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An important determinant of option prices is the elasticity of the pricing kernel used to price all claims in the economy. In this paper, we first show that for a given forward price of the underlying asset, option prices are higher when the elasticity of the pricing kernel is declining than when it is constant. We then investigate the implications of the elasticity of the pricing kernel for the stochastic process followed by the underlying asset. Given that the underlying information process follows a geometric Brownian motion, we demonstrate that constant elasticity of the pricing kernel is equivalent to a Brownian motion for the forward price of the underlying asset, so that the Black–Scholes formula correctly prices options on the asset. In contrast, declining elasticity implies that the forward price process is no longer a Brownian motion: it has higher volatility and exhibits autocorrelation. In this case, the Black–Scholes formula underprices all options.  相似文献   

I study the effects of risk and ambiguity (Knightian uncertainty) on optimal portfolios and equilibrium asset prices when investors receive information that is difficult to link to fundamentals. I show that the desire of investors to hedge ambiguity leads to portfolio inertia and excess volatility. Specifically, when news is surprising, investors may not react to price changes even if there are no transaction costs or other market frictions. Moreover, I show that small shocks to cash flow news, asset betas, or market risk premia may lead to drastic changes in the stock price and hence to excess volatility.  相似文献   

本文通过构建VAR模型,识别资产价格对不同货币政策工具冲击的响应程度,发现各项贷款对于调控资产价格的效力最强,其次为货币供应量和利率政策。值得注意的是,贷款增长对于股价膨胀起到了重要支撑和推动作用,同时贷款少增对股价收缩效应也非常显著。本文强调,信贷数量调控对于平抑资产价格波动十分关键,选择性货币政策工具(Selective Credit Control)对于资产价格波动具有特殊调控效力。最后,本文提出了资产价格膨胀与资产价格收缩不同时期货币政策工具的搭配建议。  相似文献   

An important determinant of option prices is the elasticityof the pricing kernel used to price all claims in the economy.In this paper, we first show that for a given forward priceof the underlying asset, option prices are higher when the elasticityof the pricing kernel is declining than when it is constant.We then investigate the implications of the elasticity of thepricing kernel for the stochastic process followed by the underlyingasset. Given that the underlying information process followsa geometric Brownian motion, we demonstrate that constant elasticityof the pricing kernel is equivalent to a Brownian motion forthe forward price of the underlying asset, so that the Black–Scholesformula correctly prices options on the asset. In contrast,declining elasticity implies that the forward price processis no longer a Brownian motion: it has higher volatility andexhibits autocorrelation. In this case, the Black–Scholesformula underprices all options.  相似文献   

The Black–Scholes model is based on a one-parameter pricing kernel with constant elasticity. Theoretical and empirical results suggest declining elasticity and, hence, a pricing kernel with at least two parameters. We price European-style options on assets whose probability distributions have two unknown parameters. We assume a pricing kernel which also has two unknown parameters. When certain conditions are met, a two-dimensional risk-neutral valuation relationship exists for the pricing of these options: i.e. the relationship between the price of the option and the prices of the underlying asset and one other option on the asset is the same as it would be under risk neutrality. In this class of models, the price of the underlying asset and that of one other option take the place of the unknown parameters.   相似文献   

We investigate the impacts of policy and information shocks on the correlation of China’s T-bond and stock returns, using originally the asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model that allows for the coexistence of opposite-signed asymmetries. The co-movements of China’s capital markets react to large macroeconomic policy shocks as evidenced by structural breaks in the correlation following the drastic 2004 macroeconomic austerity. We show that the T-bond market and the bond–stock correlations bear more of the brunt of the macroeconomic contractions. We also find that the bond–stock correlations respond more strongly to joint negative than joint positive shocks, implying that investors tend to move both the T-bond and stock prices in the same direction when the two asset classes have been hit concurrently by bad news, but tend to shift funds from one asset class to the other when hit concurrently by good news. However, the stock–stock correlation is found to increase for joint positive shocks, indicating that investors tend to herd more for joint bullish than joint bearish stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen.  相似文献   

Closed-form solutions are derived and interpreted for European options, with stochastic strike prices, that maintain constant elasticity of the strike with respect to the price of the underlying asset. We refer to such options as CUES. CUES preserve the relative shares of exercise price risk for both the buyer and writer of the option, regardless of whether the price of the underlying asset moves up or down. The relevance of the CUES concept is established through applications in two distinct fields. First, it is established that CUES-like options are embedded in private equity investments. This concept is then used in a novel application to determine the equity share of a private company corresponding to a given level of investment. Secondly, the advantages that CUES would provide over traditional executive stock option grants are considered and it is shown that CUES can provide enhanced incentive-alignment without increasing options expense to the company. JEL Classification: G130  相似文献   

No arbitrage for two price economies with no locally risk free asset implies that suitably benchmarked prices are nonlinear martingales. However, both the benchmarking asset and the measure change depend on the process being benchmarked. Further assumptions allow the nonlinear martingales in discrete time to become expectations with respect to a nonadditivity probability. Such nonlinear expectations are imminently reasonable given the lack of experience with tail events on both sides of the gain loss spectrum. Continuous time extensions employ measure distortions. The general valuation of economic activities and the leveraging of stability in benchmarked price processes is then addressed. Traditional asset pricing questions and investigations are then reopened for benchmarked prices. In particular, the analytics for benchmarked option pricing and the asset pricing theory for benchmarked prices in a limiting stationary state are developed.  相似文献   

This paper examines how oil market shocks affect Asian stock prices using the structural vector autoregression (VAR) approach. Global oil supply and demand shocks are disentangled using sign restrictions and elasticity bounds. Oil price increases are bad news only if the source is from oil-market-specific demand shifts. Northeast Asian stock markets are more resilient as investors’ expectation of continued economic growth outweighs the adverse effect of higher oil prices. Increased global economic activity also stimulates stock prices. Global oil shocks are more important in explaining variability in Asian stock returns compared with the United States, suggesting different dynamics in Asia.  相似文献   

Arbitrage Chains     
A privately informed trader will engage in costly arbitrage, that is, trade on his knowledge that the price of an asset is different from the fundamental value if: (1) his order does not move the price immediately to reflect the information; and (2) he can hold the asset until the date when the information is reflected in the price. We study a general equilibrium model in which all agents optimize. In each period, there may be a trader with a limited horizon who has private information about a distant event. Whether he acts on his information, and whether subsequent informed traders act, is shown to depend on the possibility of a sequence or chain of future informed traders spanning the event date. An arbitrageur who receives good news will buy only if it is likely that, at the end of his trading horizon, a subsequent arbitrageur's buying will have pushed up the expected price. We show that limited trading horizons result in inefficient prices, because informed traders do not act on their information until the event date is sufficiently close. We also show that limited horizons can arise because of the cost-carry associated with holding an arbitrage portfolio over an extended period of time.  相似文献   

Analyses of rational speculation usually presume that it dampens fluctuations caused by “noise” traders. This is not necessarily the case if noise traders follow positive-feedback strategies—buy when prices rise and sell when prices fall. It may pay to jump on the bandwagon and purchase ahead of noise demand. If rational speculators' early buying triggers positive-feedback trading, then an increase in the number of forward-looking speculators can increase volatility about fundamentals. This model is consistent with a number of empirical observations about the correlation of asset returns, the overreaction of prices to news, price bubbles, and expectations.  相似文献   

In models of financial bubbles, the price of a stock is typically unbounded, and this plays a fundamental role in the analysis of finite horizon local martingale bubbles. It would seem that price bubbles do not apply to a priori bounded risky asset prices, such as bond prices. To avoid this limitation, to characterize, and to identify bond price mispricings consistent with an absence of arbitrage, we develop the concept of a relative asset price bubble. This notion uses a risky asset’s price as the numéraire instead of the money market account’s value. This change of numéraire generates some interesting mathematical complexities because many important numéraires, including risky bonds, can vanish with positive probability over the model’s horizon.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Several prior studies have shown that cash flows have significantly greater impact on stock prices than accruals. We examine the implications of these findings for the post‐earnings‐announcement‐drift anomaly. We argue that, if investors under‐react to earnings news, then the larger price impact of cash flows causes the cash flow component of earnings news to predict future returns better than the accruals component. Consistent with this argument, we show that unexpected cash flows are more positively related to future returns, than are unexpected accruals. Also, unexpected cash flows are found to predict future returns above and beyond that predicted by earnings surprises. Finally, we show that a strategy that decomposes earnings news into its components significantly outperforms strategies based on earnings news alone. The results support under‐reaction explanations for the drift.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that arbitrageurs amplify economic shocks in equity markets. The ability of speculators to hold short positions depends on asset values. Shorts are often reduced following good news about a stock. Therefore, the prices of highly shorted stocks are excessively sensitive to shocks compared with stocks with little short interest. We confirm this hypothesis using several empirical strategies including two quasi-experiments. In particular, we establish that the price of highly shorted stocks overshoots after good earnings news due to short covering compared with other stocks.  相似文献   

This article shows that introducing derivative assets increasesincentives to collect information about asset payoffs. The increasein information collection makes the price of the underlyingasset more informative and causes the expected price to increase.Extending the model to a dynamic setting with multiple riskyassets, we find the introducing derivative assets for one assetincreases the expected prices of positively correlated assetsand reduces price reaction to future earnings announcements.These findings are consistent with the bulk of the empiricalevidence on the relationship between the introduction of derivativeassets and the behavior of asset prices.  相似文献   

The basis between spot and future prices will be affected by jump behavior in each asset price, challenging intraday hedging strategies. Using formal cojumping tests this paper considers the cojumping behavior of spot and futures prices in high frequency US Treasury data. Cojumping occurs most frequently at shorter maturities and higher sampling frequencies. We find that the probability of cojumping is altered by the presence of an anticipated macroeconomic news announcement. The probability of cojumping is particularly affected by news surprises in non-farm payrolls, CPI, GDP and retail sales. However, the two cojumping tests are also more likely to provide contradictory results in the presence of surprises in non-farm payrolls. On these occasions the market does not clearly signal its short term pricing behavior.  相似文献   

This paper studies the consequences of opening asset markets more often for the properties of asset prices and social welfare. For all reasonable parameter values, increasing trading hours lowers average asset prices, increases unconditional asset price volatility at a given point in time, and decreases unconditional asset price volatility when averaged over the period of time that includes the additional hours that markets are open. Unconditional social welfare is increased by opening markets more often, although the welfare gains are small – well below 1% of lifetime consumption. In contrast, because expanding hours of trading affects agents' information sets, the welfare effect of more trading hours conditional on information available to agents can be large and the effect can be negative.  相似文献   

Macro news can affect currency prices directly and indirectly via order flow. Past research shows that the direct effects of scheduled macro news account for less than 10% of daily price variance. This paper shows that the arrival of macro news can account for more than 30% of daily price variance. Two features of our analysis account for this finding: (1) We consider the broad spectrum of macro news items that market participants observe, not just scheduled announcements. (2) We allow the arrival of news to affect prices indirectly via its impact on the volatility of order flow. Our analysis shows that order flow variations contribute more to currency price dynamics following the arrival of public macro news than at other times. This is not consistent with news effects being common knowledge that is impounded in price directly. Roughly two-thirds of the total effect of macro news on the DM/$ exchange rate is transmitted via order flow.  相似文献   

The value of an asset is equal to the present value of its expected future cash flows. It is affected by the magnitude, timing and riskiness, or volatility, of the cash flows. We hypothesize that if the expected values of two assets?? cash flows are equal, the value of the asset with more volatile cash flows will be lower. Furthermore, we examine the impact of the volatility of cash flows on the volatility of prices. We consider a simple experimental environment where subjects trade in an asset which provides dividends from a known probability distribution. The expected value of the dividends is identical in all experimental treatments. The treatments vary with respect to the volatility of dividends. We find that when dividends are more volatile, transaction prices are lower. We also find that the volatility of prices is lower in the treatment with highly volatile dividends. In addition, as expected, trading volume is lower when cash flows are less volatile.  相似文献   

This article combines the continuous arrival of information with the infrequency of trades, and investigates the effects on asset price dynamics of positive and negative-feedback trading. Specifically, we model an economy where stocks and bonds are traded by two types of agents: speculators who maximize expected utility, and feedback traders who mechanically respond to price changes and infrequently submit market orders. We show that positive-feedback strategies increase the volatility of stock returns, and the response of stock prices to dividend news. Conversely, the presence of negative-feedback traders makes stock returns less volatile, and prices less responsive to dividends.  相似文献   

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