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石油价格冲击与宏观经济   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先讨论石油价格冲击的传导机制,然后考察石油价格冲击对经济增长和通货膨胀的非对称性影响,并分析石油价格上升的货币政策含义,最后提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Our paper presents a crude oil price model in which the price is confined in a wide moving band. A price crash occurs when the price breaches the lower boundary where a smooth-pasting condition is imposed. Using an asymmetric mean-reverting fundamental (supply/demand) shock, the solution derived from the oil price equation for the model shows the oil price follows a mean-reverting square-root process, which is quasi-bounded at the boundary. The oil price dynamics generates left-skewed price distributions consistent with empirical observations. A weakened mean-reverting force for the price increases the probability leakage for the price across the boundary and the risk of a price crash. The empirical results show the oil price dynamics can be calibrated according to the model, where the mean reversion of the price dynamics is positively co-integrated with the oil production reaction to negative demand shocks, and with the risk reversals of the commodity currencies, the Canadian dollar and the Australian dollar in currency option markets. The results are consistent with an increased price crash risk with negative demand shocks and negative risk reversals. The forecasting performance of the oil price model is better than the futures-spread models and random walk models during the crash periods. While the price of oil was above the lower boundary for most of the time, the conditions for breaching the boundary were met in 2008 and 2014 when the price fell sharply.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):100986
This paper examines the role of inflation targeting as a price signaling mechanism reducing price information asymmetry and potentially reducing incentives for corruptive actions through its direct control on the inflation rate, thus simultaneously increasing institutional quality. The obtained evidence suggests that adopting inflation targeting lowers corruption in a sample of 61 developing countries for the period between 1990 and 2018. Countries that have adopted inflation targeting experience lower corruption levels, as measured by the corruption perceptions (CP) index, controlling for other relevant determinants of corruption identified in the empirical literature, such as inflation, level of income, income distribution, trade openness and the rule of law. This result is sensitive to the type of inflation targeting adopted. Soft (unofficial) inflation targeting has no significant effect on the corruption level, giving support to the claim that strong institutional commitment, accompanied by transparency and constant communication with regards to inflation targets by the central bank, provides an adequate price signaling mechanism. In addition, the analysis provides evidence that an efficient rule of law reduces corruption levels significantly, although its effects are rather modest to support the claims that it can solely lessen corruptive behavior in the sample of developing countries.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101038
By performing a structural VAR analysis on oil price shocks, we provide an evidence on how the origins of oil price shocks impact the risk level of banks in oil-exporting countries and whether bank-level characteristics can influence the sensitivity of risk to oil shocks. When conducting panel regression analysis, we document the following findings. First, not all shocks have the same effect on bank risk. Due to oil supply shocks, the increase in oil price raises bank risk, whereas the similar increase in price due to economic expansion or oil-market specific demand reduces that risk. Second, the business model (whether the bank is Islamic or conventional), size, income diversification, profitability, and financial leverage influence the bank risk exposure to oil shocks differently. Third, the two major recent crises (global financial crises and COVID-19 pandemic) magnified bank risk exposure to oil supply shocks and speculative oil demand shocks. Overall, the structural oil shocks explain a large fraction of the variation in financial stability in GCC countries.  相似文献   

本文采用从一般到特殊的建模方法,利用PcGets软件,实证考察了1994~2009年中国通货膨胀与货币供应、产出缺口、汇率和国际原油价格之间的联系。研究表明,通货膨胀和货币供应之间存在长期稳定的正相关关系,但通货膨胀并不完全是货币现象。除货币供应外,还有其他更多重要变量共同决定通货膨胀的变化。产出缺口与通货膨胀之间存在显著关系,因而不能忽视汇率因素对通货膨胀的影响等。  相似文献   

We examine fluctuations in employment growth using Canadian data from 1976 to 2010. We consider a wide range of models and examine the sensitivity of our findings to modelling assumptions. The results from our most preferred model, which we selected using the Bayesian Information Criteria, indicate that most of the variance in employment growth that is not due to the idiosyncratic error comes from domestic sources, with most of this coming from industry and provincial factors. Overall, we find that external and national factors play a much smaller role in employment fluctuations than in earlier research. We provide some possible explanations for these differences and discuss the implications of our findings for public policy and theory.  相似文献   

We prove the existence of stationary monetary equilibrium with inflation in a “Bewley” model with constant aggregate real variables but with idiosyncratic shocks to the endowments of a continuum of individual agents, when a central bank stands ready to borrow or lend fiat money at a fixed nominal rate of interest and the agents face borrowing constraints. We also find that, in the presence of real micro uncertainty about individual endowments, the rate of inflation is higher (equivalently, the real rate of interest is lower) than it would be in a “certainty-equivalent economy”; to wit, one in which every agent’s endowment is replaced by its expected value. Thus, underlying microeconomic uncertainty and borrowing constraints are shown to generate additional inflation.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the heterogeneous response of U.S. credit spread to global oil price shocks by building an extended structural vector autoregressive model (SVAR), which can distinguish among the U.S. and non-US oil supply shocks, aggregated demand shocks and oil market-specific demand shocks behind the real oil prices. Meanwhile, a spillover index model developed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) (hereafter D.Y. (2012)) is used to estimate the link between oil price shocks and the U.S. credit spread over time. The results show that (i) the credit spread does not respond to global oil supply shocks and non-US oil supply shocks, but has a negative reaction to the U.S. oil supply shocks, aggregate demand shocks, and oil-market-specific demand shocks. (ii) There exists a close connectedness between oil price shocks and the U.S. credit spread, and the link fluctuates cyclically and relates to the economic cycle and the U.S. shale oil revolution. (iii) The spillover from different oil price shocks to the U.S. credit spread shows significant heterogeneity over time. Our findings suggest that policymakers and investors can better track the U.S. credit spread changes using oil price information.  相似文献   

通货膨胀管理是宏观经济的重要内容,通货膨胀、货币供给和经济增长之间互相影响、互相制约。本文利用中国2005年1月~2010年3月度数据构建模型分析,得出结论:(1)短期影响消费者物价指数的因素主要是国内生产总值增长率,长期控制消费者物价指数上涨的要素主要是货币的供给;(2)宏观经济形势稳定条件下通货膨胀、货币供给和经济增长之间具有长期协整关系;(3)消费者物价指数对自身的波动具有较强的累积效果,经济增长贡献了消费者物价指数波动的55%,而广义货币的这一比例仅为18%;(4)中国货币收入的真实需求弹性为1.152,这一数据远高于发达国家的水平。文章最后给出了相应的政策性建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了上海知识产权信息服务现状,借助于调查问卷概括总结了上海知识产权公共服务表现出的若干特点。本文认为知识产权公共服务要形成有效的市场,必须关注供给与需求状况,鉴于此,本文以上海知识产权(专利信息)公共服务为核心,分别研究了专利信息的供给与需求状况,在此基础上提出了促进知识产权公共服务发展的对策。  相似文献   

An index aggregation approach is proposed to carry out comparisons of BRICSAM, a populous rapidly growing economic group consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and Mexico with Group of Seven (G7), the most developed country club including Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom and the United States. It is estimated that by 2050 the accelerated economic activity of BRICSAM could have significant impact on investment flows, legal and regulatory frameworks, the stability of political institutions, human capital and migration flows, competition policy, intellectual property rights, and social and environmental policies. The comparison analyses of BRICSAM and G7 countries could assist people to better understand the status quo of these countries in the global economy and international system, particularly in the areas of economics and responsible activities such as sustainable development, global commitments and transparent practices. Many country-ranking indices, such as the indices given in the global competitiveness report by the World Economic Forum, and the environmental sustainability index by Yale University, constitute evaluations of countries from different perspectives. This paper proposes a data envelopment analysis-based approach to aggregate different ranking indices for BRICSAM and the G7 countries. The approach can provide a fair overall assessment of a country's standing by maximizing its possibility of obtaining the best possible result.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(3):415-432
In command economies, inflation is either absent or at least unrelated to supply and demand. However, when the economies in Eastern Europe started transforming into market economies, they suddenly experienced high and volatile inflation rates. Transformation countries are therefore interesting laboratories for studying individual inflation aversion. In this paper we study the level and determinants of individual inflation aversion in the three Baltic countries. Using data from 11 waves of the Eurobarometer survey, we find age, education and the macroeconomic situation to have significant effects on the likelihood to mention inflation among the most important problems facing the country. Moreover, we find the populations of all three Baltic countries to be significantly more inflation averse than the population of the United Kingdom, a western democracy with a long tradition as a market economy. We attribute this finding to the specific experiences of the Baltic populations with inflation.  相似文献   

鉴于目前研究缺乏灵活动态性,本文从通胀控制目标出发,引进MI-TVP-SV-VAR模型,选取5个金融变量,估计其每一期的灵活动态权重,构建我国灵活动态金融状况指数,并分析它对通胀率的预测能力。经验分析结果表明利率和房价的权重相对较大,反映出货币政策依然倚重于价格型传导渠道;FCI与通货膨胀有很高的相关性,且领先通胀1~7个月,能够很好地预测通胀。建议政府定期构建我国灵活动态金融状况指数并应用于通货膨胀预测。  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal monetary policy in a New Keynesian model where supply and demand shocks affect the price of oil. Optimal policy fully stabilizes core inflation when wages are flexible. The nominal rate rises (falls) in response to the demand (supply) shock. With sticky wages core inflation falls (rises) in response to the demand (supply) shock. Impulse response functions from a VAR estimated with post-1986 U.S. data show minimal movement in core inflation in response to both shocks. The federal funds rate rises (falls) in response to the demand (supply) shock, consistent with the predictions from the theoretical model for policy that stabilizes core inflation.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(4):675-696
We estimate a monetary DSGE model to examine the role of macroeconomic shocks in generating fluctuations in ten African countries. The model is estimated with the Bayesian technique using twelve macroeconomic variables. The findings indicate that both the internal and external shocks significantly influence output fluctuations in African economies. Over a four quarter horizon, internal shocks are dominant and over eight to sixteen quarter horizons, external shocks are dominant. Among the external shocks, external debt, exchange rate, foreign interest rate and commodity price shocks account for a large part of output variations in African economies. Money supply and productivity shocks are the most important internal shocks contributing to output fluctuations in African countries.  相似文献   

The oil exporting countries have experienced a relatively continuous fall in GDP per capita over the last 30 years. This is in spite of benefiting from a more than average of the rest of the world investment rate. The findings of this paper, report a lower level of financial development for the oil economies when compared with the rest of the world. We will show in this paper that the higher rate of investment of the oil economies can be explained mainly by the oil revenues and surprisingly, financial development has a net dampening effect on investment for these economies. The paper also shows that the weakness of financial institutions, contributes to the poor performance of economic growth of the oil economies and the weakness of financial institutions might be associated with the dominant role of government in total investment and the weakness of private sector.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):100988
We analyze the impact of oil price shocks on the macroeconomic fundamentals in emerging economies in three regions that have different resource endowments. The existing literature on emerging economies remains inconclusive on how regional factors and resource characteristics affect the response of macroeconomic variables to oil price shocks. We show that (1) exports in Europe and Central Asia are driven by oil more than East Asia and the Pacific and that (2) policy makers in East Asia and the Pacific should be concerned about real exchange appreciation following a positive oil shock to mitigate losses in the non-oil export market. Analysis by resource endowment further reveals that, in less-resource-intensive economies, an oil price shock causes large variations in consumption and has a negative and persistent impact on the real gross domestic product (GDP). In mineral-exporting economies, real GDP and interest rates are driven largely by oil price shocks. The response of real GDP in mineral-exporting economies is short lived. In oil-exporting economies, only real GDP has a large variation in response to oil price shocks. Our findings highlight the need for customized policy responses to oil price shocks, depending on resource endowments, as we show that a “one size fits all\" policy does not exist.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stability of money demand and the forecasting performances of a broad monetary aggregate (M3), excess liquidity and excess inflation in predicting euro area inflation. The out-of sample forecasting performances are compared to a widely used alternative, the spread of interest rates. The results indicate that the evolution of M3 is still in line with money demand, even when observations from the economic and financial crisis are included. Both excess measures and the spread are useful for predicting inflation.  相似文献   

We document and evaluate how businesses are reacting to the COVID-19 crisis through August 2020. First, on net, firms see the shock (thus far) largely as a demand rather than supply shock. A greater share of firms report significant or severe disruptions to sales activity than to supply chains. We compare these measures of disruption to their expected changes in selling prices and find that, even for firms that report supply chain disruptions, they expect to lower near-term selling prices on average. We also show that firms are engaging in wage cuts and expect to trim wages further before the end of 2020. These cuts stem from firms that have been disproportionally negatively impacted by the pandemic. Second, firms (like professional forecasters) have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by lowering their one-year-ahead inflation expectations. These responses stand in stark contrast to that of household inflation expectations (as measured by the University of Michigan or the New York Fed). Indeed, firms’ one-year-ahead inflation expectations fell precipitously (to a series low) following the onset of the pandemic, while household measures of inflation expectations jumped markedly. Third, despite the dramatic decline in firms’ near-term inflation expectations, their longer-run inflation expectations have remained relatively stable.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of oil price movements on unemployment in Central and Eastern Europe. We do this by disentangling oil prices movements by their sign and from there we analyse the separate effects of positive and negative movements of oil prices on unemployment rates. We find that, although oil prices and unemployment are not correlated very much in the short run, the effect of oil price shocks on the natural rate of unemployment goes in the same direction, so that increases or decreases in oil prices increase or decrease the natural rate of unemployment.  相似文献   

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