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基于VIKOR多属性方法的可再生能源技术评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VIKOR多属性方法能有效解决多指标冲突问题。可再生能源规划要综合权衡各类可再生能源技术对能源、经济、社会、环境等各方面跨越时空的影响,而对能源、经济、社会、环境影响的这些指标通常是互相冲突的,为此把VIKOR多属性方法引入到可再生能源规划领域。根据可再生能源技术评价的特点,建构了三层十个不同属性的指标体系,建立了基于VIKOR的可再生能源技术评价模型,指出了其方法和步骤。并利用该方法,对某省的海上风电、陆上风电、小水电、地热能、太阳能热水器、大中型沼气工程、户用沼气、生物质柴油、太阳能光伏发电、生物质发电、潮汐发电十一种可再生能源技术的协同效益进行了评价,从而为该省2020年的可再生能源规划发展战略提出政策参考。  相似文献   

《World development》1986,14(7):865-872
The results of a survey into fuel use in urban Bangladesh are presented. The fuels considered include wood, gas, kerosene, electricity and other biomass. The survey shows a dominance of biomass use except in towns where natural gas and LPG are available. The consequences of this for energy planning in Bangladesh are discussed.  相似文献   

文章通过构建综合评价指标体系,利用因子分析法对安徽可再生能源开发与利用的各种途径进行综合评价,在综合评价的基础上得出安徽发展可再生能源利用的最佳路径依次为秸杆(林木)发电、太阳能热水系统应用和农村沼气池建设,并针对这一最佳路径提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

能源的发展带动了经济增长与社会进步.随着世界经济形势的不断发展,人类现有的生活方式发生了很大的变化.可再生能源作为一种具有可再生性、环境友好性的资源,其开发和利用是人类解决能源危机以及环境危机的重要途径.目前对可再生能源潜力的评价缺少完整有效的方法,为此,基于模糊综合评价法,建立全面完善的综合评价指标体系,对浙江省可再生能源潜力进行实证分析.  相似文献   

王强  张雪辉  王喆  王吉  左志涛  李辉 《科技和产业》2022,22(11):367-373
储能技术具有调节可再生能源发电和削峰填谷的作用,对实现“双碳”目标具有重要意义。储能实验中心对储能技术的发展至关重要。通过研究储能实验中心的建设管理制度发现,多样化的储能实验室、特色人才队伍的建设、结合现代化信息技术的管理模式,能够保证储能实验中心的稳定健康发展。研究结果可为建设高水平的储能实验中心提供依据,也为其他储能实验中心的建设管理提供参考。  相似文献   

低碳经济背景下中国可再生能源发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候的日益恶化,促使人类进入"低碳经济"时代。中国面对"碳减排"与发展经济的双重压力,提出增加可再生能源在能源利用总量中的比例、扩大可再生能源的利用范围、加大可再生能源利用技术的研究开发等要求。应该完善可再生能源相关立法,加强法律实施;通过政府积极干预建立可再生能源的主导产业地位;根据能源的自然禀赋条件,建立区域性的可再生能源的产业集群;加强国际交流与合作,学习国外成熟的管理经验和先进技术。  相似文献   

张婧竹 《科技和产业》2023,23(10):219-227
新能源配储能将成为未来能源的重要供给方式之一。当前,新型储能技术处于多元化、快速发展时期。首先,评估应用潜力大、重点关注的新型储能技术现状及市场进展。其次,概括现阶段新能源电源侧储能的技术应用主要特点。最后,识别各类新型储能技术面临的主要技术壁垒。  相似文献   

This paper is a pioneer study which examines the innovation of renewable energy generation technologies based on residential patent applications in 30 regions of China between 2006 and 2015. Wind power, solar energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy, hydro power, and biomass & waste energy are the subject technologies for this analysis. Different indicators such as absolute numbers, growth rates and revealed technology advantages are used to measure the various green innovation dynamics in different regions. The results show that some regions with a higher number of patent applications or growth rates did not show stronger technological advantage (specialization) in such technologies. On the other hand, the region of Inner Mongolia shows a very strong specialization but with a much smaller number of patent applications.  相似文献   

对高速公路服务区运营现状进行调查,明确零碳服务区的概念,分析其实现“零碳”的关键技术。并从建筑低碳、可再生能源与节能环保措施、碳排放与环境监测措施、管理措施、经济性5个方面构建高速公路零碳服务区评价体系,使用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法建立高速公路零碳服务区模糊综合评价模型。最后,利用综合评价模型对天津津南服务区进行评价,结果表明该服务区为B级零碳服务区。  相似文献   

With the development of renewable energy, the current support for China's renewable energy industry has gradually shifted from “helping its development and expansion” to “helping it resists systemic risks and strengthens market competition”. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study how the strategic investment of renewable energy companies is affected by economic policy uncertainty. This paper first robustly explores the non-linear relationship between strategic investment and economic policy uncertainty of Chinese renewable energy enterprises. Then from the three perspectives of the relationship between the government and renewable energy enterprises, the characteristics of renewable energy enterprises, the response of the product market and financial market to renewable energy, this paper innovatively explores how different dimensions will adjust the non-linear relationship between strategic investment of renewable energy enterprises and economic policy uncertainty. The analysis in this paper closely relies on the characteristics of the renewable energy industry at this stage, so our conclusion can provide a reference for the government to formulate the development plan of renewable energy enterprises scientifically and prudently.  相似文献   

This study investigates the nexus between renewable energy consumption and environmental quality in Nigeria, accounting for the role of financial development, and re‐examines the validity of the environmental Kuznet curve (EKC) hypothesis for Nigeria covering the period 1990 to 2016. To cover financial development more adequately, the current study uses the broad‐based financial development index constructed by the International Monetary Fund. The study employs second generation econometric approaches of Lee and Strazicich, and Bayer and Hanck combined cointegration tests to check for stationarity and cointegration among the variables, and then applies autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) and vector error correction model (VECM) Granger causality tests to explore the effect and causal relationship respectively. The results divulge that renewable energy consumption improves environmental quality, while financial development hurts the environment. Further, the results validate an inverted U‐shaped association between economic growth and environmental degradation in Nigeria. The VECM Granger causality results indicate a long‐run effect of the independent variables on CO2 emission, while the short‐run causality reveals a mixture of unidirectional and bidirectional causality among the variables. This study therefore recommends that policy makers consider the important roles of renewable energy and financial development in reforming energy policies to achieve environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

At present, the development of renewable energy relies mainly on government support. The government invests in a considerable number of projects to improve public welfare and to assist in poverty relief If China is to replace fossil fuels on a large scale with renewable energy sources, the production costs and prices of renewable energy must be brought down. All countries are facing the challenge of moving to a more secure and low-carbon energy system without weakening economic and social development. In this regard, China is facing an even greater challenge in terms of economic cost, as cheap coal remains the main energy form. Technical innovation and industrialization in the area of renewable energy is an important means of lowering cost. China is in for a period of high-speed development of its economy and the rising demand for energy is irreversible. If the technical progress and development speed of renewable energy lags behind the growth in demand, it will be difficult to realize the improvement of its energy structure.  相似文献   

通过对一般目的技术概念的分析,阐述了氢能技术具备成为一般目的技术的3个潜在特征:使用普遍性特征、技术动力性特征和创新催生性特征。能源安全、空气污染和全球气候变化等问题的存在,促使氢能技术将在能源体系中得到普遍应用。分析了随着氢能占总能源份额的提高,石油供需格局将发生的变化;阐述了可再生氢能源技术在降低制氢成本方面具有的优势和储氢技术对氢能利用走向实用化、规模化的关键作用,并提出应参考已有一般目的技术对经济增长作用的计算,引入了生态成本计算氢能技术对增长的促进作用。  相似文献   

通过比较"金砖国家"清洁能源利用的现状,利用空间状态模型实证研究"金砖国家"能源消费弹性的变化,发现:"金砖国家"在经济发展过程中确实带动了清洁能源的消费;"金砖国家"清洁能源的消费弹性存在着时期差别;在比较周期中,中国的清洁能源与煤炭资源、石油体现了一个较为明显的替代效应。  相似文献   

明确未来不同气候目标下可再生能源发电的资金需求,是后续合理安排资金规划、调整中国电力结构以更好地达成2060碳中和目标的基础。鉴于此,从现有主流机构发表的文献中确定不同气候目标下可再生能源发电的发展路径即未来装机容量,并采用学习曲线预测单位投资成本,进而核算未来资金需求。结果表明,不同情景下可再生能源资金需求不同,不确定性较大,且存在一定的资金缺口。  相似文献   

In a globalised world, financial markets observe the optimal level of asset allocation and returns based on risk inherent in the economies. Whether public or private investors, they need to have an optimal return on their investment given the finite resources. In relatively new sectors like grid‐connected renewable energy, many investors face difficulty in assessing proper return, making them more averse to financing such projects, affecting transborder project development opportunities. In developing countries like South Africa, which has tremendous potential for renewable energy projects, an arbitrary choice of the required rate of return for project evaluations can negatively affect funding decisions. This paper explores an index‐based model to make fair estimates of the required equity benchmark internal rate of return (IRR) using financial markets observation for renewable energy projects in South Africa. The index‐based model is parsimonious and captures common macroeconomic factors. More specifically, it provides a simple and effective mechanism to calculate IRR for renewable energy projects given different gestation periods.  相似文献   

李书锋 《特区经济》2007,224(9):184-186
四川省拥有丰富的可再生能源资源,在传统化石能源逐渐枯竭的背景下,大力发展可再生能源产业对于经济的可持续发展、环境的保护和能源的安全无疑具有重要意义。本文主要通过解析产业发展理论,四川省在可再生能源产业发展中存在的障碍着手,分析障碍存在的原因,从而为四川省发展可再生能源产业提出一些有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we review the various instruments that have been proposed and implemented for financing renewable energy and low-carbon technology projects, in both the developed and developing world, with a focus on private sector involvement. We consider their common features and compare their total impact so far with the scale of renewable energy funding likely to be needed over the next several decades, as estimated by such bodies as the International Energy Agency, which puts the amount at one trillion US dollars per year. An increase of this magnitude in the required financing provides opportunities for developing new financing instruments, based on what has been accomplished so far, and for regional development banks to be involved in the process, subject to sound risk management principles.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to examine the determinants of kerosene consumption in Indonesia. Derived from annual data for the period 1957–1992, the statistical results suggest that in addition to the past conditions, the price of kerosene, price elasticity, and the per capita income are the main determinants of kerosene consumption in Indonesia. The estimated cross-elasticity value with respect to the price of elasticity implies that electricity is a weak substitute for kerosene.  相似文献   

The paper examines the welfare effects of the Danish subsidies granted for the electricity production from wind power. This policy has induced a remarkable development of the Danish windmill industry resulting in a dominant position on the world market. The article demonstrates a strong learning-by-doing productivity growth in the Danish windmill industry and it analyzes the costs and benefits of this infant industry case. The costs consist of the efficiency loss from diverting electricity production from using fossil fuels to utilizing wind power. Benefits are the reductions in the environmental damage of using fossil fuels, however, the main benefits are related to the emergence of a new export sector. As the value of the windmill firms at the stock exchange by far exceeds that of the accumulated distorted losses in electricity production, this case demonstrates a successful infant industry strategy. JEL no. D2, L5, L6  相似文献   

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