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Atlanta has the reputation of being a city of opportunity for blacks. However, in Atlanta, as well as in other cities across the nation, the nexus of racism and economic discrimination has resulted in disparities between the housing status of blacks and whites. This article examines racial disparities in the Atlanta housing market. It begins by tracing recent trends in the Atlanta-area economy and by providing background information on the local housing market. It then discusses the roles of the federal Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 and Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 in the efforts of local groups to reduce racial disparities in the housing market. The final section discusses recent local developments that might lead to improvements in the housing status of black Atlantans.  相似文献   

The government wants 3m houses built by 2020. Economic theorytells us their locations matter for living standards. Economicscannot tell us the optimal locations, but does show that housesare usually socially more valuable in high land-price areas,because additional workers are more productive in such places.Land-price data and evidence on urban agglomeration economiespoint to a significant rise in the optimal sizes of some UKcities and that optimal locations have moved from industrial-revolutioncities towards the South-east. As a result, significantly expandingLondon, its commuter satellites, and other high-skill placesin the UK, but particularly in the South-east, is likely togenerate substantial rises in wages and living standards. Inthese places the planning system dramatically constrains theeconomy from responding with nineteenth-century dynamism, whennew economic opportunities led some towns to grow dramatically.  相似文献   

Many cities in developing countries are experiencing rapid urbanization along with deteriorating traffic congestion and air quality, so it is important to understand what affects travel demand in developing countries. In this paper, we study how housing location affects travel behavior in Beijing, a city in a developing country. We use subsidized housing as a source of variation for housing location—individuals in subsidized housing live much closer to the city center than individuals in the control group. We exploit a change in the eligibility for subsidized housing generated by China's housing reforms to address the potential endogeneity of subsidized housing. We find that subsidized housing substantially reduces distances traveled for commuting and discretionary trips and that subsidized individuals are less likely to drive but have similar rates of automobile ownership. The results suggest that housing location can have long-lasting effects on travel behavior and automobile use in a developing country. We discuss policy implications of these findings.  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,人们面对面的交流时间越来越短,在线时间越来越长,刷屏、发微信、抢红包成为顾客时尚行为。买家与卖家之间的互动方式已悄然改变。微店是微信流行的产物,体现新型的营销方式。为了提高微店的竞争力,本研究以互动效果为研究切入点,分析顾客信心中介作用、顾客购买意向影响因素,构建微营销模型,提出微店未来的经营策略。  相似文献   

燕京华侨大学校长华生认为,作为亚洲的后发国家,中日韩在人口密度和人均可耕地面积方面较相似。在人口转型加速时期,中日韩的人口密度分别为139人、221人、251人/每平方公里,中日韩的人均可耕种面积分别为1.37亩、1.05亩和1.2亩。  相似文献   

近10年来,中国家电整体实力提升显著,足以与各国的家电企业一较高下。就当前的发展趋势、行业格局、增长势头看,中国家电业称霸全球市场已是大势所趋,而且未来5年就可见分晓。  相似文献   

Planning is about other things as well, but it is fundamentallyan economic activity. It allocates a scarce resource but independentlyof prices or any market information. In analysing the effectsthis allocative mechanism has on housing supply (or, indeed,the supply of buildings for any given use), we need to thinkcarefully about what exactly it is that planning allocates andwhether, in its operation, it creates a constraint on the supplyof what it is allocating. In the British case, our planningsystem does not operate on the supply of housing directly, butindirectly via the constraint imposed on land supply. Giventhe income elasticity of demand for space this has policy implicationsperhaps even more serious than is acknowledged by Barker.  相似文献   

The privatization of public housing in the 1990s in China had a considerable impact on the wealth of urban households. This paper analyzes the effects of the wealth change on household consumption of nine durable goods in urban China, including air conditioner, computer, color TV, washing machine, refrigerator, camera, microwave, telephone, and VCD/DVD. Our results show that households affected by the housing reform had a significantly higher level of durables consumption than those unaffected by the program. In the short term, their probabilities of purchasing air conditioners and computers increase by 2%–10% and 2%–7% respectively. In the long term, the effect on air conditioner consumption increases over time during our study period but effect on computer does not increase monotonically. Further, the effects of the housing reform on the consumptions of more commonly owned durables, such as color TV, washing machine, refrigerator, and telephone have diminished over time.  相似文献   

Studies of the factors that influence housing prices have focused on housing characteristics, governmental policies, environmental goods, macroeconomic and social fundamentals, and so on. However, the effect of industrial structural adjustment on housing prices is worthy of further investigation. In China, it would be helpful to measure this effect to coordinate housing policy and the ‘Made in China 2025’ strategy, which aims to accelerate industrial restructuring. We selected a spatial panel data model to quantify the effects of the industrial rationalisation and sophistication attributable to spatial dependence in housing prices. Estimation results show that structural adjustment has a statistically significant effect on housing prices that varies widely across regions. In descending order, the impact of industrial structure sophistication decreases in eastern, central, western, and northeastern China. This finding suggests that the government should match housing with local industry, prevent excessive real estate development in conventional agricultural areas, and pay close attention to changes in housing prices caused by increasing industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

近年来,中国经济发展进入新常态,经济下行压力大、困难多,我国政府相继推出了一系列政策法规来规范我国的医药产业,医药行业的标准和壁垒不断提高,而我国医药研发水平不高、创新不足,给医药行业的发展带来了更大的考验;同时,中国人口的绝对增长、人口结构老龄化、城镇化进程加快,人民价值观转变,商业模式的颠覆式创新,消费结构和产业结构的携手升级,宏观环境的巨大变化给中国医药行业带来挑战的同时也带来了契机。本文使用PEST分析法,从"政治(politics)、经济(economy)、社会(society)、技术(technology)"四个方面,对我国医药行业所面临的宏观环境进行分析,来探究其对医药行业产生的影响。  相似文献   

Using the most comprehensive weekly dataset of ‘A’ shares listed on the Chinese stock market, this paper examines short-term contrarian strategies under different market states from 1995–2010. We find statistically significant profits from contrarian strategies, especially during the period after 2007, when China (along with other countries) experienced an economic downturn following the worldwide financial crisis. Our empirical evidence suggests that: (1) no significant profit is generated from either momentum or contrarian strategies in the intermediate horizon; (2) after microstructure effects are adjusted for, contrarian strategies with only four to eight weeks holding periods based on the stocks’ previous four to eight week's performance generate statistically significant profits of around 0.2% per week; (3) the contrarian strategy following a ‘down’ market generates higher profit than those following an ‘up’ market, suggesting that a contrarian strategy could be used as a shelter when the market is in decline. The profits following a ‘down’ market are robust after risk adjustment.  相似文献   

The evolution and area differentiation of the Moscow housing market are analyzed. Price dynamics and the volume and structure of housing supply in the primary and secondary markets are considered. The area distribution of new buildings of different quality by Moscow administrative districts is analyzed, as well as price differentiation in the secondary market with regard to the city’s raion structure. Special attention is given to the housing potential of Moscow residential areas and the market estimate of the per capita value of “housing capital.”  相似文献   

This study examines the role of the housing market in the Greek economy. We review the literature and assess the interdependence between the housing price index and its macroeconomic determinants within a VECM framework. An equilibrium relationship exists and in the long run the retail sector and mortgage loans emerge as the most important variables for housing. The dynamic analysis shows that the mortgage loans followed by retail trade are the variables with the most explanatory power for the variation of the houses price index.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the findings of a study of population mobility conducted under a Ministry of Economic Development and Center for Migration Studies project led by Zh. A. Zayonchkovskaya. A questionnaire survey was conducted in ten Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Nalchik, Nizhni Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Vladivostok, Krasnodar, Smolensk, and Orenburg. The survey data are analyzed to establish correlations between the migratory attitudes of the residents of ten Russian cities and their material situation and housing conditions.  相似文献   

There has been much controversy about the impact of Chinese growth on the rest of the world. It is generally accepted that China has a dampening effect on global inflation through the supply of cheap products. On the other hand, imports from China could displace domestic production and hence have adverse effects on economic growth and employment. Thus, the question of whether a country benefits from trading with China is a country-specific issue. The results in this paper indicate that limited short-term costs have resulted from the strengthening of trade relations between South Africa and China. As far as inflation is concerned, the paper does not find convincing empirical evidence at the aggregate level for inflation in China leading to domestic price changes. At the disaggregate level, however, there appear to be stronger sector-specific linkages between prices in China and South Africa.  相似文献   

Although there has been a considerable amount of research relatingmeasures of schooling years, qualifications, or training spellsto workers' labour market success, there has been very littleassessment of the role of more basic literacy and numeracy skills,largely due to problems with measurement and data availability.Yet it is obviously crucial, in an era of apparently risingdemand for skills, that we have evidence on the labour marketvalue of the full range of worker skills, including basic literacyand numeracy. This paper therefore uses data from the NationalChild Development Study and the International Adult LiteracySurvey to fill this gap. Specifically, we use test scores achievedby respondents in both surveys to measure their basic literacyand numeracy skills. We then evaluate the impact of these skillson workers' labour market outcomes, and find clear evidenceof a substantial wage return to such basic skills.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Auswirkung einer Aufhebung der westdeutschen mengenm?\igen Einfuhrbeschr?nkungen auf Importe aus Zentralverwaltungswirtschaften. —Mit Hilfe verschiedener Ma\e für komparative Marktanteile und eines Index für westdeutsche Strategie zur Beseitigung der mengenm?\igen Beschr?nkungen von Importen aus sechs RGW-L?ndern wird in diesem Aufsatz untersucht, ob die RGW-L?nder wirklich imstande waren, die neuen Exportm?glichkeiten für nichtlandwirtschaftliche Güter auszunutzen, die durch den Abbau der quantitativen Importbeschr?nkungen zwischen 1966 und 1972 geschaffen wurden. Angesichts der Versuche der RGW-Mitgliedstaaten, die Exporte in den Westen auszuweiten, um ihren Bedarf an konvertiblen W?hrungen zu decken, sind die Ergebnisse besonders wichtig, die zeigen, da\ mehrere RGW-Staaten und Produktgruppen (einschlie\lich Maschinen und Ausrüstungen) systematisch von der Liberalisierung profitierten, obwohl für viele der wichtigsten Exportprodukte weiterhin Importquoten bestanden.
Résumé Les conséquences de l’élimination des restrictions quantitatives d’Allemagne de l’Ouest sur les importations en provenance des économies centralement planifiées. —En utilisant quelques mesures comparatives de quote-part du marché aussi bien qu’ un index de la sélectivité de la stratégie d’Allemagne de l’Ouest d’abolir les restrictions quantitatives (RQs) sur les importations affectuant six pays de CAEM, cet article examine si ces pays pouvaient actuellement utiliser les avantages des opportunités d’exporter les produits pas agricoles qui étaient créées par la libéralisation de RQs entre 1966 et 1972. Considérant les essais des membres de CAEM d’étendre les exportations vers l’Ouest pour couvrir les dépenses en monnaie convertible, il y a des résultats importants qui montrent que malgré qu’on impose encore des quotas sur beaucoup de produits d’exportations très importants, quelques groupes des produits, inclusivement la machinerie et l’équipement, systématiquement profitaient de la libéralisation.

Resumen El impacto de la eliminación de restricciones cuantitativas por parte de Alemania Occidental sobre las importaciones de países con economías centralmente planificadas. —Usando diversas medidas comparativas de participación de mercado (market share) y un índice de selectividad de la estrategia de Alemania Occidental para eliminar restricciones cuantitativas que afectan las importaciones de los países del CAEM, el presente articulo examina si estos países efectivamente fueron capaces de aprovechar las nuevas oportunidades para la exportación de productos no-agrícolas creadas por la liberalización de las restricciones cuantitativas entre 1966 y 1972. Considerando los esfuerzos de los países miembros del CAEM de expandir las exportaciones hacia Occidente para poder cubrir los gastos en moneda convertible, son de particular importancia los resultados que muestran, que a pesar de que muchos de los productos de exportación más importantes seguían sujetos a cuotas, varios paises del CAEM y grupos de productos, incluyendo maquinaria y equipo, se beneficiaron sistemáticamente de la liberalización.

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