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This paper aims to detect the herding of Chinese open-end fund managers and examine the role that structural features of their industry play in their herding. The herding behaviour is investigated by employing the cross-sectional absolute deviation (CSAD) model, drawing on the Chinese open-end fund market for the 2007–2020 period. Our findings suggest that the presence of herding has been confirmed in all other types of funds except for income funds, with their herding being mainly driven by non-fundamental factors. Most types of funds show more pronounced herding when the market is rising and the fund flow is positive. Up markets foster positive fund flows, which promote herding to a certain extent. The structural characteristics of fund networks of common asset holdings produce an impact on the fund herding. Herding is observed in the network with larger centrality index and the disassortative network. Moreover, we also find that herding in most types of funds is more pronounced under conditions of high volatility and high economic policy uncertainty, and the fund herding tends to grow inversely with fund-size.  相似文献   

This study investigates the MAX effect regarding lottery mindset in the Chinese stock market. The MAX effect significantly affects stock returns through quintile portfolio and cross-sectional regression analyses. The most-overpriced stock groups, as categorized by mispricing index, show more support for the MAX effect. However, the idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) effect continues regardless of consideration for the MAX effect, indicating that the MAX effect is not a source of the IVOL effect. Our results suggest that the MAX effect, which is highly relevant for overpriced stocks, might have information for determining stock price, and appears to be independent from information of the IVOL effect in the Chinese stock market.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of leveraged ETF trading on the trading activity and market quality of their component stocks. The results show that both quoted and effective spreads of component stocks increase about 0.2–3.0 basis points after the inception of leveraged ETFs, while other liquidity measures do not show significant changes. The trading volume of component stocks is positively and significantly correlated with the trading volume of leveraged ETFs, but the volatility of component stocks is not affected by ETF trading either at the daily level or during the last hour of trading. In addition, the volatility of component stocks decreases slightly after ETF inception. These findings do not support the previous claim that the trading of leveraged ETFs increases price volatility of component stocks.  相似文献   

中国上市家族企业存在债务期限过短的融资约束问题。标准(无保留)审计意见是否对企业债务期限融资约束产生影响呢?以2003年—2008年的上市家族企业为样本,对此问题展开实证研究发现,较之于被出具非标准审计意见的公司,被出具标准审计意见的公司所获得的银行借款期限较长;大型会计师事务所出具的标准审计意见更能缓解家族企业债务期限的约束。研究结论证实了信号传递理论。  相似文献   

In this article we investigate the effect of the European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy funds dedicated to administrative capacity building on the local government autonomy for the Italian case focusing on municipalities taking part to the programming cycle 2007–13. From an empirical perspective, the causal impact is estimated using a Difference-in-Differences (DiD) design with continuous treatment combined with a Propensity Score Matching approach. We exploit a unique database developed by the open government initiative on cohesion policies in Italy (OpenCoesione), which collects detailed information at municipality level on financed EU projects. Our results show that the specific Cohesion Policy funds have a positive and significant effect on the local government autonomy measured in terms of taxation autonomy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic and asymmetric effects between carbon emission trading (CET), financial uncertainties, and Chinese stocks in different industries over the period from 19th December 2013 to 21st March 2022. We utilized a novel quantile framework including rolling window quantile regression method, quantile-on-quantile method, and causality-in-quantiles method to implement this research more comprehensively and accurately. Our contributions and findings, empirical in nature, are as follows: (i) In the early establishing stage of the carbon market, with a bullish market situation, carbon emission trading has a negative impact on most industry stocks. In the developing and improving stage of the carbon market, different industries have different impact situations. (ii) We find that the effects of financial uncertainty on stocks are stronger than CET on stocks. We also find that the dependence structures between CET, financial uncertainty, and industry stocks are asymmetric in most industries, and there are many mutation structures with significant risks in extreme situations. (iii) Carbon emissions trading, crude oil volatility, and US stock volatility all have strong causal relationships with Chinese industry stocks. (iv) We also provide policy suggestions to relevant countries to balance carbon market and stock markets and avoid risks from financial uncertainty in different industries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nonlinear effects of different types of oil price shocks on China’s financial stress index (FSI). For this purpose, we use newly proposed framework by Ready (2018) to decompose oil prices into supply, demand and risk shocks. Then, we use a Markov regime-switching (MRS) model to investigate the nonlinear effects of these oil price shocks on China’s FSI. The empirical results show that the effects of three oil price shocks are nonlinear under different regimes. In particular, oil supply shocks mainly have a significantly positive effect on China’s FSI in the low-volatility state; demand shocks have negative effects on China’s FSI in different regimes, but this effect is larger in the low-volatility state; the effect of risk shocks on China’s FSI is the opposite, and it is positive in the high-volatility state but negative in the low-volatility state.  相似文献   

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, orientation toward sustainability is a critical factor in ensuring firm survival and growth. Using a large sample of 1,204 firms in Europe during the year 2020, this study investigates how more sustainable firms fare during the pandemic compared with other firms in terms of risk–return trade-off and stock market liquidity. We also highlight the drivers of the resilience of more sustainable firms to the pandemic. Particularly, we document that higher levels of cash holdings and liquid assets in the pre-COVID period help these firms to perform and absorb the COVID-19 externalities better than other firms. Our results are robust to a host of econometric models, including GMM estimations and several measures of stock market performance. These findings contribute to the theoretical and empirical debate on the role of the sustainability as a source of corporate resilience to unexpected shocks.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel two-factor model, incorporating market and liquidity factors, which outperforms the CAPM and Fama–French factor models when applied to stock market returns in Shanghai and Shenzhen over 2000–2019. We compute the liquidity factor as the return on a liquidity-mimicking portfolio, which we construct simultaneously using two measures of liquidity (one of them capturing liquidity’s trading-quantity dimension, and the other associated with its price-impact dimension). Unlike the CAPM and Fama–French factor models, the advocated two-factor model is able to account for numerous return anomalies, such as size, book-to-market ratio, earnings-to-price ratio, cash-flow-to-price ratio, return-on-equity, and volatility. The model’s performance is similar when applied separately to the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. Furthermore, it fares similarly over the 1994–2004 and 2005–2019 sub-periods. This result is somewhat surprising, because liquidity seems likely to have been substantially lower over 1994–2004, as the Chinese markets were noticeably smaller, and the critical market reform aimed at eliminating non-tradable shares by the end of 2006 did not occur until 2005.  相似文献   

Environmental regulation has been confirmed to have an important impact on enterprise productivity, which is regarded as a crucial factor of enterprise duration. However, existing studies have paid little attention to how environmental regulation affects enterprise duration. Using firm‐level data from the Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database (2003–2007) and the stochastic frontier analysis method, we estimate enterprise total factor productivity (TFP) and its four decomposed components (scale efficiency change, technological change, factor allocation efficiency change, and technical efficiency change). Meanwhile, we adopt a comprehensive index to measure the environmental regulation intensity. Furthermore, we use the linear probability model and the proportional hazards model to investigate the effect of environmental regulation on enterprise duration through the mediating role of enterprise TFP. The results show that although environmental regulation per se negatively impacts on enterprise duration, environmental regulation can present a synthetic positive effect on enterprise duration due to its positive effect on enterprise TFP. Specifically, environmental regulation significantly mitigates the scale efficiency and technical efficiency of regulated enterprises. It also stimulates regulated enterprises' technological innovation and improves their factor allocation efficiency. In addition, state‐owned and large‐scale enterprises are more malleable when facing environmental regulations. We propose that the government should encourage enterprises to innovate and improve the allocation efficiency of production factors, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling environmental pollution in stages while extending enterprise duration.  相似文献   

Using the unique Chinese setting in which the “delisting regulation” is based on accounting numbers, we separate earnings management into (1) earnings management responding to regulation and (2) earnings management prompted by market pressures and further document that earnings management responding to market pressures produces the accrual anomaly (Sloan, 1996) and earnings management responding to regulation does not. Initially unable to detect the accrual anomaly in China's stock market, we were reluctant to conclude that China's market is more efficient than that in the United States. After observing a disproportionate number of “big‐bath” loss firm‐years in the lowest decile of accruals for our sample, we estimated the apparent earnings distortion induced by the delisting regulation. When we excluded this distortion from our analysis, we documented the presence of the accrual anomaly in China's stock market. We conclude that the delisting regulation creates an artificial distribution of firm earnings in China that affects the market pricing of accruals and masks the accrual anomaly. The results have implications for policy makers and regulators in general, and those in emerging markets in particular.  相似文献   

本文利用投入产出表中的完全消耗系数和基本流量表,突破FH指数的相同比例假定,利用1997年、2002年和2007年投入产出表计算DJ指数衡量的中国33个工业行业材料外包、服务外包和狭义材料外包水平,并运用面板数据模型检验了外包对劳动生产率整体及行业的影响。主要结论表明,材料外包和服务外包总体上提升了中国工业行业的劳动生产率,其中服务外包的促进作用更强。  相似文献   

以中国A股上市公司2004年-2006年间的3618个公司年度为样本,借鉴Ball和Shivakumar、Khan和Watts以及Gassen等的研究成果对财务报告稳健性进行了实证度量,研究了不同特征的最终控股股东的行为对上市公司财务报告稳健性的影响.研究发现:控股股东的掏空行为显著降低了财务报告稳健性,控股股东的扶持行为也降低了财务报告稳健性,但在统计意义上不显著;相对于非国家最终控制的上市公司,国家最终控制的上市公司的财务报告更不稳健;财务报告稳健性与最终控股股东的控制权比例呈负向变化,与其他股东的制衡能力呈同向变化.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how business strategies affect firms' sustainable development from the view of green innovation. We show that firms following prospector strategy engage in less sustainable development behaviors than those following defender strategies. The negative relation between business strategy and green innovation continues to hold when addressing robustness with alternatives of business strategy and green innovation and addressing potential endogeneity with instrumental variable. We further find that political connection strengthens whereas environmental regulation weakens the negative relation between business strategy and green innovation. Finally, we explore the economic consequences of green innovation caused by strategic differences. Regrettably, the win–win situation of environment and development does not come true.  相似文献   

Ben Li  Yi Lu   《Journal of urban economics》2009,65(3):294-304
Existing theoretical literature predicts that geographic concentration encourages vertical disintegration of firms. Nevertheless, empirical evidence of this prediction is limited, especially in developing countries. Using data on manufacturing firms from China, this paper documents a positive correlation between geographic concentration and vertical disintegration. Additionally, this paper uses the instrumental variable approach to address the issue of endogeneity and finds that geographic concentration has a positive causal effect on vertical disintegration.  相似文献   

Order imbalance and stock returns: Evidence from China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the relation between daily order imbalance and return in the Chinese stock markets of Shenzhen and Shanghai. Prior studies have found that daily order imbalance is predictive of subsequent returns. On the two Chinese exchanges we find the autocorrelation in order imbalances is similar to that of the New York Stock Exchange as reported by Chordia and Subrahmanyam [Chordia, T., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2004). Order imbalance and individual stock returns: Theory and evidence. Journal of Financial Economics, 72, 485–518]. We also find a strong contemporaneous relation between daily order imbalances and returns. However, we do not find evidence that order imbalances predict subsequent returns. We attribute the difference in predicative power to differences in trading mechanisms on the two exchanges and to differences in the share turnover rates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of customer concentration on corporate innovation in China. We hypothesize that a more concentrated customer base increases a supplier’s operational risk and causes firms to become more cautious with regard to investment in innovation. Moreover, a more concentrated customer base gives such customers stronger bargaining powers and makes suppliers less willing to make relationship-specific investments. Hence, the hold-up costs of customer concentration in China exceed the benefits that accrue from the economies of scale associated with such concentrations, which impede a supplier’s corporate innovation. Our results reveal that suppliers with higher customer concentrations produce fewer patents and invention patents. Moreover, our results are robust after adopting an instrumental variables approach. We further show that the effect is more pronounced in firms with lower business diversification and in firms that have lower stability in their major customers. Our paper sheds lights on the hitherto underexplored unfavorable impact of customer concentration on innovation.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(1):100741
Using a novel firm-level dataset on China, this paper examines the effects of financing constraints on enterprises’ outward direct investment (ODI) from the perspective of binary margins of ODI. The main findings of the paper are threefold. First, financing constraints show a negative effect on enterprises’ ODI for both the intensive and extensive margins, with a more significant effect on the extensive margin. Second, the negative effect is mostly significant in the energy industry, while it is not significant in non-energy industries. Finally, financing constraints show a negative effect on state-owned enterprises for both margins, while the effect is less significant for non-state-owned enterprises. The findings in the paper have policy implications for understanding and promoting ODI in emerging economies.  相似文献   

股权分置改革是影响我国上市公司治理的重大制度变革,而管理层薪酬业绩敏感性是衡量公司治理有效性的常用指标。文章旨在分析与检验股权分置改革前后我国上市公司管理层薪酬业绩敏感性的变化以及机构投资者在这一过程中的治理效应。基于2002年-2008年我国A股面板数据的经验证据显示:股权分置改革后,我国上市公司管理层薪酬业绩敏感性总体上得到了提高;机构投资者有助于提高管理层薪酬业绩敏感性,但在股权分置改革前后的变化不显著;相对于境内机构投资者,合格境外机构投资者在股改后显著提高了管理层薪酬业绩敏感性。  相似文献   

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