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Understanding consumer preferences is crucial in helping online food delivery services (OFDS) increase operating revenue and competitiveness while achieving sustainable development. Prior studies on OFDS employed qualitative research and methods for statistical analysis, but few researchers have discussed the importance of the primary factors influencing consumers' selection and intention of OFDS from multiple-attribute decision-making (MADM) perspective. Based on a consumer's perspective, the MADM techniques were utilised in this study to build an assessment model for consumers' selection of OFDS. First, to determine the relative weight of each evaluation criterion and dimension, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was utilised. Subsequently, the complex proportional assessment of alternatives (COPRAS) was utilised to analyse the feasible solutions. Lastly, the modified VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) was employed to discuss the performance gap between each evaluation dimension and criterion. The three methods helped identify the primary evaluation criteria and determine the rankings of feasible solutions and related performance gaps. The methods were used to conduct an empirical analysis of the data. Several conclusions and suggestions have been provided based on the findings. The findings are anticipated to serve as a reference for OFDS operators to learn from, allowing them to better understand consumers' demands and provide better service. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications are explored.  相似文献   

Bundling in retail has been argued to improve sales volume and speed, which can improve retailers’ operation performance. However, recent research finds that the purchase quantity requirement in traditional bundling deters non-buyers from becoming buyers. This paper proposes “social bundling,” as a novel method that alleviates the quantity requirement while satisfying the bundling benefits for consumers and retailers. We empirically test a theoretical model that explains the advantages and disadvantages of social bundling vis-à-vis traditional bundling in influencing consumers’ intentions to purchase in bundles. We conclude that social bundling outperforms traditional bundling in driving intention to purchase in bundles.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop an integrated conceptual framework to explain the conditions that lead to consumers' behaviour when purchasing refurbished products. Innovative methodology was used, including “fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis” (FsQCA), to explore the factors affecting consumers’ behaviour in this regard. Data gathered from 472 consumers were used to test the suggested model. The results revealed that ethical constructs (i.e., “moral obligation, moral accountability, moral outrage”), threat and coping appraisal variables (i.e., perceived severity, perceived venerability), and value are key drivers of the purchase of refurbished products. The findings also revealed that moral obligation, moral outrage, perceived venerability, egoistic value, and attitude are necessary to stimulate purchase behaviour, while perceived severity, rewards, perceived cost, and altruistic value, although sufficient, are not in themselves necessary. This study offers useful implications for retailers, and re-manufacturers, which may help to enhance their marketing strategies and policies.  相似文献   

With the application of augmented reality (AR) technology by online retailers to improve online services, the impact of AR adoption on consumer behavior has attracted attention both in academic and in practical circles. Based on the cognitive perspective of information processing and from the two aspects of cognitive load and cognitive fluency, this study discusses the influence of AR adoption on online consumers' product attitudes. The results of the experimental study show that two AR characteristics—environmental embedding and simulated physical control—can reduce consumers’ cognitive load, enhance their cognitive fluency, and improve their product attitude. Furthermore, product type can moderate the influence of AR environmental embedding and simulated physical control on cognitive fluency.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to propose a theoretical model to examine consumer word-of-mouth (WOM) behavioural intention in Malaysian education services. The results from a survey of 247 respondents indicate that servicescape, service recovery, service quality and satisfaction significantly affect consumers’ intention to engage in WOM behaviour. The results support majority of the hypothesized relationships, suggesting that servicescape and service recovery function as antecedents, directly affecting consumer perceptions of education service quality. The analytical results also demonstrate that perceived service quality positively affects satisfaction, which subsequently induces consumers’ behavioural intentions. Consistent with previous empirical studies, our findings suggest that satisfaction is a super-ordinate construct with a positive relation to behavioural intention, and significantly mediates the effect of service quality on the intention to engage in WOM behaviour. The insignificant direct effect from service quality to WOM further suggests the role of satisfaction as a complete mediator in the university education service setting. Implications for future research are discussed and limitations noted.  相似文献   

Serving chopsticks (or “community-use chopsticks”) refers to chopsticks that are used to serve food from a shared dish to an individual's plate, they are used because of concerns about hygiene. This study aims to examine consumers' perceived values toward serving chopsticks and provide an insight into the formation of consumers' intentions to use serving chopsticks. A mixed-method approach was utilized to collect data; interviews were conducted with 62 consumers, followed by a web-based survey with 630 consumers. Qualitative analysis and structural equation modeling analysis were used in the data analysis. Qualitative analysis highlighted four dimensions that contribute to consumers' perceived value of serving chopsticks: functional, altruistic, symbolic, and emotional values. Structural equation modeling analysis illustrated that the more positive values consumers endorse toward serving chopsticks, the stronger they believe not using serving chopsticks has negative consequences. Also, the more they feel responsible for problems caused by not using serving chopsticks, the more they feel personally obliged to use serving chopsticks. Moreover, subjective norm was confirmed as having positive impacts upon consumers' intention to use serving chopsticks. This study contributes to the development of the value-belief-norm theory through exploring the dimensions of the value construct. In addition, the results can assist governments and industry in developing more effective strategies that promote the use of serving chopsticks.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the influence of after delivery services on customer perception of satisfaction, trust, and repurchase intention. Data from 262 survey respondents, analyzed through structural equation modeling, indicate three critical after service factors related to customer satisfaction: product exchange, returns, and refunds. Analyses also indicate significant mediating effects of customer satisfaction and trust with after delivery services upon repurchase intention. Results reveal that customer satisfaction with services also mediate the relationship between after delivery services and consumers’ trust in the retailer. The findings suggest implications for management and future research directions.  相似文献   

This research aims to examine how the website quality affects the intention of digital library users to use the website by considering factors of user's attitudes, online co-creation experiences, and electronic word-of-mouth. The statistical population of the research is composed of the users of Astan Qods Razavi digital library, which is one of the oldest digital libraries in Iran. Data was collected from 402 participants who use the library and analyzed in SPSS and PLS softwares. Construct validity was assessed and confirmed using convergent validity and divergent validity. Data reliability was assessed and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. The research confirms that website quality affects the attitudes of users towards the website and their intention to participate in online co-creation and eWOM. The effects of user's attitudes to the online co-creation experience, eWOM, and intention to use the library, as well as the effects of the online co-creation experience and eWOM on the intention to use the digital library were also confirmed. Considering the results of the research, it is recommended to digital libraries to provide an efficient user-friendly website designed to increase user participation and establish close contact with them and in this way increase their intention to use digital library services.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the burgeoning research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the individual level of analysis, in a hitherto largely neglected developing country context. Using survey information collected from 297 employees in public and private enterprises in Kosovo, this study examines how and to what extent employees’ perceptions of their employer's CSR activities are associated with their intention to emigrate. Applying a needs-based framework, this research provides evidence that employees’ perceptions of CSR are positively related to the meaningfulness of their work and job satisfaction and negatively related to intention to emigrate. Additionally, results confirm that the association between CSR perceptions and emigration intention is mediated by the meaningfulness of work and job satisfaction. From a practical point of view, this research should encourage private and public enterprises in developing countries to enhance and extend their CSR engagement.  相似文献   

To succeed in the long term, it will be important for digital-only banks to prevent and overcome traditional-bank customers' resistance. Against this background, this study investigates traditional-bank customers' negative attitude to using a digital-only bank, based on the evaluation of product-specific adoption barriers, influencing opposition to the use of digital-only banks. The study confirmed the theoretical importance of negative attitude as an important determinant of traditional-bank customers’ opposition intention. The image barrier had the strongest influence on negative attitude, while the results did not show empirical support for the role of the usage barrier as a determinant of negative attitude.  相似文献   

Social media is shaping the way companies and brands engage and interact with consumers, particularly Millennials. In light of this growing trend, this study aims to understand the influence of content quality and brand interactivity within social media on consumers' brand awareness and purchase intentions by proposing an empirical model which is tested using structural equation modeling. The study also explores whether the relation between social media stimuli and offline purchase intention is mediated by hedonic motivation, consumer engagement and brand awareness. Results reveal that the quality of content provided by brands on social media and company-users' interactivity are of major importance to Millennials. They increase the hedonic motive derived by these users from social media, strengthen their online engagement and intensify their brand awareness. This heightened online consumer engagement coupled with an increased online consumer brand awareness leads to an increase in the purchase intention of these brands offline. Consequently, companies are encouraged to invest in producing high-quality content on their social media pages, deploy all possible strategies to enhance brand users’ interactivity given the important role these variables play in entertaining, engaging users online, building brand awareness and influencing their offline purchase intentions.  相似文献   

While extant literature generally suggests a positive relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention, several moderators have been identified – suggesting possible boundary conditions on that relationship. This paper introduces perceived person-entrepreneurship fit to entrepreneurship and shows that it moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention. Three studies are conducted which illuminate the utility of randomized experiments and methodological approaches to address limitations in the interpretation of empirical results. Studies 1 and 2 are randomized experiments to examine causality; Study 3 contains two correlational surveys to triangulate the results by examining whether the proposed effects withstand the influence of confounding variables in real-life. The findings indicate that when a strong perception of fit with entrepreneurship is achieved, entrepreneurial intention is strongly predicted by entrepreneurial self-efficacy. In contrast, if one perceives a low level of fit or no fit, entrepreneurial intention will be low, regardless of entrepreneurial self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing popularity of online streaming television (OTV), there is little information regarding how perceptions of the new medium differ from traditional television (TV) viewership. The research employed online interviews among young adult viewers of OTV and traditional TV to determine whether young adult consumers (aged 18–34) regard advertising viewed within online TV programming differently than they regard advertising viewed within traditional TV programming. While advertising has long been accepted by American consumers as a necessary element of most mass communication, this research suggests that viewers of OTV programming do not regard advertising as a means to subsidize the cost of online content. Rather, young adults appear to regard advertising as an intruder in the OTV environment. Furthermore, the results indicate that Ducoffe's Advertising Value model (1995) does not predict attentiveness to advertising viewed within the OTV context. Therefore, while OTV advertising may be held to a higher creative standard than traditional TV advertising, there is no indication that entertainment value contributes to an improved attitude toward advertising in the OTV environment.  相似文献   

Native advertising is at the intersection of strategic communication and journalism information. As a type of commercial hybrid content, its distinctiveness as a promotional method is questioned. As a vehicle for informing, it blends in with the surrounding editorial causes concern. Thus, the purpose of this study is to deconstruct “native advertising” and form a clearer understanding of this emerging and changing concept. To serve this purpose, this study conducted content analysis of communication strategies of 151 native advertisements sampled from three news websites. The findings revealed that more than half of the sample cited sources and disclosed sponsors. Congruence was largely based upon function-based associations. About one-third of the native advertisements offered how-to advice and addressed connections between the sponsor and the story. Sometimes, the sponsor was not mentioned in the stories at all. The findings suggest that native advertising exhibits certain features of sponsored content, differs from traditional advertising or advertorials, and imitates journalistic style and format. This study also recommends that strategic persuasion goals should be balanced against congruence with the style and the format of the surrounding journalism.  相似文献   

The number of older people is growing globally and therefore there is an implication for providing products and services to facilitate access to nutritious food, considered fundamental for maintaining health and independence. Historically, older consumers have been unattractive to marketers, however improved finances and lifestyles indicate the “grey pound” has the potential to become lucrative. This exploratory research seeks to identify the current expectation of Scottish older consumers in relation to the products and services available in the supermarket and food retailers. A questionnaire was distributed to participants aged over 50 years in Scotland to voice the opinion of the older consumer in relation to shopping experience and availability of product. The results support previous research indicating the improved lifestyles of older consumers, demonstrating that previous perceptions of older people as impoverished and immobile are not representative of this group. This study contributes to the demand for more information on older consumers׳ food shopping habits and preference in Scotland. It attempts to provide useful recommendations for supermarkets and food retailers in fulfilling the needs of this rising consumer segment. This research concludes that supermarkets could improve access to both products and services to meet the demand from this growing segment of society, through better understanding of their requirements in terms of customer service, shopping experience, product size, price, access and mobility.  相似文献   

Carsharing services (CS) and ridesharing are gaining popularity worldwide through Peer-to-Peer (P2P) platforms, which appear to gradually complement or replace conventional CS business.This empirical study investigates the participation intentions in P2P shared mobility services accounting for different statuses people may adopt: provider and/or user. The analysis of a large car owner survey in three major European capitals indicates that these participation decisions are driven by common latent preferences and, people who are more prone to become a peer provider are more likely to use the P2P shared mobility service (and vice versa). The results also reveal the role of individual values such as possession self-link, individualism, and environmentalism in the decision to join a P2P shared mobility platform. Furthermore, our study shows how provider/user status may affect the participation intentions process in the urban population.  相似文献   

Recent research increasingly highlights that consumers engage in online brand endorsements (e.g. Facebook likes) to signal their identity, but has failed to explain why different consumers use this type of signaling to differing degrees. This paper addresses this gap by looking at a culturally constructed individual difference variable, namely self-construal. Self-construal, which can be independent or interdependent, refers to the extent that people define themselves in terms of the relations they have with others. In four studies, this research shows that consumers’ self-construal is related to their intention to endorse brands online. In particular, high levels of interdependent self-construal positively affect consumers’ intention to endorse brands online (Studies 1A & 1B). This effect is mediated by an increased perception of brands’ symbolic value (Study 2). Moreover, this positivity bias toward symbolic brand cues is conditional upon consumers’ brand attitude (Study 3). These findings demonstrate that consumers’ identity plays a central role in their brand perception and brand-related social media use.  相似文献   

This article explores an under-researched area in retailing; namely, straight female shoppers’ preferences for working with gay male sales associates. Study 1 employs qualitative methodology to show that female shoppers often prefer working with gay male sales associates when they are older or heavier than female sales associates. Study 2 employs experimental methodology to show that female shoppers desire to work with gay male associates more than their straight male counterparts when they are purchasing merchandise requiring non-sexual intimacy, such as apparel and cosmetics. The results should help retailers understand why many female shoppers willingly, and comfortably, work with gay male sales associates and the role of gay associates in various retail departments.  相似文献   

Conclusion It is unfortunate that Bennett Harrison has been trapped into a Manichean view of the world and that, in his attack on small business, he has found no lever other than a reliance on big business. The world is not as simple as he would appear to suggest. It is neither black nor white, but grey; coordination is neither vertical nor horizontal, but transversal.Yet one must welcome Harrison's polemical attack. It may yet serve as a catalyst that will enable the debate to go well beyond the large-firm/small-firms fixation (a somewhat sterile debate) into an exploration of the various forms of transversal coordination and of their relative merits in a rich variety of contexts. If this were to be the case, one might, in the future, see the present controversies surrounding Harrison's book as being something of a landmark, for while the book itself may have somewhat faded away into oblivion, the stimulating discussions generated by the book will have left behind what Gaston Bachelard would have called a surobject — a solid residue, a positive contribution to knowledge that would never have materialized without such a book (Bachelard, 1949).  相似文献   

The virtual assistants' market is drastically growing and is expected to reach $2.1 billion by 2020. Nonetheless, the quick expansion and high penetration of e-retailers’ AI ecosystem into the shopper's journey is still under-researched in the extant literature. Amazon's Alexa in particular has been fast proliferating into the customer's journey, favoring the development of captive audiences given this new ambient environment. Through a mixed methodology using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, this study examines Amazon's captive relationship strategy on shoppers, brands and competing retailers. The research findings show that Amazon's AI relationship strategy with its customers is based on forming a multi-faceted identity for the AI that would later on facilitate a captive situation that would lead to an addictive relationship. This study is amongst the first to examine the rapid development of e-retailers’ AI ecosystem into the shopper's journey. Taking the pioneering case of Amazon's Alexa powered devices, this research presents a working framework upon which scholars and practitioners alike could base their future studies and strategies on in the fast-growing field of interactive voice assistants and AI led conversations.  相似文献   

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