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Although there has not been a large-scale systemic crisis in China, high-risk financial events have occurred continuously in recent years. This research thus creatively analyzes the determinants of systemic risk for Chinese financial institutions from the view of asset price bubbles. First, we identify bubbles in the China stock and real estate markets on the basis of the generalized sup Augmented Dickey-Fuller (GSADF) model and explain the reasons for bubble formations according to the stage of China's economic development and policies implementation. At this stage, considering the differences in economic development levels of different cities, the real estate bubbles in the first, second and third tier cities and the whole country were innovatively identified. Second, on the basis of the DCG-GARCH-CoVaR model to measure the systemic risk of listed financial institutions in China and to classify institutions, the results show that the main source of such risk is the banking sector. Furthermore, by constructing regression models, stock market bubbles and real estate bubbles both positively correlate with systemic risk throughout the sample period. Meanwhile, the impact of bubbles on the systemic risk of different types of financial institutions was taken into account so that regulators prioritized different types of institutions with different characteristics when faced with decisions. Finally, we provide macro-prudential policy advice to regulators in order to weaken the impact of bubbles on financial stability to avoid systemic crises. 相似文献
This paper investigates spillover effects and portfolio diversification between the four major developed stock markets (USA, Europe, Japan and Asia) and five of the most important emerging stock markets known as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). To this end, we apply the multivariate DECO-FIEGARCH model to daily spot indices during the period 1998–2016. The results reveal a significant and asymmetric long memory process for both the developed and the BRICS markets. Moreover, we find a significant variability in the time-varying conditional correlations between the considered markets during both bull and bear markets, particularly from early 2007 to summer 2008. Additionally, we analyze the optimal portfolio weights, time-varying hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness based on the estimates of the model. The results underline the importance of overweighting the optimal portfolios with stocks from the developed countries over those from the BRICS. Finally, we assess the practical implications for mixed developed-BRICS stock portfolios, based on finding strong evidence of diversification benefits and downside risk reductions that confirm the usefulness of using developed market stocks in the BRICS stock portfolio risk management. 相似文献
While investors’ responses to price changes and their price forecast have been identified as one of the major factors contributing to large price fluctuations in financial markets, our study shows that investors’ heterogeneous and dynamic risk aversion (DRA) preferences may play a more critical role in understanding the dynamics of asset price fluctuations. We allow an agent specific and time-dependent risk aversion index in a popular power utility function with constant relative risk aversion to construct our DRA model in which we made two key contributions. We developed an approximated closed-form price setting equation, providing a necessary framework for exploring the impact of various agents’ behaviors on the price dynamics. The dynamics of each agent’s risk aversion index is modeled by a bounded random walk with a constant variance, and such dynamics is incorporated in the price formula to form our DRA model. We show numerically that our model reproduces most of the “stylized” facts observed in the real data, suggesting that dynamic risk aversion is an important mechanism for understanding the dynamics of the financial market and the resultant financial time series. 相似文献
Patrick A. Adams Tobias Adrian Nina Boyarchenko Domenico Giannone 《International Journal of Forecasting》2021,37(3):1173-1191
We construct risks around consensus forecasts of real GDP growth, unemployment, and inflation. We find that risks are time-varying, asymmetric, and partly predictable. Tight financial conditions forecast downside growth risk, upside unemployment risk, and increased uncertainty around the inflation forecast. Growth vulnerability arises as the conditional mean and conditional variance of GDP growth are negatively correlated: downside risks are driven by lower mean and higher variance when financial conditions tighten. Similarly, employment vulnerability arises as the conditional mean and conditional variance of unemployment are positively correlated, with tighter financial conditions corresponding to higher forecasted unemployment and higher variance around the consensus forecast. 相似文献
Mauricio Gallardo 《Journal of economic surveys》2018,32(4):1074-1105
In the economic literature on poverty, various methods have been proposed for measuring a phenomenon known as ‘vulnerability’. However, after more than a quarter century of research, no consensus has been reached on how to identify such vulnerable individuals within a given population. Some misunderstandings have also arisen from the overlapping of other closely related concepts, such as the expectation of being poor, expected poverty, multi‐period poverty and risk exposure. This paper offers a detailed conceptual discussion on vulnerability to poverty and its related elements, reviewing a wide range of identifying criteria provided in the literature. It is found that according to the state of the art in this field of research, two key elements stand out in identifying vulnerable individuals: an expected well‐being below the poverty line and a relevant risk of falling into poverty due to downside deviation from a reference level of well‐being. The traditional classification of vulnerability approaches has been updated into four groups: (i) those that stress the element of exposure to risk; (ii) those that emphasize the element of expected poverty; (iii) those that define vulnerability through a utility gap and (iv) those that are supported by a mean‐risk dominance criterion. 相似文献
This paper examines the operation of Diamond–Dybvig banks when depositors have access to the asset market. Previous studies have shown that banks are redundant in this environment since it is impossible to prevent the strategic withdrawals. This paper shows that the strategic withdrawals can be prevented if the market risk, due to asset price volatility, is considered. Banks provide deterministic returns to the depositors since the aggregate withdrawals are predictable, and therefore, banks can choose the portfolio such that no asset liquidation is involved. However, an individual consumer with stochastic liquidity need is vulnerable to the price volatility if he holds the asset directly. Therefore, banks improve the consumers’ welfare by providing the insurance against not only the liquidity shock but also the market risk. Banks are not redundant. 相似文献
We analyze the degree of mutual excitation that exists between extreme events across the stock markets of OECD member nations and the Brent and WTI crude oil markets. For this analysis, marked point process models are proposed which are able to capture the dynamics of the intensity of occurrence and comovement during periods of crisis. The results show a significant, negative interdependence between most OECD markets, especially those of the USA, Japan and France. These major oil importing countries display links between equity market losses and positive returns in both oil markets. However, positive interdependence is not observed between any of the OECD countries except for South Korea. The great advantage of this methodology is that, apart from using the size distribution of extreme events, it also uses the occurrence times of extreme events as a source of information. With this information, these models are better able to capture the stylized facts of extreme events in financial markets such as clustering behavior and cross-excitation. 相似文献
This paper analyses the effects of Swiss National Bank (SNB) communication on asset prices. It distinguishes between different monetary policy news contained in press releases following a monetary policy decision. Employing a latent variable approach and event-study methods, I find that medium- and long-term bond yields respond to changes in the communicated inflation and GDP forecasts as well as to the degree of pessimism expressed in press releases. Exchange rates mainly react to changes in the GDP forecast while stocks do not react to SNB communication on monetary policy announcement days. Additionally, short-term expectations about the future path of the policy rate are driven by the communicated inflation forecast. The results underline the role of qualitative news beyond quantitative forecasts in influencing market expectations and asset prices. 相似文献
In this paper, we show that risk vulnerability can be associated with the concept of downside risk aversion (DRA) and an assumption about its behavior, namely that it is decreasing in wealth. Specifically, decreasing downside risk aversion in the Arrow–Pratt and Ross senses are respectively necessary and sufficient for a zero-mean background risk to raise the aversion to other independent risks. 相似文献
With the increasing global awareness of green environmental protection, the international environmental, social, and governance (ESG) stock markets are developing rapidly together with rising risk linkages across worldwide markets. Therefore, this study explores the risk spillover characteristics of international ESG stock markets in the time and frequency domains and constructs a risk linkage network to further explore the risk contagion mechanism. The results show that in most cases, the developed North American market is the core of outward risk spillover in international ESG stock markets. The entire system presents a small-world structure, and the internal regions display different risk spillover characteristics. Moreover, international ESG markets generally have strong time–frequency spillover and medium-frequency (a month to a year) spillover. In contrast, the high- (a day to a month) and low-frequency (more than one year) spillovers are located at relatively low levels, but they will rise significantly under sudden financial events. The empirical results expand the ESG stock market's theoretical framework and provide a reference for investors and market regulators to reduce the investment risk of ESG. 相似文献
This study systemically analyzes the dynamics of interdependence between the Asian equity and currency markets. The novelty of our study is that unlike other studies that explore either co-movements among equity markets or co-movements among currency markets, we pay particular attention to the interdependence between the two in terms of both return and volatility connectedness. We find that the contribution of crossspillovers between the Asian equities and currencies is substantial for the region-wide connectedness of both the returns and volatilities. We also find that the short-term spillovers are far more important for the return spillovers, while the long-term spillovers are far more important for the volatility spillovers, presumably reflecting the long-lasting effects of volatility shocks. All the results consistently underline the pivotal role of cross-interdependence between equity and currency markets, both as channels for integrating Asian financial markets and as sources of financial contagion across these markets. Our findings will provide useful guidance for portfolio risk management to adopt better hedging strategies for foreign exchange risks involved in the international investment of Asian equities. 相似文献
We develop an agent-based model in which heterogeneous and boundedly rational agents interact by trading a risky asset at an endogenously set price. Agents are endowed with balance sheets comprising the risky asset as well as cash on the asset side and equity capital as well as debt on the liabilities side. A number of findings emerge when simulating the model: we find that the empirically observable log-normal distribution of bank balance sheet size naturally emerges and that higher levels of leverage lead to a greater inequality among agents. Furthermore, greater leverage increases the frequency of bankruptcies and systemic events. Credit frictions, which we define as the stickiness of debt adjustments, are able to explain a key difference in the relation between leverage and assets observed for different bank types. Lowering credit frictions leads to an increasingly procyclical behavior of leverage, which is typical for investment banks. Nevertheless, the impact of credit frictions on the fragility of the model financial system is complex. Lower frictions do increase the stability of the system most of the time, while systemic events become more probable. In particular, we observe an increasing frequency of severe liquidity crises that can lead to the collapse of the entire model financial system. 相似文献
The paper empirically estimates the financial transmission within and across bond and equity markets in the four largest global financial markets – the United States, the Euro area, Japan, and the United Kingdom. We argue that international bond and equity markets are highly interconnected both within and across asset classes in a globalized world, where the complex transmission process across various financial assets is not restricted to just the domestic market. This paper employs identification through generalized forecast error variance decompositions to estimate spillovers across four systemic markets in a Vector Autoregression (VAR) framework. We find that asset prices react most strongly to international shocks within the same asset class, but that there are also substantial international spillovers across asset classes. Rolling estimations analysis provides evidence that global asset markets have become more integrated and that the bilateral relationships change over time. Our results are robust to specifications that take into account the monetary policy stance and include foreign exchange markets. 相似文献
Taking into consideration the real link and information risk transmission channels, we used a spatial econometric approach to construct an economic distance-based spatial weight matrix, which can capture the spatial interaction across industries, and built a return estimation model with spatial interaction using the matrix. On this basis, we derived the covariance matrix and constructed the cross-industry asset allocation model. The empirical results showed that 1) the spatial interaction has a strong explanatory power to return and integrating the spatial interaction on multiple risk transmission channels can improve the effectiveness of the return estimation model; 2) the covariance matrix includes unsystematic risk (idiosyncratic risk) and systematic risk (market risk and cross-industry spillover risk); 3) the asset allocation model with spatial interaction can improve the performance of the portfolio and provide a valuable reference for investors' risk management and investment decision. 相似文献
《Economic Systems》2014,38(2):161-177
The global financial crisis (2007–2009) saw sharp declines in stock markets around the world, affecting both advanced and emerging markets. In this paper we test for the existence of equity market contagion originating from the US to advanced and emerging markets during the crisis period. Using a latent factor model, we provide strong evidence of contagion effects in both advanced and emerging equity markets. In the aggregate equity market indices, contagion from the US explains a large portion of the variance in stock returns in both advanced and emerging markets. However, in the financial sector indices we find less evidence of contagion than in the aggregate indices, and this is particularly the case for the advanced markets. The results suggest that contagion effects are not strongly related to high levels of global integration. 相似文献
基于相对VaR的资产配置和资本资产定价模型 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文在相对Value—at—Risk(VaR)风险度量的基础上重新审视了金融经济学中最为核心的两个问题:资产配置和资产定价。遵循经典的Markowitz—Sharpe理论体系,我们在一般的分布假设下建立了基于相对VaR的均值风险模型和资本资产定价模型,并得出了两基金分离、有效边界、证券市场线等一系列结论。通过研究比较,我们说明了经典的Markowitz—Sharpe理论体系只是本文所构建的资产配置和定价理论体系在正态分布假设下的一个特例。我们还通过实证研究来说明不同分布假设对金融决策的影响。 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the asymmetric risk spillovers between Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets under the backdrop of China’s capital account liberalization by measuring the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CoVaR) based on adjusted realized volatilities and variational mode decomposition based copula model. The empirical results show that, the asymmetric features of risk spillovers between the two markets are significant and manifest different states before and after the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect schemes. More specifically, first, the downside risk spillovers from Hong Kong to Shanghai are significantly larger than its upside risk spillovers, while the risk spillovers from Shanghai to Hong Kong is on the contrary. Second, the short-run risk spillovers are more drastic than the long-run risk spillovers, except the risk spillovers from Shanghai to Hong Kong after the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme. Finally, by comparing the risk spillovers from two directions, the importance of Shanghai stock market gradually rises up with the implementations of Stock Connect schemes. 相似文献
This paper studies the multiscale features of extreme risk spillover among global stock markets over various time–frequency horizons. We propose multiscale risk spillover indexes based on GARCH-EVT-VaR, maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform method, and forecast-error-variance decompositions. We further construct multiscale risk spillover networks to visualize risk spillovers at different scales. Our findings show that the US and the UK are detected as the centers of risk spillovers, while Asian stock markets are mainly at the edge of the risk spillover network. The topological properties are unevenly spread over each time scale. The network tends to be closer not only at the short-term scale but also during the financial crisis. For individual features, the US and the UK are super-spreaders of risk spillover at each time scale, while most developing markets mainly act as absorbers. The role of European stock markets is complex at different scales. 相似文献
To characterize heteroskedasticity, nonlinearity, and asymmetry in tail risk, this study investigates a class of conditional (dynamic) expectile models with partially varying coefficients in which some coefficients are allowed to be constants, but others are allowed to be unknown functions of random variables. A three-stage estimation procedure is proposed to estimate both the parametric constant coefficients and nonparametric functional coefficients. Their asymptotic properties are investigated under a time series context, together with a new simple and easily implemented test for testing the goodness of fit of models and a bandwidth selector based on newly defined cross-validatory estimation for the expected forecasting expectile errors. The proposed methodology is data-analytic and of sufficient flexibility to analyze complex and multivariate nonlinear structures without suffering from the curse of dimensionality. Finally, the proposed model is illustrated by simulated data, and applied to analyzing the daily data of the S&P500 return series. 相似文献
现代金融市场的金融产品种类繁多,市场不确定因素不断加大,市场风险越来越大,传统的风险评估方法难以满足市场对风险评估的需要。VaR法通过定量计算风险值,以求达到对风险准确评估的目的。 相似文献