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Evidence about job mobility outside the United States is scarce and difficult to compare cross‐nationally because of non‐uniform data. We document job mobility patterns of college graduates in their first three years in the labour market, using unique uniform data covering 11 European countries and Japan. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we replicate the information in this survey to compare the results with the United States. We find that (a) US graduates hold more jobs than European graduates, (b) contrasting conventional wisdom, job mobility in Japan is only somewhat lower than the European average, and (c) there are large differences in job mobility within Europe.  相似文献   

加拿大与美国的能源监管及其对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
加拿大与美国经过长期不断的调整和改革,形成了一整套完整、科学的能源管理体制框架。两国政府都分别设立了能源主管部门和能源监管机构,实行分级监管相互协调的监管方式,并建立了完整的监管法律体系。能源主管部门负责能源大政方针及相关的政策研究;监管机构负责监管政策的制定和执行,独立于政府并具有司法审判功能,有效地保证政府的能源政策的落实;按现代监管模式制定的法律法规大大减少了行政管理的不确定性、管理人员实话监管的随意性以及处于自然垄断领域的企业滥用市场优势地位的可能性,增加了投资者、经营者和消费者三方的信心。我国亟待加强能源管理,为此建议:恢复国家能源委员会;在国家能源委员会下设国家能源监管委员会,并通过立法法规定其具有在国家能源领域独立监管的权力;尽快启动监管法律法规的制定和完善工作;从天然气行业下游领域先行启动监管;在过渡期成立天然气下游领域的临时监管机构负责过渡期的监管工作。  相似文献   

Review of Industrial Organization -  相似文献   

近年来,通过推行国家质量奖计划来提升企业的管理水平已成为许多国家强化和提高产业竞争力的重要途径,除了一些发达国家和地区外,许多新兴的工业化国家和发展中国家也都设立了国家质量奖。在全世界诸多国家质量奖计划中,影响最大的当推日本爱德华·戴明质量奖(EdwardDemingPrize)、美国马尔科姆·波德里奇质量奖(MalcolmBaldrigeAward)和欧洲质量奖(EuropeanQualityAward),这三大质量奖被誉为卓越管理与绩效模式的创造者和经济奇迹的助推器。一、日本爱德华·戴明质量奖1949年,为了引进和推广质  相似文献   

Broadband network development does not always track closely a nations overall wealth and economic strength. The International Telecommunication Union reported that in 2005 the five top nations for broadband network market penetration were: Korea, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada. The ITU ranked the United States sixteenth in broadband penetration.Aside from the obvious geographical and demographic advantages accruing to small nations with large urban populations, broadband development thrives when it becomes a national priority. Both developed and developing nations have stimulated capital expenditures for infrastructure in ways United States public and private sector stakeholders have yet to embrace. Such investments have accrued ample dividends including the lowest broadband access costs in the world. For example, the ITU reports that in 2002 Japanese consumers paid $0.09 per 100 kilobits per second of broadband access compared to $3.53 in the United States.Economic policies do not completely explain why some nations offer faster, better cheaper and more convenient broadband services while other nations do not. This paper will examine best practices in broadband network development with an eye toward determining the optimal mix of legislative, regulatory and investment initiatives. The paper will track development in Canada, Japan and Korea as these nations have achieved success despite significantly different geographical, political and marketplace conditions. The paper also notes the institutional and regulatory policies that have hampered broadband development in the United States.The paper also will examine why incumbent local exchange and cable television operators recently have begun aggressively to pursue broadband market opportunities. The paper will analyze incumbents’ rationales for limited capital investment in broadband with an eye toward determining the credibility of excuses based on regulatory risk and uncertainty. The paper concludes with suggestions how national governments might expedite broadband infrastructure development.  相似文献   

Nations differ in their approach to profit sharing, with policies ranging from nonintervention to mandatory sharing. Mounting evidence that profit sharing has a positive impact on employment and productivity has spurred some American legislators and economists to propose additional tax incentives. While this option has been effective in increasing the number of plans, a more prudent response would be the creation of a national tripartite body to accelerate and enhance the quality of profit-sharing research.  相似文献   

Canadian and American research finds that organized labor's engagement with race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation until recently has been largely exclusionist. The Canadian labor movement emerges as having been somewhat more responsive to equity issues, particularly gender and sexual orientation, and at an earlier stage than its U.S. counterpart. The American movement, however, did create limited room for African-American issues and unionization from early this century and now shows signs of broader engagement with diversity issues in general. The literature is strong in case studies pointing to exceptional situations involving minority militancy and union acceptance and in highlighting the role of activists inside and external to the labor movement. It suffers from a lack of large-scale analysis and comparison.  相似文献   

We compare the relative labour market performance of immigrants in the USA and in Britain over the period 1980–2000, when the stocks of immigrants were rising in both countries alongside differential shifts in demand and changes to labour market institutions. We find that the average relative employment prospects of immigrants are generally better in the USA than in Britain, particularly for non‐white immigrants, while the average relative wage prospects for immigrants are generally better in Britain, particularly for men. Over time, relative wage and employment prospects for immigrants to the USA appear to have deteriorated, particularly among women, in a way that is not as apparent in Britain.  相似文献   

近日,杭州检验检疫局销毁一批进口不合格玩具。这批玩具塑胶热气球是从香港空运进口,经检测,该产品的机械物理性能不合格,且塑胶材料中含20%以上的邻苯二甲酸酯(DEHP),存在较多的安全质量隐患及有害化学成分。目前,杭州检验检疫局查封了该批不合格品,并将检测处理结果告知企业,作销毁处理。这是杭州地区今年第二次查获来自香港的进口不合格玩具产品。  相似文献   

This paper comments briefly on a merger policy article by Dennis Mueller. It concurs with Mueller's judgment that X-efficiency consequences are of crucial relevance in developing a sound antitrust policy toward mergers. It agrees also that firms proposing mergers overstepping structural guidelines should be permitted an efficiencies defense, but it stresses the difficulties of making ex ante efficiency predictions.  相似文献   

The ambivalent results of the federal government's large-scale subsidization of low- and moderate-rent housing production in the early 1970s have produced new preoccupations about the directions federal housing programs should take in the light of sharply divergent growth trends among Regions that have become apparent in 1977. As economic and demographic growth in the South and West Regions poses classic problems of adaption to growth, the Northeast and North Central Regions are faced with either nongrowth or decreases in population and employment. This paper discusses adaptions designed to conserve and improve existing housing resources in areas that require only minimal new residential construction. These adaptions include new levels of state-federal housing coordination to make more intense use of private financing in conjunction with the federal Section 8, Coinsurance, and Section 233(f) programs.  相似文献   

The growth of outward investment from China has generated expressions of concern from policymakers in the United States regarding the economic and national security impacts of such investments. While inward foreign direct investment (FDI) has come to be viewed by most observers as generally imparting net economic benefits to the host economy, acquisitions of US companies by Chinese multinational companies (MNCs) have been criticized on several grounds. One is based on the mode of entry itself: some critics believe that entry by acquisition brings lower benefits than greenfield entry. A second and more prominent concern is that acquisitions of US companies by Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) may be motivated by non-commercial objectives which, in turn, make those acquisitions of questionable value to the host economy. In this paper, we argue that Chinese FDI in the United States is more likely to take the form of acquisitions than greenfield investments for the foreseeable future. However, there is no strong case to be made that the host country economic benefits from Chinese FDI would be larger if entry took place primarily through greenfield investments. Furthermore, most of the alleged costs to the US economy from inward FDI from China are either unlikely to occur or are already anticipated by existing US laws and regulations, thus necessitating no additional, specific legislation.
Daniel ShapiroEmail:

Steve Globerman   (PhD, New York University) is the Kaiser Professor of International Business in the College of Business and Economics at Western Washington University. His research interests focus on international trade and direct investment determinants and effects, as well as public policies toward trade and direct investment. He has published widely on these and other topics and has consulted for various companies and international organizations including The World Bank and the OECD. Daniel Shapiro   (PhD, Cornell University) is the Dean and Lohn Professor in the Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University. His research focuses on MNEs and foreign direct investment, corporate performance and strategy, and corporate ownership and governance. His research has been published in Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, and Journal of Industrial Economics, among others. He has served as a consultant to various organizations in the public and private sectors in the areas of foreign investment, mergers, competition policy, strategy and industrial policy.  相似文献   

建设标准体系的内容体现了建设标准的目的和作用,其内部层次组织决定了建设标准之间的关系以及执行的效果.文章通过实地调研和文献查阅,对美、加两国较为成熟的建设标准体系进行了详细梳理及特征分析,与我国建设标准体系进行了深入的对比研究,比较的内容包括建设标准的总体数量、面向对象、面向过程等方面.结合我国国情,为当前正在进行的建设标准编制工作提出了指导性建议.  相似文献   

中亚地区拥有丰富的能源资源,欧亚各国都加强了与该地区的能源合作.中、俄、美和欧洲国家与中亚国家开展能源合作具有各自的优势和劣势,目前在中亚地区已形成"四面竞争"的能源竞争格局.未来中、俄、美欧在中亚地区能源领域的合作与竞争将继续存在,但由于该地区不具备左右国际关系和国际格局的战略地位和能力,并不会影响大国间的友好关系.这种合作与竞争的局面也有助于中亚地区的能源开发,进而有助于中亚地区的稳定与发展.  相似文献   

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