年9月中国31个省际面板数据为研究样本,针对货币政策与财政政策的区域效应进行了实证检验。结果表明,经济发达地区的经济增长对货币政策中的存款准备金比率调整较为敏感,而经济不发达地区对货币政策中的公开市场操作的敏感性更强;财政政策对经济次发达地区和经济不发达地区的经济增长和物价水平增长的影响较为显著,对经济发达地区影响相对较小。  相似文献   

生态补偿机制是解决生态环境问题、实现环境资源有偿利用的重要政策工具,选择合适的生态补偿模式对于我国的生态补偿实践具有重要意义。而我国生态补偿模式过多依赖政府主导,生态补偿的市场化交易模式发展缓慢。为提升生态补偿效率,我国的生态补偿应在优化政府补偿模式的基础上,通过法律制度的完善、管理体制的健全和市场交易机制的激活来促进市场补偿模式的发展,实现生态补偿的政府主导和市场调节相结合。  相似文献   

Few studies have quantitatively analyzed the causes of the uneven development of fintech inclusion. We explore the factors influencing regional differences in China's fintech inclusion by focusing on the influencing factors' spatiotemporal heterogeneity. Fuzzy best-worst, standard deviation ellipse, and geographically temporally weighted regression methodologies were used to investigate the spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors for 2011–2019. China's fintech inclusion has a higher persistent spatial imbalance in the east and a lower in the central and western regions. Regarding the spatial heterogeneity of influencing factors, we find that the effects of economic development, financial supervision, transportation convenience, population structure and education level show obvious east-west differences. Regarding temporal heterogeneity, we find over our period that the impacts of economic development and financial supervision on fintech inclusion changed from negative to positive, with the positive effects of education level and population structure decreasing. We offer a framework for measuring regional fintech inclusion and practical policy suggestions for promoting coordinated development.  相似文献   

The introduction of industry policies creates a non-market-oriented policy arbitrage space, which in turn triggers enterprises to adopt "strategic" investments to obtain government policy preferences, which may induce irrational over-investment behaviors and even lead to long-term investment inefficiencies. For an empirical study of the impact of industry policy for the cross-region enterprise investment in specific locations, we manually collected information on industry policy in various regions, as well as data on the establishment of subsidiaries of Chinese listed companies from 2006 to 2019.The results show that enterprises are more likely to invest in regions supported by industry policies. If the enterprise's location is not supported by policies, the impact of this policy "gap" will be strengthened. We find that the higher the level of finance in the region where the enterprise is located, the greater the possibility of the enterprise's cross-region investment. Our research also shows that private enterprise has more substantial incentives to engage in "policy arbitrage", and state-owned enterprises are less affected. In china, a lot of enterprises in regions with high returns on capital have been investing in regions with low returns has increased. However, the increased intensity of investment in low-return regions will significantly inhibit the production efficiency of these enterprises. Our findings help clarify the effect of public policies on the enterprise's investment behavior and efficiency, which enriches the research on the impact of government macroeconomic policies on enterprise micro decision-making. We believe that, when promoting regional industrial upgrades through industry policies, it is necessary to guide enterprises to follow market rules to make market-oriented investments.  相似文献   

运用贝叶斯动态面板数据模型考量中国出口贸易的地区结构差异性,结果表明:基于Gibbs抽样算法的贝叶斯动态面板回归模型能有效刻画各地区出口竞争力的路径依赖特征;FDI对出口竞争力的影响具有一定的时滞性,而汇率波动对出口竞争力的影响则具有明显的地域差异性。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the changes in the regional capital mobility in China during the period of economic reform in 1978–2008 by employing a panel time varying coefficient (TVP) model. This approach is much more suitable to model China's evolution in the regional capital mobility than a standard structural break model as China's reforms took place gradually and were often implemented over several stages. Using the TVP model, we find that (1) China's provincial capital mobility demonstrated a moderate improvement over the sample period, but worsened temporarily between 1994 and 1997. This is probably due to the government's effort to combat inflation which reduced the investment and transfers to regions; (2) regions with the most developed and least developed provinces experienced higher degree of capital mobility improvement than those in the middle.  相似文献   

缩小因地区差异导致的公共卫生服务水平差距,对我国统筹区域社会经济发展、构建和谐社会具有重要意义.基于我国地区间公共卫生服务差异化的现实,本文运用泰尔指数对中国公共卫生服务水平的均等化问题进行了实证分析,结果表明三大区域虽然非均等化在不同程度上存在,但近几年地区之间的差异总体上有所缩小.并提出了新时期我国公共卫生服务均等化和财政体制改革的建议,为构建公共卫生资源在地区间的和谐分配、推进公共卫生服务均等化战略提供一个理论和政策的有力支撑.  相似文献   

基于2012-2018年中国省际面板数据,实证分析统一框架下金融科技、科技金融与区域研发创新之间的关系,结果发现:金融科技和科技金融对区域研发创新效率提升有促进作用,其中金融科技通过金融资源配置效率的中介作用影响区域研发创新,科技金融通过资本回报率影响区域创新研发;金融科技的提升作用更侧重于研发产出和成果转化阶段,并随着创新流程的深入不断上升,而科技金融更聚焦于研发投入,并在研发产出阶段展现了一定抑制作用;金融科技和科技金融的交互效应对全国和东部地区的创新发展具有积极影响,而对中、西地区的影响不显著。  相似文献   

选取2002年到2015年14年间中国30个省(直辖市、自治区)数据,采用系统GMM模型,考量中国地方政府补贴对中国地方贸易出口量的影响。结果发现:地方政府补贴对地区贸易出口的影响主要是通过市场分割实现,但FDI会弱化地方政府补贴对地区贸易出口的正向效应。  相似文献   

We study China's illicit capital flow and document a change in its pattern. Specifically, we observe that China's capital flight, especially the one measured by trade misinvoicing, exhibits a weakened response in the post-2007 period to the covered interest disparity, which is a theoretical determinant of capital flight. Further analyses indicate that the post-2007 behavior is influenced by quantitative easing and other factors including exchange rate variability, capital control policy and trade frictions. Our study confirms that China's capital flight pattern and its determinants are affected by the crisis event. Further, both the canonical and additional explanatory variables have different effects on different measures of capital flight. These results highlight the challenges of managing China's capital flight, which requires information on the period and the type of capital flight that the policy authorities would like to target.  相似文献   

在生产理论框架下,构建投入导向、规模报酬不变的超效率DEA模型,利用全国30个省市(不含西藏)2000-2014年数据测度出我国八大经济区域的全要素能源效率,并建立收敛回归模型对八大区域能源利用效率进行β收敛检验.分析发现:我国能源利用效率呈现出"一降两波动一稳、总体上升"的态势,且存在绝对β收敛和条件β收敛.分地区来看,黄河中游地区、长江中游地区和西南地区通过绝对β收敛检验,且收敛速度高出全国水平;北部沿海地区各省市能源利用效率差异在增加.对条件β收敛而言,除南部沿海地区在产业结构作用下和西北地区在技术进步作用下条件β收敛系数不显著,其他各区域在技术进步、产业结构和对外开放程度的作用下均存在条件β收敛.  相似文献   

通过梳理新中国成立70年以来中国对外直接投资的五个阶段,即艰难探索、尝试发展、调整发展、快速发展和全面发展的历程及其政策演变发现:动因变迁深刻影响区位与行业变迁、制度创新是中国对外直接投资特有的驱动因素、中国对外直接投资必将成功应对“逆全球化”挑战。同时,根据实践历程与理论探讨构建了对外直接投资政策体系结构图并进行分析,认为我国应加强对外直接投资法律体系建设、强化对外直接投资扶持政策、支持民营企业对外投资、提高国有企业对外投资绩效、增强政府与企业参与国际规则制定的能力。  相似文献   

How the market incorporates information into stock price is a core issue in finance. This study focuses on the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the stock prices information efficiency of China's A-share market and underlying role of investors' attention allocation mechanism. This study analyzes the information efficiency of stock prices using the sensitivity of stock cumulative abnormal return to earnings information across different windows following earnings announcement. Based on the earnings announcement events of listed companies in China's A-share market, this study presents an empirical study of the aforementioned issues using event study and regression analysis methods. The following results are seen: (1) EPU aggravates the underreaction of stock price earnings information and the post-earnings announcement drift in the A-share market. (2) Under highly uncertain economic policies, investors show a limited attention allocation pattern of devoting increasing attention to macroeconomic policies and decreasing attention to earnings information, which leads to a decrease in the information efficiency of stock price. This study also analyzes the heterogeneity of the influence of EPU on stock price information efficiency using the institutional shareholding ratio. The results show that increasing institutional shareholding does not reduce the adverse effects of EPU on the information efficiency of stock prices. This study not only provides empirical evidence for Brunnermeier, Sockin, and Xiong (2022) and rational inattention theory, but also reveals that institutional investors show similar behavioral characteristics to retail investors in China's stock market. The results of this study have policy significance for improving the information efficiency of stock market.  相似文献   

地区养老金缺口出现以来,养老保险的区域均衡发展备受各界关注。从我国养老保险制度的历史演进出发,以2007-2016年31个地区面板数据为样本,通过构建区域基尼系数等指标度量我国城镇居民养老保障水平的区域差异,并运用FGLS实证模型探究养老保障水平的影响因素。结果发现:我国城镇居民养老保障水平整体偏低并存在区域差异,而提高政府对社保和就业的财政支出力度有助于养老保障水平的提高,因此,应提高统筹层级并通过财政政策调节区域发展差异。  相似文献   

High-tech zones (HTZs) are an important place-based policy of China, established for promoting urban innovation. Since 2007, the Chinese central government has successfully upgraded many provincial HTZs to national HTZs. Based on panel data from 251 cities from 2004 to 2016, we study the impact of China's HTZ upgrading policy on urban innovation and the mechanism underlying this effect. We find that the place-based upgrading policy significantly improves the innovation level of cities; this is facilitated by improvement to the urban business environment in terms of financing channels, infrastructure, and industrial agglomeration. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that the improvements resulting from HTZ upgrading are prominent in cities located in the eastern regions of China, in cities adjacent to provincial capitals, and cities with convenient transportation or a high degree of marketization.  相似文献   

减速治理背景下,政府官员廉洁程度与财政政策有效性之间的动态关系引起社会广泛关注。基于赋予转移概率以时变特征的MS-TVTP模型,研究发现:中国腐败治理取得阶段性成果,但并未呈现持续性改善趋势;政府廉洁状况的改善有助于财政政策有效性的提高,也有利于经济扩张区间的相对延长,最终促进经济增长,但由于中国尚处于腐败较为严重区间且改善程度有限,导致这一促进作用并不十分突出;此外,信贷政策对经济增长的促进作用已十分有限。  相似文献   

保险业是我国国民经济重要的支柱行业,其发展是我国社会进步和经济发展的典型缩影,其功能演进也受到特定的社会文化背景与经济环境的影响。选取2003年非典和2020年新冠肺炎疫情两个外生公共卫生事件,分析我国保险业的功能发挥与演进。研究发现:在应对公共卫生事件中,保险业除发挥了常规的损失补偿、风险保障和风险管理功能外,同时也发挥着社会责任、类社会保障、社会管理等延展功能。进一步比较发现,保险业在应对2003年和2020年的两起公共卫生事件中,同样功能的发挥能力和程度有很大差异,这主要是我国近二十年来保险业的快速发展,其功能的有效发挥有赖于坚实的行业基础和救助能力。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来经济高速增长导致大量环境问题,由于环境资源的公共品和外部性特征,使得环境污染无法依靠企业及个人自主解决,因此,需要由政府作为约束和激励主体制定有效的环境规制政策。环境规制工具将产生环境的服从成本和违规成本,导致企业的成本提高,企业面临环境保护提升与企业绩效下降的矛盾性困境。在环境成本提高的拉动与推动效应下,企业必将选择环境友好型技术创新行为,降低环境治理成本和污染排放,提高生产效率,最终实现环境保护和经济增长的和谐统一。  相似文献   

运用空间计量方法,利用31省市2005~2010年的相关数据对我国金融产业集聚的影响因素进行实证研究,研究表明:中国金融产业存在不断增强的正向空间自相关性与空间集聚性,邻接地区的金融产业集聚具有溢出效应;资源禀赋能部分解释中国金融产业区域集聚,在控制新经济地理与产业政策因素影响下,资源禀赋因素对金融产业集聚的影响不再显著;新经济地理变量和产业政策变量对金融集聚有正的促进作用;中国金融产业区域差异明显,呈现东高西低的分布格局。  相似文献   

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