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A combined treatment of corporate finance and corporate governance is herein proposed. Debt and equity are treated not mainly as alternative financial instruments, but rather as alternative governance structures. Debt governance works mainly out of rules, while equity governance allows much greater discretion. A project-financing approach is adopted. I argue that whether a project should be financed by debt or by equity depends principally on the characteristics of the assets. Transaction-cost reasoning supports the use of debt (rules) to finance redeployable assets, while non-redeployable assets are financed by equity (discretion). Experiences with leasing and leveraged buyouts are used to illustrate the argument. The article also compares and contrasts the transaction-cost approach with the agency approach to the study of economic organization.  相似文献   

罗睿杰 《新理财》2010,(2):110-111
监审态度与经济周期的错位,常常导致业绩和风险管理失衡的局面。在大家都沉浸在成功的喜悦中时,企业应当考虑采取措施来平衡业绩审查循环,大胆地提出一些尖锐的问题,将是一个好的开始。  相似文献   

Corporate Governance and Risk-Taking   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Better investor protection could lead corporations to undertake riskier but value-enhancing investments. For example, better investor protection mitigates the taking of private benefits leading to excess risk-avoidance. Further, in better investor protection environments, stakeholders like creditors, labor groups, and the government are less effective in reducing corporate risk-taking for their self-interest. However, arguments can also be made for a negative relationship between investor protection and risk-taking. Using a cross-country panel and a U.S.-only sample, we find that corporate risk-taking and firm growth rates are positively related to the quality of investor protection.  相似文献   

The literature shows that good corporate governance generallypays—for firms, for markets, and for countries. It isassociated with a lower cost of capital, higher returns on equity,greater efficiency, and more favorable treatment of all stakeholders,although the direction of causality is not always clear. Thelaw and finance literature has documented the important roleof institutions aimed at contractual and legal enforcement,including corporate governance, across countries. Using firm-leveldata, researchers have documented relationships between countries’corporate governance frameworks on the one hand and performance,valuation, the cost of capital, and access to external financingon the other. Given the benefits of good corporate governance,firms and countries should voluntarily reform more. Resistanceby entrenched owners and managers at the firm level and politicaleconomy factors at the level of markets and countries partlyexplain why they do not.   相似文献   

由于环境的变化和理论的发展,债权人的公司治理角色正在发生实质性的变化,它不但参与了公司治理,而且越来越成为未来公司治理结构的重要力量。本文在介绍债权人权利和债权人参与公司治理实践的基础上,对债权人公司治理的原因和治理效应进行了较深入的探讨。  相似文献   

中国证监会、国家经贸委于2002年1月发布了<上市公司治理准则>,旨在规范上市公司治理结构.据统计,到2003年6月30日,沪深证券交易所的1250家上市公司中共有1244家配备了独立董事,可见公司治理的重要性已经受到广泛认同.然而令人感兴趣的是,这种改善公司治理的举措是否奏效?在中国的制度环境下,公司治理和企业价值之间到底存在着怎样的关系?  相似文献   

Financial systems of industrialised countries are usually classified as being either capital market- or bank-dominated. This paper tries to shed some light on the validity of this distinction. In order to do this, it analyses two specific roles of the financial sector vis-à-vis the enterprise sector: the role of financing or funding business and the role of capital markets and banks, respectively, in the context of corporate governance. Our analysis of the relevant findings in the literature shows that financing patterns are quite similar between countries, while corporate governance systems are quite dissimilar. The paper discusses how these divergent findings could be made compatible with existing theories and what implications they may have for the question of whether there is a tendency for corporate governance systems in different countries to become as similar as corporate financing patterns seem to be.  相似文献   

公司治理成本的构成与公司治理效率的最优化研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
任何经济体制与结构中的公司治理问题归根结底都在于在既定的公司治理环境及其变迁中获取最优化的公司治理效率。在公司治理收益目标给定的条件之下, 最优化公司治理效率的实现必须基于一套完备有效的公司治理机制, 以在支付必要的公司治理成本的同时最小化公司治理成本的总和。在我国转轨经济中, 公司治理效率的提高应该基于公司治理环境的整体优化以及在此之中的公司治理机制的逐步完善。  相似文献   

Lease financing is a well‐recognized mechanism for reducing the agency costs of debt. This study examines whether firms that attempt to control the agency costs of equity through strong governance structures, including Chief Executive Officer compensation alignment and board structure, are more likely to use an agency cost reducing debt structure, such as leasing. For a sample of large firms, we find that firms who use more incentive compensation and have more outside directors also tend to use more lease financing, suggesting these agency cost reducing measures are complements.  相似文献   

2003年我国721家A股上市公司的多元化和相关财务数据表明,近一半的企业选择或维持多元化经营.经研究发现:股权结构对公司多元化经营决策和多元化绩效有显著影响:非国有控股公司较多实行多元化经营并且多元化绩效较好;控股股东持股比例越高,越不可能实行多元化经营,多元化绩效也越好.董事会特征、管理层持股对多元化经营决策和多元化绩效基本没有影响.公司负债率越高,实行多元化经营的可能性越大,多元化绩效越好.研究结果支持代理理论,多元化经营是控股股东谋取私利的方式.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of control exercised over executive remuneration and the quality of information disclosed in financial statements have given rise to concern and have led to proposals for the reform of corporate governance. A model of the optimal disclosure decision is presented in terms of managerial incentives and the impact of corporate governance structures. An investigation into the quality of share option disclosure in financial statements is used as the basis for testing hypotheses derived from the model and for assessing alternative policy options. The results support the need for guidance on the duties and responsibilities of audit committees and non-executive directors but fall short of providing a basis for deciding whether regulatory action is required. The evidence also supports the view that a threat to monitoring quality exists where the roles of chief executive and chairman are combined.  相似文献   

I investigate whether corporate governance is associated with the level of agency conflicts in firms. I employ exploratory principal components analysis on 22 individual governance variables to obtain seven factors that represent the different dimensions of governance for a firm. I measure the level of agency conflicts in firms based on seven proxies for agency conflicts used in the literature. I find that firms with greater agency conflicts have better governance mechanisms in place, particularly those related to the board, audit committee, and auditor. I also find that the composition and functioning of the board, the independence of the auditor, and the equity‐based compensation of directors are significantly associated with firm performance, but primarily for firms with high agency conflicts. Overall, the results support the theory that the existence and role of various governance mechanisms in a firm are a function of the level of agency conflicts in the firm.  相似文献   

问题提出 “一股独大”一般指在上市公司股本结构中,某个股东能够绝对控制公司运作。这包括:占据51%以上的绝对控股份额;不占绝对控股地位,只是相对于其他股东股权比例高……  相似文献   

MBO与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所有权的配制可以产生不同的公司治理模式,而不同的公司治理模式又会对企业的组织运转和经营效率产生重要的影响.当所有权的配制影响了公司的效率时,产权就有必要发生转移,让那些真正的企业家走上前台.MBO正是为这种产权的转移提供了可能,并由此产生了新的公司治理模式.  相似文献   

公司治理与财务治理   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43  
我国上市公司治理结构存在着先天性的制度缺陷, 表现在委托代理关系的严重失衡。在完善公司治理的过程中, 应逐步理顺财务报表审计关系和独立董事制度引入中的代理关系, 强化财务治理, 以促使上市公司持续健康的向前发展。  相似文献   

论公司治理与会计控制   总被引:74,自引:3,他引:74  
本文以委托代理理论、控制理论解释公司治理与会计控制之间的关系 ,提出公司治理机制是实施会计控制的基础。要在决策、激励、监督约束“三大机制”中整合会计组织结构、资金监控机制、会计与审计信息网络 ,将会计控制纳入到公司治理路径之上  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the disciplining role of banksand bank debt in the market for corporate control. We find thatrelationship bank lending intensity and bank client networkhave positive effects on the probability of a borrowing firmbecoming a target. This effect is enhanced in cases where thetarget and acquirer have a relationship with the same bank.Moreover, we utilize an experiment to show that the effectsof relationship bank lending intensity on takeover probabilityare not driven by endogeneity. Finally, we also investigatereasons motivating a bank's informational role in the marketfor corporate control.  相似文献   

Corporate Governance and Acquirer Returns   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine whether corporate governance mechanisms, especially the market for corporate control, affect the profitability of firm acquisitions. We find that acquirers with more antitakeover provisions experience significantly lower announcement‐period abnormal stock returns. This supports the hypothesis that managers at firms protected by more antitakeover provisions are less subject to the disciplinary power of the market for corporate control and thus are more likely to indulge in empire‐building acquisitions that destroy shareholder value. We also find that acquirers operating in more competitive industries or separating the positions of CEO and chairman of the board experience higher abnormal announcement returns.  相似文献   

公司治理与会计稳健性——基于上市公司的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
会计稳健性是财务报告的一个重要特征和惯例,已成为会计盈余的重要质量特征之一。本文运用basu(1997)模型,将会计稳健性定义为会计报告对坏消息的确认比好消息更及时,探讨了有关公司治理的几个重要因素对会计稳健性的影响。研究发现:在影响会计稳健性的治理因素中,银行借款比例与会计稳健性正相关,国家股比例与会计稳健性负相关,在国家股比例低的分组,会计稳健性较高。发行有B股的企业,会计稳健性与只有A股的企业没有显著差异。研究表明,会计稳健性作为会计报告质量的一种量度,随着会计制度和准则的国际接轨与完善,证券市场监管的加强,取得了一定成效,但是会计准则和会计制度不能保证会计报告的质量,尚需改革国内相关的制度背景,如公司治理、法律实施环境等。  相似文献   

We explore how various aspects of corporate governance influence the likelihood of a public corporation surviving as a separate public entity, after addressing potential endogeneity that arises from competing corporate exit outcomes: acquisitions, going‐private transactions, and bankruptcies. We find that some corporate governance features are more important determinants of the form of a firm's exit than many economic factors that have figured prominently in prior research. We also find evidence that outsider‐dominated boards and lower restrictions on internal governance play major roles in the way firms exit public markets, particularly when a firm's industry suffers a negative shock. Overall, our results suggest that failure to recognize competing risks produces biased estimates, resulting in faulty inferences.  相似文献   

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