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榆社县地处太行山段西麓、晋中市东南部,东与左权、和顺为邻,北与太谷、榆次接壤,西与祁县相依,南与五乡毗邻,是海河支流漳河的发源地。榆社被誉为"华夏文明之巢",早在100万年前的旧石器时代就有人类活动的印记。在四、五千年之前,这  相似文献   

从传说中的海盗范汉克斯,到迪 亚士、达·伽马直至曼德拉,都 曾在南非、在开普敦谱写过一 段传奇,他们是勇士的象征, 开普敦也成为了勇敢者的家园。1991年圣诞节前,我首次来到开普敦,以后数年中又多次踏访开普敦。就像一桶窖藏了三百多年的琼浆玉液,开普敦确实处处散发着令人回味无穷的醇香。 开普敦的“父亲” 开普敦(CAPE TOWN)意为“海角之城”。这座位于天涯海角的名城前拥波光粼  相似文献   

在里约热内卢,到处弥漫着声色放浪的空气,给海滩、夜总会、街区甚至城市雨林以一种不可抗拒的魅力。  相似文献   

丹麦是北欧最小的国家,但首都哥本哈根确是北欧第一大城市.哥本哈根市容整洁美观,纵横的水道、众多的桥梁,以及穿插在现代建筑群中的尖顶或圆拱式教堂、宫殿和古堡,构成了城市独特的风貌.由于统治欧洲时间最久的皇族玛格丽特女皇二世居住于此,因此,它还有一个别称--"女皇之城".  相似文献   

维也纳神韵 维也纳留在我心中的印象是奇特 而珍贵的。对于一座城市而言, 维也纳的过去与现在浑然一体, 在21世纪将近的今天,她依旧 不乏18世纪的浪漫、19世纪的 理性与2O世纪的现代。 几年前去维也纳,下榻斯特凡大教堂 附近的一座小旅馆。清晨醒来,掀开窗幔,  相似文献   

六在河北奥运旅游工程区位优势:作为唯一环绕京津的省份,而且河北省滨海旅游城市秦皇岛还是奥运会分赛场。河北省旅游局负责人认为河北省具有很多优势和条件融入北京奥运和奥运旅游的大体系,我省旅游在奥运带来的经济实惠中不仅应该分得一杯羹,而且应该切到一块大蛋糕。  相似文献   

樊华 《北方旅游》2002,(14):46-47
据说.笑佛即弥勒佛是未来世界的佛祖.在佛门中备受尊崇,影响广泛。溯本追源,弥勒佛本为印度佛教中的一尊佛.但经过了中国化的过程.他那喜眉乐目、笑口常开的形象已深置国人心中.成为一尊地地道道的中国佛。  相似文献   

40l2月1 1日障晨,北京格外的冷,出门前我特意加了一条围巾,按照约定去劲松附近的一座过街天桥采访正在那 I里拍戏的阳声演员杨仪。等这场戏结束,我已经被寒风 l吹得全身冰凉,杨仪脱下旧棉袄,走过来寒暄后的第一 l 句话就是“马三立今天 早上去了。” 第二天,我为了这一期 的《城市季风》赶赴天 津,去追寻一些马三立 身后的天津。津话眼,天津人限,天津是幽默之城。一听到天津人说话,我就禁不住想乐。一位按年龄我要叫叔叔的出租车司机迎着我说‘’大哥,您去哪?”天津司机喊客人“大哥”、“大姐”喊得自然利落,倒是外地人初来乍到听着有些不…  相似文献   

中国国家旅游局确定2008年为中国奥运旅游年,通过北京奥运、相约中国这一主题,推广奥运,推广中国,让更多的海外旅游者通过奥运了解北京,了解中国,让更多的海外旅游者到北京来,到中国各地去。而有6大奥运协办城市奥运中抢滩成功,而决定奥运旅游市场份额的是各自的软硬实力以及其在奥运会后的旅游措施。  相似文献   

朋友要出国,房子里面大堆的东西都等着扔掉。我要走了两个布娃娃和一张原版的DVD。布娃娃是她几年以前去香港旅行时买的,由于一直没有人照料,已经变得灰头土脸的了。至于那张碟,是陈英雄的《青木瓜之味》。在当天下午,我就在那间堆得像仓库一样的房间里面把它看完了。那些画面细腻、干净而青涩。我就这么相信,有一天我会去做一个停留,哪怕是短暂的。在西贡,在越南。 它让我想起马格丽特·杜拉斯年轻时和中国北方的男子做爱时的潮湿和热烈,让我想起几年前看到的一幅画着印第安人浓艳口红的油画,让我咀嚼着,就好像蛋白一样,有着淡香和顺滑的口感。这也许多半源于那些温柔甜美的西贡女人吧,我不知道。  相似文献   

鹤城齐齐哈尔的男人不大买菜做饭,觉得丢人,可若是不会烤肉,也是丢人的事鹤城百姓家家必备烤锅.烤锅大致分两种:大的,圆形,电饭煲大小,小的,两块水豆腐大小.锅分两部分,下面是盛炭火的炉子,上面是有眼的铁盖,肉就放在盖上烤.大锅,可五六个人围坐,供亲友团聚,班组野炊用;小的,两口子面对面也行,一个人自烤自酌也行.  相似文献   

威尼斯作为水城堪称举世无双. 独特的自然环境 人说苏州是东方威尼斯,而苏州的河道虽多但还是陆地上的城市,而威尼斯却是一个真正立在海水中的城市.意大利东北部的海岸边有一处泻湖,长约51公里,宽度8~15公里,是陆地与外海之间的一个浅水区.  相似文献   

Research into urban leisure is a response to various developments: more free time, the revaluation of urban areas, changing characteristics of the urban population and awareness of unused leisure resources. Dutch leisure policy features both sector planning and facet planning. Leisure opportunities in inner cities are based on a variety of facilities: the catering sector, shopping, tourist facilities and historical elements. In recent tourist overall recreational plans the inner city is treated as a leisure product. A further evaluation of inner-city leisure resources is required, especially in historic smaller towns. Several case studies indicate the line of research to be pursued, although a theoretical framework is lacking.  相似文献   

Knowledge on spatio-temporal changes of inbound tourism flow is important for destination economy, cultural communication and city image. This paper proposes a novel research framework for the spatio-temporal distribution and changes of inbound tourism flow by, first, using R-HDBSCAN clustering algorithm to extract tourism area of interest (AOI), second, by utilizing several key indicators adopted from the complex network theory literature to study the structure of inbound tourism flow with a case study example from Shanghai, China. The results show, first, that tourism in Shanghai is highly concentrated on the most popular AOI clustered in the city center relatively close to each other and, second, that, the inbound tourism flow network of Shanghai has small-world characteristics, while the distribution of its AOI (nodes) and tourist routes (edges) has general power law features, which has been influenced by the World Expo.  相似文献   

Green mega-events have become popular, but few critical examinations of these events have been conducted. This study aimed to fill this gap by identifying present and absent factors in the greening framework of a mega-event hosted by a city in China. Using the 2011 International Horticultural Exposition in Xi’an as a case study, green practices from bidding to preparing to hosting were identified and analyzed. The results showed that (1) pollution control, improvements in the ecosystem services supply, greening of industry, and a sustainable transport strategy were utilized to enable a greener urban eco-environment, greener industries, and a more efficient transport system. (2) Hospitality management ignored solid waste minimization, eco-procurement, and the greening of visitors. And (3) a typical hierarchical model of greening governance was utilized, and an environmental certification and a participatory mechanism for various stakeholders were lacking. These findings contribute to the event management field by modeling greening principles and highlighting the similarities and differences in mega-event greening.  相似文献   

This paper studies how biophysical green resources can become brand dimensions that affect the willingness of non-local people to stay in Hong Kong. Based on the Green (Resource) Brand Hexagon (GBH), the green brand attributes of Hong Kong were tested with two samples: inbound visitors (n = 396) and outsiders, most of whom had not visited Hong Kong (n = 235). The results show that visitors have more diversified determinants than outsiders, with safety, accessibility, and the aesthetic value of parks and landscapes in particular increasing respondents’ willingness to stay in Hong Kong. Outsiders perceive that a pleasant experience in physical spaces is primarily relevant to their willingness to stay in Hong Kong for seeking employment and education. However, green brand attributes play only a small part in the views of both respondent groups, indicating the presence of non-environmental factors in the decision to stay in a city.  相似文献   

With rising interest in and concern about climate change and environmental sustainability, and the significance of the tourism industry worldwide, the impact of tourism-related activities and behaviors on the environment has become a key area of research. In particular, transport related to tourism has come under scrutiny for its contribution to the ecological footprint of tourism of a destination, mostly accounted for by the dominance of air travel. This study contributes to research in this area by identifying the types of travel situations in which tourists make environmentally friendly choices about travel modes and, consequently, which types of tourism destinations should seek to develop and promote in order to minimize the environmental impact of the tourist sector on both an individual destination and global scale.  相似文献   

This study specifically examines the potential for heritage tourism development to promote cross-cultural dialog in the historic old city of Nazareth (Israel). The paper focuses on a case study of a small-scale heritage tourism venture that seeks to influence tourism development in Nazareth's old city. This is an exploratory case study that uses qualitative research methods including extensive participant observation and in-depth interviews with the venture's senior management group and selected employees. Study findings indicate a model of the relationship between community-based tourism development, heritage, and peace-building in a city that has experienced a wide range of cross-cultural conflicts. This model represents an alternative view to the notion that heritage serves to enhance differences and dissonance between different cultural groups. In contrast, findings from this study suggest that heritage in the form of tourism can help create shared interests between different communities in settings characterized by cross-cultural conflict.  相似文献   

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