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The study is grounded on the premise that the food-leftover sharing practice can simultaneously contribute to resolving the problems of food shortage and food wastage. The primary aim of the study was to identify the factors influencing consumer intentions to share food leftovers. The study was conducted in four stages. First, a comprehensive literature analysis was done to identify the relevant factors and underlying relationships among them. Second, a research instrument was designed, and pretesting was conducted to check the appropriateness of the research instrument with the study context. Third, a pilot study was performed on the 194 respondents to check the dimensionality of the study scales. Four, the final data was collected and analyzed from a sample of 331 (collected through offline and online modes) using structural equation modeling in AMOS 24. The pilot and final study data were collected from New Delhi (An Indian metropolitan city). The study findings suggest that the TPB constructs i.e. subjective norms, attitude, and perceived behavior control influence consumer intentions to share food leftovers. Additionally, religiosity, moral obligation, and environmental concern were observed to be the predictors of attitude toward the practice of food-leftover sharing. This study offers food leftover sharing as a solution to food waste generation and hence, aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDG -12) i.e., responsible consumption and production.  相似文献   


A review of empirical food consumption studies is offered in this paper. A large number of recent food consumption studies from the areas of food and nutritional science, psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology, and consumer research are brought together. Twelve research themes are identified from the literature review and key findings and their implications are discussed. A heuristic and evaluative classification is developed to get a systematic understanding of the research issues covered by current food consumption research. A few suggestions for future food consumption research are mentioned on the basis of research gaps identified by the classification. To conclude, the theoretical prospects of studying food-related value conflicts and cross-cultural differences in emotional eating are spelled out in detail.  相似文献   

Unhealthy eating patterns present in most Western countries pose a serious threat to economic welfare and have severe consequences for the health and quality of life of the individual consumer. The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a conceptual model for understanding how health authorities and marketers can affect consumption of healthy food – and ultimately body mass index (BMI) – by addressing perceptual antecedents of consumers' involvement and health competencies. A qualitative (n = 16) pilot study and a consumer panel survey (n = 599) assisted in completing this task. The obtained structural equation modelling results confirmed that increasing consumers' competencies concerning healthy food consumption may improve the healthiness of their food behaviour, and ultimately reduce their BMI. Notably, these effects may occur even for consumers who perceive healthy food consumption to be a challenge. Our results also revealed that it may be problematic to improve health competencies for food consumers who are less involved in healthy food consumption. However, our study shows that two perceptual factors, ‘personal food identity’ (the extent to which consumers believe that their health identity is linked to their food behaviour) and ‘unhealthy food taste belief’ (the extent to which consumers believe that unhealthy food is more enjoyable and tastier than healthy food), may assist health authorities and marketers in increasing consumers' involvement in healthy food consumption.  相似文献   

When consumers are highly charged with the anticipation of indulging in a pleasurable eating experience, a service failure that threatens to deny them the opportunity to satisfy their appetitive goals produces an “interrupted anticipation.” This study demonstrated that among those whose eager anticipation was interrupted by an unexpected service failure, food aroma tended to reinforce unpleasant feelings and generally negate the positive emotional boost normally expected from a positive olfactory cue. This resulted in significantly lower levels of expected pleasure, taste enjoyment, quantity of food consumed, and repatronage intentions. In contrast, for those whose anticipation was not interrupted, the food aroma exposure significantly enhanced the positivity of the consumer's service experience. When service failures lead to interrupted anticipation, service recovery efforts may sometimes prove to be ineffective in restoring the positive feelings of customers. Implications for theory development and managerial practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

The traditional multi-sector macro model without production inputs is a value-added trade model. This paper shows that calibrating such a misspecified value-added trade model to available gross-flow trade data – a common practice in the literature – can lead to mismeasured (i) preference weights and (ii) price elasticities. Further, the calibrated model can give substantially different predictions regarding the relative price response to external rebalancing, when compared to a preferred alternative model with inputs that is consistent with gross-flow trade data. We find that mismeasured preference weights and price elasticities both contribute sizably to deviations in model predictions and estimate correctly-measured parameters for the value-added trade model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically investigate the effect of Food, Inc. – an influential documentary film on the US food industry – on organic food sales. We use a novel dataset of Google search volume to measure the influence of the film. Organic food sales are measured using store-level data for three categories in 33 major US markets. For two out of the three studied categories – yogurt and peanut butter – we find that areas with more Google searches for the film experienced a greater increase in the share of organic sales subsequent to the film's release. The effect of the film is more pronounced for the yogurt category, which is closer to the farm and more relevant to animal welfare — one of the key issues featured in the film. The effects are economically significant: ceteris paribus, a one standard deviation increase in our Google search stock measure translates into a 0.66% increase in organic market share for the yogurt and a 0.15% increase for the peanut butter category. In addition, we provide a measure of the decay of the film's effect by deriving the 90% duration interval of the focal search stock variable. We find that, for both categories, the film's effect on organic shares faded within six months.  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,人们对食品的安全问题也越来越重视,在食品微生物检测中运用快速检测法不仅可检测出食品中的微生物,提升检测效率,还可确保人们的健康与食品的安全。本文主要探讨食品微生物检测中快速检测方法,以此提升食品的安全性,推动食品行业的持续发展。  相似文献   

Though the mobile app market is substantial and growing fast, most app providers struggle to monetize apps profitably. Monetizing apps is done in two ways: a) selling advertising space within a free version of the app, and b) selling a paid version, termed freemium or in-app purchase strategy. In this paper, we present a framework for monetization of mobile apps, using two central empirical regularities concerning the relationship between users and their mobile apps: a) Sampling: While consumers have some prior knowledge of their fit with the app, they remain uncertain regarding their exact utility until they are using it; and b) Satiation: The utility of using the app may decrease with time. While work on the monetization of digital goods has largely overlooked the role of satiation and the consequent retention issues, we show that in combination with uncertainty, it elucidates the role of the segments of consumers that download the free vs. paid version of the app, and how to balance these two segments so as to monetize mobile apps. We encounter two distinct scenarios: In the first, advertising drives most of the revenues; while in the second, revenues are driven by the paid version of the app. We explain how uncertainty and satiation affect the prevalence of the respective scenarios and impact the share of revenues from the paid vs free version of the app. We also demonstrate that an app provider can profit from offering a free version with ads even if advertisers are not paying for these ads. In other words, the app provider benefits from offering a “damaged good” version of the app that includes ads, even if this version is free to consumers, and the advertisers are not paying for the ads.  相似文献   


Household food waste originates in three predictable stages – when shopping, storing, and serving. That is, food can be purchased and never prepared, prepared and never served, or served and never eaten. Building on behavioral economics insights, this framework focuses on why consumers waste food in these three stages and how marketers can help consumers reduce food waste and thereby help them get more value from their products by enjoying them more and wasting them less. For cost-conscious consumers, wasting less means saving more. For profit-conscious marketers, wasting less means making more profit.  相似文献   

粮食安全是世界和平与发展永恒的主题,也是萦绕在国人心头的一道难题。近年来,伴随着世界性粮食危机的新形势,我们国家对粮食安全及其产品质量日益重视,并以国家安全的战略高度认识粮食安全。本文谨从可持续发展战略的角度,依据科学数据和客观实际,分析粮食及其产品质量安全的重要地位,以此呼吁对粮食安全的全面理解和支持。  相似文献   


Recently, there is growing focus on quantifying food waste problem and analyzing its causes due to an imminent challenge: feed nine billion people by 2050. Among developing countries, we focus on Pakistan which has the sixth largest population in the world and faces serious issues of food insecurity and malnourishment. Astoundingly, despite the gravity of the situation the available research on the issue is almost non-existent. Here, in this first-of-its-kind study for Pakistan we attempt to measure the quantum of food wastage and study its underlying reasons across restaurants in the country’s second largest urban center, Lahore, which is also popularly designated as “the culinary capital of Pakistan”. Segmenting restaurants according to the niche markets they target—as high-end, medium-end, and low-end—and using actual measures of daily wastage, we find overproduction and liability concerns as the prime reasons of excess food preparation and its improper disposal.  相似文献   

Increasingly through the 1990s, tobacco control advocates questioned the practice of public institutions investing in tobacco company stocks. The questioning was framed in at least three ways. First, is it ethical to fund public expenditures with profits from a product that causes addiction and disease? Second, is it sound social policy to derive public income from a product that increases healthcare costs and reduces worker productivity? Finally, is it sound fiscal policy to invest in an historically profitable industry facing multiplying legal and regulatory challenges? While the tobacco industry preferred to restrict discussion to the fiscal question, and offered an affirmative answer, its position was weakened by depressed stock prices brought on by actions of the industry as much as by tobacco control activism. As part of a campaign to restore its credibility as an investment vehicle with public fund managers, Philip Morris (PM) commissioned a report from the influential investment managers/advisors Wilshire Associates. However, Wilshire had only recently conducted such a study for the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB), assuring the board that the value tobacco stocks added to an investment portfolio – if any – was too small to be measured. Nonetheless, within a year, Wilshire produced a report for PM which appeared to laud the investment value of tobacco and to dismiss tobacco-excluded investment alternatives. This paper examines how Wilshire produced apparently diametrically opposed reports for clients with different interests. It reveals a pattern of potential conflicts of interest among tobacco companies, financial analysis firms, investment authorities, and institutional fund managers. It demonstrates substantial violations of two generally accepted ethical principles of business consulting: veracity and transparency.  相似文献   

Backdating of stock options is an example of an agency problem. It has emerged despite all the measures (i.e., new regulations and additional corporate governance mechanisms) aimed at addressing such problems? Beyond such negative controlling measures, a more positive empowering approach based on ethics may also be necessary. What ethical measures need to be taken to address the agency problem? What values and norms should guide the board of directors in protecting the shareholders’ interests? To examine these issues, we first discuss the role values and norms can play with respect to underlying corporate governance and the proper role of directors, such as transparency, accountability, integrity (which is reflected in proper mechanisms of checks and balances), and public responsibility. Second, we discuss various stakeholder approaches (e.g., government, directors, managers, and shareholders) by which conflicts of interest (i.e., the agency problem) can be addressed. Third, we assess the practice of backdating stock options, as an illustration of the agency problem, in terms of whether the practice is legally acceptable or ethically justifiable. Fourth, we proceed to an analysis of good corporate governance practice involving backdating options based on a series of ethical standards including: (1) trustworthiness; (2) utilitarianism; (3) justice; and (4) Kantianism. We conclude that while executive compensation schemes (e.g., stock options) were originally intended to help remedy the agency problem by tying together the interests of the executives and shareholders, these schemes may have actually become “part of the problem,” and that the solution ultimately depends upon whether directors and executives accept that all of their actions must be based on a set of core ethical values.  相似文献   

The authors propose that the current trends and developments in the international marketplace call for a new theoretical concept-based approach to inform and guide cross-border marketing strategy. Specifically, the authors label this approach marketing ecosystem orchestration (MEO). The marketing ecosystem is defined as connected, interdependent, and co-evolving sets of actors, activities, and institutions enabling the marketing of an offering that has value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. MEO is a new strategic approach for an internationalizing firm to achieve sustained value creation, value appropriation, and growth in a host market. Orchestration involves developing and/or coordinating the ecosystem’s interdependent – but independent actors, resources, information, processes, and services to create, co-create, and appropriate value from firms’ market-based assets. The authors theorize three components of MEO – the orchestration of supply chains and fulfillment networks, marketing communications, and transactions and payments sub-ecosystems – and develop a conceptual framework and propositions influencing the determinants of MEO adoption by the focal firm. This paper concludes with managerial implications and offers several new directions for international marketing research.  相似文献   

墨子是我国伟大的思想家、哲学家、教育家、科学家和军事家,以其为代表的墨家思想在当今社会依然产生很大的影响。本文通过梳理墨子思想,从饮食文化角度理解和分析墨子提出的"兼相爱、交相利""节俭""非攻""强本"等思想内涵,以寻求墨子思想与当代饮食文化的结合,并依照墨子思想分别从思想、行为、具体操作和文化使命方面对餐饮企业提出实用措施,以实现餐饮企业的良好、有序、健康和可持续发展。研究墨子思想与餐饮文化的融合,对传承中国优秀传统文化和当代餐饮企业的发展都有积极意义。  相似文献   


This paper explores what it means to be market-oriented in food commodity markets, i.e., markets that are near “perfect” as characterized in economics. This is an almost neglected topic in past research on market orientation. By eliciting how top managers in food commodity firms conceptualize market orientation, we reveal that their understanding and practice of market orientation partly deviates from the prototypical views reflected in the market orientation literature. Findings are discussed and implications highlighted.  相似文献   

Food delivery apps (FDAs) have transformed the way consumers order and consume food, especially during the mobility limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic. The hospitality industry, especially restaurants are heavily reliant on mobile technology during the pandemic to strengthen essential online to offline food delivery, helping large number of consumers. This study investigates the role of app aesthetics in evoking emotions which predict continued usage intentions for FDAs using the theoretical lens of the pleasure arousal dominance (PAD) framework. Data was collected from 341 consumers during the pandemic. Findings indicate that app aesthetics generate pleasure, arousal, and dominance emotions among consumers during pandemic where pleasure is the most significant predictor of continued usage intentions followed by dominance. Findings also confirm the mediating effect of arousal on pleasure and pleasure on continued usage intentions. The study has implications for academicians, food delivery companies, app designers and other app-based businesses as it proves the significance of an aesthetic app design in evoking positive PAD emotions in consumers during a crisis and strengthens the explanation of continued usage intentions.  相似文献   


Chefs working at hotels, restaurants, and public institutions play a major role in food safety. The aim of this study is to explore attitudes and practices regarding food safety issues among chefs in the Cappadocia region, Turkey. The data was collected using a convenience sampling method of the non-probability sampling technique. The survey was conducted between the period of September 2018 and November 2018, and 108 chefs working at hotels, restaurants, and public institutions participated. The data were analyzed using frequencies, exploratory factor analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, correlation, and simple linear regression analyses. Most of the chefs (79.6%) had taken a basic food safety training course. The findings reveal that there are statistically significant (p < .05) differences between groups: (a) demographics and attitudes, and (b) demographics and practices. The findings also show that there is a significant (p < .05) and positive correlation (r = 0.48) between the attitudes and practices of chefs. This study posits that food safety trained chefs have higher scores in terms of both attitudes and practices than those who have not received. It is recommended that all chefs should be encouraged to attend food safety training programs. Practical and academic implications are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The German youth is relatively well informed about healthy eating, but does not act in accordance with this knowledge. It is also known from empirical studies that there is an association between lifestyles, food knowledge and the eating patterns of older teenagers. However, is there a similar correlation in regard to younger children? This article shows results of a study addressing this issue by empirically investigating leisure time activities, food intake and food knowledge. The study conducted with 907 children, on average 12 years old, out of an urban region in northwest Germany using a written questionnaire, implies that food patterns and food knowledge have to be improved because they are – on average – only marginally acceptable. On this level, they are not in line with a healthy future. For the first time in Germany, food patterns and food knowledge of seventh grade pupils were analysed in relation to their lifestyles. The study revealed four lifestyles. One family‐oriented lifestyle and three non‐family oriented lifestyles: outdoor and sociable youth, culture‐oriented youth, and multimedia kids. The family‐oriented lifestyle influences the children's food patterns in a positive way; the three found non‐family‐oriented lifestyles lead to less preferable food patterns. The results imply that there is a phase of unhealthy food patterns at the beginning of the second life decade, which seems to be linked to the detachment from the parents and the gained independency, expressed by the first self‐chosen lifestyles. As lifestyles have such a vital influence on healthy eating, and family is no longer the place where children get their everyday competencies, school has to enable pupils to make healthier food and lifestyle choices.  相似文献   

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