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胡海卿 《大经贸》2002,(7):16-20
各方面传来的消息都表明,跨国公司并购中国国企的政策草案已经拟定,正式文件的出台似乎也是一件指日可待的事情。然而,一部政策法规能否将当前外资并购国企过程中所遇到的艰涩局面一一化解,还是个疑问。  相似文献   

多年来,国企改革该用的招数基本都用上了,但效果并不十分明显。有专家说,在全球经济一体化加快的情况下,加快向外资开放的步伐是惟一选择。利用外资改造国企的方式演绎到今天,已是丰富多彩。中外合资、外资并购、不良资产外卖、境外上市等等,为国企和外商联姻提供了更多的选择。最近,外资并购巳成为呼声最大的国有企业改革方式,外资并购也日渐成为未来国企改革的热点。  相似文献   

外资并购国有企业问题解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外资并购国有企业,促进了我国经济的发展,但亦产生了一些负面影响,如带来了国有资产的流失、影响了我民族工业的发展,以及增加了政府和企业的负担等。本文就外资并购国企过程中出现的若干问题及其产生的原因进行了初浅的分析,并提出了相应的对策建议  相似文献   

何茂春 《大经贸》2004,(1):72-74
从1999年8月到2003年9月,中国出台了一系列涉及外资并购境内企业的政策和法规,但利用外资并购境内企业的发展依旧迟缓。2001、2002两年,中国跨国并购资金不超过50亿美元,占利用外资总额的比重低于6%。中国的外资并购进程如此步履蹒跚,问题到底出在哪儿?中国社科院世政经济博士后、中国法学会 WTO 研究会副会长何茂春为中国外资并购把脉诊断,并提出改革完善的若干建议。鉴于文章篇幅较长,本刊分上下两期发表。  相似文献   

随着中国市场化程度的加深及开放进程的加快,外资并购国有企业的速度明显加快.本文探讨当前外资并购国有企业问题,分析外资并购国有企业的特点、可能导致的问题,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

目前,外资并购所涉及的法律法规至少包括以下三方面:一是《公司法》、《证券法》、《上市公司收购管理办法》、《关于向外商转让上市公司国有股和法人股有关问题的通知》等涉及企业并购的法律法规;二是《关于国有企业利用外商投资进行资产重组的暂行规定》、《外商投资产业指导目录》、《利用外资改组国有企业暂行规定》等关于外商投资的法律法规;三是《股份有限公司国有股权管理暂行办法》等关于国有资产转让的有关规定。为适应中国加入世贸组织的新形势,近一年来政府在外资并购国内上市公司方面制订了一系列法律法规文件:●2001…  相似文献   

当前,跨国并购已经成为国际投资的主要形式,而跨国公司对外直接投资形式的变化是服从于其投资战略和动机的。具体到我国,并购已成为跨国公司在华直接投资的战略性举措,它是随着跨国公司在华投资战略和动机的调整而出现的一种主要的投资形式。在跨国公司进入中国市场的初期阶段,跨国公司采取的是小规模试探性投资战略,建立合资企业是其首选的投资方式。随着中国融入世界经济步伐的加快,特别是中国加入WTO后与国际规  相似文献   

The US accounts for about 75 p.c. of foreign direct investment in Canadian manufacturing. The structure of hitherto existing foreign investment has caused concern about negative effects on the economy. By a series of measures the Canadian administration tries to give foreign investment a form, that suits better the country’s interests.  相似文献   

The paper develops a model of foreign direct investments (FDI) and foreign portfolio investments (FPI). FDI enables the owner to obtain refined information about the firm. This superiority, relative to FPI, comes with a cost: a firm owned by the FDI investor has a low resale price because of asymmetric information between the owner and potential buyers. The model can explain several stylized facts regarding foreign equity flows, such as the larger ratio of FDI to FPI inflows in developing countries relative to developed countries, and the greater volatility of FDI net inflows relative to FPI net inflows.  相似文献   

胡景岩 《大经贸》2002,(11):58-59
外商并购涉及多方面的问题,外经贸部正会同有关部门研制一个比较完善的外商并购法规,并已有初步方案。外商并购的立法情况怎样? 答当今国际投资的最主要特征就是大量的并购,几百亿美元的并购已习以  相似文献   

There has been a considerable controversy in the Indian economic literature regarding the relative merits of direct foreign investment and official development assistance. No systematic study1, however, is available on the effects of direct foreign investment in India. Therefore this article discusses this subject for the period 1951–66.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of religion on foreign direct investment (FDI). Using a large sample of directional FDI flows and religious data between 1985 and 2019, we calculate the religious distance between home and host countries and find that FDI flows are smaller for country pairs with greater religious distance. This finding remains intact after a host of variables affecting FDI are controlled. Moreover, the negative effect of religious differences is less pronounced if the host country has higher religious diversity or both countries have a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) in force. Finally, we construct a country-level measure for religiosity and find an asymmetric effect of religiosity on FDI flows. Overall, our study suggests that both religious differences and the level of religiosity play important roles in explaining international FDI flows. (JEL F21, F41, Z12)  相似文献   

China's outward foreign direct investment (FDI) is steadily increasing. The United States is now a key target for China's outward FDI, and the response by the American public tends to fall at opposite ends of the spectrum: fever or fear. Chinese FDI in the United States faces challenges posed by its liability of foreignness in political, cultural, marketing, and technological aspects. Utilizing mini case studies, we herein examine the polarized responses to Chinese outward direct investment, its history, and the challenges faced by Chinese multinational corporations operating in or attempting to enter the U.S. market. Finally, strategy suggestions are proposed.  相似文献   

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