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法国 Bouygues 集团是如何成功地进入电视与通讯领域的?它的秘诀是让自己对这些领域一无所知的主管们来负责这些新事务,就是目前喧嚣的“空降兵”说法。Bouygues 集团 CEO 马丁说:“进入一个新领域,有一大批聪明但对这个领域一无所知的员工,那真是太好了。这样就不会有‘偏见’,一张白纸可以涂上你想要的任何颜色。我们可以从头  相似文献   

陈颖 《企业活力》2011,(9):26-30
世界金融危机袭来,奥克斯集团采取了保持信心、现金为王、自主创新、精益管理、建设学习型企业、文化转型等措施应对挑战。在后危机时代,奥克斯集团将从思想认识和当前工作上突出三个"更加注重",从战略高度确定做强制造业、适度多元化的发展方向,从管理角度突出人才的重要性和快速高效的执行力,开展创新转型。  相似文献   

近几年,我国集团企业数量大幅度增长,集团企业逐渐成为市场竞争的主体.但集团企业面临的管理与控制问题也随之而来,如何对下属企业进行有效的管理和控制已成为集团管理层面临的一个棘手问题,他们也越来越认识到采用适宜的战略管控模式,加强对下属子公司的管理与控制必然成为集团企业完善自身、提高核心竞争力的重要问题.本文分析了集团企业战略管控的几个重要问题,并针对相关解决对策提出了几点思考.  相似文献   

招商迪辰管理咨询有限公司是香港招商迪辰集团与主要管理层共同发起成立的有限合伙制专业咨询机构与管理服务供应商。公司总部设在深圳,注册资本300万港币,在国内主要城市设有分支机构。迪辰咨询拥有一支包括战略、管理、资本运作专家和资深物流供应链管理等不同领域的多元化专家团队,成员来自欧美、香港和国内外知名企业,具有相当丰富的专业经验。  相似文献   

对多家集团企业的调查表明:集团企业管理层不清楚下级战略执行情况如何,有失控之苦;或者是集团总部不掌握下属公司或者事业部的战略与运营情况;或者是下属公司上报的报告信息不够.片面或者缺失。那么,如何实现集团战略管理与业务运营之间的管理信息对称?怎样使战略管理者清晰掌握各业务单元的运营与战略是否匹配?笔者认为管理报告这一工具与载体适合担当此任,作为集团战略反馈的有效工具,  相似文献   

本文通过对管理层持股在国内国外的成功案例研究,并结合国有企业产权结构多元化的实践,提出了对于实行管理层持股的国有企业产权结构多元化的较优模式,即“国有股权 管理层持股 战略投资者”的相互制衡模式。这种模式符合利益相关者理论,能够降低政府监管成本,提升企业竞争力,也符合我国国有企业的成长背景。最后笔者提出应该建立健全相关法律法规,实施有约束的管理层持股的政策建议。  相似文献   

自2000年开始,中国家电业进入整体不景气状态,原来被认为中国最具竞争力、最成熟的行业似乎不战自败。但一不留神,从空调领域又杀出一匹叫奥克斯的黑马,让人刮目相看。奥克斯的东家是亚洲最大的电表生产企业--宁波三星集团。1993年,三星与美国奥克斯集团合资,开始介入空调领域,生产国内市场缺乏的高档机,是他们当时的市场定位。然而,市场却不接受这种一厢情愿,奥克斯迟迟未能在市场上站稳脚跟。1996年,奥克斯改变原定方针开始走优质、平价空调的道路,这一决定使奥克斯在随后的几个月内销量大增。一秀天下知奥克斯…  相似文献   

成也“多元”,败也“多元”。如何利用好‘哆元化”这柄双刃剑,扬其利而避其弊,成了我们不得不面对的一个现实而又沉重的话题。笔者认为,就我国企业目前的实际情况而言,对多元化战略应有一个清醒的认识,以下三点尤其应引起注意:第一,坚持对镇原则,切忌盲目跟进。多元化经营有规避风险的功能,但这一策略本身也存在一定的风险,如新行业的市场进入风险、新领域加盟者扩大导致的行业利润率下降风险等。因此,对于新的经营领域或经营项目,企业必须进行周密的市场调查和论证,不能赶时髦,见什么热就炒什么,盲目上项目的“市场短视症…  相似文献   

张海峰 《公司》2000,(4):39-39
目前,在国家搞活国有大中型企业的背景下,仁者见仁,智者见智,企业都在摸索自身的发展战略,但有一普遍的现象就是进行多元化发展。笔者认为,成也“圣元”,败也“多元”。如何利用好“多元化”这柄双刃剑,扬其利而避其弊,是值得我们认真思考的问题。 一、坚持谨慎原则, 切忌盲目跟进 多元化经营有规避风险的功能,但这一策略本身也存在一定的风险,如新行业的市场进入风险、新领域加盟者扩大导致的行业利润率下降风险等。因此,对于新的领域或经营项目,企业必须进行周密的市场调查和论证,不能赶时髦,见什么热就炒什么,盲目上项…  相似文献   

<正> 总体战略:是集中化战略还是多元化战略 无论是集中化战略还是多元化战略,都有成功和失败的例子。比如:格力空调就是典型的集中化战略成功的例子,格力的核心理念一直是“在空调领域精耕细作”,决不涉足非空调行业。美国铁路公司在19世纪60年代几乎到了破产的边缘,就是因为他将注意力仅仅是放在铁路运输方面,没有看到其他运输方式(汽车、飞机等)的激烈竞争,犯了李维特教授所说的“营销近视症”。与此对应的是,通用电气公司却是多元化成功的榜样,他的业务涉及几十个行业,而且在大多数领域都处于领先地位。中国的巨人集团就是多元化失败的例子了,由于贸然进入自己并不熟悉的生物制药领域,结果遭到灭顶之灾。  相似文献   

The Dutch government's National Environmental Policy Plans (issued in 1989 and 1993) identified Integrated Chain Management – the incorporation of sustainability considerations into supply chains and related networks – as an important means of implementing their ambitious environmental objectives in the economic sphere. However, there is a debate going on as to what kind of policy measures would support its adoption and how they can be implemented in practice. Integrated Chain Management has two main features. The first is the flows of materials which result from economic activities. The second is the institutional frameworks which shape the production and consumption processes which drive the material flows. Previous studies have examined the ecological, economic, organizational and public policy aspects of Integrated Chain Management. However, they have not clarified the business logic behind the forces that give rise to chain‒oriented action. This matters because public policy is most effective when it is compatible with existing business trends. This paper therefore examines these trends (in particular Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management and environmental management) utilizing current literatures and four case studies of large British and Dutch companies. From this examination it generates four stepping-stones for encouraging movement towards Integrated Chain Management. In principle, the results are relevant to all economic sectors. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Diversity Management has gained an increasing importance in business practice. Empirical studies, however, have shown that Diversity Management often constitutes a facade of legitimacy. Thus, a professional realization of Diversity Management remains questionable. Before this background this paper endeavors to establish—in form of theses—a basic approach to the professionalization of Diversity Management by the training of diversity managers, the strategic alignment, institutionalization and economic efficiency of the concept as well as its top-down implementation. A case study of Henkel Corporation finally shows which of these approaches can be found in business practice.  相似文献   

近年来,我国对房地产行业的调控与监管日益增强,房地产企业融资成本提高,负债压力高居不下,盈利水平下降。在这种背景下,房地产企业需要通过调整自身经营战略,改善资本结构和经营模式,规避风险,创造利润。论文以R集团为例,探究其资本结构与盈利能力的关系现状,并对优化R集团资本结构、提升盈利能力提出合理建议。  相似文献   

朱逸文 《价值工程》2010,29(12):4-6
本文主要归纳和采用了金融与财务理论的基本原理和分析方法,在对"融资理论"的认识有所突破和创新的基础上探讨联想集团的融资结构、长期融资模式方面的一些问题,并结合企业内部与外部融资方式及收购IBM全球PC业务的实际案例,进行了富有针对性的实证研究。本文研究目的是希望促进现代企业融资模式和融资结构的优化,提升企业自身效率,巩固中国资本市场和财务管理及企业融资的理论基础。  相似文献   

河北大午集团因其创始人孙大午首创的"家族企业立宪制"引起了媒体的极大关注.这套迄今为止中国独一无二的制度使该集团成功跨越死亡谷,成长为"中国最具生命力百强企业".该制度环环相扣、相互制约,在实践中不断完善,实现兼顾各方利益,调动各方积极性,能保障企业健康、稳定、持续地发展下去.然而,刚被民主选举进入董事会的饲料公司经理...  相似文献   

在全面分析神华集团物流与供应链管理现状的基础上,重点指出了困扰企业物流与供应链管理发展的八个问题,并针对这些问题,经过总结思考、归纳整理,提出了下一步通过三个方面解决问题的基本思路,为神华集团物流与供应链管理战略设想和实施方案做一探讨。  相似文献   


The hospitality and tourism industry in the USA is increasingly operating in a changing international business environment. Its customers and guests are international tourists and business travellers, its major employers are often multi-national corporations, and its employees are of multi-ethnic heritage. This paper examines the need for universities to take a coordinated approach in internationalizing their hospitality and tourism curriculum. Such an approach is needed to prepare students for the global work environment of the future. It presents and evaluates the various approaches that have been taken by institutions from around the world, in their efforts to internationalize their programs. The paper then examines the case of The Hotel Management School Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, which has taken an integrated approach to curriculum internationalization. Information in this paper is drawn from examples in the literature, as well as from the international experiences of the authors. Finally, this paper concludes with a model that can be used to design a fully integrated curriculum.  相似文献   


This conceptual paper reviews the literature on business ethics and reports prevailing controversies: (i) The Deontological/Teleological (Formalist Utilitarian), Controversy: Whether ethical values are absolute or are they judged by their consequences, (ii) The Universal/Relativist Controversy: Whether ethical values are primarily universal, shared by all cultures, or are they culturally bound, (iii) Does business ethics warrant study as a field of its own, and whether or not to teach ethics in business schools. Consequently, the paper addresses the dilemma of: what value judgment is to prevail in case of conflicting systems, the case inherent in global business. This taxonomy aims at providing a frame for a cross-cultural research currently being conducted in Scandinavia, China and in the Middle East.  相似文献   

Knowledge Management (KM) has become a central theme in today's business environment and a commonly cited source of competitive advantage. In today's global economy, many economic activities in and among firms are based on the contribution of workers that are geographically dispersed and have loose contractual links with the company. Building on evidence from three case studies, this paper explores the relations between dispersed worker activities, KM tools and worker satisfaction.  相似文献   

As a consequence of continual change pressures on everyday organizations, a gradual but noticeable shift is taking place in the way managers and employees view the employment relationship. Expectation patterns between both parties are starting to diverge into what seems to be new forms of managing people, based on different assumptions regarding their importance in the (knowledge based) economy. Traditional differences in employment expectations between superiors and their subordinates, between higher and lesser educated and between intrinsically and extrinsically motivated employees, are currently making place for differences between younger and older knowledge workers and for diversity and professionalism. In this article, HRM is contrasted against two emerging approaches towards the management of people, which are currently subsets of HRM, but gaining momentum as potential replacements for HRM. First, we identify ‘Transaction-based Management of People (TM)’ in which the employment relationship mirrors that of a financially driven exchange relationship, similar to transaction economics. We refer to the second approach as ‘Professional-based Management of People (PM)’ in which the nature of the employment relationship reflects the recognition of people in organizations as ‘true’ professionals who know best what constitutes superior business performance. These approaches have been empirically examined by means of a representative survey among Dutch directors and managers.  相似文献   

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