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In this paper we evaluate market segmentation and its effect on the pricing of cross-listed securities using Indian Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs). When international capital markets are segmented, cross-listed securities may trade at different prices. We test this market segmentation hypothesis using a theoretical and empirical model developed along the lines of Hietala [Hietala, P.T., 1989, Asset pricing in partially segmented markets: Evidence from the Finnish market, Journal of Finance 44, 697–718]) and Foerster and Karolyi [Foerster, S.R., Karolyi, A.G., 1999, The effects of market segmentation and investor recognition on asset prices: Evidence from foreign stocks listing in the United States, Journal of Finance 54, 981–1013; Foerster, S.R., Karolyi, A.G., 1999, The long-run performance of global equity offerings, Working Paper, Ohio State University]. Our model looks at a specific type of market segmentation in India, where capital flow barriers are such that domestic investors are allowed to invest only in domestic securities, while the foreign investors can invest in dollar-denominated Indian GDRs as well as other foreign securities. Tests on these GDRs indicate that foreign investors, who hold these depositary receipts, estimate the expected returns at a lower level than the domestic investors do. This leads to the GDRs being priced at a premium over the exchange rate adjusted prices of the underlying Indian securities. GDR index returns are affected by both domestic and international factors, while the underlying Indian securities are affected only by domestic variables.  相似文献   

I investigate whether access to fundamental information enhances retail investors’ bargaining power, reducing the premium that small municipal bond investors pay over large investors. I find a reduction in this small trade premium after the introduction of an online disclosure repository that lowers retail investors’ information acquisition costs. This finding is limited to issuers whose disclosures are disseminated through the repository. The finding is pronounced for issuers that impose high information acquisition costs on investors ex-ante and those that exhibit high disclosure quality ex-post. These results suggest that as investors’ information sets align, so does their bargaining power with dealers.  相似文献   

Traditional credit risk models adopt the linear correlation as a measure of dependence and assume that credit losses are normally-distributed. However some studies have shown that credit losses are seldom normal and the linear correlation does not give accurate assessment for asymmetric data. Therefore it is possible that many credit models tend to misestimate the probability of joint extreme defaults.This paper employs Copula Theory to model the dependence across default rates in a credit card portfolio of a large UK bank and to estimate the likelihood of joint high default rates. Ten copula families are used as candidates to represent the dependence structure. The empirical analysis shows that, when compared to traditional models, estimations based on asymmetric copulas usually yield results closer to the ratio of simultaneous extreme losses observed in the credit card portfolio.Copulas have been applied to evaluate the dependence among corporate debts but this research is the first paper to give evidence of the outperformance of copula estimations in portfolios of consumer loans. Moreover we test some families of copulas that are not typically considered in credit risk studies and find out that three of them are suitable for representing dependence across credit card defaults.  相似文献   

This paper examines the equity premium puzzle by looking at stock market data from 39 countries. For each of these countries, average total return as well as excess returns was estimated for the past 20–30 years. I find that emerging markets have higher excess returns than developed markets, but when adjusted for risk developed markets have higher returns. I test the theory that degree of integration with global markets is a major explanatory factor for differences in excess returns, as the demand for domestic equities may be greater in countries that are less integrated and thus have less access to alternative overseas assets. I find a positive relationship between degree of integration and excess returns, which is evidence in favor of this theory.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of firms with single-name credit default swap (CDS) contracts in 30 countries, we document the evidence that political uncertainty, proxied by national election dummy, is positively related to firm-level credit risk. Specifically, this positive relation is more pronounced for the firms that have no political connection or poor international diversification, and in the countries with higher political uncertainty and lower investor protections. Further, by using a difference-in-differences approach, we find evidence to support idiosyncratic volatility and debt rollover channels through which political uncertainty affects the credit risk of individual firm.  相似文献   

We examine the returns to UK government bonds before, during and between the phases of quantitative easing to identify the side effects for the market itself. We show that the onset of QE led to a sustained reduction in the costs of trading and removed some return regularities. However, controlling for a wide range of market activity, including issuance and QE announcements, we find evidence that investors could have earned excess returns after costs by trading in response to the purchase auction calendar. Drawing on economic theory, we explore the implications of these findings for both the efficiency of the market and the costs of government debt management in both the short and long run.  相似文献   

The aim of our research is to test for manipulation in the bond market, and to establish whether the practice of benchmarking investment funds encourages such interference. We analyse end-of-day and intraday trading data from the Borsa Istanbul Bond Securities Market between 2014 and 2018 along with specific data from investment fund sector over the same period. Our results indicate that treasury bonds have most likely been manipulated at the months' end by trading activities of investment funds. Price and volume rose significantly in the run up to the end of the month before falling off in the days following.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify and document the empirical characteristics of the key drivers of convertible arbitrage as a strategy and how they impact the performance of convertible arbitrage hedge funds. We show that the returns of a buy-and-hedge strategy involving taking a long position in convertible bonds (“CBs”) while hedging the equity risk alone explains a substantial amount of these funds' return dynamics. In addition, we highlight the importance of non-price variables such as extreme market-wide events and the supply of CBs on performance. Out-of-sample tests provide corroborative evidence on our model's predictions. At a more micro level, larger funds appear to be less dependent on directional exposure to CBs and more active in shorting stocks to hedge their exposure than smaller funds. They are also more vulnerable to supply shocks in the CB market. These findings are consistent with economies of scale that large funds enjoy in accessing the stock loan market. However, the friction involved in adjusting the stock of risk capital managed by a large fund can negatively impact performance when the supply of CBs declines. Taken together, our findings are consistent with convertible arbitrageurs collectively being rewarded for playing an intermediation role of funding CB issuers whilst distributing part of the equity risk of CBs to the equity market.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which institutional investors herd in the U.S. corporate bond market and the price impact of their herding behavior. We find that the level of institutional herding in corporate bonds is substantially higher than what is documented for equities, and that sell herding is much stronger and more persistent than buy herding. The price impact of herding is also highly asymmetric. While buy herding facilitates price discovery, sell herding causes transitory yet large price distortions. Such price destabilizing effect of sell herding is particularly pronounced for speculative-grade, small, and illiquid bonds, and during the financial crisis.  相似文献   

We examine the ability of bond fund managers to shift assets between bonds and cash and across bonds of different maturities in order to capture the changes in their relative returns. As measured by estimated changes in portfolio allocations, we find strong evidence of perverse market timing ability between cash and investment grade securities, and our results indicate additional perverse timing across the bond maturity spectrum. Results are robust to an alternative performance metric. We present evidence that the survival of the majority of these funds despite their negative performance may reflect the value investors place on the portfolio diversification benefits of holding these funds.  相似文献   

A copula approach is used to examine the extreme return–volume relationship in six emerging East-Asian equity markets. The empirical results indicate that there is significant and asymmetric return–volume dependence at extremes for these markets. In particular, extremely high returns (large gains) tend to be associated with extremely large trading volumes, but extremely low returns (big losses) tend not to be related to either large or small volumes.  相似文献   

We employ extreme Bitcoin returns as exogenous shock events to investigate the impact of investor attention allocation on worldwide stock return comovement. We find that (1) these shock events decrease worldwide stock return comovement, (2) there is an asymmetric effect in which a crash shock event has a greater impact on return comovement than a jump shock event, and (3) the impact of these shock events on equity comovement is more pronounced in emerging markets. Our results suggest that identifying extreme Bitcoin returns will benefit portfolio construction. Our results may be of considerable interest to investors, as well as to academics interested in portfolio diversification, asset comovement, and cryptocurrencies.  相似文献   

Using daily price data for Bitcoin and 10 representative financial assets from the stock, commodity, gold, foreign exchange and bond markets from 2011 to 2019, we study the tail dependence between returns for Bitcoin and these other financial assets using the novel “quantile cross-spectral dependence” approach of Baruník and Kley (2019). We find evidence of right-tail dependence between Bitcoin returns and the S&P 500 in the long term and weaker normal return dependence between Bitcoin and the US Dollar (USD)–Euro (EUR) foreign exchange rate in the monthly term. In addition, we note that the dependence between Bitcoin and commodity as well as oil, and silver decrease the most within their respective medium return quantiles over the short term. Furthermore, we document a one-way causality running from each of the financial assets considered to Bitcoin in different quantiles of the return distribution. In sum, our findings support the notion that Bitcoin can provide financial diversification in certain return quantiles (i.e., bear, normal, or bull asset conditions) and time frequencies (i.e., short, medium, or long term investment horizon).  相似文献   

The finance literature has shown that equity returns are predictable using past returns. This study extends that literature by examining bond return predictability. Using returns constructed from dealer bid prices, we find short- to intermediate-term reversals in investment grade corporate bond returns. These reversals are larger in the first half of the sample period and consistent with the predictions of dealer inventory cost models. This supports Jegadeesh and Titman’s [J. Financ. Intermed. 4 (1995) 116] assertion that daily, weekly, and monthly reversals in equity returns come from dealer inventory considerations, not behavioral biases. Finally, unlike equity returns, we find no evidence of momentum in bond returns.  相似文献   

To identify disruptions in credit markets, research on the role of asset prices in economic fluctuations has focused on the information content of various corporate credit spreads. We re-examine this evidence using a broad array of credit spreads constructed directly from the secondary bond prices on outstanding senior unsecured debt issued by a large panel of nonfinancial firms. An advantage of our “ground-up” approach is that we are able to construct matched portfolios of equity returns, which allows us to examine the information content of bond spreads that is orthogonal to the information contained in stock prices of the same set of firms, as well as in macroeconomic variables measuring economic activity, inflation, interest rates, and other financial indicators. Our portfolio-based bond spreads contain substantial predictive power for economic activity and outperform—especially at longer horizons—standard default-risk indicators. Much of the predictive power of bond spreads for economic activity is embedded in securities issued by intermediate-risk rather than high-risk firms. According to impulse responses from a structural factor-augmented vector autoregression, unexpected increases in bond spreads cause large and persistent contractions in economic activity. Indeed, shocks emanating from the corporate bond market account for more than 30 percent of the forecast error variance in economic activity at the two- to four-year horizon. Overall, our results imply that credit market shocks have contributed significantly to US economic fluctuations during the 1990-2008 period.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on how corporate bond investors react to a change in yields, and how this behaviour differs in times of market‐wide stress. We also investigate ‘reaching for yield’ across investor types, as well as providing insights into the structure of the corporate bond market. Using proprietary sterling corporate bond transaction data, we show that insurance companies, hedge funds and asset managers are typically net buyers when corporate bond yields rise. Dealer banks clear the market by being net sellers. However, we find evidence for this behaviour reversing in times of stress for some investors. During the 2013 ‘taper tantrum’, asset managers were net sellers of corporate bonds in response to a sharp rise in yields, potentially amplifying price changes. At the same time, dealer banks were net buyers. Finally, we provide evidence that insurers, hedge funds and asset managers tilt their portfolios towards higher risk bonds, consistent with ‘reaching for yield’ behaviour.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of financial market development on the extent to which firms have to rely on internal capital for making investments. Using international data from 31 countries for the 1987–1997 period, we find evidence of a negative relationship between financial market development and the importance of internal capital. The evidence is consistent across different estimation procedures, alternative measures of financial constraints and cash flow, and the use of bootstrapped standard errors. Finally, we find that the distortionary effect of negative cash flow observations reported earlier for US data extends to international data as well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to identify the dependence structure that exists between returns on equity and commodity futures and its development over the past 20 years. The key point is that we do not impose any dependence structure, but let the data select it. To do so, we model the dependence between commodity (metal, agriculture and energy) and stock markets using a flexible approach that allows us to investigate whether the co-movement is: (i) symmetrical and frequent, (ii) (a) symmetrical and mostly present during extreme events and (iii) asymmetrical and mostly present during extreme events. We also allow for this dependence to be time-varying from January 1990 to February 2012. Our analysis uncovers three major stylised facts. First, we find that the dependence between commodity and stock markets is time-varying, symmetrical and occurs most of the time (as opposed to mostly during extreme events). Second, not allowing for time-varying parameters in the dependence distribution generates a bias towards an evidence of tail dependence. Similarly, considering only tail dependence may lead to false evidence of asymmetry. Third, a growing co-movement between industrial metals and equity markets is identified as early as 2003; this co-movement spreads to all commodity classes and becomes unambiguously stronger with the global financial crisis after Fall 2008.  相似文献   

Institutional investors have significantly increased their exposure to commodity futures after 2004 in the process of commodity market financialization, raising questions about the risk-sharing and price-discovery functions of the market. We identify some symptoms of financialization through examining S&P500, JPM bond index, and 18 S&P GSCI excess return indices, employing ARMA-GARCH R-vine copula approach that can flexibly model high-dimensional multivariate asymmetric tail dependence. We discover three trends: an increased resemblance between the news impact curve of stocks and those of commodities; an increased bi-variate stock-commodity tail dependence; and an increased multivariate tail-dependence across all commodities. We also explore the market structural change underlying these symptoms using an augmented news impact curve. We suggest and provide evidence that herding, in addiction to leverage effect, explains the observed symptoms. The findings have profound implications for commercial hedgers and financial traders, and for regulators who are concerned about the functionalities of commodity futures market.  相似文献   

Enterprise bonds with higher demand of retail investors are traded at significantly higher prices in the exchange market than the same bonds traded by institutional investors in the interbank market in China. The price difference is higher for bonds with higher yield to maturity, lower supply, and higher demand exposure to retail investors. Our results suggest that risky bonds can be priced significantly higher due to the demand of yield-chasing investors and a sudden negative demand shock can generate a sharp decrease in bond values. The demand and supply effects are stronger for bonds with higher duration due to the limited risk-sharing capacity of risk-averse arbitrageurs.  相似文献   

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