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We reexamine whether investors can gain abnormal returns using the cross-sectional autoregressive model of stock returns. We find that the pattern of abnormal returns obtained is inconsistent over the time period 1934–94. We adjust for the higher commission costs in the pre-May 1 1975 period, a point overlooked in Jegadeesh (1990), by assuming a conservative one-way transaction cost of 0.75%. For the post-May 1 1975 period, we use a one-way transaction cost of 0.25%. The results show that investors who invest only on the long side would earn insignificant 'after-transaction cost' abnormal returns in the post-World War II period, 1946–94. The 'after-transaction cost' abnormal return from the short strategy is about 0.5% for the period 1946–94. This article shows that an investor would not earn abnormal returns using this model considering that it is more costly in practice to sell securities short and that most investors would not earn interest on short sale proceeds.  相似文献   

With emerging markets now in crisis, companies in developing countries are finding it difficult to obtain financing. Securitization, a transaction structure in which the securities sold to investors are backed by a company's receivables, is one of the few vehicles with at least the potential to provide financing at economic rates in the current environment of uncertainty.
Unlike U.S. securitization issues, emerging markets transactions often use a structure known as "future flows" securitization, in which the securities are backed by receivables that are not expected to be generated until after issuance. This article begins by describing how the process of future flows securitization carves out securities with levels of political risk acceptable to foreign capital market investors. Then it traces the history of emerging markets securitization from its origins in Latin America to its more recent uses during the Asian crisis. Securitization helped bring foreign investors back to Latin America after its debt crisis of the early 1980s. And while the Asian crisis has sharply reduced new issuance for all kinds of emerging market financings, the volume of securitization issues appears to have declined less precipitously than other types of transactions geared to foreign investors. Moreover, investment bankers are now hard at work planning new securitization issues for companies in both Latin America and Asia.
In exploring the longer-term effects of securitization on both domestic issuers and their economies, the author suggests that securitization could play a pivotal role in restoring emerging markets companies' access to global financial markets. Indeed, with a few exceptions such as Malaysia, most emerging markets are now responding to the crisis by taking measures to protect investors, such as requiring greater financial transparency and dispelling legal uncertainties that have discouraged securitization in particular and overseas investment more generally.  相似文献   

This paper examines the pricing of structured finance (SF) – asset-backed securities (ABS), mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and collateralized debt obligations (CDO) – and straight debt finance transactions. Using a cross-section of 24,525 European bonds issued by financial and nonfinancial firms in the 2000–2016 period, we show that although ratings are the most important pricing determinant for SF and corporate bonds (CB) at issuance, investors rely on other contractual, macroeconomic, and firms’ characteristics beyond these ratings. We find that CDO tranches have, on average, higher credit spreads than similarly rated CB, while investors are not compensated for facing higher systematic risk components in relation to investment-grade ABS and MBS. Our results also support the hypothesis of SF transactions as mechanisms of reducing funding costs: SF transactions’ weighted average spread is lower than that of comparable CB and originating firms’ creditworthiness does not deteriorate when compared to a sample of matched firms.  相似文献   

The flight to high-quality assets resulting from Standard & Poor's downgrade of the U.S. government's credit rating has dropped the yield on U.S. Treasury securities as investors have sought refuge amid uncertain market conditions. Consequently, hospitals can now obtain mortgage insurance from the U.S. government to finance expansions and refinance their debt with GNMA securities at taxable interest rates that are often more favorable than tax-exempt bond fixed rates. Because GNMA certificates can be sold in a forward purchase transaction that locks in a fixed interest rate while avoiding payment of interest until construction funds are disbursed, they can help avoid the effects of negative arbitrage.  相似文献   

In this study, a unique data set is used to examine the pricing factors of lease asset-backed securities (ABS) in China's primary securitization market. In addition to conventional risk factors, such as credit enhancement, underlying asset characteristics, credit rating, and deal structure, we find that originators (i.e., leasing companies) play a critical role in determining the issuing price of lease ABS in China, as state-owned originators and high profitability lessors are more likely to receive a lower initial yield spread. We also find that non-state-owned guarantors, as a form of external credit enhancement for a tranche, can significantly broaden the issuance spread, which is opposite to the situation in mature securitization markets. In addition, lease ABS investors in China may underestimate the risks posed by the diversification level of the asset pool of lease ABS, and reputable underwriters can help the product earn a lower yield spread in the primary market. Our findings indicate some similarities between the pricing factors in China's lease ABS market and those in mature securitization markets, although they still have their own unique features.  相似文献   

Basket securities enable investors to purchase a broad portfolio of securities in a single transaction. We examine the link between HOLDRS, a basket security comprising stocks from an industry or sector, and the underlying stocks. We find that the price of the portfolio of underlying securities leads and is more informative than the basket price. Our results are contrary to the findings of empirical studies that use futures, which are basket securities with features less like those of the underlying equities. Our findings suggest uninformed investors can minimize adverse selection costs by trading basket securities rather than the underlying stocks.  相似文献   

本文从投资者异质性的客观现实出发,通过对投资者二维视角的交叉分类与相关行为的探讨,提出了一种按交易特点与行为依据的新的分类方案,即将投资者分为套利交易者、价格预期交易者和量能变动交易者三类。在此基础上分别建立了各类投资者的需求函数,通过对证券市场供求函数的讨论,利用均衡分析方法构建了基于投资者异质性的证券市场定价模型,并以我国证券市场1999-2011年的月度数据为样本进行了实证分析。实证结果表明:我国证券市场价格主要由价格预期交易者的诱导性策略行为与量能变动交易者的羊群行为决定,套利交易者的套利行为对市场价格没有显著的影响,证券市场扩容也未对市场价格的形成产生系统性冲击。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate whether investors are willing to trade off wealth for societal benefits. We take advantage of unique institutional features of the municipal securities market to provide insight into this question. Since 2013, states and other governmental entities have issued over $23 billion of green bonds to fund eco-friendly projects. Comparing green securities to nearly identical securities issued for non-green purposes by the same issuers on the same day, we observe economically identical pricing for green and non-green issues. In contrast to a number of recent theoretical and experimental studies, we find that in real market settings investors appear entirely unwilling to forgo wealth to invest in environmentally sustainable projects. When risk and payoffs are held constant and are known to investors ex-ante, investors view green and non-green securities by the same issuer as almost exact substitutes. Thus, the greenium is essentially zero.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and how the underwriter reputation can affect the pricing of securities. Using data on collateralized loan obligations (CLO), asset-backed securities (ABS), and asset-backed medium-term notes (ABN) from 2014 to 2019 in China bond market, we find that the underwriter's reputation has a significantly negative impact on the issuance spread. This effect is more pronounced in the CLO and ABS markets, while that in the ABN market is not significant. Furthermore, we find that the originators play a critical role in determining the issuance spread of securities, as state-owned and listed originator receive a lower initial yield spread. In addition, the number of tranches and the proportion of subordination in a deal also have a stronger effect on the relation between which the underwriters' reputation and securities prices. These results suggest that underwriters play a role in reducing information asymmetry between originators and investors, which is partly corrected via underwriter reputation.  相似文献   

Poor transparency of asset-backed securities (ABS) exacerbated the latest subprime lending crisis. In response, the European Central Bank introduced the ABS loan-level reporting initiative, obliging originators to disclose quarterly loan-by-loan information. However, does this increase in transparency alleviate the agency problems inherent in securitization? To answer this question, we examine a novel dataset of 107 ABS pools that are backed by more than 2.8 million loans for small and medium-sized enterprises from the first securitization repository in Europe. The results show that the increase in transparency indeed has valuable effects for investors, inducing originators to improve pool performance and diversification for existing as well as newly issued ABS. These effects persist for a large set of control variables and a broad variety of robustness tests.  相似文献   

Investors are said to “abhor uncertainty,” but if there were no uncertainty they could earn only the risk‐free rate. A fundamental result in the analytical accounting literature shows that investors buying into a CARA‐normal CAPM market pay lower asset prices, gain higher ex‐ante expected returns, and obtain higher expected utility, when the market payoff has higher variance. New investors obtain similar “welfare” gains from risk under a log/power utility CAPM. These results do not imply that investors “abhor information.” To realize investors' ex‐ante expectations, the subjective probability distributions representing market expectations must be accurate. Greater payoff risk can add to investors' expected utility, but higher ex‐post(realized) utility comes from better information and more accurate ex‐ante expectations. An important implication for accounting is that greater disclosure can have the simultaneous effects of (i) exposing more fully or perceptibly firms' payoff uncertainty, thereby increasing new investors' expected utility, and (ii) improving market estimates of firms' payoff parameters (means, variances, covariances), thereby giving investors a better chance of realizing their expectations. Paradoxically, better information can be valuable to new investors by exposing more fully and more accurately the risk in firms' business operations and results–new investors maximizing expected utility want both more risk and better information.  相似文献   

The paper examines a continuous-time delegated monitoring problem between competitive investors and an impatient bank monitoring a pool of long-term loans subject to Markovian “contagion.” Moral hazard induces a foreclosure bias unless the bank is compensated with the right incentive-compatible contract. Fees are paid when the bank’s performance is on target and liquidation arises when the bank’s performance is sufficiently poor. I show that the optimal contract can be implemented with a whole loan sale involving both credit risk retention based on ABS credit default swaps and credit enhancement in the form of a reserve account. The optimal securitization bears out rulemaking recently proposed in the wake of the Dodd-Frank Act on a number of controversial provisions. I argue that further efficiency gains could be reaped by extending the role of the “premium capture” account into a liquidity buffer capturing performance-based compensation as a way of increasing skin in the game over the life of the transaction.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate market segmentation and its effect on the pricing of cross-listed securities using Indian Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs). When international capital markets are segmented, cross-listed securities may trade at different prices. We test this market segmentation hypothesis using a theoretical and empirical model developed along the lines of Hietala [Hietala, P.T., 1989, Asset pricing in partially segmented markets: Evidence from the Finnish market, Journal of Finance 44, 697–718]) and Foerster and Karolyi [Foerster, S.R., Karolyi, A.G., 1999, The effects of market segmentation and investor recognition on asset prices: Evidence from foreign stocks listing in the United States, Journal of Finance 54, 981–1013; Foerster, S.R., Karolyi, A.G., 1999, The long-run performance of global equity offerings, Working Paper, Ohio State University]. Our model looks at a specific type of market segmentation in India, where capital flow barriers are such that domestic investors are allowed to invest only in domestic securities, while the foreign investors can invest in dollar-denominated Indian GDRs as well as other foreign securities. Tests on these GDRs indicate that foreign investors, who hold these depositary receipts, estimate the expected returns at a lower level than the domestic investors do. This leads to the GDRs being priced at a premium over the exchange rate adjusted prices of the underlying Indian securities. GDR index returns are affected by both domestic and international factors, while the underlying Indian securities are affected only by domestic variables.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of both purchasing power parity (PPP) deviations and market segmentation on asset pricing and investor's portfolio holdings. The freely traded securities command a world market risk premium and an inflation risk premium. The securities that can be held by only a subset of investors command two additional premiums: a conditional market risk premium and a segflation risk premium. Our model is empirically supported with important implications for tests of international asset pricing.  相似文献   

I study the incentives of the collateral managers who selected securities for ABS CDOs—securitizations that figured prominently in the financial crisis. Specialized managers without other businesses that could suffer negative reputational consequences invested in low‐quality securities underwritten by the CDO's arranger. These securities performed significantly worse than observationally similar securities. Managers investing in these securities were rewarded with additional collateral management assignments. Diversified managers who did assemble CDOs suffered negative reputational consequences during the crisis: institutional investors withdrew from their mutual funds. Overall, the results are consistent with a quid pro quo between collateral managers and CDO underwriters.  相似文献   

本文对资信评级机构的收费模式进行了经济学分析,认为由于声誉机制的作用和信息交易中搭便车因素的影响,中小型评级机构只能够对投资者收费,大型评级机构才可能采取向证券发行人收费的模式。中国的资信评级机构从历史信誉和公司规模都是中小型机构,采取对证券发行人免费评级、向投资者收费的模式是当前我国评级机构的必然选择。  相似文献   

Critics have alleged that securitization accounting prior to 2010 was among the causes of the recent financial crisis. In response to this criticism, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) implemented two new accounting standards, SFAS 166 and SFAS 167, to improve the financial reporting for securitizations. Bank regulators have stated their belief that SFAS 166/167 will result in a consolidated balance sheet (and risk-based capital ratios based thereupon) that better reflects a bank's exposure to risk related to securitized assets. We document that, by ceding retained power or influence through the servicing/special servicing functions to third parties, SFAS 166/167 resulted in real effects to the extent that banks (particularly those that were weakly capitalized) achieved their accounting objectives in the post-SFAS 166/167 period through legitimate transaction structuring in line with the intent of the new rules. Further, we use capital market participants’ assessments of risk retention by sponsoring banks as a benchmark, and provide evidence consistent with bank regulators’ beliefs. In particular, following SFAS 166/167, equity investors of sponsoring banks do not consider (consider) as risk relevant securitized assets that receive off-balance sheet (on-balance sheet) treatment. Securitized assets that are consolidated under SFAS 166/167 exhibit the same risk relevance as assets that are not securitized, despite contractual provisions that would seem to imply substantial risk transfer.  相似文献   

The most recently issued, on-the-run, Treasuries are extremely liquid and frequently trade at a premium in both the cash and repo, or financing, markets. Previous research suggests that both the cash and repo premiums reflect demand from buy-and-hold investors who value the superior liquidity of these securities and are reluctant to lend them in the repo market. We find evidence that premiums in the repo market are also closely related to market participants’ demand to hedge interest rate risk associated with their holdings of fixed income securities.  相似文献   

Aspects of insurance,intermediation and finance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper is concerned with the role of the insurance company as a financial intermediary which offers securities to uninformed retail investors. The search costs of retail investors cause the demand for the securities offered by intermediaries to be inelastic, making possible an intermediary spread, the difference between the returns on primary securities and the rates offered on the secondary securities sold by intermediaries. It is argued that the intermediary spread is economically significant, and a simple model of its determination is offered: the spread is shown to be an increasing function of interest rates. The bonus policy of life insurance companies is analyzed and is shown to be inefficient under simple assumptions about asset returns.  相似文献   

张金清  尹亦闻 《金融研究》2022,503(5):170-188
投资者对股指期货与现货有着不同的模糊厌恶,本文首先将此假设条件引入带交易成本的Garleanu and Pederson (2013)投资模型中,并以指数基金对冲策略为例,构建了一个股指期货动态对冲的理论模型。与非对冲策略相比,基于上述模型设计的对冲策略投资绩效更好,动态最优成交额占目标交易额的比例更小,目标成交额对收益率预测因子的敏感性更大。借助上述模型,本文选取2010年4月至2021年6月的中国ETF指数基金和股指期货数据,并以2015年9月股指期货管理措施实施为界进行区间划分,实证研究发现:(1)中国A股市场的ETF投资组合进行股指期货对冲显著提升了投资绩效,但股指期货管理会削弱该作用;(2)投资绩效改善主要来源于交易成本的下降与目标成交额因子敏感性的提升,该机制受到股指期货管理的约束;(3)与Garleanu and Pederson (2013)、Zhang et al. (2017)相比,本文对冲策略保留“抗跌”特点的同时增加了“易涨”特性。本文研究结果表明,在当前大力发展机构投资者的背景下应不断丰富股指期货、股指期权产品谱系,降低股指期货交易成本并完善持仓约束。  相似文献   

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